MTL - Warrior’s Promise-Chapter 2892 How much can you kill?

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What is the number of kills in Chapter 2892?

Bright world, bright altar.

Within a spacious and bright cave, it is built like a beautiful palace.

At this moment, several people gathered in the hall inside the cave.

The person sitting on the main seat is not the person who shines in the altar, but the white man.

Tian Po, still following the side of Ji Yubai, but Ji Hailan is gone, replaced by another middle-aged man, who is the most important in the realm, named Ding Chengfeng, also the heaven and man The people of the Tianfujie Wangfu.

In addition to Ji Baibai and others, there are three people here, one of whom is tall and tall, and has a sturdy scorpion, which is the palace owner of the Temple of Heaven.

The other two are the altar and the deputy altar of the Guangming altar. They are a thin old man and a middle-aged white robe with a graceful face. Both of them are minor practitioners of the Tao.

"The son, Sumo is now in the hell, got the shelter of the hell, this thing is still to stop!" Ding Chengfeng looked at Ji Yubai, sincerely said.

Ji Yubai sullenly face, silent.

"With your talents, you can cultivate in the palace, and repairs should have already achieved a small success in the creation. But because of this, it is a waste of time in the outside world. It is unwise." Ding Chengfeng continued, he is Ji Baibai. The mentor, although not a teacher, is a person who usually specializes in guiding Ji Baibai's cultivation.

In the Tianfujie Wangfu, the resources are unique. According to his prediction, Ji Baibai should now be in a small environment, but it is wasted time on Sumo.

"The **** world is not suitable for martial arts. I am not suitable for cultivation. Sumo is only temporary in the **** world. We have a chance in the future." Wang Tianzhu said, he did not want Ji Xiaobai to give up because he Knowing Sumo’s body has enormous opportunities.

"You must kill, Sumo and Guangpu. In my big world, I am so bloody, I can't let them go unpunished." The altar of the bright altar, the thin old man said with a dignified look.

The six elders of the spectrum of the elders were killed by him and killed by the whole family.

Therefore, the six elders and their bright altars will never die, but now the six elders have actually reached the realm, and for the bright altar, there is a huge aftermath.

There is some depression in the heart of the Guangming altar, because the road is very difficult to break through. He really did not think that the six elders can reach the road so quickly, it is simply incredible.

If he knew this, he would not order it, killing the family of the six elders.

Of course, what the Guangtan altar does not know is that the six elders have now reached the extreme position in the realm, far exceeding him.

Because of this, Wang Tiangong did not say it.

"It’s because this son doesn’t think about it. If you know it, you should wait for the rabbit in Chaos.” Ji Yunbai spoke up with a deep helplessness on his face.

He told the powers of many big worlds to search for Sumo in their own big worlds. This is really useless. It is not as good as waiting for the chaos in the chaos. Because Sumo can't stay in a big world for a long time, and the Chaos Sea is the place to transit.

"Hey, the white son, it is not too late to do so now, you can safely return to the heavens and the human world, we are in the chaotic sea, you can also add people, as long as Sumo leaves the hell, it is his death." The Lord said that he did not deal with Sumo, but only to deal with the six elders, but Ji Wei only had Sumo in his heart, so he could only say that he had to deal with Sumo.

"Yeah!" Ji Yubai's slight jaw, this is indeed the case, he can return to the heavens and the human world, but Sumo must not let it go.

"Well, you have more people, and this son will also adjust some strong people from the heavens."

Ji Yunbai said, saying, he looked at Ding Chengfeng, said: "Ding seniors, trouble you temporarily stay in Chaos Sea, I will send someone to replace you later."

Ding Chengfeng's identity is different from that of Tian Po, so in the face of Ding Chengfeng, Ji Yubai is more polite.

"Okay." Ding Chengfeng nodded helplessly. He understood Ji Yinbai, and he would never stop if he didn't.

Afterwards, the people simply negotiated and left the bright world and went to the Chaos Sea.

After arriving at Chaoshai, Ji Yunbai returned to the heavenly world alone, and Tian Po was ordered to go to other big worlds.

Ding Chengfeng, Wang Tiangong, and the deputy altar of the Guangming altar are stationed in the Chaos Sea.

Not only that, but afterwards, there will be a large number of strong people coming to the Chaos Sea to wait, waiting for the emergence of Sumo.


Hell world.

Among the palaces built by Sumo, he was retreating.

By the law of time, he passed the normal time of a month, combining the tens of thousands of people swallowed up in the world of Wangtian.

The power of the tens of thousands of people, in addition to a few rules, the power of other laws, once again rapidly climbed.

The power of Sumo's law is fairly balanced. Except for those special laws, other laws have almost reached the mid-ninth.

Because, the power of his laws, after reaching the medium term, can no longer be upgraded, and can not keep up.

There are many gods that are swallowed up, and all kinds of gods, after refining, are all integrated into the purple and purple.

Hong Meng Ziqi is simply a melting pot of Yuanshen, and it is all-inclusive.

After the power of various laws was raised to the extreme, Sumo continued to enlighten the ban.

time flies.

Five years later, Sumo began to attack the realm of creation.

There is not much difficulty. The foundation of Sumo's cultivation is very solid. The power of various laws is comparable to that of a perfect person. Therefore, he is very successful in achieving the realm of creation.

After everything was done, he ended his cultivation, took out the shackles of searching for the moon, and once again searched for the moon.

However, this is temporary. If it is not resolved from the source, it will be lost in the morning and evening.

Sumo was a little impatient. He left the residence again and found the emperor.

"Predecessors, my lover is not much time, but also help the seniors of the Emperor!" Su Mo stood in front of the emperor, clenched his fists and looked respectful.

The Emperor Da Ma Jindao’s sitting on the throne was indifferent and not moving.

"Predecessors, you said that let me prove my value, I am willing to help, but time does not wait for people." Sumo slightly contemplatively continued.

The emperor heard the words, still silent.

This made Sumo secretly frown, and could not guess what the other was thinking.

"Predecessors?" Sumo face with doubts.

"You know, there are a lot of people waiting for the rabbit in the Chaos Sea now, and you are the rabbit?" The Emperor finally spoke up.

"What does this have to do with your lover who helps to save the younger generation?" Sumo asked, he is now not leaving the **** world, and how many people there are in Chaos.

"It's related, I let you kill them." Yan Huang said with no expression.

Sumo heard a glimpse and let him kill, is this proof of himself? He must have no idea what his strength is. Still need to kill to prove yourself?

The key is that killing those people seems to have no benefit to the **** world, but it will bring huge hatred to the **** world.

He does not understand, what is the purpose of the Emperor?

"There are a lot of people, there are three extreme warriors in the realm, dozens of warriors with small morals, and hundreds of warriors who have perfected their lives."

"Predecessors, I have no ability to kill so many people." Somo shook his head, and the three strongest people in the realm were not able to deal with him.

"How much can you kill? You go with Guangpu, go!" Yan Huang waved his hand and was not willing to say more.

"This... okay!" Sumolo hesitated, nodded and then left.

Returning to his place of residence, he immediately informed the six elders about the matter.

"What? The three strongest in the realm?" The six elders immediately heard a bit of an eye-opener. Such a strong lineup is not something they can deal with.

"Do you have the ability to hold down three people of the same rank?" Sumo asked.

"No ability!" The six elders shook their heads decisively. He would not be arrogant. Facing the three ranks, he could really fall.

(End of this chapter)

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