MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 382

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"After all, in the news you brought, there are only a few ways to break through the fifth order."

"This geocentric stone milk, you have studied for decades, but have not found a way."

"Heavenly Seed, it's not something we can find from the Blue Star Plane."

"That's all we have left."

After saying this, Tongtian left.

For a long time, Blasting was holding his head, lying on his back and looking at the sky.

He kind of misses when he was a normal person.

At least then, you don't have to face so many difficult choices.


Bernadotte Empire.

Bone Emperor's breakthrough, after all, failed.

He got up from the skeleton with a wry smile.

"Tier five, it's really not that easy to break through."

"Perhaps I also have a high probability of failure as a result of the alchemy of life, but because I didn't try it, it gave me the illusion of possible success."

Lan Di said: "Big brother, after all, it is extremely difficult to break through the treasures of heaven and earth. Otherwise, why would everyone fight me for a seed of heaven."

Although he was comforting his elder brother who failed to break through, his eyes were a little erratic.

The Bone Emperor naturally knew what his younger brother was thinking.

He sighed, and his burly body seemed to stoop a little when he made up his mind.

"Get ready to contact the family."

586 The Evil Little Girl

Bone Emperor and Landi came to a secret room.

It has been dusty here for nearly fifty years.

The three brothers have not been here since the establishment of the Bernadotte Empire.

After passing the magic test, the stone gate slowly opened.

Seeing the mini altar floating inside, the Bone Emperor couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, he planned to contact the family after becoming a fifth-order powerhouse.

Now it seems that he was too naive back then.

Fifth-order heaven, without the help of the Bernadotte family, with his aptitude, it is too difficult to break through.

"Brother, let's start quickly."

Randy urged.

Although he also has the ability to use the "contact altar", it would be better to let the big brother Bone Emperor take action in the end.


As soon as the Bone Emperor waved his hand, the small altar automatically flew in front of him.

Then, he clicked various alchemy symbols on the altar in order, and entered different levels of undead magic, and the altar slowly turned.

At some connections, there was also a faint green light, and at the same time, a whirring wind blew in the secret room, as if someone was crying.

When the altar stopped rotating, a green light shot through the secret room and disappeared into the distant sky.

Just when Emperor Lan, Emperor Gu and others were a little suspicious whether the altar was broken due to disrepair, a projection appeared in the altar space across the long distance between the planes.

This is an extremely old face. His eyebrows are down to his ears, and his face is full of wrinkles. It looks like he can easily catch mosquitoes.

The old man stared at the Bone Emperor's face and suddenly said, "One hundred years have passed, you are old, Fairmond."

The Bone Emperor has always been a big boss in the blue star plane, but in front of this old man, he was a little nervous.

Because this old man is one of the fifth-order heavenly positions of the Bernadotte family - "Crimson Devil", Salisbury, and also the mentor of the Bone Emperor.

But it was this top powerhouse who chose to make the old enemy of the Bone Emperor the seed of the Bernadotte family.

The corners of Bone Emperor's eyes were a little wet.

Although he has been complaining about his teacher over the years, when he sees this familiar face again after many years, childhood memories will always come back to his mind.

"Teacher, you haven't changed at all."

"Hehe, why only Rayleigh? Eugene."

The crimson demon could only see Landi standing behind the Bone Emperor.

Although Landi and Hongdi were not his disciples? But he also watched him grow up.

"This child is over a hundred years old? Is he still as naughty as he was when he was a child?"

When the Crimson Demon wanted to come, they took this photo and commissioned the mercenary union and the Alien Beast Alliance to develop it? And by the way, it was used as a place to exile the "failed candidate for the seed of heaven"? No one should be able to kill the Red Emperor.

Perhaps the Mercenary Union and the Alien Beast Alliance can do it, but these two forces will not harm the life of the employer.

In fact, the purpose of the Benadotte family sending the Bone Emperor to this plane is also very simple? The only remaining Heavenly Seed in the family? Already has a master? Just send it to this plane.

In the newly developed indigenous plane, it may be possible for Fairmond to break through to the fifth order.

The Bone Emperor said bitterly, "He died? He died at the hands of the indigenous powerhouses."

In front of the teacher, he mentioned the third brother who died tragically?

Landi behind him also looked sad.


There was a trace of anger in Salisbury's eyes? In his opinion, it should be that the people from the Mercenary Union and the Alien Beast Alliance broke the rules and attacked the Red Emperor.

"Who did it? I'm going to avenge Eugene now!"

Bone Emperor said: "It's an organization called Judgment..."

He quickly said it all over again.

After listening to the description of the Bone Emperor? The elder of the Bernadotte family was a little confused.

