MTL - What Should I Do if the School Bully is Interested in Me-Chapter 39 Speaking

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In the evening season, Liao brushed friends circle, brushed to the dynamics of Linjiang: dry! I was bitten by a mad dog! ! This **** life! ! !

The picture is a dog with a face and a neck.

Ji Liao saw a smile, and later found that Gu Ming people actually commented, the content has only one word: Wang. :


What is the alternative dog food? !

Ji Liao was born to eat a melon mentality, silently gave Lin Jiang a praise, and then quit WeChat.

He went back to the English words for a while, and Xu Aiwen knocked on the door and saw that his son had been studying hard recently, and he was very pleased. Putting the hot milk aside, she reminded Ji Liao to pay attention to the body, not to stay up late.

Ji Liao nodded, Xu Aiwen was about to leave, and thought of something. He turned and asked: "Sugar sugar, try it next week, and have a meal with Meng Shushu?"

Ji Liaoyi, then promised: "" Good."

Xu Aiwen took a sigh of relief and smiled. "The mother doesn't bother you to learn." Then he opened the door and went out.

The school final exam is divided into two days, the first day of the number of English, the second day of text or reason.

Yu Jin went to learn more than a month of art, and finally came back to take a test, and his heart was not excited. So I came to the class early, and when Ji Liao appeared, I immediately rushed over and hugged him. "Brother, I want to die!"

Ji Liao was shocked by this sudden enthusiasm, then smiled helplessly, and took a photo of his back and said: "You are too exaggerated?"

Yu Jin let go of the person, a look of "I am really miserable" expression, began to complain with Ji Liao, \" You do not know how boring the broken studio, not to draw a box is to draw an apple, I quickly draw spit. ”

Ji Liao listened to the schoolbag and comforted him: "You are just getting started, and you will always draw something else."

Speaking of the future, Yu Jin is even more desperate. He is currently in the second class, and the progress is relatively slow. I heard that the next three classes are progressing fast and are already painting **** models!

At first he was very happy, bare model! Fart and ran to peek, thinking that even if it is not a woman, is it a man? ! The result is a grandfather, I am fucking!

Almost let him poke his eyes and give up the specialty of painting. ,

"It’s tears when you say more." Yu Jin hides his face and cries.

After listening to Ji Liao, he laughed and then naughty: "The old man is always better than the old aunt, you should learn to meet."

Yu Jin looked at him very sadly: "You have changed Ji Liao, give me my sweet and lovely sugar candy!"

After talking about holding the shoulders of Ji Liao, I swayed hard. ,

Ji Liao was dizzy by him, and he quickly stopped and said: "When you do, don't shake it, you will have to test later."

At the end of the warning, "Don't call me sugar!"

In the past, they were in a community. Xu Aiwen often called him a nickname. After Yu Jin knew it, he used this little name to ridicule him. He also said that if he was a girl, the name of sugar candy was soft and sweet. It is very suitable as a wife.

Until he grew up, Ji Liao expressed his anger at his thoughts, and he gradually did not mention it.

"Know it." Yu Jin grinned.

The atmosphere calmed down and looked at the people in front of him. His heart was gradually calming down. How many times he couldn't hold it in the studio, but as long as he thought of Ji Liao, he felt that he could try again.

I used to think that the other party was his best friend. After this time, he realized that Jiluo’s meaning in his life might not be just a friend...

After the test, Yu Jin asked Ji Liao whether or not to eat fish together. The two had not opened the small stove for a long time. ,

Ji Liao felt that he would leave the school after reporting with He Chengming. ,

The fish shop two people used to go often. Yu Jin was familiar with the road and found a seat to sit down.

Ji Liao ordered, the two chatted for a while, Yu Jin asked him: "What are you doing during the winter vacation?"

Ji Liao said: "Let's find a temporary worker."

In order to alleviate the burden of Xu Aiwen, he will basically go to work during the winter and summer vacations.

Yu Jin is sad, "Unfortunately I can't accompany you this year."

In previous years, he went with Ji Liao. ,

"You still have to paint the nakedness of the old man." Ji Liao laughed at him. In fact, my heart is very grateful to Yu Jin, the other side has been helping him almost, to solve him, never left. ,

"Well? Ji Liao, have you been badly brought by someone? How can you become so poisonous?!" Yu Jinda.

Ji Liao smiled, thinking, probably He Chengming took the bad.

However, he likes himself now, no longer boring, timid, and silent. ,

The two men finished the fish, went to the bus station and waited for the bus, and the cold wind blew, they were shivering. ,

Yu Jin silently blocked the front of Ji Liao, but Ji Liao did not find out, he was bowing down with He Chengming to send a message saying that he had to go back.

The bus arrived soon, and Ji Liao went first. He got off the station and found He Chengming waiting for him.

He ran over and sighed in his mouth, his eyes wide open and beautiful.

He Chengming took the warm hand out of his pocket and leaned on the face of Ji Liao. He bowed his head and asked him: "Is it cold?"

Ji Liao’s voice is brisk, “OK.”

Then he said: "I don't want you to come, anyway, I have to take the test tomorrow."

He Chengming heated his cold face, took back his hand, and turned to the person next to him, not knowing the truth: "I don't trust you, afraid of being abducted."

Ji Liao gave him a white eye and whispered: "Sao Yanlian


"Well?" He Chengming listened to the tenth level, and took a long leg and stood in front of him. "What?"

Ji Liao stepped back and tried to run. He was taken by the long arm in front of him. He was a little ticklish in his arms. The position of the other hand was just on his stomach. He giggled and laughter made people feel happy. ,

"Baby, who is arrogant, ah?" He Chengming bit his ear.

Ji Liao was embarrassed to hide, and then loudly said: \"You, it is you!"

He Chengming’s throat rolled and he had some unspeakable pictures in his head.

The previous season of Liao Lian was cute, people wanted to kiss, want to bully, but now the season is vivid and vivid, it makes people think #, want to squeeze.

"I ate you sooner or later!" He said that he had blocked the mouth of Ji Liao and took the man two steps back and put him on the wall next to the street. ,

Ji Liao bent his lips and opened his mouth to match him. ,

Since the two together, the number of kissing more and more, he is more and more used to linger with each other, love deep, and even take the other's neck, want to hang himself on him. ,

He Chengming uncontrollably put his hand into Ji Liao's clothes and ignited everywhere.

Ji Liao "meeted" and knocked out the other's hand.

The clothes are all open to him, very cold!

At the roadside, a luxury car was opened at this time. Xu Aiwen’s sight fell outside the window. With only one tall boy’s back, but the shoes under his back, there were two pairs.

She licked her tongue and removed her eyes.