MTL - Warrior’s Promise-Chapter 8 Not as good as garbage

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Linyang City, Sujia played the battlefield.

At this time, dozens of people gathered in the big military field, all young sons of the Su family.

In the center of the military field, a middle-aged man in a gray robe sits on the ground and is giving lectures to the children of the next generation and imparting martial arts experience.

This middle-aged man is the four elders of the Su family, Su Tai.

The disciples of the later generations of the scene were all disciples who had just awakened the Wuhun in the past.

These people have just entered the refining environment and have little experience in cultivation. Therefore, the family will arrange for the elders to teach and teach the cultivation experience of the refining environment.

Sujia is one of the three major families. Younger disciples are far more than these. Some slightly older disciples have awakened the Wuhun in the first two years. They have even reached the point of seven or eight refinements.

Those who have been trained to be advanced will not come to the class.

After Sumo came back, he passed by the military field and saw the four elders teaching, and they went over.

"Sumo, the elders taught today, all the disciples who awakened the Wuhun arrived early, why are you coming now?"

The four elders saw Sumo, who was slowly coming, and stopped to lecture, and asked with a gloomy face.

I want him to be a four-year-old elder of Sujia. His status is noble. Now he puts down his body to teach. Other disciples are not waiting here early. Somo actually came here now, obviously not to look at his elders.

The other Su family, who saw the four elders scolding Sumo, many people showed a smile of gloating.

Sumo did not expect the four elders to attack him. This kind of elders did not stipulate that disciples must come to listen. Listening to them is entirely based on their own wishes.

"Four elders, I just came back from the experience." Sumo respectfully said back.


The four elders disdain a smile and said: "On the basis of the garbage of your first-class martial arts, there will be no rest in life, what good experience?"

Sumo’s face suddenly became cold and cold and said: “Four elders, I respect you as an elder, and you are polite to you. You have to be old and disrespectful, and you are disrespectful!”

"What? You said that I am old?"

The four elders suddenly became furious, and the cold light burst in the eyes. A waste, garbage, and even dare to challenge him?

"As a family elder, you open my mouth and say that I am junk. Isn't it not old?"

Sumo’s heart is also angry. Since he awakened the martial arts, young disciples have provoked him. Now even the elders and disciples have a virtue.

Does everyone think that he is very good at bullying?

It seems that you can't keep a low profile in the future!


The four elders screamed and ironed their faces. They said, "Is this elder saying something wrong? Are you not rubbish, waste, human-level first-order martial arts, so martial arts of garbage, how many people are there in Linyang City?"

"Yes! You are rubbish, waste! I have lost my face."

Someone in the surrounding disciples also made a sound.

Sumo turned to look at it, and the person who spoke was Su Heng.

With Su Heng opening, there are many people who should be.

"Yes! The first-order Wuhun of the human level, you are garbage waste!

"Not bad! Too much of our Su family's face!"


Su Heng saw so many disciples should be with themselves, and suddenly smiled and looked at Sumo, saying: "Sumo, you see so many people say that you are rubbish, waste, are you still using your own knowledge?"

"Ha ha ha ha!" The four elders also laughed and laughed and said: "Sumo, this elder is not wrong?"

Sumo swept Su Heng and stepped forward to the other side, saying: "Su Heng, you open your mouth and say that I am rubbish, waste, I want to ask you, if you find yourself not as good as me, then what are you? ?"

"I am not as good as you? Hehe! This is the best joke I have ever heard."

Su Heng disdain and smile, his face is stunned.

I am not as good as you?

Can you compare a waste with me?

Sumo flashed a cold light in his eyes and smiled. "Su Heng, I challenge you, can you dare?"

Sumo’s voice fell and the surrounding area suddenly calmed down.

Everyone is incredibly watching Sumo.

Sumo actually challenged Su Heng?

Su Heng is also a glimpse. He awakened the fourth-order martial arts of the human level. His position in the family has risen sharply, and he has received a large number of resources rewards from the family. He has been promoted to soaring and has already broken through the triple realm of refining.

And Sumo, a waste, actually took the initiative to challenge him?

The four elders Su Tai took the lead in responding and hurried to Su Hengdao: "Su Heng, since he wants to challenge you, you will teach him well."

