MTL - What If I Can’t Die?-Chapter 584 assimilate into

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【What should I do if I can't die】【】

What should I do if I can't die? Chapter 584 Integration

"Wow, your yard is so well made."

Seeing the situation inside the yard, the widow couldn't help but marvel: "As expected of a son from outside, his taste is different."

The big head also admired: "Brother Song, you will live a good life."

"I've just settled down, and I don't have much to eat, so please have a glass of wine and some fruit."

Song Shi took out the spirit fruit and spirit wine he found in the treasure house of Heifengmen, and poured a glass for each of them by the pool.

"Good wine."

"The fruit is not ordinary, Mr. Song is really arrogant."

Although what Song Shi brought out was the worst, it was considered a treasure to the widow and the big head.

Datou scratched his head: "I'm sorry, do some rough work and eat such precious things."

"Since I took it out, I am inviting you to eat, not to show you. If you don't mind, you can widen the road."

Song Shi raised his wine glass: "I drank it, you can do whatever you want."

"Young Master Song is really refreshing, Hongniang Xu did it."

The widow picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp, her cheeks were flushed, which was extraordinarily delicious.

"Don't talk about widening, it's okay to pave a stone road for you."

Datou smiled and drank, feeling the good things in the wine, and became more and more joyful: "Whatever Brother Song needs in the future, just cast iron Datou."

"The two of you can tell me about your own situation. You shouldn't be born and raised here, right?"

Song Shi pointed to the spiritual fruit, took one and ate it first.

The widow pursed her lips and smiled, followed by tasting the spiritual fruit, and the abundant energy she got made her smile even stronger: "You are not as arrogant as Song Gongzi, we are all hard-working people, we can't live outside, and we are tired of beating you." Shasha, stay away from the crowds, find a place to hide and spend your old age, maybe the location here is quite special, over the years, a lot of people have accumulated one after another, forming such a village."

Song Shi nodded: "This place is indeed remote, and the environment is also good. I also stayed because of this."

"That's right, although this place is not as good as those well-known schools in Dongshan blessed land, it is still a good place to practice, including a paradise, especially the concentration of aura here is not bad for us practitioners, even if we don't To obtain cultivation resources, there will not be any regressive cultivation."

The big head, to be more precise, he was called Tie Datou with a satisfied look: "Especially, I can still eat such a good thing today, it is simply a pleasant surprise."

"So, some people in this village should be foreigners, and some people are born and raised here."

Song Shi said casually.

"That's right, I heard that some people lived in seclusion here thousands of years ago, and more or less left behind some descendants. Among those children, except for orphans, they were all born and raised here."

Xu Hongniang took another sip of wine: "Let me tell you how I came here. I was heartbroken by a man and tired of the world, so I came here."

"Just lie, it's obvious that you killed many husbands and were forced to leave by other families."

Tie Datou was tearing it apart.

Xu Hongniang snorted coldly, and turned around to reveal the fault: "It's better than you, the unlucky ghost who sold iron and sold weapons to the rebels, met the failure of the rebels, and was all wanted by others."

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【What should I do if I can't die】【】

"I was deceived." Tie Datou looked depressed.

"They couldn't suppress my horoscope and were killed. Does that have anything to do with me?"

Xu Hongniang curled her lips and looked at Song Shi with a smile: "Brother, you look very powerful. If we get married, I won't be called a widow by them in the future."

Song Shi pouted: "I'm not interested."

The widow scratched her head and posed seductively, "Don't rush to refuse, even if you're not interested, we can have children when we're together, and it's more convenient to have an extra hostess."

"This is to stop. If you talk too much, it will be boring." Song Shi waved his hand and poured wine for Xu Hongniang: "Continue to tell me about the situation in your village."

The cannibal's mouth was soft, and the two of them didn't hide it. They said everything that should be said, and also said a little bit that should not be said.

Generally speaking, in this village, half of the natives and half of the outsiders, the natives are all inherited, and their strength is not bad. Generally, this kind of people will go out to make a living. If they have achieved something, they may stay outside, and some will come back to support them. For example, he Meet an old man who picks shit.

Some of these people have never gone out all their lives, and their knowledge is limited, and those who come back after going out are often more powerful.

The other half are outsiders. They come here to live in seclusion for various reasons. For example, some have too many enemies, and most of them are hunted down by the enemies, so they hide their names here.

There are also some who really see through the world of mortals, but don't want to become a monk, and then escape into the mountains and forests to retire and wait for death.

Whether it's a foreigner or someone who wants to go out, there is a rule that needs to be followed.

That is, after coming, they must keep a low profile and prohibit fighting. Even if there is hatred outside, those who go out are not allowed to disclose the situation of the village. All these ensure the concealment and safety of the village.

Song Shi is very satisfied with this approach. The people here are capable enough to ensure that the village will not be wiped out directly due to some natural and man-made disasters.

He should be able to stay here for a long time, and he usually doesn't need to solve any troublesome things.

"You said you were married. Where is your wife? Didn't she come with you?"

Xu Hongniang was curious.

"She can't come here for the time being." Wuyou shook her head.

Xu Hongniang saw that Song Shi didn't look like he was lying, and she was a little disappointed: "Do you need our help? We are happy to see the family reunion."

"No, you can't help."

Song Shi shook his head.

"Remember to call us if you have something to do. In the future, everyone will be in the same village, and everyone will be more or less willing to help."

Tie Datou smiled and said: "Don't worry, we are not really xenophobic here, as long as you really want to live in seclusion here, we welcome you."

The spiritual fruit and wine that they took out were not much, and they were finished soon. The two returned satisfied, and the condition they brought back was naturally good. They even helped Song Shi speak.

"This person's background is not simple, and he can actually take out these good things for them to eat."

"If it were me, I would definitely feel distressed."

"It's still that our resources here are too expensive and scarce, not as good as those who just arrived."

Others discussed for a while, apart from being dissatisfied with Song Shi's sneaky repair of the yard on the top of the mountain in advance, they also agreed that Song Shi could live here and did not make any trouble.

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【What should I do if I can't die】【】

The next day, Tie Datou ran to the other side of the mountain to open rocks, specially cut the big rocks into small pieces, and then carried them over to start building stone roads for Song Shi.

When I saw it, he was a very trustworthy person, and he didn't joke that he would build stone roads for Song Shi.

He has great strength and can resist many stones at once. Not only him, but he also called several other people with good relationships to help.

After Song Shi felt it, he felt embarrassed and walked out in person.

"Big head, there's no need to build a stone road. I don't have many people here anyway."

"How can I do that? We are all in the same village, so we have to come and go during the holidays. If you have weeds everywhere and no road, how bad is it?"

Tie Datou said righteously: "You don't need to worry about it, anyway, I have a lot of strength, and I don't have much work at ordinary times. This year, I have finished the ironwork for everyone. It won't take much time to build the road for you."

"That's right, your house is full of weeds and it doesn't look good."

"Brother Song doesn't look like a coolie anymore, just wait by the side and wait for us to get it for you."

Others have begun to remove the weeds on the surface and compact the soil while laughing.

Song Shi had no choice but to prepare some food and drink. He couldn't make people work without food and drink.

Originally, he wanted to catch some fish and throw them into the pond, but Song Shi had to take out something to deal with, to ensure that the road builders would have something to eat and drink.

His stuff was still good stuff, and the other road builders were surprised after eating it.

For them, building roads is all physical work and worthless, but Song Shi rewarded them with cultivation resources.

This comparison shows how sincere this Brother Song is, and he already regards them as his own.

At the end of the day, they told the situation again. When a new day came, Song Shi looked at the dozens of people standing outside the yard, quite speechless.

"Why are there so many here?"

Song Shi glanced at the crowd. Most of the village is here. If he wants to prepare food and drink, how much will he have to prepare?

"There is strength in numbers."

A vigorous old man said kindly: "I am the village chief, welcome to our Qingsang village. These are silk quilts, silk clothes and other things in the village. They are warm in winter and cool in summer, so they are not bad."

Good guy, I even prepared a gift, Song Shi could only accept it with a smile, accepting this kindness.

"This is pork from my family, brother, you can try it."

"Our house has nothing to do. I've got you a few bed tables. If you want, we can move there later."

"Brother, do you want sour radish? Our family's sour radish is delicious."

"Take these rice, you just came here, it must be inconvenient to eat."

