MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 2 Unique designated account

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Open the door of No. 3501, Lin Chi walked into the living room, took off his brown long coat and threw it on the sofa, striding to the corner of the living room.

A large machine in a silver-gray enclosure, quietly leaning against the wall, close to three meters long, streamlined inside the shell, fitted with a red soft recliner, which comes with a restraint for fixing the limbs and body With.

If the "Pulse Entertainment Company" logo is not painted on the outer casing, it may be used as a device for trial.

However, even if it is known that it is only a console game, its internal structure is still quite different from ordinary people:

On the upper side of the back of the recliner, it should be the position where the back of the user's head is in contact with a dark metal ring, the center of the ring, faintly flashing a sharp cold light.

This is not a holographic game device in the traditional sense, but an intra-brain imaging game bin. The ring on the back of the chair is the "post-brain intubation" position in the mouth of a stupid chef.

Lin Chi yawned, opened the shell of the game compartment, and pressed his right thumb on the small screen in the inner corner of the game compartment to scan his fingerprint.

I saw a few lines of dark green text on the small LCD screen inside the machine:

"Identity detection is complete. The user uniquely specifies the id: 410-i8da21sssr."

"Welcome back, Mr. Lin."

After the completion of the test, Lin Chi quickly switched the "blade" used in the current game bin to the "War of Heaven" just downloaded.

Even if he always looks lazy, his other name is well-known in the game circle. At the beginning of the test, "War of Heaven" sent an invitation letter to him.

In other words, Lin Chi has no need to make an appointment and can enter the game directly.

After relaxing in the soft chair and fixing his body, Lin lately pressed the button on the armrest and slowly closed his eyes.


The roaring sound bursts in consciousness, and the chaotic color blocks that are spliced ​​by countless colors instantly occupy all of his sight.

"Starting to perform physical function tests." A mechanical female voice with no emotional fluctuations whispers in her ear.

The access of the port did not bring any pain, but Lin was sobered up dozens of times, the five senses became more acute than ever, and even heard the sound of blood flowing in the body.

Those who have never played a brain-based imaging game can never experience this indescribable feeling.

"Please speak the voice content above three syllables, so that the system can confirm your identity again." Mechanical female voice reminded.

Hearing this, the young man who has been listless has finally raised his mouth and revealed a smile:

"I am coming," he said.

The picture in front of me is like a kaleidoscope, and Lin Chi’s consciousness and various feelings are pulled into the virtual field from the real world by the game bin of the intra-image imaging game.

He knows that the body of his own real world is basically equal to the state of "vegetarians". Even if he is ruined, he will not feel anything.

Of course, if you die in the real world, your character will be "permanently dropped."

With the launch of the sensory isolation system, the picture that kept changing in front of him was fixed as a gray background board, followed by a few lines of small characters used to reconfirm the player's identity:

Name: Lin Chi.

Gender: Male.

Age: 24 years old.

Occupation: No job.

“Do I have a career now?” Lin Chi complained.

Then he quickly faced a new problem:

- What is the name for your character?

Lin Chi is very certain that he has the disease of “named hardship”. He is very glad that he is not a novelist. Otherwise, he will be named for his role, and his brain cells will suffer heavy casualties.


After thinking for a moment, he decisively removed his gaze from the input field and adopted the "random name method" he used before.

With virtual hands under the background board, suspended in front of the "keyboard" on a random knock. The female voice who only listened to the prompt sounded again:

“Are you sure you want to use this role name? Please note that once you decide, you cannot change it.”

Wen Yan, Lin Chi moved back to his eyes and stared at the name he had just made indiscriminately:


Seeing this random name seems to be not ugly, Lin Chi decisively pressed to confirm.

"In the test, the name can be used. Welcome, countercurrent."

After taking the name, the next step is to kiss the face.

Lin Chi’s body, which was originally in a translucent state, suddenly disappeared, and the vision became a “God perspective” from top to bottom.

What appeared in his sight was the familiar body that had been used for twenty-four years, except that the costume was replaced with a very old gray casual dress, which was completely different from his own appearance in the real world. .

Lin Chi controls the "eyes" that do not exist, turns around his character and begins to adjust the shape of the character.

For some reasons that everyone knows, in the brain imaging game, the gender of the game character must be consistent with the player's actual gender. The "Wolf" is also officially withdrawn from the historical arena.

In addition to being unable to change gender, players can make arbitrary changes to their character shape.

Most players are reluctant to expose their true looks in the game, and finally have the opportunity to become a handsome guy, most people will shape the character image in the right direction.

Of course, there are also some unique geeks or geek lovers who will make the characters look strange.

For his virtual appearance in the game, Lin is not interested in changing too much, just slightly longer the hair, and added a scar on the cheek to avoid the same as the real shape.

Then he suddenly found the problem:

"How does this person look like a kidney?"

Lin Chi noticed that his virtual character also inherited the "good tradition" of the real world.

This character seems to be only in its early twenties, but it can't match the sun and vitality that young people should have, and it looks like a decadent. Although the appearance is not ugly, it seems to be a living person, but more like a zombie.

Realizing this, Lin Chi is also trying to make his character more spiritual. After all, the lower the profile in the game, the better, the personality image is too easy to incur the fire of other players.

However, things are obviously not that simple.

After a painstaking adjustment for a while, Lin was frustrated and found that no matter how the shape of his character was adjusted, even if he became a big man with a height of two meters, he was still a listless look...

"Forget it, just like this."

Lin Chi reluctantly restored the character shape to its original state.

Looking at the virtual character that looks like himself, just a few more scarred avatars, he decisively stopped the adjustment, and chose "confirm" in the dialog box that floated beside the character's head.

"The role has been created."

The female voice with no emotional ups and downs rang again, and a dialog box titled "The War Paradise Insider Announcement" popped up.

Lin Chi quickly browsed the contents of the announcement, ignoring a lot of nonsense that was irrelevant to the player, and focused directly on the following points:

- This game is currently in beta, only some of the maps are open, and the first game mode: Death Race. Other maps and game modes will be available in subsequent updates.

In the deathmatch mode, there will be 100 players in each game and they will not be able to form a team. Players can't be resurrected after being killed and counted as a direct defeat.

To win in the deathmatch mode, there are three ways:

Killer - Kill at least seven players and survive when all other players die.

Raiders mad - the number of points of control reached more than 1000, and kill the final boss in the map.

Ruler - replaces the top leader in the map and climbs to the position of the ruler.

When any player meets the winning condition, the game will end immediately.

Please note that if at the end of the time limit, no player has reached any of the three winning conditions, the game will end.

After the single game is over, the trophy and various rewards will be distributed according to the performance statistics of each player in the game. The winner will receive an additional bonus.

"Oh? Is it a **** of throwing a hundred people into a map..."

After reading the introduction to the death match mode, Lin Chi quickly understood what he should do, and then went directly to the next step:

"Beginning the match, you are now in the queue, using the random map mode by default. The map is being randomly selected."

With a feelingless female voice, a series of map names appeared in front of his eyes and began to switch quickly:

Royal hunting grounds.

Original jungle.

The ruins of Mars.

Nuclear explosions.

Ancient Museum.

State Women's Prison.


Looking at the map names that flashed from the line of sight, his heart slowly raised an ominous premonition.

Waiting for about ten seconds, finally a bright red name is fixed in front of you:

Welcome to the "City of Chaos"!

"What about a good state female prison? Just show me this when my pants are off?"

Mouth is complaining, Lin Chi has started to quickly browse the map below:

The city of chaos.

Map size: medium size.

The City of Chaos is an industrialized city located in the Pacific Ocean. It is controlled by a number of consortiums and organizations, and the cultures of various countries are here.

The city is well-developed in science and technology, and its law and order is weak, and crime is prevalent. Those who choose to develop here will face unprecedented opportunities and dangers.

Tip: Find the underground bar in the City of Chaos, where there may be something you are interested in.

Gazing at the irregular island map below the text, Lin Chi did not say much. It seems that the first battle in War Heaven will take place in an open city map similar to gta.

- Then take a look at whether there is "the kind of ai" in this game.

As the text bar disappeared, the scene in front of Lin Chi began to darken rapidly. Then he heard the system's tone again.

This time is not that cold female voice, but a very exaggerated, infectious male voice:

"Welcome to...the war paradise!"

Read The Duke's Passion