MTL - What Should I Do if the School Bully is Interested in Me-Chapter 73 If he does not interrupt Goldman’s legs, he will not surname

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The matter was passed quickly, and the school was so angry that even the notice was sent to the students to go home to pay attention to safety and not to stay on the road. Lin Jiang smiled. Is this **** stay? They are forced to stay!

He really couldn't swallow this breath, and he was planning to take a few people back to the post this Friday. ,

But that is also the evening.

Now that the class is normal during the day, Lin Jiang is hesitating how to tell He Chengming that this matter can ease the accountability?

The other party’s phone suddenly came in and scared him. Lin Jiang battled and picked up, "Hello?"

Over there, He Chengming licked his head and licked his face: "What do you want to protect people from eating?! Didn't you tell me? Have you watched carefully, do you **** Laozi's words?"

He Chengming is mad, and his tone can be heard in the whole class. ,

Lin Jiang took the phone a little farther and quickly went outside the classroom. This was blamed: "Ying Ge, really can't help"

Who knows that the dog at Goldman Sachs will find a helper, how can this blame him. ,

He Chengming, regardless of these seven seven eight eight, only look at the results, the result is that Ji Liao was injured!

"Don't find a reason for Laozi! See how Laozi goes back to clean up you!" "Don't, Ming Ge"

Lin Jiang mourned, and the phone was forcibly taken away after the words had not been finished. ,

He turned and saw that Gu Ming did not know when he was standing next to him. He is now holding his mobile phone and whispering: "The person himself will not protect himself. If something happens, he will find him angry. He is Your dog?!"

"He" obviously refers to Lin Jiang. 0

Lin Jiang lay a trough, only felt that the neck was cold, immediately grabbed the phone back, and hurriedly called: "Ming brother, hello? Ming brother?!" The other party has hung up the phone.

Lin Jiang cried, turned to Gu Ming people: \"Off your fart, use you to speak for me?", Gu Mingren has also entered his class, so that he has no chance to even have a chance!

Lin Jiang had no choice but to send a WeChat to help Ji Liao: Scorpion ah, Ming Ge Bacheng wanted to swear at me, beg for two good words, keep me two cute little tiger teeth!

Lin Jiang always remembers that He Chengming had a bad temper and knocked off the other two teeth in one punch. The scene was extremely bloody!

At the same time, He Chengming is also sending a WeChat to Gu Mingren: Gu Shaoyu fell to this point? Hero is very happy to save the United States?

The matter of Ji Liao was that Gu Mingren took the initiative to call him and told him to turn around and help Lin Jiang to speak. The whole heart was tnagr. Gu Ming returned to him with no expression: I don't know what you are talking about. ,

He Chengming - a voice, his finger knocked on the nurse station, anxiously said: "Hurry up."

He was in the process of helping Zhao Meizhen to leave the hospital, so it was a day, but when he went back one day, Ji Liao would not be injured.

The phone shocked again, and He Chengming took it and looked at it. It was the information of Ji Liao: You know? Don't blame Lin Jiang, he is also hurt. ,

He Chengming typed and immediately explained: Well, I scared him. ,

Ji Liao was relieved and listened carefully to the class.

When I was out of school, Lin Jiang took a few friends and friends to go to the high school where Huang Mao was. There were a few places where Gao Mada went there, quite a bit of posture.

When I saw the yellow hair coming out, one of the friends bumped into Linjiang: "Hey, is that nose and face swollen?!" Lin Jiang looked, but it is not him!

No, how come people have to do it first? !

The friend hesitated: "It’s all like this, still playing?"

Seeing that the yellow-haired face is swollen into a pig, it’s weird, how can I get it!

Lin Jiang was so angry that he had to give him a fire, so he screamed: "Hello! Don't hit the face, say hello to the body!" The fox friend made a order, only waited for the yellow hair out of the school gate, and immediately walked past the left and right shelves. He was taken to the side of the small flower bed. ,

Huang Mao was crying. His younger brothers had run away because of him. They didn’t mix with him. So now no one is around, they can only carry their fists and kicks with their heads. By the way, they have to swear: "You have not played. Once, how come there is a second time!"

There is no point in the rivers and lakes!

Lin Jiang stepped on the flower bed and said, "I will hit you when I beat you, and I will divide it one or two times?!"

Huang Mao could not refute, biting his teeth and tears of remorse. ,

Lin Jiang got rid of the gas and was about to go. He suddenly saw Li Siran coming out from high school. He looked at the question mark. Is Li Siran not A high? ! A yellow hair asked: "She is your school?" Huang Mao glanced and nodded: "Yes, it is our school." Lin Jiang's face sank, Li Siran lied to him? !

Here, Ji Liao also intends to go, see Lin Jiasui at the door, and screamed her: "Squad leader." z Lin Jiasui turned back, no expression: "Why?

"Is it your police to help you yesterday?"

He saw Lin Jiasui at that time, and he couldn't see each other in the blink of an eye. After a while, the police came. ,

Lin Jiasui stunned. "What about me? I don't need your thanks. I didn't help you because of you!" <季辽" oh, didn't say anything, rubbed her shoulders, swearing gone. <

Lin Jiasui is mad at the place! I really don't even have a thank you! She even ran off even the shoes at the time! Ji Liao took two steps to look back, and said with a smile: "Thank you." The boy's voice is clear, revealing a simple.

Lin Jiasui stunned, and suddenly he felt that he was pretty good-looking, and his face was red. She took a picture of her gang in an instant, whispered: "What do you think! He is Ji Liao!

Ji Liao went out of school, Xu Aiwen is already waiting for him. ,

The kind of thing happened last night, Meng Yuan and Xu Aiwen are no longer worried about the two children taking the bus, decided to pick up in person. ,

Meng Yuan wants to go to work, this task falls on Xu Aiwen, and Xu Aiwen has no objection. In short, safety is always the first. ,

Meng Yaoyao did not come today and rested at home, so now only Ji Li is sitting alone in the car. ,

While Xu Aiwen was driving, he asked him, "Is the pain on my face still hurting?" Ji Liao shook his head, "No pain."

Xu Aiwen looked at him from the inside of the car and tried to ask: "Who are you, how have you not appeared recently?"

For a while, he did not see He Chengming, Xu Aiwen could not help but wonder if the two had broken up. If there is no breakup, what is going on with the other party? Her son has been labeled like this, he said nothing? !

Ji Liao said: "He is taking care of his mother in the hospital."

Xu Aiwen came to the tone of the person: "If he has you in his heart, he should run over to see you!" Ji Liao blushed red, whispered: "I am not a girl, it is not normal to be injured"

Xu Aiwen was so mad, with a red light, he turned his head and shouted: "When you are so big, I have let you suffer several injuries? Ah? It is not normal to get hurt? You talk about it normal?!"

Ji Liao did not speak, pouting and grievances. ,

Secretly send WeChat to He Chengming: Why are you doing?

He Chengming is stepping on the neck of Huang Mao, and scared the yellow hair to ask for mercy: "I really don't dare, really wrong, you let me go."

This is the third time, when is it a head...

Huang Mao wiped his face and cried actually.

He Chengming felt the vibration of the mobile phone, kicked him off with one foot, and opened it to look at Ji Liao, and the indifferent face immediately became gentle. ,

He dialed the phone and the voice was distressed. "Baby, do you miss me?"

Ji Liao was a little embarrassed when he was in the face of Xu Aiwen. He just whispered, and then asked: "What are you doing?"

He Chengming reached out and hired a taxi: "On the way to your home."

Ji Liao listened a bit happy, his eyes bright, and whispered, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Auntie is next to you?"

I don't know how the other party heard it, and Ji Liao was "hmm".

"Auntie should blame me, did not protect you." "How do you know?" Ji Liao surprised.

He Chengming smiled lowly. "Do she really say that?

Feelings are in his words!

Ji Liao bit his mouth, and the car drove into the community parking lot. The signal weakened. He hurriedly said two words and hung up, and then rushed to Xu Wenwen: "He will come later."

The tone is a little bit smug.

Xu Aiwen was so angry and funny, he ordered his head. "You are a silly boy."

The mother and the son got on the elevator. After Xu Aiwen went back, he started cooking. He did more. He thought that He Chengming would arrive later, just for dinner.

After a while, Ji Liao sneaked out the door and went downstairs to see the other side. ,

He ran over, He Chengming opened his arm to accept him, and hugged him to kiss him. ,

Ji Liao bit his lower lip and refused to loosen, gently pulling out a piece of red meat. ,

“So passionate?”

He Chengming said that he did not wait for Ji Liao to answer. He immediately followed his head and kissed him deeply. Ji Liao looked up at his head and could not keep up with the urgency of the other party. He could only let him ask for it.

When the mouth was empty, Ji Liao sighed.

He Chengming touched the wound on his face, and his apex was painful. He blamed himself: "I blame me for not protecting you." Ji Liao retorted: "I don't need your protection."

He Chengming’s big hand stuck to his waist and said to himself, his tone suddenly tasted: “Who do you want to protect?” Ji Liao’s eye-point saw Meng’s car coming in, and immediately opened the distance with the people around him. When the car passed, he was relieved. Think of the person next to you: "How did you just go straight up?"

He Chengming scraped his nose. "What do you say?" If Xu Aiwen is present, he can't even touch his opponent's fingers!

"how could I know."

Ji Liao muttered, took him to the elevator, Meng Yuan came back, it should be eaten. ,

When the door of the elevator was just closed, He Chengming pushed him to the corner and touched the rope to start doing bad things. The palm of his hand pressed the injury on the back of Ji Liao. The season sighed and he snorted. He Chengming immediately stopped and opened his clothes. A red dragonfly pierced his eyes. ,

Then there is also an arm, and I have not taken off Ji Liao pants. ,

"There is nothing wrong with it." Ji Liao panicked and held his hand.

He Chengming’s squatting is tight, his face is gloomy, and his mother’s legs are not interrupted by Gao’s legs.