Not only the village chief, but other people have also expressed their goodwill more or less. They are all made by various families in the village. There are many types, and they can indeed be self-sufficient.

"Thank you, everyone."

Song Shitong thanked him. Originally, he still had a headache when so many people ran over to stare at his cultivation resources. Now that he has given so many gifts, he can't say anything.

"Everyone, let's work hard and try to make the road for my little brother in three days."

As soon as the village chief waved his hand, a group of people got excited.

A few children ran up, played around for a while, and then found Song Shi and wanted to hear him talk about the outside world.

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【What should I do if I can't die】【】

Song Shi has nothing to say, the cities he went to were limited to the cities where the Chen family and the Cao family were located, and his knowledge of the outside world was probably not as good as the others present.

He could only smile: "If you want to see the outside world, you have to explore it yourself and observe it with your own eyes."

"Big brother, tell us, my father won't let us go out."

Several children gathered around Song Shi and asked, Song Shi had a headache for a while, and it was not easy to go back and hide when others were repairing the road for him, so he simply walked towards the stone: "It's boring to tell you, let's keep the suspense."

After speaking, Song Shi followed the others to pick up the stone and move it to the road construction site.

"Small boy, do you want to move the rock? If you can't move it, get out of the way, don't hit it later"

Tie Datou drank the child away, saw Song Shi easily carrying ten thousand catties of stone, and said, "Brother Song is also a man of great ability."

The others also showed admiration. Those who can lift a huge boulder weighing ten thousand catties with one hand are not ordinary people, and there are not many people present who can do it.

This young man who doesn't seem to have much momentum is a bit unfathomable.

They didn't ask Song Shi's background in depth. Many people in this village were forced to live in seclusion. It's hard to tell about their past. Some people even belong to evil people. So as long as they want to live in seclusion here, everyone tacitly regards it as normal people.

Song Shi was very satisfied with this attitude. Compared with the Cao family who saw his strength and thought of various ways to seek benefits, these talents were what he wanted.

Those who build roads are more or less capable. Even if the stones are heavy and the location of the road is steep, the speed of repairing is still very fast.

Song Shi went back to prepare to eat and drink after a while, so that all the helpers would not help in vain.

Three days passed, with the help of the whole village,

The other half are outsiders. They come here to live in seclusion for various reasons. For example, some have too many enemies, and most of them are hunted down by the enemies, so they hide their names here.

There are also some who really see through the world of mortals, but don't want to become a monk, and then escape into the mountains and forests to retire and wait for death.

Whether it's a foreigner or someone who wants to go out, there is a rule that needs to be followed.

That is, after coming, they must keep a low profile and prohibit fighting. Even if there is hatred outside, those who go out are not allowed to disclose the situation of the village. All these ensure the concealment and safety of the village.

Song Shi is very satisfied with this approach. The people here are capable enough to ensure that the village will not be wiped out directly due to some natural and man-made He should be able to stay here for a long time, and usually does not Need him to take action to solve some troublesome things.

"You said you were married. Where is your wife? Didn't she come with you?"

Xu Hongniang was curious.

"She can't come here for the time being." Wuyou shook her head.

Xu Hongniang saw that Song Shi didn't look like he was lying, and she was a little disappointed: "Do you need our help? We are happy to see the family reunion."

"No, you can't help."

Song Shi shook his head.

"Remember to call us if you have something to do. In the future, everyone will be in the same village, and everyone will be more or less willing to help."

Tie Datou smiled and said: "Don't worry, we are not really xenophobic here, as long as you really want to live in seclusion here, we welcome you."

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【What should I do if I can't die】【】

The spiritual fruit and wine that they took out were not much, and they were finished soon. The two returned satisfied, and the condition they brought back was naturally good. They even helped Song Shi speak.

"This person's background is not simple, and he can actually take out these good things for them to eat."

"If it were me, I would definitely feel distressed."

"It's still that our resources here are too expensive and scarce, not as good as those who just arrived."

Others discussed for a while, apart from being dissatisfied with Song Shi's sneaky repair of the yard on the top of the mountain in advance, they also agreed that Song Shi could live here and did not make any trouble.

The next day, Tie Datou ran to the other side of the mountain to open rocks, specially cut the big rocks into small pieces, and then carried them over to start building stone roads for Song Shi.

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