MTL - Warhammer Inquisitor-Chapter 612 Battle of the Beasts: Adventures of the Gods

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  Chapter 612 Battle of Beasts: Adventure of the Gods

The cloak fluttered on the golden epaulettes, and the golden silk decoration hung on his chest, and the shining medals on it gleamed under the hazy light shining in from the glass window of the hall. On his feet, The boots inlaid with silver iron pieces that Shuangyeta had seen countless times stepped on the marble floor.

In the jingle, she saw Vito's face, but it was different from the one he knew, this Vito looked younger, not in appearance, but in a certain temperament, this one was more vigorous , There is a dazzling feeling of a newborn sun, which is completely different from the Vito who later pretended to be passionate, but in fact is all exhausted.

Yeta watched him walk in front of him, accompanied by two tall imperial guards behind him. They were wearing red over-the-shoulder shirts with golden lightning embroidered on them, and a double-headed eagle stood beside them. It spread its wings on its cloak, and between its two claws it held lightning in one of its claws, and the flaming holy sword in the other.

"That is."

   "Yes, the two-headed skyhawk."

   Malcador answered while holding a burning scepter. He stood with Yeta on the road in the middle of the long hall.

Yeta looked around at the Skyhawk flags hanging around. Under them stood guard soldiers holding spears. They were like a golden ocean, lined up from the end of the avenue, reaching the magnificent, still-under-construction golden Under the giant gate.

  They didn't seem to notice Yeta and Malcador, as if they didn't exist, Yeta scanned them, looking at the sky eagles on the breastplates and battle robes.

   "Where are we?"

   "Tara, to be precise, is Terra before the Great Crusade."

   "Isn't that what happened tens of thousands of years ago?"

  Yeta yelled in surprise, but quickly regained her composure. She rubbed her forehead, and then caught a glimpse of the eagle flag flying in the wind.

  The sky eagle holding the lightning and the burning holy sword can be seen everywhere, between the Roman pillars, on the armor and robes, and on the banners hanging everywhere, Yeta frowned slightly watching them.

   "I remember the Empire's double-headed sky eagle logo, which appeared after the emperor formed an alliance with the Martian Mechanic Cult. One end symbolized the Empire, and the other symbolized the Mechanic Cult. Before that."

   "Unlike many people know, the double-headed sky eagle appeared very early. At this time, it symbolized equality before the start of the Great Crusade."


   "That's right, equality, one of its ends symbolizes Vito, the other symbolizes the Emperor, a pair of twin brothers, a pair of brothers of human civilization."

Yeta stared forward with wide eyes, and she saw the young Vito wearing a purple cloak, holding a sword and walking to the giant gate that was still under construction, surrounded by scaffolding and thick fixed steel bars. Under the majestic giant door frame, a tall golden giant was standing there.

"That is."

   "The Emperor."

   "Do you know what they call me?"

Vito stepped forward and said that he came to the emperor, and looked at the shining light outside the door with his hands in his arms. All the leaf towers there could not be seen clearly, as if the unfinished giant door was installed A thick golden door opened.


  The Emperor looked down at him.

   "They call me Mars, Commander of the Angels."

   “I take that as a compliment.”

   "Indeed, but didn't you say you want to overthrow religion? You personally eradicated the last church and let the old priest throw himself on fire."

  Vito folded his arms and stood beside the Emperor, standing in front of the brilliant light.

   "But what do they call me now? And do you know what they call you?"


   "Konstantin didn't tell you?"

   "Which Constantine?"

   "Nonsense, Valdo."

  Vito glanced at the Commander-in-Chief of the Custodian Army standing aside, who frowned slightly. The Emperor glanced at him, shook his head, and then looked back.

   "No, no, if Constantine thinks it's important, he will tell me, is that important?"

   "They call you the God-Emperor, the God."

After Vito finished speaking, the whole hall fell silent, everyone was silent, Yeta could even hear the beating heartbeat under the heavy armor, but then the emperor suddenly laughed, his almost perfect face A faint smile appeared.

