MTL - When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?-Chapter 464 There will be no problem (full of confidence

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   Chapter 464 There will be no problem (full of confidence

at the same time.

   At the location of the killing stone, which is the tourist attraction in the real world.

   Countless people fell to the ground in horror, rolling and crawling, backing away crying and screaming, pulling their hands and feet like crabs. They let out shouts of unknown meaning, and they didn't even know what they were talking about, and they looked at the thick blood in front of them.

   is full of shock!

  The brain is blank!

This is how the same thing? What's going on here? Could this stone be the real thing, and the legends are also true? !

   At this moment, they fell into a state of panic and sluggishness, completely unable to understand the current situation.

  Speaking of which, in the past, there was not such a large flow of people here. But after the news, everything is very different. Just as the media reporters have all heard the news, it is always a hot spot, and there are also many tourists today.

   There are three floors inside and three floors outside, crowded with people, and it is so dark that it is so crowded that it can't be drained.

   Seeing such a grand occasion, the person in charge of the shrine would have a smile on his face, so it seems that the cracking of the killing stone may be a good thing rather than a bad thing. After all, in normal times, there is nothing, which means there is no heat.

   No one cares about this place at all, and many people don't even know that there is such a scenic spot in the world, they just think that the killing stone exists in the legend.

   Now that it's split, it's on the news, gaining popularity, and being sought after... Isn't this a good thing? Although he also knows that this broken stone is just like that, there is nothing special about it, but at least the popularity, traffic and income it brings are real!

   The old wrinkle all over his face bloomed, and he smiled like a chrysanthemum in full bloom. He also explained the questions of tourists and reporters with great interest—

Telling the situation seriously, saying that this is a sign that the nine-tailed demon fox is about to break free from the seal, but don’t worry, past hosts will seal this curse stone again and again, and he will be no exception. Hold, strengthen the seal of the killing stone, and definitely will not let the ambition and obsession of the nine-tailed demon fox reappear in the world!

   Anyway, I was originally eating the rice bowl of feudal superstition, so there is no problem in saying this, and there is no need to do any science.


  The only question is, why after he took off the old sealing rope and put on a new rope made by himself...

  The whole killing stone was so completely cracked? ! Originally, there was only an obvious crack, but now it is completely cracked into two parts with a click. And the most terrifying thing is that the ominous blood-colored beam of light rose from the cracked killing stone... into the sky!



  The old monk, who was so shocked that he was completely stupid, opened his mouth wide, and his face was full of Yan Yihua expressions.

   This does not seem to be a special effect, but a real one!

   Could it be... Could it be that... the legend is true, and the records in the shrine are also true? The killing stone is really the crystallization of the demon power of the nine-tailed demon fox. It contains the ambition and obsession of "Tamazao Front", one of the three major transformations. It needs to be sealed by the great monks of the past dynasties to suppress this curse?

   And he has no ability at all, so he can't do the resealing thing at all, and even... he took the initiative to tear off the previous sealing rope and replaced it with an ordinary rope that he bought casually?

   For a moment, the old monk felt that he had caused a catastrophe, and all of a sudden he wanted to die.


  The blood-red ominous light pierced through the sky over eastern Asia, allowing the world's most densely populated region to be clearly seen.

   seems to be the light that opened up the sky, dividing the whole sky into left and right halves!

People feel a kind of trembling feeling just looking at it. For some reason, inexplicable fears arise from the bottom of their hearts, as if they have seen something extremely terrifying, and even the spirit quickly breeds a cold feeling. Come.

   Fear, despair, resentment, pain…

All these things seem to be all resentment, all darkness, all the unknown fluctuations condensed by all the negative emotions in this world are spreading out in waves, it is naturally entangled with all things in the world, sending shocks to the souls of all beings, exuding extremely Vicious mental wavelength!

  I don't know how many people were shocked by this scene. They looked at the blood-colored beam of light rising into the sky at the end of the sky from a distance, and they didn't understand what was going on.

   As if it was destined to go, when the killing stone cracked, turned into a bottomless spiritual black hole, madly plundered the undead outside, and gathered endlessly, this result was already doomed. While this spiritual storm is unreasonable and swept across half of the earth, it has already absorbed countless evil spirits.

The signs of    the flood of evil spirits have been swept away, and it is unknown how many spirits have been inhaled and transformed into its power.

There is already a sufficient amount, then after devouring a very powerful primitive ancient evil spirit that can be said to be a **** in this world, it will naturally make up for the corresponding quality... The quality and quality, both meet the requirements, Naturally, the next stage of transformation can be born.

"Ha ha…"

   Over the entire continent, the laughter is like a silver bell, with a charming and charming feeling in the pure, and it spreads rapidly at an absolutely slow speed, spreading to the entire planet.

   Laughter crossed the sky and the starry sky, through the mountains and the sea, clearly resounding in everyone's consciousness.


   At this moment, countless people's hearts were shaking, their eyes became inexplicably blank, and they even felt that the whole person's spirit was softened.

   The feeling of being unable to lift the slightest bit of strength seems to have become soft from the bones, and the indescribable feeling of weakness and sleepiness quickly occupied the brain and limbs. But it doesn't seem painful, and it doesn't feel heavy. It's more like a deep drowsiness that comes just right when you're tired, naturally.

   They have a faint impulse, they don't care about what they want, and they just fall into it...

  Relaxed completely, no need to think again, no longer need to worry about reality...

   Many people looked up subconsciously, and saw that the blood-colored light beam at the end of the sky had disappeared, but instead, the entire sky was dyed crimson, like a deep red blood, and like a burning sunset. And against this background, there are nine long tails moving like a red lotus that covers the sky and slowly blooms.

  There is a gorgeous single, and a beautiful and slim figure quietly appears.

  She looked down at this intercontinental land-

   Or overlooking the planet.

   Eyes are as magnificent as perfect rubies, clear and clear, reflecting the blue planet. The enchanting girl who was alluring the country and the city smiled lightly, and then she glanced at a farther direction, and quickly took a scene into her eyes, and her face suddenly turned cold.



at the same time.

   At this moment, the heaven and the earth are silent, and everything is still.

   As if the whole world had stopped, what a fast-paced human society was briefly stagnant.

Countless people stared blankly at this scene, no matter how far apart they were, as long as they were on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, almost everyone in Asia or on this side of the earth seemed to be able to see all this clearly, with a straight air. into their minds.

   If ordinary people are shocked, then the people in the spiritual industry and related people are chilling in their hearts, and they only feel that the chill is rushing up from the soles of their feet to the sky.

too fast!

   Really too fast!

   I was full of despair, and I didn’t expect such a change at all. Moreover, the root of the evil spirit in this legend did not give them any chance to react at all. If the seal is broken, the seal will be broken, and if it comes, it will come directly. There is no time for them to make long-term discussions.

  Despite the first response, it was unsuccessful, and suffered a huge failure in the last step, and the result was directly deteriorating to this level...

  Everything seems irreversible…



   "That...that is... Tamamo Mae?!"

   In the office, looking at the distant scene outside the window in a daze, Yotsuya sees the stammering words, and at the same time feels like his mind is about to freeze.

   She didn't expect this to happen so quickly, so suddenly.

  Teacher just asked herself to come over and explain a few words. After saying that, she just understood what was going on, and she was not mentally prepared for this to happen? !

  Yotani Seeko: "???"

  No, so suddenly? Even if it follows the routine in the movie, shouldn't there be a period of time to buffer it? Why did the killing stone crack last night, and this morning, it was done in one step, so that the nine-tailed demon fox escaped from the seal?

  If the movie and anime are all like this, what kind of protagonist can survive two episodes under the villain BOSS? !

   And when she saw the figure, she felt an incomparably huge pressure, and did the other party glance at her from a distance? Yotsuya Miko thought it might be an illusion, how could she attract the attention of such a big monster of this level?

but… really feels like that!

   It was as if she had been glared at him fiercely, and she felt a little breathless at first, but the pressure she felt at this moment made her almost suffocate.

   "Yeah, Tamamo-mae..."

Gu Mo sighed softly, nodded and said, the power of Gaia still prevailed, leading the world line into such a process. The concept of killing stone and nine-tailed fox that appeared now is the final device made by the world. The ultimate existence used to destroy the human world.

   But fortunately, I cut my beard in advance, so there should be no problem.

   "This...this is..."

   "Earthquake?! How could..."

   "Quick! Quickly find a place to hide!"

   A huge tremor came suddenly, which seemed to make the whole city tremble, shaking a few times visible to the naked eye.

  Yotani Miko staggered and stood unsteadily, but fortunately, the young man next to him supported his shoulders in time.

   It seemed to be an astonishing violent shock that suddenly erupted from a distance, and it seemed to be a huge earthquake from under the ground, like a dragon turning over and turning the ground upside down. I don't know how many people were at a loss for a moment, and then they all showed fear and shouted in fear.

If the analogy is a nuclear bomb explosion, then this is definitely a nuclear explosion yield far exceeding a trillion tons. If this huge energy can be released through physical means, it can impact the earth's axis so that it deviates and skews, causing an unimaginably huge amount of energy. disaster.



  During the landing of the dragon and snake, the continental plates were rubbing and vibrating faintly, and in the huge movement that turned the world upside down, the silver bell-like laughter sounded again.

   A long tail slowly lifted up and returned to the sky again. The beautiful figure of the enchantress seemed to be the culprit behind the movement just now.

   "It's a really annoying world..."

   As if sneering and gnashing his teeth, the nine-tailed demon girl retracted the tail that fell—

   "It's just completely destroyed! How!"


  Gu Mo: ? ? ?

   In the face of such a development, the young man in the distance raised his eyebrows, and a string of question marks appeared on his head. It seems that he did not give this order, right?

   Why is there still a problem?

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion