MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 354

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Venerable Storm in the back was stunned, "In this desperate situation, how could You Ji be able to escape?"

The fear on the face of the head of the mercenary trade union became more and more intense. Even if it was him, he could only try not to be "enclosed" by Landi. If he wanted to break out of the body of the Lich, he would even have to pay a small price.

But looking at the black-robed man who was still chasing Lan Di, he seemed to be able to handle it with ease, as if the escape just now was just a piece of cake for him.

If Yang Xi dropped the Red Emperor in seconds before, it would just make the mercenary trade union president a little afraid of his strength.

So after this wave, the fact that the old man was facing Yang Xi made him feel at a loss.

"Where the **** is this monster coming from!"

"In the years of our internal struggle, what happened to the natives!"

"Those **** spies, why haven't they collected any useful information now?


"It's a nightmare to let a powerhouse of this level grow up!"

The head of the mercenary trade union is full of regrets. If he is given another chance, he will definitely increase his intelligence work on the Azure Star Human Race, and strive to find the weak young Youji and kill him in the bud.

But it's too late to say anything now. The appearance of such a mysterious powerhouse in the human race will be more hurt than the loss of so many powerhouses during the war!

The president of the mercenary union said: "Norton, be ready to take action at any time!"

"Haha, old man, you finally figured it out. Now is the situation where the battle strength of the Bena Empire encounters the most dangerous powerhouses. If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, it will insult our IQ."

"Do you want the two of us to bury the three emperors Bernadotte here today?"

"It can be regarded as a tape for those who died tragically!"

This fellow Norton, obviously just wanted to take the opportunity to talk about his vocabulary and give the Bernadotte Empire a ruthless attack.

But now, the president of the mercenary union intends to cheer Landi and the others at this time.

"Have you made a mistake and made such a mess!"

"I wish this native would get rid of the three Bernadotte brothers, now let me help!"

Norton expressed his thoughts very simply, which was considered a bachelor.

Who knows, the president of the mercenary guild who has always helped him secretly wear shoes for the Bernadotte Empire, but this time he really made up his mind to save people.

Without him, just to maintain balance.

For the neutral nature of the mercenary union, only in this state can they grab the greatest benefits.

This is also the reason why he has been helping the Hundred Cities Federation deal with the three Bernadotte brothers all these years.

"Don't hurry up!"

The president of the mercenary guild flew towards the city of bones.

Because Yang Xi, who was chasing after Emperor Lan, has also fallen into the city.

He couldn't imagine that an indigenous fourth-order could hold back his madness when he saw the traces of his compatriots being slaughtered.

This level of powerhouse is crazy, then what he has worked hard to maintain over the years may become the past.

Norton was extremely speechless, and now he has completely seen the true face of the mercenary union.

It is undoubtedly a delusion to count on their help to kill the three Bernadotte brothers.

Although he already had other thoughts in his mind, Norton did not immediately turn against the president of the mercenary guild.

Now is not the time.

He would not end the secret cooperation with the mercenary union in such a hurry.

At the same time, we also need to see how strong the indigenous Youji is.

If he is reliable enough, Norton does not rule out making new choices.

After all, in the colonial history of the Ossids, temporary cooperation with the more powerful natives also existed.

After nearly a hundred years of friction, Norton has included the three Bernadotte brothers on the death list.


In the city of bones, Yang Xi slowly landed.

He stood on the ashes of his compatriots and looked at the burning marks left around him. He was extremely angry in his heart, but calmed down a little.

Closing his eyes, he seemed to hear the despair of his compatriots before they died.

"These human compatriots in the southern continent, compared with the inland residents who have nowhere to go in the past hundred years, there is a world of difference."

One side has been suffering since birth, while the inland residents who have been kept in the dark and are living fast, will be thinking about what to eat tonight. This kind of trivial matter is to the extent that it is nerve-racking.

There has always been a serious waste of food in the inland areas, and these compatriots stranded in the southern continent want to eat a hot meal, but it is also a kind of wishful thinking.

Yang Xi slowly opened his eyes, when his heart was filled with killing intent, Yang Xi's eyes were a little unattractive.

"This white jade dwarf tower seems to be a good alchemy equipment at first sight."

"That's why the Bone Emperor is mostly here and refuses to come out!"

Yang Xi casually let the god-made metal hit the white jade dwarf tower, but the effect was not good.

"Then do I have to come out of the two shrunken turtles?"

Yang Xi suspended quietly at the first meter of the li and began to wait by himself.

And several other Tier 4 powerhouses are only now arriving.

"This aboriginal powerhouse is really confident. If it were me, I would definitely not be so reckless and wait in place. I have to find a terrain to hide first."

Norton was quite a bit "hate iron", although this way of blocking the door was not very novel, but he knew that it was purely for the purpose of serving b.

"Young people today are just too conceited."

"Maybe this guy has any preparations? The guy who can suddenly rise up is either lucky enough to explode, or someone who is thoughtful."

Inside the White Jade Dwarf Tower, the Bone Emperor did not stop his healing.

And Lan Di cried from the side: "Big brother, the third brother really died, and died in the body of the indigenous strong man called You Youji!"

"This guy's strength is very powerful, I can still fight, but in the end I don't know this guy's opponent!"

"And the most important thing is that the guy may be a dual-line fourth-order ability user that is rarer than the heavenly seed."