  He raised his head and looked outside the radiant gate.

   "Then let us tell them that we are different from God, are you ready?"

   "Just waiting for you."

   "Very well, let the expedition begin."

After the emperor finished speaking, he raised his hand to touch the light in front of him, and the door of light dissipated in an instant. In the flying light particles, the emperor and Vito walked out side by side. Their cloaks were blown by the strong wind outside the door. Flying like flags.

Yeta heard the roar of cheers outside the gate, the deafening roar, the simultaneous shout of millions of Astartes, countless banners flying on the leveled land outside the gate, as the Emperor raised high With the burning holy sword, giant ships rose into the sky, and dazzling light shone from their bodies in an instant.

Yeta raised his head to cover his face, and looked at Vito standing under the light through the gaps between his fingers, but suddenly, as Malcador's scepter tapped the ground lightly, Yeta heard a loud eagle cry, He raised his head and saw the banner falling from above, which covered Yeta all at once.

  She shook her hands desperately, pushed away the heavy cloth in front of her and got out. Yeta stepped forward and pierced through a person covered in machinery.

  She turned her head and looked at the cyborg warriors who were full of machines behind them and holding slender barrels. They stood in a row like a wall.

On the other side, there are the tallest Astartes, wearing KM1 power armor, holding bolt guns and lined up in a neat row. The golden armored guards stand at the front, behind the emperor. Holding the flying eagle flag.

Yeta looked aside, there was a tall mechanical body beside her, he was wearing a red robe, standing in front of the mechanical army behind him, looking at the emperor, the latter spread his arms, there seemed to be several pieces on his body A wound, he looked into the sky.

   "Machine! Heal my body!"

  After the emperor said, all the surrounding machinery started to move, and those huge machinery made a roar around, and those mechanical parts fell off from them, flying around the emperor.

  They circled the emperor, spinning like a tornado, and Yeta saw the wounds on the emperor's body suddenly began to heal.

Malcador appeared next to Yeta and pointed to the team ahead. Yeta followed his fingers and saw Vito who was standing in the team and quietly rotating his hands in front of the flying machines. He bit At that time, Malcador held his scepter and glanced at him.

   "Are you sure, are we going to pretend like this?"

   "What are you asking me for? Isn't this his attention? Said to scare these mechanical guys."

After Vito said, all the wounds on the Emperor's body were healed. He lowered his arm and gave Vito behind him a sign. The latter pulled his fingers back suddenly, and the flying machines instantly formed a circle behind the Emperor. A skyhawk with wings made only of machines.

  Members of the Mechanic Cult knelt down in front of the Emperor. Their Mechanic Cult leader buried his head on the ground, and the huge mechanical body scratched the ground and sparked.

   "You are the incarnation of the Om Messiah! Praise the God of All Things! We will join you on your great journey of seeking knowledge!"

  The corner of the emperor's mouth showed a faint smile, and he looked back at the supporter Vito, the mechanical skyhawk. The latter rolled his eyes, but he also smiled.

  Yeta looked at them, and suddenly Malcador held her shoulders, and Yeta felt the world around her turn upside down, she stood on it wobbly, and then was turned upside down.

  She lowered her head and looked at the rocky ground beneath her feet, then raised her head to look around the surrounding mine cliffs.

   "Welcome, outsider, to Corsonia."

  Yeta raised his head and saw a tall figure among the miners. He was bald and tall, with a roaring moon wolf tattoo on his arm. He raised his arms and opened his arms to Yeta in front of him.

  She was startled, and immediately realized that it was not an action aimed at herself. She looked aside and saw Vito beside him, who smiled and opened his arms.

   "Welcome, welcome, you are. Damn, who is he?"

   "Horus, didn't you say you came this time?"

  The emperor leaned over behind him and whispered, Vito gave him a blank look, and then looked back.

   "Who would have such a tasteless name? Forget it, I am"

  Before Vito finished speaking, there was a sudden explosion sound around him, and Horus suddenly raised his head to look at the collapsed mine above.

   "Izekel! What's going on? Didn't I ask you to guarantee that people from rival gangs won't infiltrate here?!"

   "Sorry, my lord, but we must leave now!"

  Beside Horus, the man with high braids on his head tied into a straight pole with leather rope stepped forward and said, Horus nodded and looked up.

   "My friends! Please come with us."

   Horus froze, his hands froze in mid-air, Abaddon beside him also showed a shocked expression, the entire landslide in front of them suddenly stopped.

   All the huge boulders were suspended in mid-air, and all the collapsed mountains stopped, as if they were frozen.

  The emperor raised his arms behind Vito, his eyes gleaming with gold, and the latter patted himself on the shoulder, straightened his collar and looked towards Horus and Abaddon.

   "It's not big or small, it's called Daddy."


   "Okay, it's the dads."

  Yeta's feet suddenly collapsed, and she fell into the deep pit under her feet. She fell in the endless dark abyss, and then fell to the ground.

  She fell on a hard rocky ground, but it was different from the previous ones, surrounded by open plains.

Yeta was lying on the ground, looking at the violently vibrating stones in front of her eyes, she raised her head suddenly, and saw the giant mobile platform city rushing towards this side, on the bottom of the magnificent city, the super giant track was on The ground roared continuously, and the whole earth trembled.

   "Ferrus Marus of Medusa, I am your father, and I am here to take you on a great expedition!"

  The emperor stood on the shaking ground and shouted towards the moving city in the distance, but no one answered him from the latter.

   "Wow, what a great negotiating ability."

  Vito, who was standing behind the emperor with his hands in his arms, said with a playful smile on his face. The emperor gave him a blank look, and then pointed to the mobile platform that rushed towards them, obviously intending to crush them to death.

   "Stop him."


As Vito said, he raised his foot, stepped on the ground suddenly, and the whole ground split open. The track of the mobile city rushed into the deep ditch on the way forward, and it stopped suddenly. The whole city He fell down and stopped at a tilt.

   "Ferrus! Come down immediately!"

  The emperor yelled at the hands on the platform on his hips. Yeta looked at the red cloak flying in the wind behind him. The thing swept in and completely blocked Yeta's eyes.

  But after a while, the cloak flew away, and then a wave of heat hit Yeta's face.

  As the hot wind came, there was also the pungent smell of dust and diesel burning. Yeta raised his head and looked at the giant war machine as tall as a mountain in front of him.

  A green-skinned Destroyer Mecha, in front of it a Warrior-level Titan crashed down, and then hit Yeta's side.

  She raised her hand, and stood in front of her and watched the fallen Mechanicus soldier. The raging fire was burning around her. She looked at the thing, and then was attracted by an impatient voice.

   "Hey, what a trouble, are you coming or me this time?"

Yeta looked behind and saw three people walking from the flames, the emperor and Vito, and a bald head with many pipes connected to his head. Looking at the giant green leather mech in front of him.

   "This thing is too powerful, we must fall back, return to Mount Olympia and activate my mechanical giant."

   "Shut up, Perturabo, don't interrupt children when adults are talking, hey, forget it, let me come, beat it twice and eat."

   "You are too rough, without ritual and beauty, just like you are eating."

   "Who wastes time like you, double chin."

   Vito finished speaking and walked towards the green giant, while the Emperor touched his chin and glanced at Perturabo.

  The latter shrugged his shoulders, put down the war hammer in his hand, and watched Vito walk towards the green leather mecha giant with its fangs and claws. The latter roared and raised his giant claws, and patted Vito.

  The latter patted his clothes, then raised his head unhurriedly, turned around and punched it fiercely, and in the blink of an eye, a huge amount of lightning accompanied his fist and bombarded the green leather mech's fist.

  A strong wind swept a piece of sand and dust, and Yeta saw the green leather mech falling down in the smoke, and then the entire field of vision was engulfed by the smoke.

Yeta stood in the smoke, gradually the smoke slowed down and became denser again, Yeta stood on a rock covered in poisonous mist, she covered her throat, thinking that she was going to be poisoned, and then Thinking of myself is just an illusion, or is everything here just a fantasy?

   Just as Yeta was thinking, a hand suddenly stretched out, and he grabbed the ground next to Yeta's feet, and Yeta looked at the person who was climbing up from below and moved away.

  He was pale-skinned, wearing a peasant's robe, with a scythe on his back. The man climbed to the top of the mountain with all his strength, then stood up panting, and pulled off the sickle on his back.

   "Come and die! You alien bastard!"

He shouted, but then his eager expression froze, and Yeta looked back with him, and saw two figures in the mist, the emperor standing on the ground, and Vito sitting on a stone, On the foot is the head of a beheaded unicorn giant.

  Vito picked his teeth with the alien scythe, and then he noticed the person climbing up.

   "Ah, Mortarion, right? You're so slow, we're tired of waiting, so he hacked it to death."

   Vito gritted his teeth, looked at the shock on Mortarion's face, thought for a while, and handed it over.

   "Choose for you too?"

  Yeta looked at him and the strange-shaped head under his feet, and the thick poisonous mist instantly filled up, covering Yeta, and she looked around the surrounding environment.

  Suddenly Malcador appeared from behind, pressed Yeta's shoulder, and sat down.

  Yeta sat on a bench all of a sudden, and put her hands on a table all of a sudden.

   Then an empty wooden barrel glass was smashed in front of her, causing Yeta to shrink back a bit, then looked up to see a mountain of wine barrels and a giant standing on the table.

   It was a man with a long beard. He drank heavily from the oversized wine glass in his hand, then drank it in one gulp and threw it in front of Yeta, hitting the back of Yeta's hand and passing through.

  Yeta stood up instinctively, and she looked around at the booing strong men, who raised their arms and agitated.

There were three people sitting at the table opposite the tall man. The Emperor and the Commander-in-Chief of the Custodians were sitting at the table. The Emperor rested his chin and looked at Vito, who was also standing on the table. While drinking, the wine was poured on him, but after a while he slammed the empty wine barrel on the table.

  Vito stepped on the overturned wine barrel, raised his arms and howled.

   "How is it? Come on! Давай! Ублюдок! Сука!"

   "Eh, what is the Marshal talking about?"

  Valdo carefully avoided the wine glass thrown down by Vito, and approached the Emperor to ask. The latter was also drinking a glass of wine, but it was still much smaller than the wine barrel that Vito drank.

   "It's nothing, he speaks Russian, he is probably going to win."

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, the strong man on the opposite side drank another bucket of wine, but this time he swayed and fell down halfway through the drink, and fell off the table. The strong men behind him stepped aside and looked down. man on the ground.

   "You can drink."

  The drunk man raised his hand and gave a trembling thumb.

   "The match between Leman Russ and Vito, Vito wins!"

Amidst the cheers of the brawny men, Vito kicked over a wine barrel, poured out all the wine in it, and rushed towards Yeta, and she was swallowed by the wine the moment she raised her arm up.

  Yeta slid back, as if stepping on some slippery ground, Yeta buried her head and saw the blood on the steel deck under her feet.

  She stepped on the **** water, then looked up and saw the source of the **** water, they were dripping from a tall person.

  Dripping from the tubes in his head that penetrated into the skull, he was tall and burly, with anger on his face, this bare-armed warrior, holding a double axe, rushed towards a group of people on the front deck.

   Vito glanced at the Emperor.

   "I just said it wasn't a good idea to teleport him up."

   "Now I know, tell him to stop and stop messing up here."

   "You are such a good father."

   "Then go, my second uncle."

  Vito moved his arms and walked over. He walked towards the berserker who was running wildly and roaring like a wild beast. He picked up the battle ax in both hands and slashed at Vito's head.

  The latter stood still calmly, then turned around suddenly and punched the ax blade, and the ax exploded in an instant.

  Among the splashing debris, Vito stepped forward, struck out from below with his other hand, and punched the man on the chin, knocking him into the air, flying backward several meters before falling to the ground.

   "Your ax is not good, I will ask Ferrus to make you a better one later."

  Vito shook his fisted wrist, and then looked at the man who fell on the ground.

   "Have you calmed down? Angron."

  Yeta looked down at Angron's eyes, he roared and slammed his fist on the deck beside him, causing a splash of blood to fly from his fist.

  In an instant, the surrounding world changed in the blink of an eye. Yeta sat on a driving seat all of a sudden, tied the seat belt, and looked at the thick clouds flying rapidly in front of him.

The clouds outside the window were spinning at high speed, like a spiral windmill, Yeta suddenly felt a nausea of ​​spinning, she covered her mouth, moved her eyes from the window, and looked behind her , met several people who had the same discomfort as her.

However, they are the Emperor, Magnus, and Horus. They sat on the seats in the cabin, their bodies swung quickly from side to side. Horus covered his mouth and almost vomited. As if coming out, Magnus glanced at him, then looked ahead.

   "Vito, maybe it would be better for me to use psionic navigation?"

   The raised hand responded to Magnus, and that finger slowly turned a middle finger. The emperor turned his head away and looked at Magnus helplessly.

"give up."

After Yeta heard this, she was suddenly squeezed onto the seat by the powerful impact. Her eyes widened, and her eyelids were shrunk around under the impact. The thick clouds outside the window burst open, and the fighter plane He rushed to the ground at a rapid speed, without any intention of slowing down.

  The people wearing robes on the ground, carrying censers and banners retreated immediately. The tall monk at the head looked at the rapidly falling fighter plane. His golden skin was covered with runes and scrolls.

   "Are they going to crash the plane? Lord Lorgar."

   "No, Erebus, I don't think so."

  After Lorgar said that, the fighter plane that seemed to be about to fall suddenly activated its anti-propulsion engine a few feet from the ground, and a huge airflow instantly sat on the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

   Lorgar raised his hand to block his face. From under his elbow, he saw several tall figures appearing in the smoke. One of them seemed to be vomiting, and then he wiped his mouth before following the other figures.

  They came out of the smoke, the Emperor walked out first, Magnus and Horus behind him stood on the left and right, Lorgar watched them spread their arms like a devout priest.

   "Welcome, my lord, I have met your arrival, the golden lord, the scarlet giant, and the giant wolf under the moon. Welcome to this devout world."

   Seeing his religious leader possessing himself and saluting, Erebus looked at the emperor in front of him with a look of suspicion.

   "Are they really gods? I don't see their power."

  Before Erebus finished speaking, suddenly a golden lightning hit the sky. The huge lightning rushed to the sky, exploded at the edge of the universe in an instant, and a dazzling explosion burst out of the galaxy.

  The smoke dissipated quickly, and Erebus saw Vito standing behind the emperor, quickly moving his thumb towards the sky with his fingers like a pistol, and shooting out dazzling lightning bolts.

   "What are you playing?"

   Horus asked aside, Vito raised his hands and blew the strands of blue smoke from his fingers.

   "I saw a group of pirates. They seem to be coming, and they are a bit unpleasant. Hey, you won't be happy if I kill them?"

  Vito turned his head and asked in the direction of the believers. Erebus saw a dazzling star blooming at the end of the sky above his head, and his eyes widened in astonishment. Now he knows everything.

Lorgar looked at the stars and lightning, lowered his head and showed a joyful smile, and then he changed his posture and knelt on the ground. Erebus and the believers behind him also crawled down, and a large group of them knelt on the ground. In front of the emperor and Vito who came up.

   "This world will belong to you, Immortal Emperor, my Holy Fathers."

Yeta saw the emperor and Vito looking at each other, both showed distressed expressions, and then the ground under Yeta's feet collapsed again, and she fell into the black hole, and stood up suddenly after falling for a long time. to a level ground.

  She spread her arms to maintain a stable posture, then raised her head to look at the wide training hall ahead, where there were twenty people, twenty Primarchs to be precise.

  (end of this chapter)

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