Indigenous... How could it be possible to kill the members of the Bernadotte family?

This is a low magic plane!

Even after a hundred years of magic enlightenment, it is not possible to create a strong man who can kill the Red Emperor.

But looking at the demeanor of the Bone Emperor, it doesn't seem like he's lying.

wait... verdict?

A flash of surprise crossed Salisbury's mind? Where did he seem to have heard the group's name.

"Right? Isn't it the people from this organization who killed the Gabriel family's seed of heaven?"

And it seems to be an alien?

Could it be this low magic plane we photographed?

"Fairmond, have you heard of a strong man named Chenlong?"


Because of the murder of his younger brother, Landi studied the intelligence of the adjudication organization for a period of time.

So when he heard the word "Chenlong", he immediately reacted and replied:

"I've heard of Chen Long, but his strength is only Tier 3, so he can only be regarded as a small role."

How could it be only a third-order existence that can be called a powerful being by the crimson demon?

Salisbury got the answer and said sternly: "Tier 3? How is it possible! The alien powerhouse 'Chenlong' is a powerhouse of Tier 4 peak, not only did he kill Meridy, the heavenly seed of the Gabriel family, Si, also took away the precious 'seed'!"

"This is impossible!"

Landi and Bone Emperor thought it was absurd.

They have vaguely heard the genius name Meredith, how could the third-order Chenlong kill the Heavenly Seed!

"Nothing is impossible. It seems that there is a problem with our assessment. This low-level magic plane can actually give birth to a powerhouse like Chenlong, which is really surprising!"

After confirming with the teacher again and again, the Bone Emperor and the Red Emperor had to accept the fact.

"It turns out that the Judgment Organization has already extended its tentacles to the plane of Ossed!"

The Bone Emperor was a little shocked.

He had also heard about Chen Long's resurrection ceremony, and later also lamented that this indigenous people, who knew nothing, actually used the precious sage stone in such a place.


This kind of thing is the most indispensable in the Ossid plane.

Not to mention the native genius, there is no need for this.

But I didn't expect that this little guy is so terrifying now.

In indigenous words, it is very unscientific!

"Okay, I probably understand what you mean."

"We have been photographing this plane for nearly a hundred years, and there is no sign of ending the development. I think it is because the Mercenary Union and the Alien Beast Alliance couldn't urinate in a single gourd and pulled each other back, which led to this situation."

"You two, if you want to return to the family, you can come back now, and you don't have to worry about the ban on exile."

The high-ranking powerhouse will not care about the development process of a low-level magic plane.

Thinking of this Chenlong, it is only one of the zodiac signs of the ruling organization.

To be on the safe side, Salisbury felt that it would be better to let them leave the plane of Cerulean.

The core members of their Bernadotte family are still very precious.

"...If you want to come back through Baiqiang, you have to go to the Northern Continent, but we...have been blocked by the natives."

"With our strength, if we want to land on the Northern Continent, there will also be huge risks."

Salisbury frowned, "It turns out that this blue star plane is so special, and the white voice returning to the Ossed plane is actually not in your sphere of influence?"

"Damn 'hole-puncher', with such a huge pay, but doing such a bad service."

Although it is said that the spatial layout of the plane itself will affect the speed at which the hole puncher can create the white and black cavities, the white cavities are directly in the enemy's lair, which is very ambiguous.

"In this case, you two should be more careful, I will find the right time, and wait for the channel to be further strengthened, so that the fifth order will come."

"During this time, you should be more cautious, and don't die at the hands of the natives like your third brother."

Having achieved his goal, Landi was a little excited.

Perhaps the day to avenge the third brother's revenge will soon come.


The Holy See City is one of the largest cities in Muyang.

Influenced by the Alfonso family, there are still many believers in this city who believe in the "King of Light".

The news that Yang Xi had killed Meredith had spread throughout Muyang Territory.

So in order to be able to infiltrate the church hall safely, they still defeated Qiao Zhuang.

People who are not particularly familiar with it will not be able to detect it at all.

Especially Yang Xi, who has the camouflage ability to hit the ground, as long as he doesn't make a move, there is basically no possibility of eight-way.

The King of Light is also said to be a supreme existence.

His power can even stir the light elements of countless planes.

It is a pity that the Supreme Heavenly Rank has been assimilated by the rules and has lost the mortal consciousness.

"Master, can I eat that?"

The little female dragon with beauty contacts kept rubbing beside Yang Xi, wanting to eat roast chicken.

This roast chicken fat is oily, tender on the outside and tender on the inside, with a fragrant fragrance. Even just a few glances can make people move their index fingers.

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