Because the Bone Emperor is in a state of healing, it is not suitable for anger.

"Don't panic, when I finish healing, killing some people in Zhejiang is not like chopping vegetables!"

Landi actually wanted his brother to come out quickly.

The experience of being almost killed just now made him seem like a panicked calf.

Only when the Bone Emperor appeared, would he not be tortured and killed now.

Therefore, in order to force the Bone Emperor to stop repairing his injuries, Landi summoned up his courage and urged: "Brother, since your strength is enough to hang these enemies on the scene."

"You came out earlier, I... I really have no idea in my heart."

The Bone Emperor snorted coldly: "What is there to be afraid of, you are waiting, wait until I leave the customs in full force, then, no matter how tyrannical the indigenous people are, they can only rest in front of me."

In fact, why isn't the Bone Emperor not angry in his heart?

Whether Landi or Hongdi, he grew up watching.

These two younger brothers are the only relatives he cares about.

The death of the Red Emperor also dealt a huge blow to him.

But he is now repairing his spiritual body, and if he gets too emotional, he is likely to lose all his efforts.

Therefore, now the Bone Emperor is frantically restraining his emotions, how uncomfortable this feeling is.

"Wait...Second brother, calm down."

But just as Lan Di was silent, Yang Xi from the outside world didn't bother to wait any longer.

Before he swooped down on the white jade dwarf tower, he gave a string of extremely broken fingers expressionlessly.

After all, this white jade dwarf tower is not an alchemy tool specially used for defense, in front of Yang Xi's moves.

It didn't last long at all, and in an instant, there were cracks where it touched Yang Xi's fingers.

"Break it for me!"

Yang Xi slapped his face with a slap, and terrifying energy fluctuations erupted from the crack.

In the eyes of everyone, the white jade dwarf tower was instantly shattered into pieces, shot around, and embedded in the surrounding buildings.

And Yang Xi, who stood with his hands behind his back, finally made eye contact with the man sitting cross-legged in the barrier.

The Bone Emperor stared at Yang Xi coldly: "Is it you who killed my third brother?"

Yang Xi didn't answer his question, but asked **** for tat: "You slaughtered thousands of my compatriots?"

After hearing the other party's question, the two snorted in unison.

The Bone Emperor said lightly: "If you commit suicide now, I can leave you a whole corpse. If you wait for me to leave the customs, I will definitely crush your bones and ashes to comfort my third brother's spirit in heaven."

Yang Xi said: "It's just a waste of a crooked way, where does it come from such a big tone?"

"Now, I'm afraid it's hard enough to even stand up."

"I'll wait for you to get out of the border with what you said just now!"

"But before that, I will accept Lan Di's life!"

Yang Xi suddenly disappeared in place.

When Lan Di saw this scene, he didn't hesitate at all, turned into a lich's body, and offset the fatal damage at the critical moment.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Yang Xi's attack actually predicted his whereabouts and broke him up again.

The green whirlwind incarnated by Landi, madly retreated 100 meters, and finally turned into a young man spewing blood.

"How many more punches can you hold on?"

Yang Xi clenched his fists and looked at him coldly.

562 The Four Seas

The tsunami-like sound of the mountains gradually faded away, and the residents of the lord island and the compatriots from the occupied areas also slowly regained their emotional calm.

Yang Xi looked at her pig clone and disappeared in place.

There are many things to do next, and the first thing to do is to resettle the compatriots in the occupied areas.

Resettlement means not only giving them food and shelter, but most importantly, being able to find a way for them to earn a living.

Yang Xi will naturally not ask about this matter again. In any of his capacities, he should not focus on this matter.

Back on the inner island, Yang Xi summoned Suzaku's consciousness and explained the work.

As a subsidiary consciousness, she is the best at this, and Yang Xi is also very relieved.

"Suzaku, try to be as detailed as possible. These compatriots used to have a very hard life. Now they can treat them preferentially. Anyway, our organization has never been short of money."

Yang Xi's constellation, Tiangang, and Earthshade have been fighting in the Chaos Sea during this period of time. They have already conquered more than half of the high-quality islands, basically reproducing the control of the Chaos Sea lord over this sea area.


Suzaku's expression was still so calm.

Yang Xi looked at her like a god, and there was a vague idea in her heart. She also chose to upgrade the super brain to the fourth level, and Suzaku's consciousness might be able to become independent and become a new life.

"By the way, Ouyang Xuan came to you some time ago, and now he's still staying on the inner island, waiting for you to see him."

Yang Xi is a little strange, what happened to this little brother?

"Did he say why he was looking for me?"

Suzaku said: "Although he didn't say it directly, I can feel his confusion."

Yang Xi nodded, being confused can happen to anyone, but this kid didn't look for his father, why did he come to him.

Thinking of Ouyang Xuan and his father, Yang Xi suddenly had inspiration.

"Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Aiyin's realm fell to the third level because of the loss of their origins. I wonder if a treasure like the Earth Spirit Spring can be brought back to the fourth level?"

The final battle with the Ossed colonists is coming, and it is definitely a reliable choice for these two veteran Tier 4 powerhouses to regain their strength.

Moreover, the Earth Spirit Spring is a treasure of heaven and earth that can make people possess the heritage of heaven. Maybe it can make Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Yiyin go a step further and become more powerful masters.