MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 4

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"Damn, senior, my attack was restrained by him, can you restrain me for a while? It will take some time for other heroes to arrive!"

Hot and Sour Fan Superman looked at his timer, it was not long before he maintained his transformation, but he saw the citizens who were still in the buildings on the ground, looking into his eyes, and flying Several live broadcast robots in mid-air.

He thought of the conversation the agency had with him this morning.

"You have entered the end of your career as a professional hero. Compared with other young people, although the popularity is stable, but there is no breakthrough record, it is very unlikely to achieve growth. If you still want to be the first-line superstar of the company, you cannot fail. , once you fail, your popularity will drop, and the company will only give you less and less resources!"

"So we suggest that you reduce the chances of making shots, and only make shots when you have full confidence. After all, your ability is very special. Even if someone discovers it, you can use it as an excuse to find hot and sour noodles."

Closing his eyes, Superman's resolute face looked a little lonely. He remembered the scenery when he first debuted, but now, the hero is dying. Years of battle have made his body aging early. After all, how many uses such a powerful ability? Shaodu is overdrafting his body, and it's not bad that he can persist until now.

I don't know when fame and fortune have deeply controlled him. Today, if he loses to this strange beast and loses his position as the company's first brother, then the decrease in income will make him unable to pay the huge loan. If the news of his capital chain breaking spreads. Go out, and the debt collectors of the major casinos will step into his house's doorman.

"I absolutely will not allow this to happen!"

The hot and sour powder was superhuman, and a blue pill appeared in the palm of his hand.

He swallowed the pill in one gulp, exuding a strange aura from his body.

And Yang Xi, who was watching all this with his super brain, shrank instantly!

The commentators shouted anxiously: "What should we do? The hot and sour powder Superman's attack is obviously ineffective, and Yandie's skills are also ignored by the elemental defense of the one-eyed hunter. Before the new hero arrives, there will be no one to protect. Citizens are not harmed by alien beasts!"

In the barrage, the local water friends in Lugang are brushing: "The nearest 'Prodigal Swordsman' is driving over, but there is a traffic jam!"

"My God, don't these people know that the Prodigal Swordsman is here to save people? They still don't give way!"

"I don't know, an uncle rear-ended someone, but he refused to move the car, saying that it was someone else's responsibility, and he had to wait for the traffic police to collect evidence!"

"It's not that the old man is getting bad, but the bad guy is getting old. This uncle was definitely not a good thing when he was young!"

Gui Gui crossed his hands on his chest. As a retired professional hero, he was very aware of the current situation facing Superman.

"Run, the two heroes can't beat that strange beast. They are dying. I don't want to die here. I haven't been in love yet!"

"God, my clothes haven't been collected yet, will it take longer to go on like this!"

"Hey, don't think you can take the opportunity to touch me if there are too many people. Believe it or not, I will let my boyfriend beat you?"

"Who's phone has been dropped? No one wants me to take it."


The changes in the situation made some stranded people panic even more.

"Quack quack!!"

Although he didn't know where the vocal organs of One-Eyed Hunt were, the arrogant laughter of alien beasts echoed in the air, and he also knew that the next time was free hunting.

The first thing he has to deal with is the woman who burned him just now!

The fierce one-eyed locked the heroine Yan Die who was staying in the air.

Yandie: "╰(*°▽°*)╯!"

"Help, senior!"

She could only fly frantically into the sky, but who would have guessed that after the three spider spears of the one-eyed hunter were combined, they turned into a pair of wings, with gauze-like transparent wings covering the newly emerged wings with mucus, like insects Generally, they chase after Yandie with wings!

Instructor Ge tapped the table: "Yandie's situation is very bad, this one-eyed hunter also has the ability to fly, and the speed of flight is faster than her!"

Yan Die used her milk-feeding strength to fly: "What should I do, what should I do!"

"Fly to me!"

A strong male voice sounded from the front, and I don't know when, it has been determined that the transformation time is about to end, and Superman of Hot and Sour Fan appeared on the roof.

"The Hot and Sour Fan Superman has stood up again. He has been able to persevere well so far. Do you still want to continue fighting the one-eyed hunter?"

"But his ability is obviously unable to break the defense!"

When the one-eyed hunter saw the two meet in one place, the speed of flapping his wings was even faster. For this human being who made him feel pain, he had already thought of a hundred ways to dismember.

It's absolutely painful!

"Good come!"

Hot and Sour Fan Superman feels that his strength is far beyond that of the west, I am afraid that it has reached the level of 30 times that of ordinary humans. The muscles on his body are further expanded, and the whole person is almost two meters five.

Countless blue veins popped up, and the hot and sour powder Superman even appeared beside him. You can see the cyclone slowly rise with the naked eye!

"Sour and spicy crit!!"

The rumbling punch seemed to have emptied the surrounding air, and the rude force penetrated into a straight line, directly squeezing the flying one-eyed hunter into flesh!


The body of the one-eyed hunter exploded in the air, and the shell that was previously hard as iron became vulnerable.


Hot and Sour Noodles Superman sat down wearily. He was originally on the top floor because of the reaction force of his punch, he stepped on the floor directly and came to Haidilao below. The smell of the food lingered in his nose, but he couldn't hold back the feeling in his heart. A tyrannical desire to destroy.

"'s the matter with you!"

Yan Die flew a little farther, and she also saw the strangeness of the hot and sour powder Superman, and she did not dare to get too close out of the sixth sense.

"'s okay, a little too much force."

After finally restraining the thought of tearing Yandie's wings off, Superman of Hot and Sour Fan staggered to his feet, and his body continued to vaporize. He also changed from a height of more than two meters back to about one meter seven.


"Sour and Hot Noodles Superman Niu B!!!" (broken sound)

"Heroes are still powerful at critical moments."

Just as the barrage and the crowd cheered, a small strange beast quietly flew away from the scene from the minced meat.

006B-level ability!

This alien beast is about the size of a fist, the main body is an eyeball, and under the eyeball is a body similar to a small spider.

Because of his speed, only Yang Xi who turned on his super brain noticed.


"He's coming in my direction!"

Although it was the first time to confront the alien beast, Yang Xi was very calm.

On the one hand, it is because the super brain has strengthened his ability to control his emotions. On the other hand, Yang Xi also has the confidence to defeat this alien clone.

Physical defense and elemental defense are both so high, and mental attack should be its weakness.

coming! !

Yang Xi silently calculated the distance between the alien beast and himself.

Ten meters!

Seven meters!

Five meters!

"When I find a host to absorb the energy and recover, I must find this hero for revenge!"

The alien beast avatar thought bitterly, and at the same time deeply remembered the appearance of the hot and sour powder Superman.

"Well, there is a taste of young human men in front of you, so let you be my host!"

The one-eyed hunter clone also found Yang Xi hiding behind the wall.

The distance between the two is only the last three meters!

come yet? Yang Xi smiled lightly, and the mental shock wave launched!

Fifth gear!

An invisible shock wave emanated from Yang Xi's eyebrows and easily penetrated the body of the beast.

The body of the alien avatar suddenly stagnated in place, and then fell to the ground like plasticine with a clatter.

already dead.


"This guy's weakness really is the mental aspect."

"However, if it's on this guy's previous body, I'm afraid my D+ grade mental shock can only hurt him. Fortunately, it's just a weak clone."

Yang Xi wore a metal mask of the white-gold zodiac "You Rooster" on his face, wearing a wide black robe and leather gloves before walking to the corpse of the alien beast.

This is the equipment found in the store. Although the camera in the store has been destroyed, Yang Xi still dressed up in order not to reveal his identity.

Put your hand on the corpse of the beast to activate the ability "stripping".

A faint blue light flashed across his palm, and a blue bead appeared in Yang Xi's palm.

[Ability: Refractory Shell

Introduction: Immune to fire elemental attacks below Grade B, and greatly increase physical resistance.

Evaluation: Grade B, very useful tank skills,]

After absorbing the power beads, Yang Xi has a total of two power beads in his body, one is the cyan [Refractory Shell] and the other is the yellow [Super Brain].

"Whether to activate [Refractory Shell]."

Yang Xi's own power stripped a message in his mind.

This time, Yang Xi noticed that the ability beads of the refractory shell were a bit dim, and it turned out to be in an inactive state.

After activating this B-level ability, the bead lights up and is ready for use.

When he activated his ability, Yang Xi felt that the color of his skin was developing from fair to bronze, and the texture seemed to be tougher. Upon careful observation, there were light black lines, as if the body surface was covered with an invisible shell.

"Is the sense of temperature also reduced? I don't know what material this shell is made of..."

Feeling the feeling from the body, in addition to the powerful flame resistance, the refractory shell brings Yang Xi a greatly improved physical defense, which is about three times the level of ordinary people.

As for the weakness of the fire-resistant body - mental attack, he also has a strong resistance to this with his super brain.

This is the horror of the [Peeling] ability, he can make Yang Xi very comprehensive.

"No matter how powerful the ability is, there will be weaknesses."

This sentence, which is widely circulated in the power world, is invalid for Yang Xi.

The momentary mental shock was sensed by Yan Die in the distance. She turned her gaze towards this side and saw a back figure disappear in a flash.

"Senior, there is something unusual over there, I'll go take a look."

"Are there any enemies?" Hot and Sour Fan Superman was a little tired, and he had no fighting power at the moment.

"No, just in case."

After a short happy flight, Yandie's smooth feet landed on the floor, behind which was the glass **** reflecting the sunlight.

When activating the ability, because the body will be very hot, Yan Die generally wears less clothes and wears less, and naturally does not consider shoes and the like.

"Strange, I clearly felt that there was an explosion of mental power here just now, and I also saw someone."


Yan Die's big toe painted with purple nail polish lightly tapped on the ground, the flame wings flapped, and whistled, she quickly approached Yang Xi who was still wandering in the corridor.

Yang Xi was still wearing this black robe and walked to the elevator.

The moment he came out, he thought for a moment: if he took off his robe, although he would not be exposed immediately, he would definitely reveal some clues under the interrogation.

Therefore, he walked a little slowly, similar to the usual shopping malls. In Yan Die's eyes, he seemed very confident and unfathomable.

She flew into the middle of the atrium, looking like an angel under the bright lights.

"Well, did you use the power just now?"

Seeing Yang Xi wearing a Youji mask, Yan Die was a little nervous and stopped whistling.

Yang Xi is very relaxed, because this professional hero who has worked hard to train his ability since childhood, was admitted to the hero department of the university, and diligently upgraded his ability to the current level, completely lost the victory over him five minutes ago. possibility.

She is just a C-level flame power user, and can't hurt Yang Xi at all.

"Well, let's help you wrap things up."

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