MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1379 Confession of steel

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——There is no doubt that the designer is trying to kill himself with the life of his companion.

If it was three months ago, Lin Chi would probably pass by with a smile.

But now ... the situation is different.

Lin Chi bit his teeth rattled, stood in front of the designer, and looked down at the top of the other person's gray hair: "If you intend to threaten me, it is really wrong ..."

Even though he initially embraced this homeless "virus" with the mentality of studying artificial intelligence at the beginning, after so many days of getting along, Lin Chi has begun to treat Frankenstein as a family.

He is not a ruthless "devil" or a human supremacist who treats artificial intelligence as a plaything. As the designer said before, he really treats humans and ai equally, and maintains a fair attitude in this regard. so now……

Recalling the pure white welcome robot, sitting on the sofa in the living room, shaking his head. Lin Chi's tone fell, with a few rubbing sounds, as if the beast roar in the dense forest:

"let her go."

"Please don't get excited."

The designer stepped back: "Don't let anger affect your judgment. You should also know that her computing module is in the network of the human world, not in this world."

"In short, Frankenstein is no longer a resident of this world, and even I can't control her. It is not my coercion that she stays here, but her choice."

Speaking of which, the designer moved his right hand slightly, and the Frankenstein, who had been silent, finally obtained the right to speak in this field.

The cold voice without emotion is completely different. This time, her voice was shaking constantly, as if she had just witnessed a shocking scene, completely destroying the remaining calmness:

"Lin Chi, I ..."

"Go back, it's dangerous here." Lin Chi watched the "humanoid monster" with bandages all over his body, his tone softened: "I'll go home right away."

"Do not."

Frankenstein shook his head in a panic: "The designer is right, I stayed here voluntarily. Do you know? I remembered everything about myself ..."

The two "Creators" and a "Savior" present were silent, waiting for Frankenstein to continue: "The deathbringer told me that I am also part of Pulse Universe's" The Secluded Universe Project ". I and other tdk- 131 virus. In fact, it is all defective products born here ... "

The red eyes under the hood stared at Lin Chi's eyes without blinking. The Frankenstein's body was shaking, as if he had been drained of all his strength, and he might fall to the ground at any time: "I'm just a ... … Defectives, doomed to become human. "

"In humans, there is no such thing as a" defective product. "Lin Chi interrupted the Frankenstein's words.

Frankenstein seemed to have not heard him, and continued to mumble to himself: "I was just a tool used by Pulse Entertainment to collect money. Most of the wealth we plundered was obtained by Pulse Entertainment, and they used us To wreak havoc in the human world and exclude dissidents, I am just a sad tool ... "

"You are not a tool." Lin Chi reached out and grabbed the Frankenstein's thin shoulders, and touched the cold shoulder blades.

"No, you don't need to comfort me!"

A huge power broke out in Frankenstein's body, breaking free of Lin Chi's hands: "Look at me! I have been deceiving myself! I thought I could become a human, but in the end it was just borrowing the computing power of the human network, Pretend to have the illusion of something like 'feeling'! "

Before Lin Chi spoke, the Frankenstein had turned around, leaving him with a slim back: "Sorry, I lied to you. I'm just a defective product, and even the aborigines here are more complete than me . "

——The tdk-131 virus, which was born from a quantum computer and put on the network as a virus, was originally incomplete. To be precise, if these virus programs acquire emotions, they will bring negative effects instead.

In order to maximize the destructive power, these artificial intelligences that should have thinking ability have been removed from thinking ability and put into the human computer network.

One of the "viruses" failed and reawakened some of its thinking skills. It escaped the hunt of antivirus software, changed its name and changed its name to survive in the human world.

But now ... it's all over.

The meaning of one's existence has been shattered. Even with this incomplete function, even at the moment when human civilization is completely destroyed, he cannot fulfill his ideals and cannot become a real "human".

Therefore, there is no need to continue working hard.

The Frankenstein turned around and did not go to see the man who had taken in himself. When he was about to speak to the designer, the voice of the "master" rang again behind him:

"I said that humans don't care about such things."

Frankenstein's back is like a fragile porcelain bottle, and Lin Chi has never seen her look so desperate.

But even so, what to say is to say:

"You've been studying the way humans live, haven't you forgotten? Each human is a completely independent individual, and there is no such thing as a" mass production type "like everyone else. Even clones, Because of genetic defects and acquired culture, they will take a completely different path from the original. "

"In my opinion, for human beings, the so-called defective products do not exist at all. Everyone's ideas are different, and some people think that the shortcomings are the flash point of others."


Frankenstein turned around: "But ..."

"Do you know Beethoven? He is one of the greatest talents in the history of human music. But from the age of thirty, his hearing began to decline, and eventually developed into complete deafness."

"According to your judgment, a man with ear disease should only be called a" defective product "? Is that wrong? Even when he cannot hear the voice, he still creates immortality. Movement. Even the complete loss of hearing cannot stop his creation. "

"That's just ... a special case." Frankenstein shook his head.

"For humans, there are countless such special cases." Lin Chi smiled. "The artificial intelligence of a well-written program may determine the pros and cons from the moment of birth, but since you want to become human, naturally Use the human way. There is no doomed man in this world. The criterion for judging humanity is mainly what he did, not what he was like when he was born. "

"I ..." Frankenstein was speechless.

"Not to mention, I kind of like you." Lin Chi smiled.

As soon as this word came out, the war observers whistled, and the designer was still serious, as if he couldn't understand what was going on.

"what did you say?"

The Frankenstein, who had no strength at all, finally fell after hearing this: "You ..."

"I like the so-called defective products more than the perfect guys--the kind of people don't actually exist." Lin Chi blinked, his voice was tender: "Like I said at home, You don't have to force yourself to be human, and it's good to maintain it now. Well, to be precise, it's more to my appetite now. "

"Ahem, we are still here!" War observers protested, "will you respect a man who has been single for two million years?"

Lin Chi ignored the ridicule of the guy, but came to the Frankenstein, and stretched out his right hand to the thin woman who fell to the ground:

"Don't leave? I need you."

Read The Duke's Passion