MTL - When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel-Chapter 32

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Yi Xichen earned from the arms of the grandson Sun Zijun, thinking about what to say, and saw that the grandson Sun Zijun carefully observed the Quartet, and then split his sword in a certain direction!


The illusion was ripped open, the scenery changed suddenly, and a channel appeared in front of him.

Grandson Sun Zijun frowned slightly, and continued to look around while walking forward.

He couldn't find the cat demon who used fantasy, because the demon in this Cangming cave was too strong. Demon qi came in all directions, and even the spiders crawling on the stone wall carried a thick demon. gas. When this man cultivates, he pays attention to the spirits and spirits, as does the demon. Cangming cave is a treasure land. When the living creatures arrive here, it must be a monster.

No actor can be found, and they are always passive. Even if Long Sun Zijun was able to keep splitting up the illusion, he wasted time and spiritual power. If I had consumed it all the way, when I met the host of Cangming Cave, I would have some trouble.

Yi Xichen suddenly said, "Look at me."

I saw him take out an incense burner and plug it into an incense stick. Within a short while, the evil spirits in some places suddenly increased. Long Sun Zijun's body flickered, and three cat monsters were caught at Yi Xichen's feet. The three cat monsters were drunk and blurred, and rolled around the incense burner. One of them was sober, struggling to take a few steps outside, but after all, he couldn't resist the inner heart *, turned back and continued rolling.

Yi Xichen proudly said, "Great, right?"

In this incense burner is the incense made by Mu Tianyu strengthened by him. Yesterday he inquired with Master. There are cat monsters in this Cangming cave, so he prepared some wooden tentacles in advance. Don't look at these kittens who have been practicing for decades, and finally become demon, but even more powerful cat demon will like Mu Tianyu, nothing more than the change in the strength of self-control. It ’s just like you are so good at people, you still like good-looking affairs.

The elder grandson Jun patted three palms on the top of the hearts of the kittens. The three kittens fell down as soon as they were soft, and it would take two or three days to wake up. They are here to find the Snow Tiger Spirit, and the rest of the little monsters are nothing more than to obey the dispatch of the Snow Tiger Spirit. They do not need to open the killing ring.

So they continued to go inside.

In a moment, a few black shadows flashed in front of my eyes, very fast, like lightning!

Long Sun Zi Jun frowned: "It's a boxing monkey."

Although Yi Xichen had never seen a boxing monkey before, he had heard of such a monster. Boxing monkeys are like the monks in the monks. They are not very powerful, but they act like lightning, and their fists are infinitely powerful. The boxing monkeys with the best body training can smash a hill!

"That Snow Tiger has collected a lot of younger brothers!" Yi Xichen was still joking.

While talking about a dark shadow passing by his side, Yi Xichen stepped back. He noticed that the fist monkey had left silver filaments that were hard to detect, as if they were spider silk. He immediately understood in his heart: using the quick action, boxing monkeys are very suitable for arraying. First, they will be trapped with crystal spider silk, and they will not be able to move, then the boxing monkeys can hit them as sandbags!

Yi Xichen immediately drew his sword and chopped the crystal silk of the body to avoid being entangled.

Long Sun Zijun hesitated. These box monkeys are too fast, and it is difficult for him to catch them. If the sword gas is released wildly, they can all be cut off. However, the cave is fragile and there are many stalagmites hanging on top of the head. Collapse the cave and they will be buried in it.

At a blink of an eye, more and more dark shadows were scurrying around, and the silver lines in the holes were spreading more and more. Yi Xichen couldn't cut it anymore, he could only fight and retreat.

They gradually realized that the box monkey separated them.

More and more crystal spider silks around Yi Xichen have trapped him in a place, and these boxing monkeys are gradually being gathered around. When Yi Xichen wanted to pull his sword to cut off the spider silk, a boxing monkey would immediately attack him to stop his movement.

"Oh!" Yi Xichen exclaimed, "The monkeys are so shameless !! Shameless !!!"

Long Sun Zijun turned his head and saw Yi Xichen's face flushed with anger, holding his sword in front of him.

These boxing monkeys hit people without hitting their faces, focusing on the beating. As long as he dared to raise his hand to cut the spider silk, immediately the monkey took a big fist and stabbed him | The surrounding circle is getting smaller and smaller.

The grandson Sun Zijun did not know what happened, and saw Yi Xichen left and right, and apparently he was in trouble.

He grabbed the sword and cut it at the spider silk between them, but the wooden sword was not as sharp and cold as the iron sword, and it was a bit dull with the sticky spider silk. He poured a sword qi on the wooden sword, and the sharp sword qi cut off the spider silk without any hindrance.

"Be careful!" Yi Xichen exclaimed!

A boxing monkey waved a big fist and struck Chang Zijun's eyes, but Yi Xichen could see clearly that the boxing monkey was just to confuse Chang Sun Zijun, but the real fatal blow was actually a straight one The monkey who rushed to the top of Sun Zijun!

Grandson Sun Zijun watched in all directions and naturally noticed the monkeys' tricks. However, he just tilted his head calmly, avoiding the fist that smashed into his eyes, without even blocking his hands.


Just listening to the loud noise, the boxing monkey who attacked him at the top flew out, and bumped into one of his companions. The two monkeys were bombarded into the stone wall, raising a wave of stone dust!

The boxing monkeys have always been united. Seeing that their companions were actually beaten up, they were immediately angered. Many boxing monkeys laid down Yi Xichen and headed for the long grandson Jun!


A boxing monkey flew out!


Two boxing monkeys flew out!

Bang Bang!

Three boxing monkeys flew out!

Even Sun Zijun, the "culprit culprit", twitched: "Such a dead-headed monkey ..."

The monkeys took turns one by one, but they all recognized the key hits, and even if they occasionally hit elsewhere, they were only to cover their attacking key companions. The grandson Sun Zijun hasn't done anything yet. Most of the boxing monkeys have been bounced back by ten times their own strength, smashing deep holes in the stone walls.

Yi Xichen looked dumbfounded.

The number of boxing monkeys is getting smaller and smaller, and Yi Xichen's perimeter is naturally resolved. He cut off the tangled spider silk around his body, and together with his grandson Zijun captured the remaining boxing monkeys. Long Sun Zijun took a few palm shots, and the boxing monkeys fell to the ground again.

After solving the boxing monkeys, the long grandson Zi Jun was about to go to the next hole, but was pulled by Yi Xichen.

"What's the hurry!" Yi Xichen said, "You defeated the little monster. Do you want to pick up the spoils? You must always remember that we are poor!"

After that, he ran over and yanked out a monkey that had just been bombarded from the stone wall and placed it side by side on the ground. The monkeys were lined up in a row, Yi Xichen spread out their palms, plucked out clusters of crystal silk, and stuffed them into their bags with satisfaction. After doing this, he clapped his hands: "Let's go!"

Cangming Cave has one hole after another, and there are countless little monsters, but they can't stop the long grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen. The two of them went far away in a blink of an eye.

Some of the little demon grandson Sun Zijun who did not threaten them were lazy, but Yi Xichen did not let aside. Even when walking through an ice silkworm hole, the ice silkworms did not attack them at all, but Yi Xichen pulled his grandson Zijun full of eyes and refused to go: "Hurry up, hit them!"

Long Sun Zijun said silently: "How many bugs are going to hit?"

"Of course, the spoils are huge! If they beat them, they can sell a lot of spirit stones!"

The ice silk babies were scared and spit on the spot.

The road was almost unobstructed, or the little devil would be cleaned up to find their teeth, or they would hide from the distance when they saw it. Yi Xichen was glad, and it was estimated that they were not far from the main hole where Snow Tiger was hiding. However, after walking for a while, the two stopped suddenly.

Yi Xichen frowned and looked around: "Here we are."

Long Sun Zijun gave a hum, and he apparently found it.

Sure enough, one more step forward, I saw a hole full of stone walls and a row of boxing monkeys on the ground. No one has touched it yet.

"End to end," Yi Xichen said.

This back-and-forth array is to connect the beginning and end of a certain section of the road. People walk in it, and then return to the beginning after the end, so they have to go again, even countless times. If you want to break the head-to-back array, you must find the broken "tail". There must be a teleportation method there that destroys the method. This array of methods is naturally broken. Or if you want to leave the front and back, the easiest way is to go back. The tail end is connected to the head end, but the head end will not return to the tail end. Turn it around and leave, and you will not be trapped.

However, how could long-term Sun Zijun and Yi Xichen give up, and they continued to move forward decisively.

Before long, however, they returned to the cave where the boxing monkey was.

Where this tail array teleportation gate is located, there will naturally be spiritual fluctuations. However, the problem is that the evil spirit in this Cangming cave is too strong, and there are spiritual fluctuations everywhere. It is not easy to find an array of eyes.

"Let's go," long grandson Zi Jun said.

As far as they are concerned, it is nothing more than wasting some time and walking a few more times.

However, it didn't take long for them to reach another road they had never walked before. The two are confused. Is this coming out of the front and back? A few more steps, however, and three fainting kittens appeared in the cave ahead-they returned to the front!

Yi Xichen immediately frowned and said, "This is a joint front and back."

Adding the word joint in front of this ending array is even more complicated. This shows that there is more than one teleportation method in the cave, but there are multiple places. Each end of the teleportation method will teleport the person back to the head, but this head is not necessarily the head of this path, but the head of another path. In this way, even if one method can be found and destroyed, there are many methods in other places, which is really difficult to pass.

Grandson Sun Zijun snorted: "This little monster hole has many tricks."

Suddenly, the two felt a breath approaching behind them, and immediately posed a parry. A moment later, Jin Wu and Zhang Luan appeared in front of them.

The four met each other for a moment.

I saw that Jin Wu looked very embarrassed, his robe was tattered, and his spiritual strength was not as good as before. It seemed that he could barely come here. Zhang Luan behind him looked much better, without much damage.

Yi Xichen squinted.

Zhang Luan first saw the two men, and was shocked first, then he was overjoyed: "Invincible! Defeated! I didn't expect to meet you, it was great, let's go together!"

"Companion?" Yi Xichen raised her eyebrows. "That quiet cloud sword ..."

Zhang Luan said busyly: "We have come across countless distresses and have been unable to hold on, and now we just want to leave this ghost place. I am Dan Xiu, and I do n’t want any swords at all. Jin Wu does n’t want the sword Also, if we can follow you, maybe we can help you? "

Yi Xichen and long grandson Zijun were a little surprised, and they set their sights on Jin Wu. Jin Wu even nodded his face: "I don't want a sword, let us go with you."

Yi Xichen and Long Sun Zijun glanced at each other. Since there are multiple portals in this cave, it is difficult for Jin Wu and Zhang Luan to go back and go out. If the piece of Luan was not a demon, they would probably believe it, but once they knew the identity of that piece of Luan, they would not believe it.

Zhang Luan said busyly: "If you don't believe me, I will give you my Ning Danshi! Stay here, and then return the Ning Danshi to me." Then he took out a Ning Danshi , Stuffed into the hands of long grandson Zijun.

As soon as Changzi Zijun got Ning Danshi, he noticed that aura of magic was mixed in his aura. He narrowed his eyes, and still took Ning Danshi,

Zhang Luan's eyes flashed. Laughing: "Let's go together?"

Grandson Sun Jun said: "Yes."

As long as Sun Zijun had promised, Zhang Luan looked at Yi Xichen with a glance of inquiry, and if he had no opinion, then it would be the case.

Yi Xichen didn't know what the grandson Zijun had made, but he heard the grandson Zizi whisper to him: "Two little monsters, the loot is very rich."

Yi Xichen almost laughed out loud. Zhang Luan said in a hurry: "Okay, with your helpers, we can make it easier. Let's go now!"

After getting approval, Zhang Luan was naturally overjoyed, and he took Jin Wu to the front without saying a word.

Yi Xichen slowly followed, saying: "Zhang Daoyou, there is a joint head-to-tail array here. We have been trapped in it for a long time. I wonder if Zhang Daoyou can have a quick solution?"

Zhang Luan said: "If you want to break the joint front and back array, you need to find the method. One by one, the method is natural. But the method is difficult to find in the demon cave. We are likely to be trapped here for three or five days. After thinking about it, he said, "I know one way, maybe I can solve the immediate dilemma and quickly find the way. I need to use a white candle or a flammable incense. Unfortunately, I don't have it with me."

Yi Xichen rummaged in Qiankun's bag, and took out the incense burner he had just ordered.

Zhang Luan said in surprise: "I did not expect that Victor Daoyou, a sword repairer, even brought such a thing with him!" He set the incense stick, there was no wind in the hole, and the smoke went straight upward. He breathed into the smoke, and the smoke went in the direction of the airflow.

Yi Xichen immediately understood what he was going to do: "Blow the wind with smoke, where the smoke goes, it means where the teleportation method is!" This teleportation method transmits everything, and the person passes the method and returns to the head. After the Famen naturally returned to the head, in their opinion, the smoke naturally broke.

Zhang Luan said: "Tao You is really smart, this is the way!" He turned to Chang Sun Zi Jun and asked, "Can troublesome invincible Dao You use incense to take away incense?"

Yi Xichen said: "Zhang Daoyou, even if you are a Dan Xiu, then you won't even use such a basic spell as Zhaofeng?"

Zhang Luan was already prepared, saying: "I naturally know how to recruit the wind, but I am lowered. If this way is called, I ’m afraid that I have n’t reached the main cave, and my spiritual power is exhausted. If you are in danger, you have to be tired to protect me. The invincible Taoist has strong spiritual power, and the practice of recruiting wind is nothing to him. "

Yi Xichen said in his heart that we are in danger and we are tired of protecting you? Too self-knowledge, right? It is our laziness not to make you a knife at the back. However, he was too lazy to argue about this little matter, not to mention that long-term Sun Zijun had reached out to take over.

Zhang Luanming clearly saw that he had handed over, but still said: "Reach out and catch!" Only put the incense burner in his hand.

Grandson Sun Zijun was about to recruit wind, but after listening to Zhang Luan anxious to insert a sentence: "Use the wind!"

The grandson Sun Zijun called the wind, Zhang Luan said again: "Go forward!"

For a moment, several eyes gathered on him.

Zhang Luangan laughed: "I'm afraid the invincible Taoist broke the line for the first time and I don't know what to do, so I gave a little more hint.

Grandson Sun Zijun didn't bother to care about his nonsense and walked forward.

Zhang Luan's heart rejoices: It's a trick! Sure enough!

The technique he used, called Demon Sacrifice, was extremely sinister. He hid the puppet made by Warcraft in Ning Danshi. When others took Ning Danshi, he was already invaded by the magic gas and hit him. Then as long as the person in charge of the concubine does three things in succession according to his instructions, the Capricorn will invade that person's consciousness and slowly control him. That Jinwu is now a puppet, he will obediently obey Jinwu what to do with Jinwu, and soon, the grandson Zijun will be his next puppet!

Long Sun Zijun took the incense burner to ignite the smoke, and naturally walked ahead.

Yi Xichen wanted to keep up, Jin Wu suddenly stepped softly and fell to the ground in vain, Yi Xichen supported him smoothly.

Jin Wudao: "I was injured, and trouble friends help me."

"OK." Yi Xichen agreed.

The two fell behind, Zhang Luan took the opportunity to walk to the grandson of Sun Zijun.

Zhang Luan said: "Invincible Taoist friends, for you to get the Youyun sword, is it for you?"


"I don't think that Victor Daoyou's sword is very good. He is also a sword repairer. He is willing to make a sword for you. Your relationship is really good."

"Huh, just average, hum."

Zhang Luan: "..."

Zhang Luan is overjoyed! He was going to slowly stir up the relationship between the two, but did not expect that their relationship was not so good? That's just great!

Long Sun Zijun felt that the magic of the Ning Danshi slightly enhanced, but still remained calm.

"Ah, is it just ordinary? I thought you were the same brothers and sisters who shared the same subject, and you trusted each other very much. It was only inconvenient to disclose your identities. It doesn't seem ... that the Victor Taoist accompany you here just for you The fairy in the hole? "

His nonsense was too much, and grandson Zijun was too lazy to answer.

Zhang Luan thought his silence was the default. The invincible cultivation is obviously higher than the inevitable victory. The same brothers and sisters have poor talents, but the difference is not so large, so Zhang Luan was more confident that he was right. He lowered his voice again and said, "You are a good friend, invincible Taoist, but if I do n’t listen to it, it ’s indispensable to defend against others. After all, the virtuous Taoist is also a sword repair. Naturally, Dan Xiu like me is Not interested in swords, but sword repair, how can anyone not want a good sword? "

Long Sun Zijun stopped suddenly.

After the smoke floated forward, it broke. Here is the portal!

Several people also saw it and quickly surrounded them. Determine the position of the teleportation method, and then find the array method is much easier. Within a short time, Chang Sun Zijun noticed that a stalagmite was strange. He cut it off with a sword, the stalagmite broke, and a magic circle appeared behind him.

Destroy the array, and the four resumed their journey.

With the way of cigarettes, it is much easier to find the portal. The four traveled unhindered all the way. They met Famen and broke them; they met little demon and beat them. In a blink of an eye, the road to the Dongfu Palace has passed by more than half, and the evil spirit in front of it is getting heavier and stronger. It must be not far from the main cave where the main Cangming Cave is located.

Just as everyone was looking for the main hole, all of a sudden, just a buzzing roar, and a group of poisonous bees struck!

The poisonous bee colony came fiercely, forming a huge poison net, surrounded by everyone!

Long Sun Zijun immediately stood in front of everyone. This poisonous bee is quite similar to the boxer monkey just now. They are large in number, and it is difficult to cut off one sword. If you open the sword in the open plains, you will naturally expel the poisonous bee swarm. However, the cave was narrow, and Chang Sun Jun did not dare to zoom in, lest the cave be collapsed, so he read the trick in his mouth and called fire to form a fire wall, blocking the poisonous bee on the opposite side of the fire wall!

Zhang Luan was both surprised and delighted. He is known to be invincible, but this person is still beyond his expectations. Ordinary people launch fireball, but they can only call a fireball. Only the fire spirit root can manipulate fire spells better than others. However, in the past, Invincible had used the water technique when dealing with the group of snakes. It was as sturdy, which shows that his water spiritual root and fire spiritual root are very strong!

Invincibility cannot be double spirit root or triple spirit root. The more spiritual roots, the more complex, the weaker the strength. Although the dual spirit roots are also better than others, they have only half the strength compared to the single spiritual root expertise. There is no weakness like invincible, it can only be more talented than Shan Linggen! Is it Sanyang? Or is it the terrifying root that makes people scared to hear it? !!

Zhang Luan feels that she has picked up treasure!

Long Sun Zijun is using the fire wall to defend the poisonous bee, Zhang Luan suddenly said: "One step to the left."

Long Sun Zijun took a step to the left.

Zhang Luan held back his ecstasy and said, "One step to the right."

Long Sun Zijun took another step to the right.

It's done! Zhang Luan almost jumped up. Long Sun Zijun has been completely controlled by his magic wand, and has become his puppet just like Jin Wu!

The poisonous bee was afraid of the fire, and after being surrounded by the fire wall, they bumped around, but had nowhere to run, crackled and fell. Finally, fewer and fewer poisonous bees, only a few escaped from the fire, and flew away immediately.

Moving forward, a stone wall blocked their way. The enchantment in front reached the heyday-the master of Cangming Cave was among them!

Zhang Luan suddenly increased his magical energy all over his body. He turned and pointed at Yi Xichen, yelling, "Kill him!"

Jin Wu and his grandson Zi Jun moved by the sound!

Jin Wu stabs at Yi Xichen's heart!

Long Sun Zijun also rushed to Yi Xichen, but slashed into Jin Wu's head!

A golden seal struck Jin Wu's head, his figure flew out and hit a stone wall. This time the hit was so severe that he looked painful, opened his mouth and vomited a few mouthfuls of black blood, his eyes lost his sight, and the black gas slowly overflowed from the top of his head.

Zhang Luan was shocked, thinking that her Capricorn had made a mistake and could not help provoke the magic!

Yi Xichen let out a sigh of relief, and stood next to his grandson Sun Zijun with a smirk: "Fortunately, he just told you to go left and right. In case he told you to sing and dance, it was really difficult."

Long Sun Zijun snorted.

Yi Xichen looked at him and said carefully: "He should tell you to have a baby on the spot. If you can't have a baby, you will definitely be seen by him!"

Long Sun Zijun: "..." 2k novel reading network

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