MTL - Warrior’s Promise-Chapter 2883 Will pay the price

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Chapter 2883 will pay the price

After telling the general picture of the Bright World and Ji Yubai, Ming Hao respected the Lord and looked at Sumo.

"Sumo, I have brought back the sacrifices. When do you see it..."?" Ming said, the Lord respectfully said.

"Give those people to me!" Sumo nodded.

"All here, all are the enemies of the six elders." The Emperor of Ming Dynasty handed a ring to Sumo, and the people inside were the three elders of the bright altars who slaughtered the six elders.

Although he killed a lot, but the people who are high, are basically oysters.

"Good." Sumo nodded and took the ring and checked it.

There are a lot of people in the ring, there are more than one hundred people, but there are only eight people who make the land, and the rest are basically people who are perfect in the upper reaches and in the upper reaches.

"Enough?" asked the aunt, who was worried that the sacrifice was not enough, but he could only get so much in the bright world.

In fact, he fled back from the bright world. If it wasn't for the perfection of perfection, he might be folded in the bright world.

After all, he killed a lot of people and was rounded up by the bright altar.

"It should be enough." Sumo nodded, then swallowed the ring directly and began to refine the people inside.

Everything went well. After a while, Sumo handed over the crystal of more than one hundred rules to the Ming Dynasty, and the other party even began to merge.

After all that was over, Sumo once again entered his own space ring, continued to practice, and enlightened the ban | bogey rule, he must reach the creation of Xiaocheng as soon as possible.

The time rule is motivated to change the time flow rate, and Sumo quickly immersed himself in cultivation.

Time flies, and four hundred years pass by.

Sumo’s rare meditation enlightenment rule, his banned taboos, rushed forward for four hundred years, and directly entered the late eighth.

Then, Sumo is the realm of impacting the creation of Xiaocheng. This time, it was not as easy as it was last time, and it took more than ten years.

Fortunately, after controlling the rules of time, time is not so important for Sumo.

After breaking through to the creation of Xiaocheng, Sumo left the space treasure and returned to the secret room.

In the secret room, the Ming and the six elders are not there.

When Sumo saw this, he also walked out of the secret room, looking for some old people and understanding some situations.

He has cultivated for more than four hundred years, and the outside world has passed for more than twenty years.

The six elders have resumed their cultivation, but the aunt of the Ming Dynasty has suffered bad luck.

"What happened to Mingzhu Zunzhu?" Sumo looked at the people in front of him and asked with a frown.

In front of him, he gathered hundreds of people from the ancient world, such as the ancient lord, the ancient ancestors and so on.

"Sumo, the lord's impact on the road, because the movement is too big, was discovered by the people of the Temple of Heaven, resulting in a siege, the whereabouts are unknown." said the ancient lord.

“Where does the Alum Lord’s Lord hit the border?” Sumo asked.

"The lord has been very careful and entered the deepest part of the starry sky, but it was still discovered," said one of the lords.

"Who is the person of the Temple of Heaven, why will he besieged the Ming Dynasty and respect the Lord?" Sumo asked again, and the Temple of Heaven is the hegemonic power of the world.

"I don't know.!" The people shook their heads, and the Ming dynasty had disappeared. The exact situation, they knew five times.

"What about the six-year-old man? Why didn't he help?" Sumo asked again.

"The six elders were in retreat before, and at the time of the incident, they were not restored to the Tao, and they did not come and rescue."

"Now others?" Sumo had some anger in his heart. It was not the angry six elders, but the anger at the Temple of Heaven.

"The six elders went to investigate the situation and have been away for a year and have not returned."

Sumo heard the words, silent, he had the heart to think about it, but still lived.

His identity is too sensitive | feeling, and the six elders will definitely come back.

"Sumo, you don't have to look into it. Now, the outside world is really ups and downs, you have become the target of public criticism."

"What is the situation?" Sumo asked.

"The energy of this Ji Baibai is really terrible. Now almost all the big worlds are looking for you, and countless forces are participating in it. Wang Tianda is no exception." Tu Win said, his mind is quite speechless, now Sumo almost became a street mouse, everyone shouted.

Originally, to get rid of Ji Yibai's arm, this record can be described as shocking the world, but now there are people who dare to tout Sumo.

"He hasn't stopped yet?" Sumo has some helplessness. This Ji Zhenbai is really narrow-minded.

"In a short period of time, it is estimated that it will not stop."

"Wait, wait for the six elders to come back." Sumo took a deep breath and hoped that the six elders would return as soon as possible.

He does not want to have a clear understanding of the Lord, but he can guess that the Lord of the Apostles may be fierce.

Moreover, their current hiding place may be dangerous.

However, the six elders did not return, which means they should be safer for the time being.

In the following time, Sumo and everyone are waiting, waiting for the return of the six elders.

This has been two months.

Finally, this day, the six elders are back.

When the six elders stepped into the mansion, the strong men of the big skirts were smashed up.

"Six elders, what is the situation of the lord?"

"The lord will not encounter any accidents?"

"how is the situation?"

Everyone asked, and everyone was ready for the worst news.

Sumo also came to the six elders, waiting for the other's answer.

"Sumo, congratulations to you a step closer."

The six elders first congratulated Sumo, and then said: "Alum has not died, and is currently being suppressed in the Wangtianjing Palace, but the specific situation is difficult to find."

not dead?

Everyone heard the words, suddenly relieved a big sigh of relief, the lord did not die, this is really good.

However, everyone does not have any joy, because it is almost impossible to save the Ming Dynasty.

"How is the strength of Wangtianjing Palace?" Sumo asked the six elders.

"The strength of Wangtianjing Palace is much stronger than that of the bright altar. There are four strong roads, one of which is the intermediate level of the road." Six elders.

There are three realms in the realm, namely the small pole, the middle pole, and the big pole.

Above the Tao, it is the supreme leader, the peak of the three thousand worlds, the peak of the original continent.

In fact, some powerful high-level worlds are already closer to some of the top forces on the original continent.

If the ruler who excludes the supremacy is not counted, the big world like the heavenly world, the strength is strong, comparable to the top forces of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Four strong people?" Su Mo heard the silence, thinking in his heart, and the strength of the Tianshen Palace is currently unable to fight.

However, he can't ignore the Ming dynasty, not only because of friendship, but also his future plans.

"Six elders, come with me."

With less inclination, Sumo said to the six elders, and then turned back to the Chamber of Secrets, and the six elders immediately followed.

Others face each other, but they dare not force the secret room.

"Six elders, if there are enough rules of the crystal, can you break through the extreme position in the realm?"

In the secret room, Sumo asked the six elders to look like an unprecedented dignity.

"Sumo, you...?" The six elders heard the words, suddenly shocked in the heart, and the eyes were rounded.

The mood of the six elders is like a storm in the air. Sumo’s words are obviously to raise the rules for him.

"Can you even?" Sumo asked.

"This is really hard to say, it is very difficult to repair into a realm and want to break through in a short time." The six elders said uncertainly.

"When you look at the big world, you will pay the price."

Sumo’s indifference and indifference continued: “The six elders, the people of the Temple of Heaven, are your sacrifices. If you want the crystal of the law, go find the sacrifice.”

"Okay." The six elders were brilliantly stunned. Since Sumo would once again raise the rules for him, he would naturally not have the slightest kindness.

The creation is coming again!

"Go, improve, and we will destroy the Temple of Heaven. This is just the beginning. In the future, we will destroy all enemies and smash the world of three thousand." Sumo said with a sigh, now, only killing can continue. Go on.

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion