MTL - Warhammer Inquisitor-~ War Chronicles: The Battle of Damocles Bay

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  War Documentary: The Battle of Damocles Bay

This is a form that I suddenly thought of. When I described wars before, I was entangled in focusing on the story of the characters, or the war itself. Everyone likes it or not.

   is free, look at your feedback, if you like this type of supplement, I will thank you several times.


   Imperial War Chronicle


  Fourth Battle of Damocles Bay

  Written by: Department of War Minutes, Ministry of Military Affairs

  Written by: Lieutenant Colonel Hoxon de Ridaux

The war around Damocles Bay was peaceful at first. The human and Tau troops were in their own positions, facing each other's defense lines on the outskirts of the city. There were only sporadic firefights and small-scale probing attacks. have happened.

   This process continued for the next month, until the human command issued an order to concentrate and shrink, and the troops originally stationed outside the city began to retreat to the city in an emergency. They were ordered to suppress the riots in the city.

Unexpectedly, when the human empire quelled the riots in the city, the troops of the Tau tribe were in a state of calm. They were busy cleaning up and sweeping up the human strongholds outside the city, but had no time to take care of the supporters in the city rebelling. After the Command of the Realm Army issued the order to retreat and shrink, and a large number of human troops withdrew to the city, the rebellion was quickly suppressed.

   Afterwards, the war officially started. At first everything was calm, and the human soldiers squatted in the building for normal guard changing, lunch, and rest and chatting, but in the afternoon, the calm was broken.

The artillery of the Tau tribe launched a series of large-scale bombardments, and the air force also carried out large-scale bombardment as a prelude to the offensive. At four o'clock that afternoon, the Tau infantry launched the first wave of attack. They thought that the human defense The army had been wiped out in previous artillery fire, but they were wrong.

  The human defenders immediately entered the position and launched a powerful counterattack. The battle on the outskirts of the two sides continued until the next morning. The Tau failed to break through the human defenses and paid a heavy price.

  The Tau infantry company commander recalled, "We launched three attacks, but humanity was never shaken. Our soldiers fell one by one, like harvested wheat."

The Tau command found serious underestimation of the enemy and made adjustments. They urgently dispatched armored troops and launched an attack from the west side of the city. The Tau armored troops penetrated the first line of defense of humans, but they were The second track is stuck.

  The Star Militia launched an attack from all sides, cutting off the Tau infantry and the armored troops. The Tau armored troops paid a heavy price to break through. When they arrived at the position, there were only less than three tanks left.

On the third day, the Tau tribe continued to attack, and the human coalition forces continued to resist on the ground. The exchange of fire between the two sides continued for the next few days, and both sides paid a huge price. Finally, on the seventh day, the Tau tribe finally broke through Breaking through the defense line of the Star Realm Army in the south, and entering the city, but at this moment, a full three days have passed since the scheduled breakthrough time.

After the Tau invaded the city, they thought victory was at hand. Their vanguard was only three kilometers away from the central square of the city, thinking that the human defenders had collapsed. But soon, the Tau discovered their serious mistake. Instead of collapsing, they launched an orderly counterattack.

The spearhead of the Tau tribe seemed to be caught by iron clamps, and they could not get out, forcing them to invest more troops in it. The city became a meat grinder, and the Tau tribe paid a heavy price for this. The corner popped up and launched a counter attack on them.

  The defenders used certain important buildings as their bases, and set up a firepower network around them, all of which were connected by underground passages. The defenders walked through it and attacked the Tau army that broke into the city from all directions.

  Civilians in the city also formed a number of militia groups. As supplementary troops, they were put into various fronts and played an important role.

Among them, the building called "Fort Constantine" by the human side is the most representative. He is the key target of the Tau tribe's attack. This is an observation point on the high ground of the city. The role of the battle around here is extraordinarily tragic.

The Tau tribe invaded the building six times, and was pushed out by the human coalition forces six times. The two sides fought from day to night, and the precise shooting was replaced by hand-to-hand combat. When the assault continued until the third day, the Tau tribe could no longer hold on and withdrew from the city the inner ring.

The commander of the Tau tribe finally realized that quick victory was impossible, and the war fell into a stalemate. In the following days, the Tau tribe launched a series of large-scale attacks, and the two sides fought fiercely around the outer urban areas of the city. Soldiers from both sides fought in one building after another. Often the Tau occupied the living room in the morning, and the humans retreated to the kitchen and took it back at night.

Such battles are not uncommon in the city, and a Sergeant of the Star Militia recalled, "The company commander issued us submachine guns, grenades, and ordnance shovels and bayonets. Most of the time, the latter is more useful. "

  Each such street fighting group consists of sixteen infantrymen armed with submachine guns, equipped with a towed gun, and a number of Molotov cocktails, grenades, etc.

Human tactics are like this. First, the infantry bombarded the first floor of the building, and the commandos entered, threw grenades and strafed, and the flamethrowers lit the basement. down shot.

   As a result, every building is constantly contested. Fierce hand-to-hand combat was staged in the city, and both sides paid a heavy price, but among them, the Tau tribe was the most victorious. In the street fighting in the city, heavy weapons were useless, and the air force also dropped bombs horizontally, often with an error of 100 meters. However, the soldiers on both sides are often only less than 20 meters apart, which makes the air force completely useless.

  In the ruins of the city, human snipers appeared everywhere, looking for the officers of the Tau tribe to shoot and kill, which made the Tau tribe miserable. They called the battle in the city a rat war.

Facing the stalemate in the city, General Qingquan of the Tau clan redeployed. He withdrew the useless tanks from the streets and re-invested in the attack on the city's more peaceful eastern industrial area, and here, they were met. It was also blocked by the Leman Ruth tank units of the Astral Army ordered by Commander Vito to stand by.

The human defenders invented a new method of warfare. They hid the tanks in the factories, only exposing the barrels, and disguised them as sundries in the ruins. They only opened fire when the Tau tanks approached. First, Leman Russ would Destroy the leading tanks of the Tau, and at the end, leave the Tau convoys on the streets, and eliminate them one by one.

The immobile Tau armored force became a living target, flames burned in the wreckage, and the eastern industrial area was turned into a sea of ​​flames. In the south, the Tau tribe who made the earliest breakthrough continued to invest in troops and expand the results of the battle. In the end, the Tau tribe only advanced less than six kilometers, and every kilometer they advanced required an inestimable price.

The Tau tribe slowly advanced along the streets, approaching the riverside in the city. The Star Guards also invested a large number of troops to fight back. Bloody tug-of-war was staged in various buildings. At the most intense time, a building would change hands several times a day. Ten times, each one captured was a major victory for the Tau.

General Qingquan understood this time that he seriously underestimated the will of human beings to resist and their fighting power. Persuading them to surrender is useless here. They will only return bullets and shots. After the second month of fighting, the Tau finally suffered heavy casualties. Progress was made, and their vanguard finally reached the river.

  According to the memories of the vanguard officers, they could even see the glittering golden eagle statue on the top of the planetary government tower. The desire for victory re-emerged in the hearts of the Tau people, and they decided to launch another assault.

The Tau army launched what became known as the "One Week Offensive" along the river, and after a week, the Tau failed to advance even more than a kilometer, where they ran head-on into the 597th Valhalla led by Colonel Kastin. Regiment, the soldiers of the Ice and Snow Legion relied on the station opposite the railway bridge as their stronghold, blocking the attacking edge of the Tau tribe.

On the fifth day of the offensive, the Tau tribe had already paid more than 2,000 casualties in front of this station. They tried to use heavy artillery to flatten the station, but with little success. The defenders still shot from everywhere. Intercepting the Tau tribe, the open space in front of the station became a veritable death zone.

  The Tau tribe was unwilling to give up the achievements of the offensive, and immediately launched a new regiment to launch an attack. Under the cover of tanks, the Tau tribe once broke into the station and occupied the station, but at night, they were taken back by the ice warriors.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties in this small place, but they were unwilling to give up their strongholds, and their troops continued to be invested. In the end, the human defenders successfully launched a pincer offensive on both wings, pushing the Tau back to the other side of the river, and even The Astra Militarum also launched a counter-offensive, led by the Makarian super-heavy tanks, and Leman Ruth tank companies stormed along the factory area, at one point knocking the Tau out of the city.

  The Tau tribe's one-week offensive failed to achieve any results, and cost the lives of more than 20,000 soldiers. The two sides continued to face off across the river, but on the other side, the situation was not so optimistic.

In the central area of ​​the city, General Qingquan gathered all the Kroots in his hands, launched a wave of large-scale offensive, and successfully broke through the central defense line of the Star Realm Army. , the situation is critical.

And at this moment, the Mordian Iron Guard who had just left the front line and suffered heavy casualties launched an interception at any cost. They fought a fierce hand-to-hand battle with the Kroots. The Tau's offensive was held back and held until reinforcements arrived.

  The acting head of the Mordian Iron Guard died in his post, and all the officers of the regiment died. The establishment was later disbanded, but their sacrifices paid off. With the reinforcements entering the position, the Tau's offensive stalled again.

   And the Tau will not give up the hard-won results, and will continue to invest in troops, and the tug-of-war between the two sides is still going on.

   I don’t know what you think, and I look forward to your feedback. If you accept it, I will use this form more in the future.

  (end of this chapter)

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