MTL - When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel-Chapter 38

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On such a night, Chang Sun Zijun and Yi Xichen could not sleep. They are making the final preparations, bringing all the things that they bring with them, the ones that can be strengthened are strengthened, and finally they are waiting.

Yi Xichen lay on the table, staring at Fei Yan with big eyes.

"Obviously, don't get into my Qiankun bag, just wait here, we will come out in three or five days, and we will come to you as soon as we come out."

The fat man pretended not to understand, and lowered his head to arrange his feathers with his mouth. Since it ate a pile of spirit stones from Yu Xiu Dan Xiu, his aura has become stronger, his mind has changed, and he is getting more and more beautiful. He combs his feathers all day long.

Yi Xichen flicked his butt: "Hey, can't understand people?"

The fat jumped away abruptly and continued combing her feathers.

"Just because your hair is so irritable, it's fat, gray and ugly no matter how you manage it!"

Fat Ma immediately stared at him with a killing eye.

Yi Xichen hippie smiled: "Look, this is not understandable!"

Fatty shrank his neck, and his whole body became rounder and fatter.

"Hey, I mean it. Just stay here, don't drill into my bag, the place of the void ..." Yi Xichen thought for a moment, scaring it, "There is a thunderous storm in there , The lightning flashes and thunder constantly, you are already ugly enough to have gray hair. In case of being chopped by a thunder and turning into a black fat bird, wouldn't it be more ugly? "

Fat Fei thought he was too annoying and flew to the top of the cabinet to hide.

Yi Xichen was helpless. In addition to the Thunderstorm, there are many fierce beasts in the sea of ​​nothingness. It is indeed extremely dangerous. Even he himself needs the protection of his long grandson, and it is unknown whether this trip can be successful. He also didn't want Fei Ling to follow them to take risks, but Fei Ling could see the seal as nothing and slip in with them wherever he went. He really couldn't help it.

"Okay," Yi Xichen said, "but you have to promise me that after entering the void, you will not be allowed to hide in the Qiankun bag, or else ... or I will sell you now!"

Fat Fei immediately flew down from the top of the cabinet, landed on the table and poked his fingers affectionately, and then began to tidy his feathers again.

Yi Xichen was funny: "Return it!"

However, for a moment, he felt that Fat Fei's feathers look a bit ... elegant? Yi Xichen was instantly deserved by himself. How does such a little fat bird relate to the word elegance!

In an instant, the sky was bright.

As if they were afraid that they would not take it with them, they would not get into the bag early. The two were packed and went out.

There are people everywhere in the evil city, and they are walking towards the void beach in the southeast. Some of these people intend to go to the Void Sea, while others take advantage of the last chance to see the lively.

Originally, in the city of evil, you could see the thunderstorm on the empty sea shore. The naked eye can see that the power of the thunderstorm has been greatly weakened. The thunderstorm is no longer dense and gives people a chance to approach.

As soon as Yi Xichen and Long Sun Zijun came out of the inn, they met Xiao Li, Hong Yi, and Gao Tianzhang, who were also going out.

Xiao Li smiled slightly at them, but seemed to have a little more interest than when they first met, and looked at them a few more times before taking his eyes back. And Gao Tianmao was still very unfriendly towards them. Because Hong Yi was there, he was inconvenient and didn't say anything.

Out of the evil city gate, there are many fewer people. People who did not intend to break into the realm and stopped at the gate of the city stopped and watched it lively. Therefore, those who walked out of the gate were all those who had the heart to meet the Void Sovereign.

There are about fifty people out of the city, most of them are monks above Jindan, and they mainly use swords. After all, sword repair is the strongest of all cultivating people, and it can even be challenged beyond the ranks. Other monks are as high as they may not be able to beat those fierce beasts in the void.

Yi Xichen looked around curiously, and saw that Xiao Li and Hongmeng sent apprentices among the crowd out of the city.

He is watching others, and others are watching him. Walking next to him was a Jindan monk from the jade dragon school, who saw an incredible expression when he saw him and his grandson.

"Friendly." Yi Xichen greeted him with a smile.

Seeing the plague, the man not only didn't respond, but actually took a few steps aside to stay away from them. If there is a monk in the integration period to try his luck, then that's it. Is the guy in the late period of building the base come to be funny? He had to stay a little farther away from the two, and it would have been wrong to share the power of the Thunder for them.

Yi Xichen turned his head to the grandson Sun Zijun: "Well, I heard that the emptiness of the sea is very dangerous. I want to make a few friends to take care of each other. Unfortunately, friends are really difficult to make.

Grandson Sun Zijun glanced at Brother Jindan: "Don't find a burden."

The jade dragon monk's nose was crooked. burden? Two Huangmao children dare to say that he is a burden? Don't cry with your nose after being chopped by Thunder!

These monks rarely have royal swords, and the road from the city gate to Sanli by the sea is almost on foot. One is that there is a monk who is higher than himself and does not guard the sword in order to show respect. The other is that the closer to the beach, the more severe the storm is. .

Fang walked out of the way, and a few people were gone. Although unwilling, I had to turn around and go back.

As soon as the evil city mayor Sun Zijun used his spiritual power to protect him and Yi Xichen, although some consumption, at least can protect Yi Xichen comprehensively, after all, the seal of Yi Xichen's body has not been released, let It's too hard for him to fight the Thunderstorm alone.

Yi Xichen worried, "Is that okay? If you can't carry it, you say it."

Long Sun Zijun said easily: "Yes." He did not pretend to be relaxed, but after the Thunderstorm weakened today, it was even weaker than the intensity he tested yesterday. He did find it easy to protect the two.

When everyone walked to the beach, there were only thirty people left. Half of the people out of the city could not stand the wrath of the thunder and returned.

There was a thunder wall by the seaside, blocking everyone's way. The intensity of this thunder wall is not low. It is said that its intensity is comparable to the strongest thunderstorm on the sea of ​​nothingness. This is the first experience for everyone. If they can pass through the wall of thunder, then the long sea journey should not be hurt by the thunder. It is also a kind warning to everyone, lest people who do not know what to do will be buried in thunder after they go out to sea.

A sword repairman tentatively put his hand into the thunder wall, and suddenly screamed, withdrew his hand back suddenly, but saw that the palm of his hand was already dripping with blood, and few bones were seen! His face was pale, his teeth were struggling, and his heart was full of unwillingness, but the fact is so cruel. If he forcibly breaks through, let alone nothingness, for fear that he has not yet crossed the thunder wall, he has become a bone. In the end, he left in despair.

When everyone saw the first test, they ended up like this, one by one, they were so scared that they didn't dare to break into the Thunder Wall and took only one part of the body to try.

Long Sun Zijun also stretched out a hand with a guard in it, and Lei Guang's wall couldn't hurt him.

The monks of the Yulong School did not dare to act arrogantly. Looking left and right, they found that the grandson Sun Zijun was okay, and he couldn't help staring. He was already a little scared in his heart, but he was despised as a burden before. If he retreated at this moment, wouldn't he be right? So he gritted his teeth and stretched a hand towards the Leiguang wall. With just a touch, he yanked his hand back-although he was not injured to the extent that his skin was fleshed, but his protective body was instantly broken. It can be seen that this sea of ​​emptiness is beyond his reach.

The monk sent by Yulong turned pale and looked at Sun Zijun and Yi Xichen secretly, for fear of being mocked by them, but the two did not look at him at all. He gritted his teeth, turned around without notice, but turned around, but saw a huge silver wolf rushing towards the wall of thunder.

"Bingfeng Wolf!"

He exclaimed.

The people turned around, and saw the Bingfeng wolf rushing towards the Leiguang wall at a fast speed! The sharp-eyed person soon found that there was a person hidden under the belly of Bingfeng Wolf.

Gao Tianmao shouted, "It's that evil way! Come on, Xiao Daoyou, stop them!"

Grandson Sun Zijun also saw the animal-controlling danxiu hiding under Lang Yue's belly, but he did not immediately send a sword, because the huge body of Bingfeng Wolf was completely Danxiu's shield, unless he was smashed out. Hurt others.

The closest person to Lang Yue was Xiao Li, and he was standing in front of Lang Yue rushing into the wall of Thunder Light. The animal beast Dan Xiu saw it and screamed, "Lang Yue, hit him!"

However, Xiao Li didn't mean to stop them. He took a step back and let his debut.

Lang Yue rushed into the thunder wall!

The dazzling thunderbolt hit the body of the fierce beast. He flinched because of pain, but he still crossed the thunderwall! In the end, the fierce beast of half demon and half demon, even when seriously injured, can break into the sea of ​​nothingness!

And the shameless beast-controlling beast Dan Xiu, with Bingfeng Giant Wolf as a shield, rushed into the sea of ​​nothingness and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"Why don't you stop them!" Gao Tianyi immediately blinked. "How can you put that evil way and ferocious beast into the sea of ​​nothingness!"

Xiao Li asked him, "Are you afraid of him?"

Gao Tianyi's face became very ugly: "Nonsense, nonsense! I am responsible for disposing him of the evil way to practice the demon!" The direction of the sea at sea is indistinct and unpredictable. No one knows why the evil path broke into it. If he was just killing people and surpassing the goods, he ambushed in the dark and attacked others, then the others were indeed very dangerous. Gao Tianmao is not without this consideration, but he is unwilling to admit it.

"Then go and dispose of him." Xiao Li smiled slightly and turned into the Lei Guang wall.

He walked lightly, as if he didn't even notice the existence of Thunder's Anger, and that Thunder had no influence on him at all. A moment later, he disappeared in front of everyone.

Yi Xichen thoughtfully looked at his back: "What kind of person is Xiao Li ...?"

The grandson Sun Zijun took his shoulders and Shen said, "Hug me." Yi Xichen immediately obediently wrapped his arms around his waist.

At the foot of Chang Sun Jun, the two also rushed into the wall of Lei Guang!

Yi Xichen just felt a strong light around him and couldn't help closing his eyes. He was held tightly in his arms by his grandson Zijun, and the thunderbolt fell on him. After a moment, the strong light faded, Yi Xichen felt the irritation of the eyelids become smaller, and opened his eyes.

They had crossed the wall of thunder and reached the surface of the void.

"Ah, you are really invincible!" Yi Xichen excitedly struck the eldest son of Sun Zijun. Xiuwei is the grandson of Sun Zijun, so he has a bottom in mind, but Yi Xichen has no bottom in mind, so he successfully passed the first checkpoint and was protected innocently. He was relieved.

However, Chang Sun Zijun's face was a little dazed. This thunder wall ... is too weak ... isn't it much stronger than the lighter thunder sword of Xiao Xiaorou ...

Immediately, they saw Xiao Li not far away. Xiao Li didn't walk away. Standing there, he was waiting for them.

At this moment, Gao Tianzhang jumped out of the Lei Guang wall while holding his head, and the real person of Hong Yi followed him. Gao Tian paused for a moment and exclaimed in surprise: "Master! I'm here! I'm really here!"

Hong Yi's real man answered, unhappy: "This is just the beginning. What are you frizzy!"

Gao Tianyi smiled embarrassedly, but he couldn't hide his pride.

Several others could see clearly. When Gao Tianyu came over, he was covered with a white light. It was not his own spiritual power, but his master was protecting him.

Long Sun Zijun looked at Xiao Li aside thoughtfully.

Within a short while, all the monks who could pass through the Lightning Wall had already come. There were fifty people out of the city. But here, even after the fleeing beast danxiu, fewer than fifteen were left. Among the dozens of individuals, except for the grandson Sun Zijun and Yi Xichen, and Xiao Li, who has an unknown origin, the rest are almost all figures with heads and faces in the realm of cultivation.

Everyone looked at each other, but they were all polite and set off with a tacit understanding. This break through the void and realm is different from the Cangyun Sword previously taken. There is no competition between the monks. As long as they can reach the void and meet the void master, everyone can ask the teacher. Therefore, not only do people not have to compete, but if they can do their best, it is best to help each other. Only those who cannot protect themselves will worry about being dragged by others.

The so-called emptiness sea is not the real sea. "Seawater" is emptiness. The emptiness envelopes the entire world behind the wall of thunder, like a huge chaotic vortex. There is no sun at nothingness, and only thunder and lightning illuminate the darkness. The sea of ​​nothingness is infinite, and the spiritual power is extremely volatile. Finding the direction of the strongest spiritual power to move forward is the place where nothingness is. These ten people were slightly weaker, and couldn't tell the slight difference in this strong fluctuation of spiritual power, so they looked at each other blankly.

"There." The real human Hong Yi pointed at a position.

Everyone was convinced by him and immediately Yu Jian moved in that direction.

This imaginary sea is no small matter, not to mention those extremely cruel and ferocious beasts. This thunder storm alone, Yi Xichen's physique today cannot afford it. He must always be within the scope that can be protected by his grandson Therefore, he did not even scabbard the sword, and the two guarded a sword together.

The flight of the imperial sword in the sea of ​​nothingness is extremely slow, or because of the limit of the spiritual power of the people, or because of the lack of comparison of the surrounding scenery, it feels slow. People ride the sword and ca n’t feel the outside The chicness of the Royal Sword in flight is like riding in a flat boat, dangling in the sea, I do not know where I am.

Yi Xichen hasn't used Chang Sunjun's sword for a long time, he embraced Chang Sunjun's waist from behind, and put his chest on his back. It was still that familiar feeling that made him want to rely on this person with great peace of mind. He hesitated, resting his chin on the grandson's shoulder.

His grandson's body was obviously stiff. Fortunately, in such a place where nothing is returned, he must be careful about the sword, so his attention is mostly distracted, and the power of the flood is limited.

People around him noticed the intimacy of the two of them, and they were just a couple, so it was hard to say anything.

Yi Xichen whispered: "Zijun, what do you think the big wolf wants to do?"

Long Sun Zijun shook his head slightly.

The thing of slavery is different from the Capricorn. The Capricorn will erode the intellect of the people in Zhongzhong. After a long time, people are no different from being alive. They have become a puppet at the mercy of others. How powerful this puppet is, it depends entirely on the person who manipulates it. Even if a great power can be made into a puppet, if a puppet is used to manipulate puppets, then the power is only a little doll. Slavery, in its essence, is a kind of contract. The contractor gives instructions to the contracted person. He has many methods to force the contracted person to obey his instructions. Control the intellect of the deed, so how to complete the instructions, the deed has his own thinking. Therefore, if the deed is a little smarter, some unwilling instructions can also find ways to perfunculate the past.

However, Lang Yue's approach did not give them a perfunctory feeling. For example, this time he broke into nothingness, Lang Yue was seriously injured and healed. If he didn't want to break, he would definitely not be able to break in. But he was still struggling ...

The grandson Sun Zijun said: "I will find them at a glance when I find them."

Yi Xichen nodded: "If you can understand how their slavery and death surgery are done, they may find a solution."

This Yi Xichen and long grandson Zijun are so clever. Like this real evil door, they have never studied it and naturally do n’t understand it. They only know that all the deeds are bound to the soul, so even if they kill the animal beast Danxiu, they cannot completely cancel the contract. Only when the animal beast Danxiu soul flies away, the contract will be released. But the most insidious thing about the beast-controlling Dan Xiu is that he not only enslaved the monsters, but also killed him. If he wanted to kill him, those poor monsters would die in front of him. To crack a magic, they must first understand it

As he was saying, a sword repair not far away from them suddenly fell off the sword.

"Ah!" Someone screamed. "I was caught!"

There was nothing around him, but he was struggling like an evil spirit, as if he was fighting something invisible, it looked very funny.

But no one laughed.

Yi Xichen suddenly tightened his hand on the waist of the long grandson Zijun, and his tone was calm: "It seems that one hand grabbed my foot!"

Grandson Sun Jun said: "Hug me, don't let go."

The Cangyun Sword stepped under their feet suddenly burst into flames, and Yi Xichen immediately felt the hands grasping his ankles invisibly loosened.

"It's evil!" Hong Yi really dived down sharply, catching the sword repairer who just dropped the sword, said, "Fire!"

Evil evil is invisible, formed by the evil spirits left by people who once walked in the void. They have no spirit body, no consciousness, and only inherent hostility to living creatures. They only do and want to do. The thing is to plunder life. Because they are invisible, Jianzhe keeps killing them. Their only weakness is fear of fire.

The monks hurriedly remembered the tactics. If the fire spirit roots were better, some people had been dragged from the sword by evil evil before falling into nothingness.

Most people are too busy taking care of themselves. Although those who have the capacity to do their best to help others, they can hate so many people that no one can protect everyone.

Hong Yi was so busy that he caught the sword repair of two falling swords. He looked up, his face suddenly changed, and he cried out, "Be careful!"

Suddenly a fire was burning behind Gao Tianyu, Gao Tian turned back fiercely, and the dark panic. He just felt that a great deal of strength was pulling him backwards. His heart was not good, and before he had time to react, he felt the heat behind him, and that strength disappeared.

He looked blank, who saved him?

Hong Yi really flew up and arched to his grandson, "Thank you, Xiaoyou, for your help."

Grandson Sun Zijun said lightly: "Be careful."

Gao Tianmao learned that the person who helped him was the eldest grandson Zijun. He looked hesitant, and said, "Let's fight right away ..."

Yi Xichen was firmly guarded by his grandson, Zijun, and he did not dare to approach his body. He vacated his hands, and when he could see who was stretched, he could help as much as possible. Although his fire spirit is not strong, anyway, chat is better than nothing, but it also gave two troubled monks a breath of breath.

Yi Xichen was looking for someone who needed help, but saw Xiao Lishou standing beside him, very chic. There wasn't any evil attack on him, and he didn't mean to help anyone, but just stood by.

Yi Xichen frowned. He couldn't understand what kind of person Xiao Li was. At first I saw him with a friendly smile and a helping hand to the wolf. He thought he was a good man with a good sense of morality. Now it doesn't look like ... he doesn't mean that he is a wicked person, but he seems to look down on good, evil and affection. Lang Yue, a supporter of the time, seemed to be a whim.

There are more and more evil evils here, and it is a sea of ​​evil evils. People are more and more disregarded, and everyone is pulled by several invisible pulls at the same time. The monks continually called for fire, but the spiritual power in this nothingness was originally limited. Although the fire could stop it for a while, more and more evil spirits could not help but the strong evil spirit, and the fire light went out after a while. Fewer people are able to help others.

A monk was torn down with a sword, and his hands were firmly grasping his sword, and several hands were dragging him down. He was about to support him, and his fingers were gradually loosening. He lowered his head and glanced down. There was a pure black under his feet, and once it fell, he would be swallowed up by nothingness. He suddenly felt scalp and screamed for help from the nearest Xiao Li, "Taoyou, save me!"

However, Xiao Li just stood on the sword and looked up. The smile on his face was full of hope, but the words spoken were desperate: "Sorry, there is nothing you can do."

Hong Yi's real man rushed over to save the crumbling sword repairer, but heard Gao Tianmao also scream: "Master!"

Hong Yi turned back and saw that Gao Tianmao had his neck pinched by an invisible hand. His face was flushed, his feet had vacated his sword, and as soon as the invisible hand was released, he would fall into the abyss of nothingness.

As soon as the real man gritted his teeth, he chose his apprentice and read the curse to help Gao Tianzhang make a siege.

The grandson Sun Zijun guarded Yi Xichen, and at the same time helped another nearby monk to clear the siege, and he could not care about the poor man.

"Ah!" Just listening to the scream, although Jian Xiu persisted and did not let go, but his spiritual power was exhausted. With his sword, he fell into the abyss of nothingness, and was swallowed up by nothingness in a moment. Hear no more.

"Hurry! Go ahead!" Hong Yi shouted.

The spiritual fluctuations here are obviously abnormal, and it seems to be a place for evil. It is impossible for the whole sea of ​​nothingness to be the same, as long as they can get out of this area, they should be able to get rid of the evil entanglement.

Suddenly, a dazzling blue light emerged from the nothingness, and a loud noise was hitting a Lingyue sword repair!

Lei Guang receded, and the Lingyue ’s Jian Xiu had become a blood man, straight down with his sword.

The crowd was almost dead.

They fought with evil evil, and they forgot that there was still an annoying thunderstorm in the void. None of them had focused on defending against thunderstorms. As a result, a thunderstorm fell, and the unsuspecting Jian Xiu was immediately split into serious injuries. This time, I was afraid that even Jin Dan would be split.

However, Xiao Li, who had been sitting on the sidelines, suddenly moved at this moment. He flew over, catching the falling blood man, pressing his palm against the heart of the man, his palm glowing with black light. Originally, people could feel that the spiritual power of the Lingyue Sword Cultivation was escaping, but Xiao Li was saved by this, and his spiritual power was weakened!

After a while, the **** Jian Xiu was awake.

Xiao Li said: "Go back, this is not for you."

Lingyue sent Jianxiu to reach his heart blankly. He had a very strange feeling just now. Something was leaving his body, not just spiritual power. It seemed that memory, life, and some unclear things were lost together. He had never experienced it before, all feelings were mixed together, as if ... the soul was torn ... but when Xiao Li's hand touched, those lost things would no longer be lost, and even the memory of the broken pieces would be replenished Back, the only thing still missing is his spiritual power. Who is this ...? 2k novel reading network

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