MTL - When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel-Chapter 60

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Yi Xichen thought: This Teng Ruoyi is the elder sister of the grandson Sun Zijun. He thought that this girl would become the demon of his grandson, and I am afraid it is not a bad thing, but he did not expect to be such a naive girl. Looking at the girl's eyes, she knew her heart was clear and pure. How can such a girl become the grandson of the grandson Zijun? What happened afterwards?

Yi Xichen looked down impatiently.

The grandson Sun Zijun stayed on the mountain. Teng Ruoyi had his companion, so he asked him to practice sword every day.

Long Sun Zijun intentionally kept secrets, so he gave up to Teng Ruoyi every time.

After Teng Ruoyi won him several times, he began to worry about him: "Brother Zijun, you are so weak, will the Lingxiao faction accept you?"

Grandson Sun Zijun didn't know how to explain it, but only perfunctoryly: "Try it."

Teng Ruoyi dressed like a little adult and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, even if the Lingxiao faction refuses to accept you, you will come back, and my father will teach you to practice swords!"

The grandson Sun Jun also has to practice on weekdays, but in the presence of Teng Ruoyi, he dare not reveal his practice, so he can only hide and practice secretly. Sometimes when he noticed that Teng Ruoyi was approaching, he immediately stopped practicing.

Over time, Teng Ruoyi noticed that something was wrong.

After defeating her grandson again, she asked skeptically, "Why do you use this trick to lose to me every time? Wouldn't you just let me know?"

Grandson Sun Zijun froze. He is not good at lying, so he has to keep silent.

After a while, Teng Ruoyi said, "No, no, no, you must not practice well, so you haven't made any progress for a month! You can't be lazy like this! Otherwise, how will the Lingxiao School accept you ? "


Teng Ruoyi sat down next to his grandson, looking up at the blue clear sky outside the mountain. After a while, she asked, "Brother Zijun, why do you want to join the Lingxiao School? Is that Lingxiao School very powerful?"

Although Teng Ruoyi lives on the mountain, he is not completely isolated from the world. After walking down the mountain and walking five miles, there is a small town of self-cultivation. She sometimes goes to town to buy things with her father and mother, so she has heard some of the martial deeds outside.

Grandson Sun Zijun didn't know what to say. He is still young, and has been exploring and practicing on his own, because he is very talented and goes well. I just heard people say that when they practiced in the Daoist school, they can get better faster, and they heard that the nearby Lingxiao school is about to accept their apprentices, so he planned to pass by and everything was necessary.

Teng Ruoyi then said to himself: "I heard people from outside say that there are a lot of great people in the martial arts, maybe ... better than Ada! But Ada said that there are more people in the martial arts, and there are good people. Bad guys, if they meet bad guys, they will bully them, so let me not go there and practice with Ada, it ’s much happier than going to Damonism. ”She turned to look at the long grandson, worried,“ if those bad guys bully What can you do? "

Grandson Sun Zijun said: "No."

"Why not ..." Teng Ruoyi whispered. She lay down on the hillside and stopped talking, thoughtfully.

A few days later, Long Sun Zijun just got up, Teng Ruoyi rushed in, pulled his hand out and ran wildly: "Today, Ada went out to buy something, I will take you down the mountain to play!"

This Teng Ruoyi is still a child's heart, and staying on the mountain all day is boring. As long as Teng Tie and Yuan Ying are away, she often slips down the mountain to play. On that day, she will sneak out of the mountain to pick up her grandson Zijun.

Teng Ruoyi took his grandson Sun Zijun down the mountain and ran all the way to Xiuzhen Town: "Brother Zijun, I'll take you to a nearby town to see, there are a lot of people, and there are so many fun things!"

The two entered the town, and it really turned out to be very lively. What they saw was novel. Take a look here.

Teng Ruoyi was lively by nature. When he arrived in the bustling and lively place, he was just like the fish returning to the pond. He happily ran around and threw his grandson Tzujun a few times. He remembered that he also brought a younger brother. , And then come back to find someone.

At the bazaar, Teng Ruoyi saw a group of people around a stall playing a turntable. She liked to make fun and crowded into the crowd again.

Grandson Sun Zijun didn't like to make such excitement. When seeing Teng Ruoyi in the crowd for a while and a half, he looked at the stall nearby.

Suddenly, he felt a gaze watching him. He looked up, but saw a man in black standing at the corner ahead. That man's appearance is very ordinary, but his eyes are completely black, without any whiteness! !!

Yi Xichen was shocked: It was the demon who lent Qiao Xie's demon power! !! !!

However, at this time, the eldest grandson Zijun did not know the details of the person. When he saw the person watching him, he met the person's sight. The man looked at him with interest, and did not shy away from his sight. However, Long Sun Zijun felt that the man's dark eyes looked very uncomfortable, so he quickly regained his sight.

After a while, a few teenagers were playing around in the bazaar. One of the heads ran and looked back because he didn't look at the road ahead and slammed into the grandson Zijun! Long Sun Zijun's chassis is very stable. He was only slightly backed by this collision, but the boy was bounced back and fell to the ground!

Grandson Sun Zijun frowned, stepped forward and raised the boy, ready to hear the man apologize to him. Unexpectedly, the young man was extremely arrogant, and grabbed his placket instead: "Dare you dare to hit me ?!"

The grandson Sun Zijun was displeased and said coldly: "Let go."

The young man kept it up: "Hit me, don't apologize quickly!"

"You hit me."

"Ha! Where's the wild boy! Do you know who my father is ?!"

The young companions also came together and surrounded the eldest grandson Zijun.

The young man jumped up and said fiercely, "I will teach you a lesson today!"

There is really nothing to say about this kind of person. Long Sun Zijun is about to draw a sword, and he hears Teng Ruoyi shouting, "Zi Jun!"

He hesitated a little, without pulling the sword, and the arrogant teenager kicked him on his chest, taking him back two steps.

"What are you doing!" Teng Ruoyi was furious, rushed to stand in front of Chang Sun Zijun, pulled out his sabre, "Dare to bully my brother, I fight with you!"

"Well! There is a wild girl!"

The teenagers came out with swords and attacked them!

These people are still arrogant, and they are still just beginning. The spiritual power is not very deep. Teng Ruoyi takes the advantage of bodybuilding. Instead of fighting spiritual power, he can only fight for two or three. Long Sun Zijun could have dealt with all these bad boys by himself. However, he showed weakness for Teng Ruoyi for so long. He didn't dare to use all his strength and could only help from the side. He tried to attack those young men who tried to attack Teng Ruoyi from behind All open.

Fortunately, there are many people in this market, and adults will not watch a few children play pranks. Someone will soon jump out to separate all the teenagers.

"Don't make a fool here, all go home!" Threatened the stall owner who was affected by the business. "Regardless of who your father or master is, I'll catch you all up again!"

Several teenagers stared at Sun Zijun and Teng Ruoyi with stunned eyes, and said, "Let's wait and see! Brothers, let's go!"

A few of them were gone, and Teng Ruoyi turned quickly to check whether the elder Sun Zijun was injured. Long Sun Zijun was kicked on the chest by that evil young man. Although he was not injured, he had a big footprint on his chest, but he looked anxious.

Teng Ruoyi was anxious and distressed: "Oh, you're hurt again, it's because I haven't been with you all the time. We're not going, I'll carry you back to the mountain!"

Grandson Sun Zijun said: "No problem."

"How can it be done!"

Teng Ruoyi insisted on carrying his grandson Sun Zijun, who was unwilling to let her carry it, and took a few steps. Teng Ruoyi had to give up and stepped forward to help his grandson Sun Zijun and took him back.

"What would you do without me protecting you?"

Long Sun Zijun glanced at the girl's blame. Suddenly there was a feeling of uneasiness in his heart, which made him wonder if he had done something wrong. But what should he do?

That night, Long Sun Zijun was sleeping, but suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. He felt that a cold hand was touching him, and that hand, with a disgusting breath, was pouring into his body, but he was repelled.

He opened his eyes sharply, and there was a dim light around him, a gust of wind was blowing, the trees were shaking outside the window, and the moonlight was shining, and he saw a pair of dark eyes and a disgusting smile.

"Who ?!" Long Sun Zijun immediately pulled out his sword!

The shadow of the tree shook again, and the person by the bed disappeared.

The grandson Sun Zijun hurriedly read a tactic of fire to illuminate the surroundings. The hut was empty, no one but him.

He thought to himself: Is it an illusion ...

Yi Xichen's heart was completely lifted. Do not! This is not an illusion! Was Sun Zijun's heart demon planted at this time? No, no, not yet, now he doesn't feel any discomfort, the heart mirror is bright, it won't be like this if he is in the heart!

The door was pushed open, Teng Tie rushed in: "What's wrong? What happened? I heard you shouting!"

Grandson Sun Zijun rubbed his eyebrows, "Uncle, did you see someone just now?"

"People?" Teng Tie dazed, "I didn't see it. I can't sleep tonight, meditate outside, and come over when I hear your call. Have you had a nightmare?"

"Maybe ..." Long Sun Zijun lay down again.

Teng Tie stepped forward to cover him with a quilt and gently touched his hair: "Go to bed early."

It was dark again. Long Sun Zijun gradually went to sleep, but Yi Xichen was at a loss. He thought about the feeling just before, that the devil clearly wanted to do to Chang Sun Zijun, but was repelled by the air in Chang Sun Zijun's body. He wanted to plant a flayer but failed? What happened to that disgusting smile?

In the blink of an eye, it was late spring, and the grandson Zijun was going down the mountain. He had said long ago that he was going to send a teacher to Lingxiao. Although the three members of the Teng family were reluctant to leave him, they were not good enough to keep him. The day he left, Teng Tie and Yuan Ying personally sent him down the mountain, but Teng Ruoyi only gave him a reluctant glance at the door of the room, stomped and went back to the house.

After leaving the mountain, he said goodbye to Teng Tie and Yuan Ying and set foot on the way to Lingxiao Mountain alone.

At this time, his royal sword was not too stable, and after walking for three days, he finally came to the foot of Lingxiao Mountain. There are many young boys under Lingxiao Mountain who come to worship for help.

He was preparing to go up the mountain, and suddenly he was patted on the shoulder. Looking back, he was taken aback: "Sister ?!"

Teng Ruoyi groaned and smiled, "Brother Zijun, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Grandson Sun Zijun: "..."

"Why are you here!" The elder grandson Zijun hurriedly said, "how about Uncle Teng Yuan?"

Teng Ruoyi whispered to him: "Don't call it, don't call me, I left a note for Aunt and Auntie to tell them I'm out. Everyone said that the martial arts are great. I want to know if the martial arts people have Much better. Anyway, after ten years of training in this school, I can't go out to practice in the mountains. I can go back to find my father and mother after learning the skills. "

"Again!" Teng Ruoyi put his arms around his shoulders. "I don't worry about you! You are so weak, I have to protect you all the time!"

The anxiety that had long been hidden in Chang Sunjun's heart was even more at this moment. He finally couldn't help but said, "Actually I ..."

"Let's go up the mountain!" Teng Ruoyi didn't listen to him. "Ah, a lot of people, are these people asking for it? It turns out there are so many people in Damen!"

She stared strangely around her eyes, the smile on her face was extremely bright, and her mood was so good.

Long Sun Zijun knew. Teng Tie and Yuan Ying protected Teng Ruoyi very well, but in fact Teng Ruoyi always yearned for the outside world. His appearance became Teng Ruoyi's flight to the outside world. Is this good or bad ... 2k novel reading network

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