MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 391

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Although the Ossedians were divided into four groups this time, in addition to the cannon fodder army provided by the Alien Beast Alliance, their respective armies were also quite numerous.

Like the mercenary union? At least half of the senior mercenaries are dispatched? Their strength is basically in the third order? Many of them have the existence of the third order limit.

Although the Judgment Organization has digested most of Chaos Sea's ability users? However, the number of high-level warriors is still unable to compare with the mercenary union.

The president of the mercenary union said confidently: "No need? We can just wait and see what happens."

"Let the Bone Emperor and the others attack the Heroic Sea Area to consume some of their strength? I wish they would come!"

After communicating with this long-lived old man, both the vice president and the judge have a deeper understanding of the next actions.

They sincerely praised: "Master President is indeed a senior who has experienced the colonization of many indigenous planes? It is our honor to be able to work under your hands."

The president of the mercenary guild has heard a lot of compliments on weekdays? Now, naturally, he will not be overwhelmed by a few words of flattery from his subordinates.

He waved his hand lightly, "Let the army be dispatched? In one day, I will see the headquarters of the Judgment Organization - Lord Island!"

One after another, orders were passed in the afternoon, and the army of alien beasts like a torrent of steel started.

And the Terran warriors on the island chain defense line all turned pale.

They all know that there is a huge gap in strength between themselves and the enemy.

Is this still the troop formation after the integration of the adjudication organization? If it is replaced by the previous set of the Chaos Sea Lord, I am afraid that it is a bit exaggerated to describe it like a paper paste.

The commander of the island chain is a strong man in the heavenly position. Looking at his mask, it is the heavenly star Xiao Baishi.

He was suspended in the air, his eyes reflected the tide of alien beasts, and he couldn't help scolding: "Damn, I knew I would have written it down and down, and I don't need to risk my life at this time."

Beside him are two members of the Judgment Organization of the Earth Shade.

Facing the terrifying tide of alien beasts, it was the legendary "resurrection package" of the Judgment Organization that gave them courage.

Otherwise, even if they were given a few more courage, they would not dare to do this kind of thing.

Suddenly, Xiao Baishi, who was standing at the front, shouted loudly, "Brothers, are you afraid?"

His voice was loud and clear, accurately reaching the ears of every psychic soldier on the island chain defense line.

"I know, it's a lie to say I'm not afraid!"

"Because I'm afraid too!"

"But I can't retreat!"

"We are the first and most important line of defense in Chaos Sea!"

"We are the soldiers of the human race, and the backbone of the human race!"

"Think about how those compatriots who were brought back by Lord Youji lived in the occupied area of ​​the Southern Continent!"

"If you don't want your children and grandchildren to be enslaved like cattle, just follow Lao Tzu—"

Speaking of this, Xiao Baishi took a deep breath, he had completely entered this wartime state.

"Follow me, kill the colonists!"

The soldiers of the island chain, from teenagers to middle-aged, from B-level to third-level, all blushed, and shouted loudly as if venting: "Die the colonists!"

The black monster tide and the white adjudication army collided, and the sea was stained with blood!

The plane of Ossid.

The territory of the Bernadotte family, in the plateau area of ​​Muyang Territory.

It is full of rare white rocks, with little vegetation, and the wind is particularly strong, all year round.

There are rumors that these white rocks are actually bones made by the Bernadotte family with undead magic, but anyone with normal magic knowledge will know that this is a joke.

With such a large territory, if you want to create an area full of bones, then I am afraid that only the legendary Golden Heaven can do it.

At the top of the Bone Fortress, the gathering place of the core children of the Bernadotte family, a guest visited.

It was the fifth-order heavenly position who shot against Yang Xi in Huang Fengcheng, "The Throne of Destruction" Bill Boom.

The visit of the fifth-order heavenly position, although the greeting has been made in advance, it still makes the entire Bernadotte family feel like a great enemy.

A pale-faced Bernadotte tribe received Bierbom tremblingly, "Lord Destroyer God Throne, Elder Salisbury is waiting for you, please come with me."

Although he was a high-level lich, he did not dare to make a pretense in front of this bronze heavenly throne.

After all, people can easily crush him with their little fingers.

"Hmph, it's really rude that Salisbury didn't come out to greet me in person!"

During this period of time, the destruction of Lord God was particularly difficult. The entire Gabriel family was embarrassed because of this incident, and he was often questioned by the family for this.

After all, Meredith was brought up by him.

He was killed by a native powerhouse from another world, and the prestige of the entire family fell to the bottom.

The only thing that can make up for this is to retrieve the Heavenly Seed.

Although the period given by the elders of the family is ten years.

But for Bilbomb, this humiliating day, for a second, was a torment.

It was the first time he felt that time passed so slowly since he became a powerhouse.

If it were the past, ten years would be just a blink of an eye for him.

"Bilbom, why don't you go all over the world to find that otherworldly powerhouse called Chenlong? Why do you come to our Bone Bone Fortress?"

At the throne at the end of the passage, a crimson skeleton joked.

The existence of the heavenly position rarely shows up on the mainland. After all, except for a few newcomers, they are all old bones who have lived for a long time.

What should be seen, what should be done, is basically the same as trying, it is better to stay at home and comprehend the profound meaning of the law.

But after all, the circle is very small, so everyone is basically familiar with it.

This time Bierbom made such a big embarrassing incident, and the other elites were all in the mentality of watching a joke.

Of course, there are also some who want to take a bite from the Gabriel family, after all, it is an "outside the rules" heavenly seed.

Before there was an emergency replenishment agreement, it was completely legal for them to kill the alien powerhouse and obtain the heavenly seed.

"I need to enter the indigenous world that your family photographed."

Destruction Throne Bilbom said with a dark face.

With his character, it was simply too uncomfortable for him to ask for help.

But now, for the benefit of the family, he has to do it again, and it really can only be described with the word "suffering".

The crimson demon said: "Hehe, you also know that our Bernadotte family spent a lot of money to shoot, do you want to go?"

The elder of the Bernadotte family had long known the identity of "Chenlong" through the news of his own disciple, and naturally did not want to let the God of Destruction go to the blue star plane to pick peaches.

Just kidding, if this Heavenly Seed can be grabbed and used by Fairmond, then their Bernadotte family will have two Heavenly Seeds.

This is enough to break the balance of Muyang's leadership in the future.

At that time, under his leadership, the Bernadotte family will reach a new peak!

And his name will also leave an indelible mark in the history of the family.

The face of the God of Destruction turned even darker, "We, the Gabriel family, naturally won't prostitute for nothing, and we will definitely pay a price that will satisfy you."

Hearing this sentence, the crimson demon's skeleton mouth loosened a little, "If you say that, we will have a chance to talk about it."

"Come on, give tea to a friend of the Gabriel family."

Yang Xi slipped out of the temple of the virtual world.

He was wearing a black robe, and he was a little conspicuous in the Holy See City, the city lord who was mainly white and gold.

So he disguised himself as a bald monk, but it was just a matter of habit, and he was still so handsome.

If it were put into the myth "Journey to the West" from the ancient times in the inland, I am afraid he can also compete with the handsome guy called Tang Seng.

Yang Xi is confident, staring at him with this face, fascinated by the king of the daughter country and dare not say it, it is no longer a problem to take away a few spider spirit sisters.

"From the moment I entered the Holy See City, I felt something was wrong." Yang Xi finished his lunch in a well-decorated restaurant.

I didn't expect to be able to eat such exquisite food on the plane of Ossed.

This dish, similar to the "Lemon Roasted Spring Chicken" on the Azure Star Plane, perfectly stabbed Yang Xi's taste buds.

If it weren't for the fear of attracting attention, he would have ordered another bowl.

After leaving the tip to the waiter, Yang Xi left the city in a blink of an eye.

"I thought that the abnormality was because of Dimon's moves. Now it seems that it is because of this abnormality that there is a problem with Dimon's doll."

Suddenly, he felt that there were two strong men whose aura was not under him.

One of them is Damon, and the other is a beauty with pointy ears, a bow and arrow, and a leaf suit.

As for men and women - Yang Xi couldn't tell the difference for a while.

I saw Dimon smiled faintly: "Trolope, I didn't expect you to be here."

The elf-like man said coldly: "Why, I seem to be outside the Holy See City right now? Do you also care about this?"

Dimon was not angry because of the aggressive tone of the other party, and said calmly: "No, I don't care about you, I'm just worried about you."

"Worry about me? I think you should worry about yourself first! Don't think that if you kill one of the seeds of your family, you are qualified to force Lai Lai in front of me!"

"To tell you the truth, apart from the pervert of the Bernadotte family, I don't care about you or the little girl from the Li family."

Damon smiled and said, "Hehe, you seem to have forgotten Meredith."

The elf beauty tilted her head and said disdainfully: "This guy Meredith will be killed by the natives from other worlds! It's almost throwing our heavenly seeds in, don't mention him to me, mention him. I'll be **** at him!"

"I knew that before he was killed by the natives, I would kill him first, and I wouldn't have to be embarrassed along with me!"

Damon shook his head speechlessly. The Cecil family was a seed of heaven. Although he was petite, his temper was not ordinary.

At this time, a white awn suddenly rose into the sky from a mountain not far away.

Daemon and the Elf Beauty flew in tandem towards the place where the vision occurred.

Yang Xi hid in the dark and quickly followed after seeing their movements.

Not only them, but later, many powerhouses in the entire Holy See City were dispatched, densely packed, like locusts.

It was only when the recording reached the mountain col that Yang Xi saw a beautiful crown floating in the white awn.

In the crowd, someone exclaimed: "My God, it's actually the Holy Spirit Crown!"

594 The Li family girl

The whole body of this Holy Spirit Crown is golden in color, and it is inlaid with five-color gems. It looks extremely luxurious, dazzling and hard to extricate.

It's like there is a magic power that firmly attracts your sight.

Yang Xi snorted coldly, his mental power burst out suddenly, and he got out of this abnormal state immediately.

"It seems that the strange feeling of the Holy See City should be the breath of this thing."

"But it's really strange. There are so many types of plane treasures. Can something like this crown be born naturally?"

Doubts arose in Yang Xi's heart, in this world, he has too many things that he does not understand thoroughly.

Because of the disguised power, Yang Xi is only a third-order power user in the perception of others.

This is not conspicuous among a large group of third-order powerhouses.

Most of the people in the valley are from the Holy See City, and they are inextricably linked with the Alfonso family.

But Yang Xi also noticed that there are other forces.

For example, a group of people who are small but murderous should be the warriors of the Cecil family.

There is also a group of strong men wearing cyan soft armor and black hair and black eyes, I am afraid they are from the [Tai Chi Hun Tianquan] Li family.

"There are no members of the Bernadotte and Gabriel families, is it because the territory is too far from here?"

It's also a good thing not to have their people, after all, these two families are not dealing with Yang Xi.

The elf beauty flew to the Holy Spirit's crown, and wanted to reach for it.

But he was stopped by the sweet-looking black-haired girl next to him.

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