MTL - When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?-Chapter 507 Okay?

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   Chapter 507 Okay



   The scene suddenly became quiet.

  The atmosphere was a little awkward.

   If at this moment, if there are just a few crows quacking and queuing up in the sky, then it is probably really suitable for the occasion.

Among the onlookers, I don't know how many people are looking at the young man with contempt, envy, jealousy, and hatred. The soul issued a silent torture.

   Their strange eyes can easily read the meaning. Just as they all felt that the scene in front of them, it was really easy to read the atmosphere in the air, and to immediately understand what was going on.

   "Wait, wait! You give me a wait-"

  Erica's beautiful blue eyes widened, her gaze was fixed on the fallen chestnut long-haired girl for a while, and it seemed that she finally realized what a dramatic scene she saw. The man on the front foot swore to say it, and a **** the back foot jumped out to identify him!

   What the **** is this?

  Slap in the face too fast like a tornado?

   "...You, didn't you just say that you don't know anyone other than me and her?"

Erica, who felt that she had been defrauded, gritted her teeth and said, she can naturally see it, the panting hurried over, trying to squeeze through the crowd to come in here, after saying such a sentence, she collapsed weakly, this maroon The girl with long hair must belong to her side of the world!

  Because the opponent has a special form of energy fluctuations—

   Although it is obscure and weak, as long as it is confirmed that it belongs to the existence of magic, then it is enough to prove it!

   So if you say that, then this guy should be someone she knows? So inferring like this, doesn't it mean that he definitely had a relationship with the magic world before he and Miss Emi, did he hide something on purpose?

   "Yes, apart from you, I don't know anyone else." Facing Erica's doubts, Gu Mo blinked and nodded without blushing.

   "Really... Hehe, what about her? Who is she?"

  Blonde Knight Ji narrowed her eyes slightly and pointed in the direction of Yuri Wanligu. She didn't believe his words so easily, and wanted to see how this person explained the current situation.

"I don't know, and I don't know her." The young man replied very calmly. Anyway, it was the same sentence. Although he knew Yuri Wanligu, it was only limited to knowing, and there was no way to know it. , so he really is every sentence is the truth.



   Erica felt suffocated immediately, and she took a deep breath to relieve the pressure in her skull.

   Well, this person can't give a reasonable explanation at all...

   is just one bite. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know... Isn't this a proper rogue?

The girl was naturally annoyed at this moment, and at the same time, she almost came to a preconceived inclination at this moment. She thought of many, many, almost subconsciously, and recalled what happened just now, especially just now. The special space that opens up in haste—

   almost changed the whole world in their eyes, the "dark night" that enveloped and sealed the space area they perceive.

According to Erica's knowledge and judgment, the "realm" that can be created by using the power of the **** of the night, or at least the existence of the corresponding godhead, is already more than the "enchantment" in the general sense. It is a high-level superior spell.

In short, according to her speculations and conjectures, she also concluded that there are likely to be multiple high-level magicians joining forces at the same time, or borrowing the power and aura of some high-level holy relic to allow this kind of high-level spell to be cast in space. become possible, and to such an extent.

It can only be said that girls are still more cautious and conservative in their thoughts and concepts. Following such a direction and thinking, they are based on reality and common sense as much as possible, so as to make reasonable speculations and inferences, and immediately feel that there is no reason. It was a coincidence that I met the gods—

   It's not even a coincidence, it's simply because the **** of disobedience is staring at something...


It can't be said that she is too cautious, doesn't know how to make bold assumptions, and is careful to verify, she can be bolder... The main reason is that this kind of thinking is the most normal, and bolder ideas can only appear from the perspective of God. .

  Because this is the case, even for a magician who uses a different worldview and common sense, the experience of encountering God is not so easy to obtain. Even for those who are called magic kings and godslayers, it is not so easy to encounter gods.

   Basically, it can be said that in the history of decades or even hundreds of years, there have been only a handful of collisions between the king of gods and the **** of disobedience.

   And these several clear collisions are often accurately observed and recorded by the magic circle.

   For this reason, the magicians are deeply in awe, not only in awe of the mighty power of the disobedient god, but also in awe of the power of the god-killing demon king.

It is precisely because the probability is so low and the probability of encountering is so small that some godslayers long for stronger power and more abundant power, so they can only choose to take the initiative to attack, for example, through special rituals or other methods. What is the summoning catalyst that actively calls and guides the coming of the **** of disobedience.

   This is naturally a very crazy thing, but there are still all kinds of limitations, and it is not guaranteed to always succeed.

  Even so, even with these examples of active summoning, in the past 100 years, it is still a very rare event to be able to witness the appearance of a god.

   For this reason, Erica is naturally not confident, thinking that she is so special that she can encounter situations that directly involve the gods one after another. In terms of probability, this is impossible. For example, the incident that she has been treating as a main quest and has been traced since Sardinia is a rare opportunity in recent years.

   That's why she is so persistent, almost stubbornly trying to seize this opportunity and gain merit.

  If the opportunity is not so rare, but can be encountered very frequently, then she will not be so concerned about it, too common things are worthless.

   is such a truth, but even if she is very conservative, this conjecture is still enough to make her cautious. She just looked up and down the young man in front of her who had only known each other for a long time, her eyes full of suspicion and disbelief.

   It seems that the more he looks at it, the more suspicious this person becomes.

   If you were an ordinary person, would it be worth the unknown magic guild to use so many advanced spellcasters, or even the power of holy relics, to target something from the air?

   "Alright alright...Miss Erica, please don't be like this, calm down first."

At this time, Emilia finally got used to the drastic changes in the light, and at the same time found that her temporary small team was facing a crisis of trust. Immediately, she felt a little anxious, and hurriedly stepped forward to smooth the game. Traces of Mr. Landlord behind him.

  Although the previous incident has proved to be a misunderstanding, it still made her feel more or less afraid, and she was worried that the knight Ji on the opposite side would suddenly turn her face and be slapped down with a sword.

   "His words are completely unconvincing, completely unreliable, you still believe him?" Erica said angrily, she could see at a glance that Miss Brave was protecting her.

   "Of course I believe him!"

   Emilia didn't hesitate, nodded earnestly, and just looked at the other party.



   Erica frowned and didn't speak.

There was an uproar in the crowd, and a commotion spread, and at the same time the line of sight projected from the crowd suddenly became more aggressive, because they were in a hurry and could not wait. Go up to replace Emilia, and decisively tear up the scumbag!

  It is probably like all the bystanders are clear, and then they feel sorry for the authorities and fans, and they are not content with anger, and they hate that iron cannot become steel.

  —Because the facts are already obvious!

  —as the blonde girl said.

But the girl with the long pink hair seemed to be completely clueless about it. Under such circumstances, her red eyes were wide open, and she even burst into tears just now, but now she is still able to stand firm. Say "I believe him"... Is this a **** plot that doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back?

   This kind of silly and sweet character doesn't just appear on TV, it actually exists in reality!

   Really made them panic for her when they saw it!

"Forget it... Let's get out of here first, and take this girl with you." Erica took a long breath and quickly glanced around, feeling that there was no way to care about it, she could only walk forward Go, pick up the long chestnut-haired girl who fell on the ground, and plan to leave here first.


  Ms. Brave breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly stepped forward to help. The two of them supported Yuri Banligu and prepared to leave here.



  The surrounding onlookers looked at each other again, and at the same time felt mad, and even felt that the whole person was not good... What about catching rape?

   It is said that the people love to hear about it, and what about the plot that is suitable for all ages?

   What is going on like this now? Why did you let go of your prejudice all of a sudden? ...the bottom line! What about the bottom line? And that blond girl was not very imposing just now, why did she make concessions all of a sudden, anyway, let's persevere!

   This is entirely up to you to output! Be a little bit more aggressive and beat the scumbags!

   However, no matter how heartbroken they are, they cannot change this cruel fact.

   "Everyone make a move, please make a move..."

  The young man walked ahead, pushed aside the crowd, said with a smile on his face, and made way for the action of the two girls behind him who supported Yuri Mariya.

   "Thank you, thank you for your understanding..." He smiled very happily.

   Just at this moment, I don't know how many people are distraught, and they have the urge to punch this little white face hard.

  Is there such a big difference between people? Originally thought it was the scum who loved to see the scum overturned, and the incident of stepping on two boats was exposed, and it was about to usher in a tragic end, but I didn't expect... Many single dogs who were watching the fun only felt that their dog basin was being smashed by a The foot kicked over, and the whole person received a crippling blow!

   Those two girls had no bottom line and gave in so easily!

   Even seemed to accept the fact that a third ship appeared?

   They were beaten a little bit confused...

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion