MTL - Warhammer Inquisitor-Chapter 597 through the stars

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  Chapter 597 Traveling through the stars

There is no light in the dim cockpit, there is no glass, no lights, and nothing that can be called bright. Ironically, its appearance is bright and bright, but the interior is indeed so dark, especially , or where it can be called the brain.

But it soon lit up here. As the ecological cabin door melted and opened to the surroundings, all the lights that didn't exist flickered. The technician couldn't even tell which lights came from where. The only thing he knew was Yeta from the cockpit. After passing by, my fingers lightly stroked the wall, and several fixed seats grew on the originally flat ground around.

They didn't exist at all, but suddenly, like a sprouting tree, they grew out of the ground. The technician raised his eyes and looked closely at the smooth back of the chair, "It's incredible." "For you, there is Unbelievable thing? This is new." "I can't understand it, it's naturally unbelievable."

"This is the first time, since there are things you can't understand." "Of course, the universe is so big, there are always things we can't understand." The technician said to the hunter behind him. Tower walked in through the dissolving door at the end of the cockpit, which seemed to disappear suddenly.

The Destroyer King put those huge boxes on the edge of the growing seat, but the technician didn't care about these things. There were more things that attracted him here, so he followed and came to the front, carefully and Carefully shut down the scanner on the helmet, carefully inspecting the door that suddenly disappeared like a creature.

"It's incredible. The material here is something I've never seen before." "Not long ago, I didn't see it either." Yeta said, entered the cockpit, and sat down on the central driving seat , the technician walked around behind the chair and carefully observed the smooth, but nothing instrument.

"Are you sure, it can start? I haven't seen any operable modules or interactive parts." "Of course, it only takes a little skill." Yeta said, putting her hand gently on the instrument, Following the sudden appearance of a faint blue light, it merged into the instrument, and the entire cabin lit up.

A large number of display screens, holographic projections, and module systems all appeared in front of the eyes. At the armrest of the seat next to the technician, several small modules rose up and quickly gathered in the air, thus forming two spheres, "This Operating system, I've never seen one, it's not a creation of the Empire, is it? Looks, more like, Eldar's."

"Don't study it, go back and sit down, we have to go." Yeta pressed the palm of the ball on the ball, and the dim cockpit in front of them suddenly became clear, and the non-existent observation window appeared with a flash of light. The runway outside came into view, and of course, the light strip that flashed towards the end of the runway.

The technician nodded, turned and left the cockpit. He came to a fixed chair closest to the cabin door. At first he was curious about where the fixing bracket was, but when he sat on it, the straps were visible from the back of the chair. It grew out by itself and continued to extend until it fixed the technician from both sides.

"Well, amazing technology." "Okay, technician, commander, we are all ready." The hunter sat on the seat next to the technician, and the straps grew from behind him, Yeta turned towards He looked, then nodded, she leaned back on the chair, pressed her hands on the ball in front of her, pushed her fingers forward slightly, and the ground outside the Aquila moved downward.

The vector jet moves downward in a wonderful way, unlike the traditional mechanical structure, it is more like gliding on the surface of the Aquila, the huge jet moves down from the surface of the fuselage, and the fuselage along the way There was a tumbling ether particle.

The nozzle reached the end, and with the push of Yeta's fingers, a huge amount of vector fire was ejected suddenly, and the Aquila soared out instantly, roaring out from the glowing runway light belt, and the servants on both sides The pipe, as well as the covered cloth, danced forward as it rushed past.

"They're off." Old Kent was behind the rudder, watching the silver droplets flying out from under the bridge, and Anna nodded behind him, "Turn around, the whole ship back, good luck, Yeta .”

Anna said, watching the silver shuttle go away, the Aquila flew away from the belly of the battleship, and it escaped into the endless wreckage below. With a light wave, the shuttle passed through the wreckage of the damaged warships at an astonishingly delicate speed.

She pushed forward lightly, and the Aquila flew between the two dilapidated battleships. It was like a particle traveling through the universe, passing under the collapsed buildings and the drooping cannons. The flame changes flexibly with Yeta's fingers being lifted up or pressed down.

The subtle changes of the fire made the Aquila constantly change its direction, rising or lowering, it passed under a magnificent cannon, and the huge muzzle hung down, and the dark battleship floated aside, it The shattered remains of the body, like tiny meteorite belts among the stars, danced in the narrow gaps.

The technician raised his head and looked out from the window behind him. He looked at the statue passing by from the outside. It fell down, like a person falling on the ground, and stretched out from the body of the battleship, like The towering spiers around are the same, but from the current angle, they are more like many spikes gathered in a small space.

"We are going to pass." The hunter said from behind. He pointed to the group of wrecks that were gradually spreading out in front of the cockpit. On the horizon outside, and together with it, there are those green leather fleets floating in orbit.

  The huge orc ships passed by the halo of the planet. Their bodies are huge, just like the titans gathered here one by one. "Understood, the stealth is activated, King of Destruction, remember not to be too noisy."

Yeta raised her finger lightly, and a floating screen appeared in front of her. She pressed it lightly, and a ray of light appeared on the surface of Tianying's body, which extended forward from the end. Rolling over from the fuselage quickly, the hunter looked at the edge of the opposite window, the light that appeared, it flashed past.

The Aquila turned into a transparent color. Its body surface reflected a lot of brilliant light. They refracted the reflections and colors of the surrounding space, making the shuttle invisible. The technician activated the scanner curiously, "We are shrouded We are in an electromagnetic field." "What do you mean?" "It means that people outside can't scan us, and likewise, we can't scan outside." "Then the next step is to use the most traditional method observed."

Everyone in the cabin leaned forward. They looked forward from the door of the cockpit and at the green leather fleets outside the window. The Skyhawk was gradually approaching them. Yeta's fingers kept swinging up and down, letting it pull Standing up, pull up from behind the wreckage floating in front of you.

The Aquila flew upwards against the back of its body. Its silver surface reflected the incomplete surface passing by below. Yeta breathed her spirit into the hull, and she observed the surroundings with two visions. Environment, one is her own eyes, and the other is Aquila's.

It is equipped with advanced sensing equipment under the silver surface, allowing Yeta's senses to continuously amplify. In this vacuum environment, she can hear the sound that should not exist, that is the surrounding green leather warships, and the wreckage in the void The tremors left by the passing, the Aquila captured it, then amplified it and injected it into Yeta's mind.

  She knew what was happening around her without a vision. Her body felt the vibration on the surface of the body below as it flew over the wreckage, the slight shaking, as if someone was touching Yeta's skin.

The shuttle flew upwards and passed between the two erected giant cannons. Yeta observed the surrounding dark surface, and the Aquila also roared upwards as her finger moved forward. Flicking low over the surface of the wreckage, it quickly approached the boundary of the wreckage where the light fell.

But just as she was getting closer, a sudden sense of waves was captured instantly, and then poured into Yeta's mind. She looked forward suddenly, grasped the floating ball with both hands, and slammed towards it. Twitching aside, the vector nozzle followed the rotation of the ball, and quickly turned aside from the ether structure on the surface of the battleship.

The flames spurted out in an instant, and the shuttle turned sideways when it reached the edge of the battleship. Everyone in the cabin was shaken, and under the huge inertia, they were all confused, "Damn it! Commander, what are you doing?" ?” “What is she hiding from?” “Then what is she hiding from? Technician.” “That.”

The front sight clamped the shaking toothpick from his mouth with his fingers, and pointed forward with his fingers and the toothpick in it. Several people turned their heads to look at the huge explosion rising outside the cockpit. The violent explosion It rose instantly on the wreckage of the battleship, setting off a large number of damaged fragments, flying in front of the eyes.

Yeta leaned on the back of the chair, cursed in a low voice and waved the floating ball with his hands interlaced. Flying under the broken debris, she flew towards the sea of ​​flames ahead, and in the flames, a huge shadow flew over, it appeared from the sea of ​​flames, and roared towards the Aquila with rapid speed.

"Commander!" the hunter yelled, "I know, sit down." When Yeta responded, his wrist slid down, dragged the floating ball from below, and then twisted violently to the side, and the Aquila instantly slid to the side. Rolling, its wings turned in the sea of ​​fire, and a swirling fire storm formed on both sides of its fuselage.

The rapidly flying thing passed by the belly of the Aquila, and was almost about to hit them by a few inches. Yeta suddenly turned the ball to the side, and the Aquila rolled several times. The entire cabin In an instant, the world was spinning. They sat on the fixed seats and were tied tightly by the fixing belts. Otherwise, they would have been thrown out.

"The Emperor! It's over! I'm going to vomit!" The Destruction King wailed loudly, and outside the window behind him, the fire rushed backwards, and quickly disappeared outside, leaving only darkness He breathed a sigh of relief, leaned back on the chair and panted, "Ah, thank the Emperor, it's finally over."

"Don't be so sure, this is just the beginning." The front sight tightened the straps on his chest, pointed out the cockpit with a toothpick, and looked at the destruction of the dynasty, he saw countless cannons shining mouth.

  (end of this chapter)

Read Paladin of the Dead God
Read The Last Adventurer