MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 7

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For the first time, Yang Xi felt that a person's smile can express so much content, in short, very yindang.

"It's necessary, the brothers have arranged it for you!"

When I first entered Phoebe, the lively sound waves rushed to my face. The temperature inside was relatively high. Yang Xi and Fan Peng both took off their coats. Fortunately, the booths they booked were not random, otherwise there would be no place to put clothes. .

As soon as they sat down, the girls that Fan Peng had made an appointment with came up to meet them. The three little sisters, one was wearing a black tube top, one was beige close-fitting long-sleeves, and the other was a white skirt, all of them were relatively young.

"Waiting for a long time, Qian Qian, let's have a good drink today, we haven't gotten together for a while!"

"Brother Peng, you are probably having fun with other little hoofs. You forgot about us Qian Qian long ago. You two boys are so late today, so you have to get a fine first."

"My brother, Yang Xi, you are handsome!" Fan Peng whispered a few words in the ear of the tube top girl, causing the girl to laugh like a silver bell.

Yang Xi has always admired Fan Peng when it comes to picking up girls.

"Brother Xi is so handsome!"

The soft voices of the girls were blurred by the sounds of wine glasses and dice, and Yang Xi probably knew the names of the other two.

But according to Yang Xi's understanding of Fan Peng, since he spent a lot of time arranging so much, he definitely didn't just call him out for a drink.

Sure enough, when the people next door arrived, Yang Xi saw Lin Naixue wearing heavy makeup in the crowd.

As soon as Lin Naixue's eyes met Yang Xi's, her little face instantly turned pale.

010 Youji's show time

There were more people in the booth next door than Yang Xi and the others, but there were also two men, one with dreadlocks and very hip-hop, the other with red hair and a casual suit.

After the bar was busy with sales, he almost didn't wipe the sofa for the young man with dreadlocks. The young man with dreadlocks, who he always called Liu Shao, was lying on his back on the sofa, and the cigarette in his right hand was in the light of the bar. A plume of smoke rose.

"Today is really unfortunate. If my McLaren was not driven away by my brother, I would not have lost to that kid Gao Zhen. You said so, Raging Flames!"

The red-haired man beside Liu Shaochong complained and drank the wine in his left hand, his face flushed.

The man known as "Flame" smiled and threw the dice, shook his head and said, "There are both winners and losers in racing cars. If you lose this time, you can just win back next time, but don't throw the pot on your back. on the car."

Liu Shao was silent for a while, his head shook, it seemed that he had been drinking a little too hard, he changed his posture, leaned his hands on his knees, leaned forward, narrowed the distance from Rie Yan, tilted his head and said: "You Say, the reason why you can't be with my dad and can only be my bodyguard is because you can't speak?"

Rie Yan's mood did not fluctuate in the slightest. He did not ignore Liu Shao's provocation, but said lightly: "I am not someone's subordinate. I am not a bodyguard by your side, but we just happened to meet in a bar."

"Hahaha! What about at the racetrack? It's a chance encounter?"

Rie Yan smiled slightly, took a sip of his wine and said, "Yes, it's such a coincidence that you, an ordinary person, meet me, a C-level hero, by chance every day."

Liu Shao's smile gradually subsided, and suddenly, he slapped the girl next to him and slapped the girl next to him, "What's the matter, do they all eat dry rice? Don't you know how to fill us up when you're out of wine?"

The girl who was slapped was Lin Naixue. She fell on the sofa with an "ah" sound. She lay on the sofa for about four or five seconds before Lin Naixue got up to wipe the blood from her mouth and staggered to Liu. Pour less wine.

The amber liquid trickled into the wine glass. In addition to the intense music in the bar, there was only the sound of flames playing dice in this deck. The other girls were sitting next to them carefully, not daring to let out the atmosphere.

Yang Xi stood up.

Fan Peng quickly pressed his shoulders: "Do you know who that Liu Shao is? His name is Liu Yuan, he is the second son of the Kunlun Company's A-level hero Mechanical Zhanxiong, and the red-haired man beside him is his father's subordinate. C-level hero flame boxer, are you an ordinary person his opponent?"

To be honest, Fan Peng brought Yang Xi here today just to show him Lin Naixue's work, and he would be stunned in such a situation.

Yang Xi put the wine glass on the table lightly, he patted Fan Peng's hand and said, "I know, I'm just going to the toilet."

The music in the bar became more intense, and the atmosphere groups on both sides shook their heads frantically.

Lin Naixue also found Yang Xi who got up. She covered her face and watched Yang Xi disappear into the crowd, her eyes dimmed.

After closing the toilet door, Yang Xi activated the ability [Transformation] and chose the "Youji" suit. Within 0.01 seconds, a large black robe, platinum mask and black leather gloves appeared on Yang Xi's body.

Yang Xi turned on the super brain and thought about the next plan while listening to the movement outside. Finally, there was no one outside for the time being, and Yang Xi pushed open the door and walked out.

"Showtime begins..."

The charming smoke sounded, and with the blessing of the cross-dressing ability, Yang Xi's temperament suddenly became extremely mysterious.

Except for Lin Naixue who was drinking in the corner alone, several other people were already playing in full swing.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

As soon as the blue coins were placed on the wine table, a scantily clad girl was pouring foreign wine into her mouth, cup after cup.

And Liu Yuan had already drank a lot, and buried his head in the arms of a wine companion.

"Why hasn't this kid Yang Xi come back? Diarrhea?"

Fan Peng wondered if he should call Yang Xi to ask about the situation. Now he is a little guilty, so he arranged this on his own accord. Seeing that the girl he liked was beaten and didn't dare to take action, he must have felt bad for his strong brother.

At this moment, a mysterious man in black robe slowly passed by Fan Peng's booth. When he saw the man in black robe, and looked at the platinum mask on his face, Fan Peng couldn't help holding his breath. He stared blankly at the man in black robe. After passing, I felt a chill in an instant.

This person is very dangerous, this is Fan Peng's first feeling.

Since Yang Xi has put on the Youji's vest, he will try his best to avoid contact with Fan Peng. If people find clues and find him, not only will Fan Peng be implicated, but his plans will also be in vain.

"I heard that you are the son of Mechanical Warrior?"

Youji Shi Shiran sat in the booth of Liu Yuan and others, and his body wrapped in black robes made it difficult to see the details.

Liu Yuan, who was already drunk, squinted his eyes and got up from the bosom of the wine **** girl: "You know my father? Yes, I'm his son, what's the matter? You have to go to my brother if you have anything, I'm just a waste! Hahaha!"

"Who are you?"

The flaming boxer kept Liu Yuan behind him. Although he couldn't stand the second ancestor, he was the one who was punished if there was an accident.

As one of the founders of the Kunlun Economic Company, Mechanical Zhanxiong has power that ordinary people and even ordinary heroes can only look up to.

"Me? I'm just someone who wants to negotiate a deal with little brother Liu Yuan."

Yang Xi spoke according to the plan in advance.

When the super brain is turned on, his brain is running fast, and he has already thought of a plan to spy on Kunlun's news on the way to and from the toilet.

The core of this plan is Liu Yuan.

In fact, Yang Xi has already heard about the second son of the mechanical warrior. His father is an A-level hero, and his brother is also an A-level hero. He is the only ordinary person without abilities, but his character is still very distorted, and he has always been jealous of himself. Brother's talent.

Suffering from no ability, he can only solve the anguish by spending time and money. Although his father was disappointed with this son, he still arranged for a C-level ability user to protect him.

In Lugang City, a C-level hero is strong enough to protect him from most dangerous situations, no matter if he is racing or fighting.

The counter-evidence is backed by the Liu family and the Kunlun company, and he can do whatever he wants.

"What deal are you talking about with me?" Liu Yuan was interested.

But the flame boxer saw a problem, he got up and said: "Liu Shao, I don't think it's too early, it's almost time to leave."

Liu Yuan was a little drunk and pushed the flaming boxer away: "Fuck me... get out of the way! What kind of **** are you? I didn't hear anyone... Is anyone going to negotiate a deal with Lao Tzu?"

"Come on, that masked man, let's have a good talk about your deal... hiccup, haha, haha!"

"you're drunk."

The flame boxer grabbed Liu Yuan, who was swaying, and made a color to the **** girls behind him: "Send him to the car, and I'll talk to this guy who pretends to be a ghost."

Liu Yuan's words angered him, he couldn't get angry at Liu Yuan, and aimed at Yang Xi.

Anyway, you brought it to the door yourself, so it's better to fight half to death.

"Are you going to teach me a lesson?"

Yang Xi sat on the sofa calmly and played with the transparent wine glass, the wine inside was a little cloudy.

"Actually, I don't like violence, but since I want to prevent me from negotiating a deal with your master, I can only ask you to be honest."

With a loud bang, a faint flame appeared on the fist of the flame fist.

The flame boxer smiled and said, "Then let's see who keeps who honest."

011 Want to have powers?

[Peeling] Ability can be stripped into ability beads, this ability beads can give people the ability, this person can be Yang Xi himself, or someone else.