Before Somo dared to provoke him, he was quite angry, and he was not a good elder to directly deal with the junior, now Sumo took the initiative to send the door, and he is interested.

"Hey! Four elders are assured, I will not let you down!"

Su Heng smiled and walked out, and there was a hint of haze in his eyes.

The last time Sumo offended him in the library, he was looking for an opportunity to learn from Sumo!

Unexpectedly, Sumo actually sent it directly to the door, and suddenly made his heart happy.

"Sumo, you said that you can hold a few tricks in my hand? Three strokes or a trick?"

Sumo will be taught immediately, and Su Heng is happy.

Hearing Su Heng’s words, Sumo cocked a finger and shook it.

"Haha! You are quite self-aware! I also know that you can only hold a trick in my hand." Su Heng laughed.

"No! I mean, I only need one trick to deal with you."

Sumo shook his head, a touch of the road.

It’s not that Somo is arrogant. Even if he doesn’t use infuriating, he’s just the strength of the flesh. He’s already far more than the refining three-armed warrior, and he’s not much more than the refining four-armed warrior.

Just one trick!

The horror around me was one after another, and looking at Sumo’s gaze was like seeing a mentally handicapped person.

Even if it is a warrior confrontation of the same level, it is impossible to decide the outcome by a single stroke, let alone the strength of Sumo far from Su Heng.

A trick to defeat Su Heng! I really don't know if Sumo is arrogant or an idiot!

"You only need one trick to deal with me?"

Su Heng suddenly looked ugly, he did not expect a waste of Sumo, actually despised him.

"Today, I will not call you a disability, I will not call Su Heng!"


Su Heng screamed, flashing four yellow lights behind, directly releasing the Wuhun.

The fourth-order martial arts of the human level!

Su Heng’s Wu Hun is a goshawk, with sharp eyes and prestige.

After releasing the Wuhun, Su Heng’s entire popularity rose.

The triple repair of the refining environment is a mad outburst.

"Sumo, die!"

Su Heng shouted and took the lead, grabbing Su Mo's chest with one claw.

Su Hengyi's shot is the strongest trick. He wants to defeat Sumo with a swift and unsuccessful move, so that Sumo can see the gap between the two.

Let him understand how ridiculous the previous arrogance is!

Sumo raised his hand and a boxing to Su Heng's claws.

Sumo did not release the martial arts, nor did he break out of the infuriating, this punch was flat.

Seeing this scene, Su Heng couldn't help but sneer. This waste is so arrogant that there is no margin. Just like this, I want to block myself. is it possible?

"Give me broken!"

The fierce instinct bursts from Su Heng’s hands. Su Heng’s five fingers seem to have become five silver guns. He wants to catch Sumo’s fist with one claw.

However, the facts are completely different from what he thought.

When his hand touched the fist of Sumo, he suddenly felt a huge force coming in, directly shaking his palm and banging to his chest.


Sumo’s fists hit Su Heng’s chest in a sturdy manner. The power of the violent assaulted beast spurted out, and with the sound of the broken sternum, Su Heng was instantly shot five or six meters away, heavily Kneeling on the ground, blood vomiting.

The scene was quiet, and everyone's eyes solidified there.

Sumo, a boxing defeated Su Heng?

Four elders Su Tai, looking at Su Heng who fell to the ground, his face was sluggish!

"How is it possible... how is it possible?"

Su Heng couldn't accept this fact at all. His face was awkward and he had just smashed two sentences and spewed a lot of blood.

"You open your mouth and say that I am a waste, garbage, and now you can't even get a punch, then you are not even junk!"

Sumo walked over to Su Heng and looked down at the other side, ironically.

"You...!" Su Heng's face is iron and blue, and it is difficult to be angry.

"And you, the four elders, do you still think that I am a waste? The genius Su Heng you valued, even if I can't take it with me, what is he?"

Looking up, Sumo looked at the four elders again.

"But it is a blessing to win Su Heng, what is good!"

The four elders look and ugly, said: "There are two months to be the end of the family meeting, when you will know the strength of the top genius in the family, your strength is not worth mentioning."

"Is it lucky?" Sumo smiled slightly and said: "I am a lucky person. Maybe at the end of the year, I can also get a good name."

After all, Sumo no longer said more, turned and left.