MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 367

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However, his complexion soon became incomparably blue, because - no water vapor was produced.

The pattering light rain, as if ignoring his flame defense, fell slowly and smashed towards him.

In a hurry, he wanted to move his position immediately.

But although the rain was small, it was impossible for him to escape the rain with his seriously injured body before the raindrops touched him.

The raindrops fell like a butcher's knife, and Aldington, who had only entered the fourth tier after fighting all the way, was extremely anxious.

He desperately wanted to use his still intact hands to stop the raindrops from coming.

However, this is in vain after all.

The pattering raindrops easily penetrated his arms, and equally easily penetrated his forehead, brain, torso, and even the soles of his feet.

In an instant, this fourth-order powerhouse was penetrated by the raindrops and became riddled with holes.

Before he died, he screamed bitterly: "No... you can't kill me, I'm the subordinate of Lord Meredith! You can't kill me!!!"

Yang Xi appeared beside him, stripped off his ability, and said lightly: "Merredith? Never heard of it."

This murderous raindrop did not disappear because of the death of a fourth-order powerhouse, but continued to smash towards the crowd on the ground.

This time, the crowd covered by the rain panicked.

Just kidding, even Tier 4 powerhouses were instantly killed, let alone them?

"Get out of the way, you guys want to die, I don't want to die yet!"

A third-order powerhouse eager to escape, swept away a group of low-level warriors, and sprinted with all his strength, trying to avoid the range of falling rain.

The ugliness of human nature is vividly displayed at this moment. In order to get out of the "mortal" area one second earlier, the crowd scrambled for each other and pulled each other, wishing their parents would give them more legs.

But after all, no one can escape the scope of this rain.

The raindrops fell, mournfully pattering, looking weak, but with deadly lethality.

Some people fell to the ground with weak legs, some people ran desperately, some people were frightened and incontinent, crying father and mother.

The people who escaped from the rainy area looked at the ugly people with complicated expressions, thinking in their hearts, if they were in this dead area, could they be better than them?

Since death is unavoidable, can they die calmly?

Unfortunately, no one will know their reaction to despair.

Some soft-hearted people can't help but close their eyes.

They have practiced for so many years, and in front of the real powerhouse, they are only ants after all.


The raindrops fell on the head of a second-order ability user, which scared him to close his eyes tightly, just thinking about being able to die more happily and less painfully.

But he only felt the coolness of the raindrops, but did not wait for the pain of being shot through.

Looking up in surprise, I found that the deadly killing rain had turned into ordinary rain at some point.

Scattered and scattered on the people, there is a sense of sobriety.

"We are not dead!"

"Hahaha, we are not dead!!! We are not dead!!"

"Thank you Lord Chenlong for not killing him!"

These people who were wet by the rain were very fortunate that they had not made a rude remark just now at the juncture of life and death, otherwise the drizzle might still kill them.

Bloomfield looked at the scene in front of him, with mixed feelings in his heart. I am afraid that this Chenlong is a strong man in the fourth order.

Just this hand in front of him turned the ultimate move into a drizzle without any fireworks, and opened the gap with the other two Tier 4 powerhouses.

At this moment, he was remorseful again. If he believed in his daughter from the beginning, and treated him with courtesy as a guest, he would not be so uneasy now.

Although Aldington is dead, his heart is more disturbed.

Because of what this guy said before he died.

As the patriarch of a family, he naturally knew that Mu Yangling was the seed of the sky that was in the limelight right now - Meredith Gabriel.

The Seraph family is the first genius in a thousand years!

This thing is really a wave of unrest!

Yang Xi stayed in the sky for a while.

After killing two Tier 4 powerhouses, his purpose of staying in Red Dragon City was also achieved.

"What kind of person is Meredith in the mouth of this guy just now?"

He observed Bloomfield's expression and realized in his heart, "I think he should know some news."

Immediately, he fell in front of this feminine middle-aged handsome guy.

Yang Xi held down the nanny who wanted to pounce, and said with a smile, "Lord Patriarch, you must have something to say to me now, right?"


At the same time, a luxurious palace thousands of miles away.

The singers with wings on their backs danced on the lake, and their pink feet stepped on the lake with ripples, which made people dazzled.

On the high platform not far away, there was a relaxed-looking young man with red long hair holding a glass of wine and drinking heavily. The amber juice was left on his bare chest muscles and dripped on the expensive carpet, but no one dared to do more. Say something.

On the wrist of the red-haired youth, there was a string of glass beads, one of which suddenly shattered, disintegrated, and flowed down like sand.

The dazzling eyes of the red-haired youth suddenly awoke, and he stood up suddenly, his sturdy body heaving.

"Aldington is dead? Didn't this guy say he was going home to visit his family? How could he die!"

On the side, a man covered in bark also slowly got up, "Aldington went to the southern region of Muyang Territory, where the Bernadotte guy and the Alfonso family ruled, will it be? Did the two of them make a move?"

After all, Aldington is also a powerhouse with a comprehension level of 5%. It is not an easy task to kill him.

At least two powerhouses of the same realm must be besieged to kill him.

The red-haired man shook his head: "I don't know, I'll leave this matter to you to investigate. The battle of the fourth-order powerhouse fluctuates a lot, so it shouldn't be difficult."

"Dare to kill me Meredith's subordinates...hehe."

The red-haired youth has a coldness in his eyes. After becoming the seed of heaven, he has a lot of resources in the family, and after absorbing the "seed" that can quickly advance to the fifth rank, no one has dared to give him face like this for a long time.

"Sabelina, you go with this Carmen, the two of you join forces, and even if the powerhouses of Alfonso and Bernadotte take action, they should be able to evacuate safely."

Hearing Meredith's words, a scantily clad woman with a huge dragon's tail and a bumpy figure came out.

Although she has a hot body, her appearance is quite sweet. She has pink scales on the blush, which looks cute.

"Lord Meredith, if you find the target, can Linna eat him?"

The dragon girl blinked her big eyes and looked cute.

Meredith has a black line on her face. Although she is a subordinate of the [Fairy Dragon] bloodline ability, although her strength is strong, her law comprehension level has reached 7%, but her special hobby is still unacceptable.

"This time the situation is special, you are allowed to decide for yourself."

After getting permission, the fairy Longsa Bolina jumped up happily, and the two weapons almost broke free from the leather armor. She wanted to go forward to rub Meredith, but was avoided by the latter without leaving a trace.

Meredith is also afraid, this fairy dragon blood is too fierce, even if he has the blood of a seraph, in some respects, he can't bear it.

The tree man Carmen said: "Saberina, don't be ridiculous, let's go."

The fairy dragon girl then pouted her mouth dissatisfied, and transformed herself into a pink-scaled dragon with a length of more than ten meters. She grabbed the tree man and flew towards the direction of the southern region.

The tree man seemed to be used to this way of getting along, and even though he could fly himself, he still let Saberina hold him with a blank expression.

Because she was carrying the tree man Carmen, Sabelina's voice was a bit tongue-in-cheek: "Hey, Carmen, you said that when we go to the Southern Region this time, will we meet the Lord Damon, who has been so famous over the years. But it's louder than our Lord Meredith!"

"I don't know, Lord Daimon can defeat the Alfonso family's incumbent Heavenly Seed, and replace him, it must be a very terrifying powerhouse, I am afraid that it will be the second one among the new generation of powerhouses in our Muyang Leader to become the fifth-order Heavenly. Be there!"

"Hee hee, I don't know what Meredith's expression will look like when he is behind, but I saw him secretly working hard!"

"Shh, don't arbitrarily discuss the rights and wrongs of the Heavenly Seed adults. After absorbing the seeds, it is much more difficult for them to break through to the fifth-order Heavenly Rank than us."

The fairy dragon flapped its wings and drew a long line between the clouds.


Red Dragon City, the clan of the Ronid family.

Yang Xi and Bloomfield sat opposite each other in the study, with Tours and Nanny beside them.

"Tell me, how much do you know about this Meredith?"

"Chenlong...sir, you should have just arrived in Muyang, right?"

Bloomfield was testing Yang Xi, and he wanted to identify Yang Xi as much as possible, which was crucial to his subsequent decision-making.

If Yang Xi does not have a strong enough background, then this matter can be difficult.

Who would have thought that a handyman back then would be able to climb the thighs of the Gabriel family!

Or Meredith, a super genius who is destined to become a fifth-order heaven.

Yang Xi's mentality was like a mirror, he chuckled lightly: "I have been traveling in the mainland before, and it is indeed the first time to visit Muyang."

"Master Chenlong is a child of that family, can you tell me?"

"Hehe, I am from an organization called Judgment."

573 fifth order...why is it called heaven

Adjudication organization?

Bloomfield kept repeating the name on his lips.

Rao has traveled to the Shelley Continent for many years, and it seems that he has never heard of this organization.

"Could it be a newly rising force in recent years?"

"Or is this adjudication organization from another continent?"

However, he did not express these thoughts.

As an ancient family, especially the helm of a family that was once brilliant but now in decline.

He didn't want to show his ignorance in front of strange powerhouses.

"It turns out that behind Your Excellency is a ruling organization, I have long admired the name, I have long admired the name!"

The handsome middle-aged Bloomfield squeezed an unnatural smile on his face, and continued: "Lord Meredith in the mouth of the beast in Aldington is the heavenly seed of the Seraphim Gabriel family..."

He quickly informed Yang Xi about the super genius, and emphasized his strength.

At the same time, he also vaguely reminded Yang Xi to avoid the limelight and run away early.

The most important thing is not to stay in Red Dragon City and affect them.

Of course, he didn't say anything about the last point.

If you say such ungrateful words, if you annoy this young strong man and send them to see the ancestors, it will really be worth the loss.

Yang Xi silently digested the news he just got.

This should be a good thing for him.

After all, he came to the plane of Ossid from thousands of miles in order to find a way to break through to the fifth-order heaven.

Provoking this Meredith also means that Yang Xi will have an intersection with him.

At that time, his chance will become Yang Xi's chance.

Yang Xi said: "It turns out that this Meredith is the heavenly seed of the Seraphim family."

Bloomfield unconsciously touched the armrest of the chair and said, "I wonder what your plan is next?"

Go now!

Yang Xi stared at him with a smile, and seemed to see his whole body through: "Patriarch, do you have any good advice?"

He was just teasing the old guy.

Yang Xi could see through Bloomfield's thoughts at a glance, just wanting to get out of the way.

But if he leaves here, will it be possible for the Heavenly Seed named Meredith to be unable to find him?

That's the crux of the matter.

As for whether the Red Dragon City will be affected, who cares about it, it's all Ossedians who bite dogs anyway.

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