At the same time, the ability beads can be activated and sealed. In other words, if Yang Xi puts the ability beads on someone else, he can decide whether or not this person has the ability and when he has the ability.

For ordinary people who want to become stronger, this is an irresistible temptation.

The tense atmosphere spread in the booth, the girls fled in all directions, and even Lin Naixue was dragged away by the good sisters, but Liu Yuan broke free from the sisters and sat in the booth to watch the play.

One is a mysterious person who doesn't know what happened, and the other is a subordinate of his father, who he hates. He wants to fight the two of them.

Fan Peng called Yang Xi frantically, not knowing whether to tell him to come over to watch a good show or run away.

Fortunately, Yang Xi had the foresight to set the silent mode, otherwise he might be exposed.

"Isn't that a C-level heroic flame boxer? He is a disciple of the A-level hero Mechanical Warrior. Who is so fat to not give face to the A-level hero?"

"Who knows, this masked man doesn't look weak, what is his mask? Chicken?"

"Look, there's a drunk man sitting next to him, who's going to pull him away!"

"Why did they fight, are they jealous for the sake of women?"

Yang Xi's leather gloves hit the glass rhythmically. He was waiting for Lin Naixue and Fan Peng to go a little further. Although he was sure of the next battle, it was safe not to affect them.

"I'll give you one last chance, take off your funny mask, kneel in front of me and beg for mercy, or you'll have to **** flame fist."

The flame boxer ripped off his jacket, revealing his upper body only wearing a vest.

His body is very strong, and there are many wounds on his arms. At a glance, he knows that he has experienced many battles and is not a good stubble.

"I don't know, how dare a C-level power user speak so much in front of me. If the old man is a mechanical warrior, I can still give a little face."

Yang Xi worked hard to maintain Youji's "mysterious master" character.

At the same time, he also activated his super-brain and frantically calculated various possible ways for his opponent to make a move. He had to kill this C-rank flame boxer neatly in order to pave the way for a good start for the next plan.

"Humph!" Yang Xi's words completely angered the flame boxer, and he smashed the flame fist at Yang Xi.

"Looking at the color of the flame, it seems that the temperature is not as high as Yandie's."

Yang Xi used his peripheral vision to pay attention to the attack of the flame boxer.

In the eyes of everyone, the flaming boxer had already shot aggressively, but the masked man continued to play with the wine glass in his hand.

"Is this guy frightened? The flames of the flame boxer have burned a lot of alien beasts! Can a human body be stronger than an alien beast?"

"I don't think this masked man's calm appearance is fake. It's not like he is really a master and doesn't take the attack of the flame boxer seriously."

The flame boxer couldn't figure out why Yang Xi was sitting still. He had never heard of such a person in the power world. Even his boss, the A-level power user, Mechanical Zhanxiong, would not dare to use his body to pick up his flame fist. .

Is there a fraud?

But no matter what conspiracy he has, it is definitely not good to punch him in the front.

The flame boxer gritted his teeth and increased the speed of his punches, striving to kill the enemy with one hit!

The fiery boxing style was approaching Yang Xi. He had already placed a refractory shell on the Youji suit. This flaming boxer only had a C-level fire element attack, so he could simply ignore it.

Instead, pay attention to the strength of his punches.

But now it seems that this flaming boxer is only strong in flame ability. His punch may be very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but against Yang Xi, who has three times the defense power of ordinary people, the physical damage of his fist can also be tolerated.

However, Yang Xi is not used to slapping people in the face. When the super brain is turned on, his dynamic vision and physical coordination ability are also increased. Although this enhancement does not reach the level of C-level, the punch speed used to deal with the flame boxer is enough. .

Yang Xi threw up the wine glass steadily, and turned his neck to avoid the fist of the flame boxer.


The flame boxer smiled cruelly, sparking the flames.

The flames originally attached only to the surface of the fist instantly enveloped Yang Xi's head.

How many alien beasts and how many enemies fell under this move?

He is confident that this mysterious man will be seriously injured even if he wears a mask.

But Yang Xi suddenly stood up from the flames unscathed.

"What!!" The flame boxer was shocked!

"Hehe, it's my turn."

The mental shock of the fourth block was suddenly launched, and the enemy was suffocated. In order to cover up his attack, Yang Xi slapped him on the neck with another hand knife.


The red-haired man fell to the ground, Yang Xi took the wine glass that just fell with his other hand, and poured the liquid from the glass onto his head.

When I sat down again, there was no discussion in the entire bar, only intense music resounded in this hot and dry space.

"Just a face-to-face, the C-class hero fell?"

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