MTL - Warrior’s Promise-Chapter 2915 Xiao Yijian Tianxiong

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Chapter 2915 Xiao Yi Jian Tianxiong

Sumo walked out of a palace with six elders and alum.

The places where they impacted the repairs were other big worlds connected by the power of time and space, but they were not in the same time and space as other big worlds, so they could return in the same way.

"The heavens and the human world are really crazy!"

When Ming Hao saw the situation outside the city of time and space, he suddenly said with horror that it is simply unimaginable that the heavenly world has a large-scale attack on the city of time and space.

"What are they waiting for?" The six elders looked at it and had doubts. At this moment, the strongmen outside the city of time and space gathered a lot, but there was no intention to do it.

"Go, let's go to the big old!"

When Sumo thought about it, he found that there was a lot of people in the city of time and space on the square at the edge of the city of time and space. The old man was also among them.

Then the three quickly came to the square.

"I have seen a few masters!" The old Yuan saw the arrival of Sumo, the first to give a gift, respectful and good.

"I have seen a few masters." Others, seeing the elders are saluting, although they do not accept Sumo in their hearts, but they also salute, did not embarrass the old.

"You are exempt from your predecessors!" Sumo waved his hand.

Everyone got up and looked at Sumo, and they were very surprised.

They naturally saw that Sumo had already achieved the cultivation of the Tao. However, there was no surprise that the cultivation of the small poles of the Taoist world would be commonplace in their eyes.

"Less Lord, now the heavens and the people are making a big deal. Their purpose is to let us hand you over!" An old man looked at Sumo with no expression.

"Less Lord, how did you offend the heavens!"

"There is a debt to the Lord, and this matter needs to be solved by the Lord."


Many people have said that although there is no meaning in the speech, the meaning in the words is to blame Su Mo.

It seems as if it is clear that this matter was created by you Sumo, and you will solve it yourself.

The big old man did not say anything, did not maintain Sumo, I do not know what it meant.

"You, I will solve this matter, will not make you embarrassed!" Sumo said quietly.

"Less Lord, now outside, the four kings of the heavenly world are all there, they have not yet started, may be waiting for their landlord, what is your solution?" asked the wind, although it was asking questions, But it is also reminding Sumo that this time the heavens and the human world are coming out.

Although the heavenly world cannot match the city of time and space, it cannot be underestimated.

Although the wind has become a dissatisfaction to Sumo as a city of time and space, he has many dissatisfaction in his heart. However, after a period of time, he also knows that Sumo is indeed against the sky and is not the same person.

"The soldiers will block the water to cover the soil, first look at what they have!" Sumo sighed and said, he knows that the city of time and space is in another time and space, the heavenly world wants to attack, it is not so easy.

"Less Lord, we are ugly in the front, all this is caused by you, you need to solve it yourself." One body is burly. The old-fashioned old man said indifferently.

"Sumo, this is the duality of the city of time and space." The six elders stood by Sumo and introduced to Sumo.

"Do not work for two old troubles." Su Mo Shen Sheng.

"So best!" The old man nodded, no expression, no words, he wanted to say that the city of time and space will not fight for you, Sumo, and the heavens.

However, considering that the old man is here, he swallowed the words in his mouth.


Outside the city of time and space.

Ji Yun is waiting, waiting for the landlord to come back.

At this time, Ji Wei gathered around the other three old men, each with extraordinary temperament, and the other three kings in the heavenly world.

The four kings of the heavenly world are respected by the Lord of the Baptist, so the relationship between the four is also very good.

"Ji Wei, for a few juniors, is it worthwhile for us to make such a big move in the heavens and the human world?" One of the long-formed old men asked, frowning.

This old man is the king of the South.

He, as well as the two two kings, although most of the strong men who have left behind have brought this place, but did not want to take the meaning.

Attacking the city of time and space?

What kind of joke?

However, since it is the order of the landlord, they have to obey, and now they are waiting for the return of the landlord.

"The matter has come to this, I have to!"

"Don't talk about the time and space, the strength of the city of time and space alone, but also stronger than our heaven and earth, so it is really risky." Another Tianxi king.

They already know that time and space owners may not be there, but this does not mean that the city of time and space is a soft persimmon.

"Our purpose is not to destroy the city of time and space, but to Sumo!" Ji Weidao, he did not believe, the city of time and space will fully protect Sumo.

As long as they give enough pressure to the city of time and space, the city that oppresses time and space will hand over Sumo, and by then, they will give some compensation.

"This son, is it really so extraordinary?" Another Tiandong king asked, for the name of Sumo, they naturally heard it.

"Within the three thousand worlds, no one in the same rank is on this one."

Ji Wei sighed and immediately looked around. In the distance, there were many warriors from other forces in the Yuan Dynasty. They looked at the distance and said: "Even in the Yuan Dynasty, there is no junior who can compare this."

The three kings heard the words, and they were amazed. There was no one in the Yuan Dynasty on the mainland. Is this somewhat exaggerated?

"When the landlord comes back, let's talk about it!" Ji Yun said with a dignified look. The landlord did not come back. He did not dare to act rashly. This time and space city saw them come here in a big way, except for the appearance of the old elders. There is no longer a little reaction, so that his heart is also inaccurate, and the attitude of the city of time and space.

A group of people in heaven and earth, waiting patiently.

Finally, three days later, the Heavenly Lord returned.

The Heavenly Lord did not come here alone, but also brought two strong men, both of whom are men, one looks slightly younger and the other is middle-aged.

"Xiao Yi, Jane Tianxiong!" The four kings saw the two men who followed the landlord, and suddenly they blinked because the two men were not ordinary strong.

Xiao Yi, the cultivation of the great position of the great realm, the way of understanding time and space.

Jane Tianxiong is also the cultivation of the great position of the great realm. The enlightenment is the way of space.

Unexpectedly, the landlord actually invited the two men. These two people are very helpful for them to break into the city of time and space.

"See the landlord!"

The four kings and the strong men of heaven and earth have bowed to the landlord and gestured to Xiao Yi and Jane Tianxiong.


Before the Lord came to the crowd, he waved his hand gently, then looked at the city of time and space and asked: "What can be the reaction of the city of time and space?"

In the outside world, it is impossible to see the situation in the city of time and space. Therefore, the city mainly asks about the time and space city to talk about conditions.

"Nothing to react!" Ji Yun said, shaking his head.

The leader heard the words, and the slightest jaw, immediately, he was slightly indulged, and shouted: "Da Yuan, I have only one request, surrender Sumo, if not, my heaven and earth can only offend!"

Rolling waves, shaking the void, contains the unchangeable will.

However, after a while, there was still no reaction in the city of time and space, and the old man had no answer.

"It seems that they are ironic to protect Sumo!" Ji Yun said ugly, this is not a good sign, if the city of time and space really protects Sumo, then even if they attack the city of time and space, is it true? Can you fully engage in the battle between life and death with the strongest of the city of time and space?

"Hands, attack the city of time and space!" Silence for a moment, the landlord decisively ordered.

Everyone heard the words, and all of them were awkward.

Originally thought that they made a big crime, the city of time and space will pay attention to it, take the initiative to surrender Sumo, or come out to discuss how to solve.

However, the city of time and space is not reasonable, they really have to attack.

The shadow of the famous tree of the people, although the time and space have not appeared in the past few years, although some people speculate that the time-owner may have an accident, but attacking the city of time and space, still let many people worry.

"The landlord, are you sure you want to attack? Is this a city of time and space?" Tiannan Jiewang asked with a dignified face. He has to be dignified. If the time-space master suddenly appears, they will all fall into ruin.

"Reassured, there will be nothing." The landlord shook his head slightly. This time he not only brought the two strong men, Xiao Yi and Jian Tianxiong, but also went to see the lord, so there is no worry about their own safety. of.

Moreover, they are not the city of time and space, as long as they are temporarily oppressed.

"The landlord, the city of time and space is not in this time and space, want to enter the city of time and space, afraid that it is very difficult." Ji Yudao.

"Two friends, are you sure?" The landlord did not answer Ji Jin, but looked at Xiao Yi and Jian Tianxiong around him. He asked the two people to come here to break the power of time and space.

"With your cooperation, there are still a few things to grasp." Xiao Xiandao, who is slightly younger, did not take the initiative to help the heavens and the people, but he was told by the Lord.

"That's good, the old dying to see, the city of time and space is always to shelter Sumo!" Above the face of the Lord, a cold smile.

Xiao Yi is the only disciple of the Duke of Tao, the path of time and space is extremely deep, and Jane Tianxiong is also not simple. It is one of the most powerful people in space except the Taoist.

As long as the time and space of the city of time and space can't stop them, then they can bargain with the city of time and space, and the old man may compromise.

(End of this chapter)