MTL - Warrior’s Promise-Chapter 2924 Take a prisoner

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Chapter 2924 is a trick for the prisoner

The voice of the prisoner is indifferent and overbearing, full of endless suffocation.

However, he did not immediately start, but turned his head and looked at the big old man and others.

"Ren Changsheng, if you leave, this seat can let you leave safely." The prisoner said with a deep voice, obviously, the people of the city of time and space still have some weight in his heart.

Otherwise, where would he ask?

Listening to the words of the prisoner, Da Yuan Lao looked calm and said: "Prison master, since we come together, we naturally have to leave together."

The words of the old veteran, let the dual old and other people face a change, because the meaning of the elders, obviously to help Sumo, and the enemy is the enemy.

"Grand elders, think twice!" The binary old hurriedly reminded that Sumo is the lord appointed by the Taoist, which is very important, but it is unwise for Sumo and the prisoner to be enemies.

Wait, if it really fights, I am afraid that they are difficult to retreat.

"Grand Era!"

"Grand Era!"


The other five veterans have looked at the elders and looked heavy. Obviously, they also disagreed with the practice of the elders.

In order to protect Sumo, it is very likely that it will be lost because of smallness.

However, the big old man is indifferent, his eyes are fixed on the prisoner, and he is ready to shoot at any time. His strength may not be as good as the prisoner, but it will not be too big.

Sumo is also well prepared and willingly wait and see, and today he will not give up.

The prisoner saw this, and there was a faint smile on the face. He said: "Since you are a city of time and space, you can stay in the **** world!"

After that, he is ready to shoot.

However, at this moment, a violent drink suddenly rang out: "Sumo, how are you going to the **** friends in the **** world?

The screams came from the mouth of the old man. He had a trace of anger, and now he doesn't care about the identity of the Lord.

Sumo wants to find death, they don't want to find death.

The other veterans also looked at Sumo in succession. They didn't want to fight with the prisoners. They could only force Sumo to let go. The strong men in the **** world should be suppressed by Su Mozhen.

"Prison masters, rumors that you are the strongest under the Taoist, the younger brothers daring, to ask you for advice." Sumo simply ignored the dual old and others, but slightly to the prisoner.

When the words came out, the audience was shocked.

The strongest in the **** world, as well as the veterans of the city of time and space, like the idiots look at Sumo.

Challenge the prisoner?

They simply don't believe what they have heard. Sumo's strength in the small poles actually challenges the prisoner.

The old man took a deep breath and he knew Sumo very well. Therefore, he knew Sumo’s emboldened spirit, but he did not think that the current Sumo was the opponent of the prisoner.

However, as long as he is there, it will not let the prisoner hurt Sumo.

The six elders are expressionless, but in his eyes, they are clearly revealing the word tension.

This is the prisoner.

Among the three thousand worlds, the closest to the Taoist existence is the invincible strong. Since he knows that Sumo is quite against the sky, now he can’t help but be nervous. If Sumo is killed by the prison, everything is finished. .

"It seems that you really want to be a ghost in your soul!"

The main face of the prison was expressionless, and the palm of his hand was raised slightly. There was a group of magic flames rising in the palm of his hand. This magical flame came out, and the old and other people changed their faces and they retreated.

This magic flame is not an ordinary flame, but the **** of the prisoner, even a subtle glimpse, can destroy an ordinary big world.

"Predecessors, I only have a small path, if you can pick you up, you will help to save the woman in the right place, how?" Sumo said quietly, not humble.

"Prison master, if you agree, within a stroke, the old road will never intervene." Da Yuan Laodao, he believes Sumo's emboldened.

"If you don't die, why not save people?"

The prisoner's eyes stared at Sumo, the magic flame in his hand, suddenly burst into a terrible atmosphere, this breath is more violent than the strongest in the territory.


For a moment, the void exploded, and the entire land of **** was shaken.

Hey! !

The strongest in the **** world, crazy back, because they know that their own masters have to shoot.

The six-year-old six-year-old veteran also quickly escaped. In their view, if the old Yuan did not shoot, Sumo would almost die.

The so-called less master is a joke.

The old man did not evade, but he moved a little more than a dozen feet. Although he said that he would not shoot within a single move, he must also be in case.

The six elders ran the farthest, and his strength was the weakest, but he could not be too close.

Sumo was ready, and there was a long sword in his hand. The endless chaos of the body surged, and the light of the incomparable perseverance was revealed in the eyes.


The prisoner took the shot, and he stood like a pine, but the palm of his hand was rising in the wind, and instantly expanded into a palace-sized giant palm, wrapped in a raging fire, and a palm came to Sumo's head.

The action of the prisoner seems to be very slow, but in reality, it is almost as fast as it is, and it is almost impossible to respond to Sumo’s reaction ability.


A roar, from the mouth of Sumo, the sword in his hand slammed up, picked up the sword, and bowed to the palm of the prisoner.

In the face of the prisoner's blow, Su Mo almost did not have any reservations, and even the power of the gods of Hongmeng's purple spirit was thoroughly stimulated, and the whole person broke out with thousands of purples.


A thrilling sound, the swordsmanship of the sky, the heavy sniper on the palm of the prisoner's hand, like the collision of stars, moments, time, space and so on all the rules have been suspended.

It seems that after two breaths, the rules of heaven and earth are restored.

Rumble! !

The boundless power swept across the square. Sumo's figure, like a cannonball, flew straight out and crashed into the black fog at the exit of the chaotic channel.

This horrible blow did not cause astonishing destructive power. The infinite power swept out of the land was swiftly absorbed by the land of **** and disappeared in an instant.

Therefore, the land of **** is not damaged.

However, this does not mean that the prisoner has just been weakened. In fact, it is very powerful enough to kill any of the most powerful people in the realm. It is comparable to the attack of the big and powerful people in the ordinary way.

"not dead?"

"How can this be?"

"Hong Meng Zi Qi, Su Mo's body actually has a bright purple!"

All the powerful people in the dual old and the **** world have rounded their eyes and can't believe what happened in front of them.

Sumo, not only with the cultivation of the small position of the Tao, really blocked the blow of the prisoner, and actually there is the **** of Hongmeng purple, this is nothing to think about.

The old man was relieved, and Sumo had nothing to do. He had already known that Sumo had a singularity.

The most excited person is the six elders. Sumo really blocked it. However, it seems that the prisoner did not use all his strength.

"It's no wonder that you can block the strength of this two-in-one strength, so it is!" The indifferent eyes of the prisoner looked at Sumo, and the eye was slightly exposed.

Just a hit, he not only did not use the spirit of hell, but also used 20% of the strength, it is a random blow.

How can he use his full strength against a small warrior with a small position?

"Predecessors, the younger generation blocked you a blow, can you save people?" Su Mo looked at the prisoner with dignity, he was not injured, but the blood and flesh also suffered a huge shock.

At the moment when he was able to block the prisoner's palm, he almost used the power of the spirit to the extreme, and spurred all the power of the thirty-three avenues.

Yes, there are thirty-three avenues.

The devastating strong man in the realm of the **** world, the avenue of the avenue was merged by him at the fastest speed. Although he did not understand it carefully, he could exert a strong strength.

"If this seat does not kill you today, you will be the eleventh king of the Yuan Dynasty!"

The prisoner's eyes stared at Sumo tightly. However, the words had not been finished yet, and the old man was flashed and came to the side of Sumo, and the meaning of **** was obvious.

After glanced at the great old man and several veterans of the city of time and space, the prisoner turned his head and said: "However, this seat is happy to see it."

After all, his palm turned over and there was a cockroach in the palm of his hand.

This enamel is dark and engraved with numerous complicated lines. There are countless screams in it.

The prisoner gave a sneak peek, and there was a faint black fog rising, and immediately disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion