MTL - Warrior’s Promise-Chapter 2901 Return to the market

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Chapter 2901

This time, Sumo still used the law of light to impact the realm and the first step in the impact of the realm.

The power of the law of light blooms, and his whole body immediately condenses the enormous power of the light, making his whole person shine.

The power of light, as if filled the whole world, is vast and magnificent.

The power of the law of light to evolve into a bright road is not a simple matter, not only to the ultimate control of the law of light, but also to understand all the changes of the law of light and so on.

This is a qualitative change, relying on its own understanding of the law of light.

The power of the naked eye, the endless law of light, is distorted in the tremor, and the irregular fluctuations continue to persist.

This process is quite long.

One day a day!

It lasted for half a month and finally stopped, and all the power of the law of light disappeared.

"What happened?" The six elders flashed and came to Sumo's side.

"No, I can't condense the law of light into a bright road." Sumo shook his head in a dignified manner, and for almost half a month, there was almost no progress.


The six elders did not have any accidents. They shook their heads and said, "You are upgrading too fast. They are all promoted by the law of fusion, and the foundation is very poor."

For other warriors, each of the rules, the realization of the ninth-order grand perfection, is tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years or more, a little bit of insight.

Sumo has taken shortcuts and improved by the law of fusion. Although it has been thoroughly integrated, it is very shallow compared with those who follow the rules.

Sumo heard the silence and thought that it could impact the situation. I didn't expect it to be impossible.

"Six elders, you are also stepping into the realm with the law of light, can you help me?" Sumo asked.

"You can't help, you can only rely on yourself." The six elders shook their heads decisively. If they can help, then everyone can be a strong place.

At the beginning, his bright altar was a practice of the law of light, and there were many people who made perfections, but those who can enter the Tao are only the altar and the deputy altar.

"Let's go, let's deal with the hell!" Sumo sighed, and even if he did not break through, he would have to act.

"How to deal with it?" asked the six elders, the **** is so powerful, and one can be killed if they are not careful.

"We can't deal with it, it doesn't mean that others can't deal with it!" Sumo smashed through the sly light, as sharp as a blade.

"By killing with a knife?" The six elders looked at him with a slight sigh, and he immediately guessed Sumo's thoughts.

"Not bad!"

Sumo nodded and said: "The heavens and the human world, in the world of three thousand, have absolute prestige, let them deal with the hell, we take the power of the fishermen."

The six elders nodded slightly, this is indeed a way, Ji Yinbai is not to deal with them, they will fight with Ji Yubai.

You know, now on the bright side, Sumo is a man of hell.

“Would you like to participate in the city of time and space?” asked the six elders.

"No!" Sumo shook his head. He is now the young master of the city of time and space. If the outsider does not know about it, then he will provoke the war between the heavens and the **** in the identity of the people of the hell.

After a little dip, Sumo and the six elders returned to the city of time and space, and then saw the elders waiting outside.

"Failed?" When the old Yuan saw Sumo coming back so soon, he couldn't help but ask some doubts, but he was not surprised. If he succeeded, he would surprise him.


Sumo nodded, then, slightly indulged, said: "Grand elder, I have become a city of time and space, the outside world should not know?"

"Yeah." The old man nodded. Sumo came to the Yuanshi mainland and was taken to the city of time and space. The people of the city of time and space did not have permission from him. They could not leave the city and could not pass the message.

Moreover, Sumo's life is extremely special and cannot be calculated. Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to know about this matter.

"That's good!" Sumo nodded and continued: "Grand Elder, I want to leave the city of time and space."

"You are going to **** the **** soul? This is impossible." The old man immediately guessed Sumo's plan and suddenly shook his head.

"Things are artificial, nothing is impossible!" Sumo said solemnly.

"Maybe you have any solution, but the risk is great." Da Yuan Lao looked so solemn and continued: "The power of the prisoner is quite terrible, and it will die."

"Grand elders, my mind has been decided, if you are not at ease, you can give me the help that I can do." Sumo firmly said, there is no retreat in the heart.

After the old Yuan heard the silence, after he leaned down, he stared at Sumo and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I am now a man in the name of hell. I want to provoke a war between the heavens and the hell. The first thing I have to do is to deal with those who help Ji Baibai kill me." Sumo said truthfully.

"At this time, the city of time and space is not good to intervene, otherwise, the heaven and the human world will not deal with the hell, but will be the city of preparation for time and space." Da Yuan Lao Dao.

"Understand." Sumo nodded.

"In this way, the old way lets you ride the wind to help you. His space law has achieved the ninth-order great consummation, and the time rule is not weak. It can give you a lot of help, but you can't show up outside."

"Come on the wind?" Sumo nodded, and he was a little bit impressed. He seemed to be a core disciple of the city of time and space, a handsome young man.

"Sumo, riding the wind is not simple, it is the supreme hero of the Yuan Dynasty, above the Luohua Tianshu, known as one of the new stars." Six elders, in the city of time and space for so long, for the wind This person, he knows a lot.

The so-called Yuan Shi Xin Xing is the most dazzling genius among the Yuan Shi Continent and the Three Thousand Worlds. They are all people who hope to reach the great position of the Tao.

The entire Yuanshi mainland and the 3,000-big world, who can be called the Yuanshi Xinxing, only have 20 people.

"Good!" Sumo nodded, the wind was so extraordinary, it really helped him, the nine-step grand perfect space rule, and a strong time rule, this is very powerful.

The old veteran was slightly pretentious, and he was convinced that he immediately found the wind and told the other party to come.

After a while, the wind and the robes of the robes came to the palace.

The face of the wind is quite handsome, but it is expressionless, giving a slightly stiff or cold look.

"I have seen the big old man."

When I entered the palace by the wind, I first looked at Sumo and the six elders, and then bowed to the elders.

This scene makes Sumo slightly frown.

The other party only saluted the big veteran, but did not salute him. Of course, he did not care about these etiquettes. He came to see him at first, and it was normal to disobey him.

What he is worried about is that the other party has opinions on him and the next cooperation will not be a problem.

"Take the wind, Su Mo Shao mainly went out to do a big event, you follow him and give the greatest help." Da Yuan Lao said at the door.

"What big thing?" Asked by the wind, he was somewhat unhappy, and the elders let him give Somo errands?

"You will know when you arrive!"

The old man shook his head slightly, then looked at Sumo and said, "Sumo, where are you going to start?"

"Bright world." Sumo said in a deep voice, he has some detailed plans, starting from those forces who killed him in Chaos Haiwei, and then the heavens and the human world.

"Yes, you come with me!"

The old veteran nodded, and then, with Sumo and the wind, the six elders, came to another mountain in the city of time and space.

Above this mountain, there is such a huge cave, which is bright and full of powerful space.

"This is the return to the market, except for the **** and the devil can not go, you can go to all other big worlds." Grandmother said.

"Tian Tian help me too!" Sumo heard the words, suddenly smiled, so it is much more convenient, go to any big world, do not need to go from the chaotic channel.

The city of time and space, it really is extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion