MTL - Warhammer Inquisitor-Chapter 560 Lion Rising: War Declared

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  Chapter 560 Rise of the Lion King: Declaration of War

   "Help me, watch over there."

  After the bombing ended, the firefighting work also began. The entire airport was full of ruins waiting to be cleaned up, as well as bomb craters that needed to be repaired, but Vito had reason to doubt whether the Imperial Air Force Wing would use it.

The entire airport was in a mess, and there was almost no intact place. The Tau bombing destroyed everything here, especially the air wing. All the fighter planes were blown up, leaving only The wreckage awaits to be cleared, and now, the sky no longer belongs to the Imperials.

   On the ground, the situation was worse than Vito's thought. Everyone was caught off guard by the Tau's bombing. Excluding the dead and wounded, there were less than half a regiment of people alive on the ground.

  Vito passed on the runway full of burning concrete debris, Loken behind him, and Kane, they walked through the airport that was already hard to see what it used to be.

Not far away, unexpected survivors also rushed over. Commissar Kane's adjutant was still alive, and Jurgen, who always survived catastrophe, came from a distance. Braun was with him, and With Castine, she's still alive, but she doesn't look very good.

  Her legs were broken, and she was supported by two people on the left and right to walk. The colonel came to Vito in disgrace. Her bright red long hair was now covered in a layer of haze by dust.

"It seems that you are not very well, Colonel." Vito asked thoughtfully, observing the bump on her leg, it seemed worse than expected, Kastin's entire right leg could no longer fall on the ground, As long as she touches anything, she can gasp in pain, but the Colonel is strong, stronger than she looks, and she remains calm.

"Better than others, Lord Judge." Kastin said stubbornly, and let go of Braun's hand. She was right, there are many people worse than her around, and many people lost Hands or feet, even if kept, are destined to be amputated.

After roughly counting the number of people around, it is not difficult to find that there used to be three parts on the entire airport, the 597th Valhalla Regiment, the 2nd Alicia Airborne Regiment, and the Imperial Navy Mixed Company. Now only Valhalla remains. The Hara regiment is fairly complete, at least it still maintains its combat power system.

  They are helping other comrades, digging them out of the rubble and sending them to the medical station.

The system still hasn't been restored, but it's not hard to guess that other Star Militia troops were also bombed, and their situation should be similar to that of the airport. If that's true, Vito will only lose one branch in the next war. Dire troops are available.

  The local defense force still has troops available, but they lack training on weekdays, and they can still perform their responsibilities in suppressing the mob, but if they are to face a real war, I am afraid, that is not what Vito can count on.

   "It would be nice if the Imperial Navy was here," he said.

  The location of the Tau tribe’s garrison is determined. The war has not started yet, and the troops of both sides have not yet moved. Take this opportunity to carry out orbital bombing and destroy the main ground troops of the Tau tribe.

   But it is a pity that the navy is not here, and there is nothing in the orbit of the planet. The warriors of the Emperor on the ground can only rely on themselves and the remaining comrades around them.

   "How many people are left?" Kane asked, although he already knew it in his heart.

"There are two-thirds of the regiment left, and all the heavy weapons are gone. The other friendly forces are worse than this." Kastin still told the bad news. up.

  Because this means that they must face the next war with the Tau in their current state, and the latter certainly did not suffer as much as they did.

   "Why did the Tau suddenly attack us? Is there a war?" Braun asked. The young major had blood on his body, but it shouldn't be his.

He looked around for the diplomat of the Ministry of State, he was not around here, he might be dead, he might be alive among the dead covered in white cloths in the distance, even in the bags containing the body parts, But obviously not here to provide Braun with an answer.

   "It doesn't matter anymore, they attacked us, this is the signal for war." Vito gave Braun the answer, an unintelligible result.

   And this also made Braun's face darken. Together with Vito, he looked at the Tau people not far away, the Tau people who stayed here.

   Most of their envoys are still alive, luckier than others here, and this also makes the remaining human soldiers resent them even more.

Il Solas was next to a fallen Tau fighter plane. That fighter plane was one of the ones they shot down before. It had several big holes in its body, and its wings were wobbly, barely broken. down.

  He easily opened the cabin, although relying on a little brute force, the Tau pilot inside had long since died, with blood stained on his face that was deeper than that of a human.

  Solas didn't pay much attention to the dead compatriots, he was very calm, just like the other Tau people who were also here, there was no expression on their faces, as if the dead one was just a test doll.

This indifferent attitude made Kastin disgusted, she showed her disgust towards them without any concealment, and like the Tau tribe, Vito didn't have much reaction on his face, he just looked at the man calmly. side.

Solas activated the fighter plane's instruments, leaned closer and seemed to be dictating something, the language of the Tau tribe came from the cabin, Braun and Kane looked at each other incomprehensibly, while Vito frowned slightly , he recognized some of the words, which were not good words.

   Soon, Solas got out, he and Renly exchanged a glance, and then the latter walked over, announcing the news in the cabin to the human members present.

   "A few hours ago, the imperial army attacked our trading post, and there were no survivors."

  As soon as the words came out, Kastin immediately became vigilant. She, they all knew what this meant, and it seemed that there was no need to find a diplomat to inquire now.

   "Is your news true?" Vito asked back.

   "It is certain that this is why the bombers came here. The Air Force was ordered to carry out retaliatory bombing. I personally regret it. I cherish the kindness you have shown us."

  This is no longer correct. What they get now is not goodwill, but the absolutely hostile eyes of the surviving humans around them. They came here to deal with the Tau tribe, but now, facing the dead comrades, they are even more angry.

   "On behalf of the Tau Empire, I officially declare that from now on, we officially declare war on the Human Empire." Renly said calmly, but for the humans present, there was no calmness at all.

As soon as this remark came out, there was a burst of laser loading sound from the surroundings almost immediately, and Braun immediately pulled out the gun on his waist. Now, there is nothing to talk about with these aliens. If this is the case, let them now Just pay back the lives of the dead comrades.

The other star realm troops around also clenched their guns tightly. They all leaned forward, ready to kill the Tau tribe, and they also responded. Solas raised his gun and fought with the surrounding human officers and soldiers. They confront each other.

   But in the end, Vito stopped Braun. He raised his hand to block Braun's gun, which surprised the latter, and he pressed the gun down.

   "The two armies do not kill the envoys when they are at war."

  Kane and Castine looked at each other, both surprised. This kind of behavior is rare in the empire, especially for aliens. Generally speaking, the empire will try its best to kill aliens.

  Whether it is peacetime or wartime, but now, it is normal for the empire to wipe out Renly and the others.

   "You are a respectable person, Your Excellency Vito, I have learned about your history, you are an excellent general, and at the same time, a respectable person."

  Renly's expression was still the same expressionless, but even Loken, who was not familiar with the Tau race and had never seen them before, could feel the true respect and sincerity in those words.

   "Let's go, no matter what you say, now that our two sides have officially declared war, I will send you a car to take you to the place where your people live."

   "I am very grateful to you, Lord Vito, but we cannot accept your kindness." Renly said.

   "If we take your car, the station near the Fire Clan company will be sieved. The Fire Clan has been ordered to destroy any humans and any vehicles they see." Solas added.

   Now is the time of war, both sides will shoot without hesitation to eliminate any target that dares to approach them, even if they fly the white flag, the diplomatic attempt is over.

  The time for words is over, now only guns and blood will speak.

  Castine became silent as he watched the Tau, and Vito too, but he quickly said, "I understand, then you can leave freely, I wish you all the best."

   "Your Excellency, although we have been at war, please accept that I respect you personally, you are a noble person."

   "Now, goodbye, Tau, next time we meet, I will kill you."

   Renly bid farewell to Vito, then turned and walked towards his clansmen, "Find Renekton, we will take him away together."

  The Tau would not abandon their people, not even people of other races, and he knew that leaving Renekton, and anyone else with Tau connections, would be death.

  The empire will execute them without hesitation, and execute all their relatives within three generations together. Those with better luck will be thrown into the criminal law world to serve their sentences.

  After the Tau tribe left, Kastin and the others hesitated. With the current strength and equipment situation, this war was almost doomed to failure, and no reinforcements could be counted on at all.

   "Get ready for war." Vito said resolutely, his words were full of confidence in victory, and it made Castine and the others instantly feel at ease as if they felt the same way.

   "Understood, my lord, I will immediately start to arrange and contact other troops. If the emperor blesses, the group army headquarters may still be safe."

  Kastine hesitated for a moment. She had some doubts. Since they were all attacked by air, the headquarters of the group army must be the key target. Whether the commander and the others are still alive is still unknown.

   "The Emperor bless them." After saying that, Vito left, Loken followed behind, and Serksos, who was helping from a distance, saw him leave the airport and followed.

   "My lord, where are you going?" Braun asked from afar.

   "Go and see who killed all the tau in Trade Point."

  (end of this chapter)

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