MTL - When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?-Chapter 529 sequence

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  Chapter 529 Is the prologue really useful?

  The infinitely extending land is covered with white sand, and no grass grows.

  In the very center of the desert stands an incomparably magnificent temple.

  —It is the Temple of Infinite Time.

  —It is a place built by the divine power of Mystra, the last king, and Zurvan, the **** of eternal calamity. This white temple is a sanctuary isolated in the night desert.

   Centered on the vast hall, surrounded by seven towers, beautiful gardens, waterways, and springs, the buildings are almost all made of pure white stones. Elegant man-made pools and fountains, colorful flowers and plants, magnificent and unrestrained style, commensurate with the residence status of the king of the gods.

  In this enclosed space, above the dome is a scene of bright stars, and there is an exceptionally huge blue planet suspended directly above the head.

  Like an upside-down mirror of the sky, it reflects the magnificent images of cosmic stardust and real time and space, which can be called an extremely magnificent and beautiful scene.


  Those belong to the previous scene.

  Now, the entire enclosed space is vibrating unceasingly, and the stars in the sky are like the reflections of broken water, becoming blurred. The image of the sapphire-like magnificent azure planet no longer exists, the void collapses inward, and the dark cracks spread infinitely like an abyss...

  In this hole of void that was easily torn apart, as if piercing through dimensions and time and space—

   A huge "pupil" slowly appeared.

   It should be the pupils... At least it looks similar in simple terms, in short, it looks exactly like eyes.

   "Uh-! This is... this is...!"

Mrs. Aisha couldn't tell the indescribable shock in her heart, her mind was blank, it was the first time she saw this scene, her thinking stopped instantly, a feeling of shock ran through her body in an instant, Let the soul be paralyzed. The shock was so terrifying that she even began to question whether her sanity was clear.

   Such a strong sense of unreality is almost like dreaming an extremely absurd dream.

  Because the huge eyes that slowly appeared in the hole of the void, with a cold and ruthless meaning, looked down on this sanctuary coldly...

   It's really too big.

  Ms. Aisha didn't know its specific size and mass, but she could understand very intuitively that this is definitely an unprecedented scale that can make huge planets tremble! Even compared with it, the whole earth is as inconspicuous in front of the majestic sun!

  How is this possible? !

  Recognizing this, her soul seemed to tremble, and her rationality seemed to scream in the depths of her heart.

  She felt that she had completely lost her comprehension, and the depths of her brain seemed to be overloaded due to the excessive amount of information that could not be processed, and she felt like she was burning with high temperature.

The giant pupil in the sky is still overlooking the Temple of Infinite Time condescendingly, but it itself is just the tip of the iceberg that can be seen at the end of the slit... But it is the tip of the iceberg, just such an eye, its existence The scale has far surpassed everything on the planet.


   What about the subject of that eye?

  In the depths of the fault that transcends the distortion of time and space, what kind of terrifying indescribable hidden?

No matter how optimistic and positive, no matter how heartless, at this moment, she felt inexplicably shaken out of her wits by the shock, and felt the grandeur and stalwart of the astronomical scale very personally, as well as the comparison with it. When you look up, you feel as small as an insect.

   "Ah, this, this... what the **** is it?"

  The voice trembled uncontrollably. Mrs. Aisha swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, forced out a particularly weird expression, and asked King Mithra.



   "I don't know either, because this is the first time I've seen it. It should be the man behind the scenes..."

The majestic ancient Persian god-king sighed and then noticed the subtle change in the expression of the female godslayer whom he had summoned from far away in time and space. Open your mouth for further explanation—

"Although I have confronted the black hand behind the scenes before, it should be the "shadow of god" maintained on the ground, not the real **** body... And even so, I couldn't gain the upper hand, I could only avoid its edge, and it was difficult Confronting it head-on, naturally there is no way to learn more..."

  King Mithra spoke very frankly, admitting the setbacks he had suffered.



  Ms. Aisha's expression immediately froze. Although she felt that she understood, it was even more difficult to accept emotionally. After all, this **** king is so powerful that she can suffocate her, a demon king who has killed too many disobedient gods. If the combat power of the gods or godslayers is either "5" or "10"—

  Then this king of gods seems to be the kind that directly breaks through the "100" mark. It can be said that it is far from the same level of existence. From the beginning, I felt that there was no chance of winning.

  However, King Mithra, who feels so actually a shadow who can't win against the mastermind behind the scenes?

   What kind of joke is this? !

  She raised her head subconsciously again, and glanced at the abyss in the sky, and the giant pupils that sometimes blurred at the end of the slit...

   Well, just this giant pupil can cover everything in the sky, surpassing the scale of all existence on the planet, so the subject can hardly imagine it, and she still feels dizzy until now. The shadow of this behemoth must also surpass everything.

   Then it is not incomprehensible to win.

   But in this way, the problem arises - in the face of such a brutal crisis, how can it be possible to contain it!

   He still chooses himself, can he really take on this responsibility?

  Ms. Aisha panicked at this moment, feeling that her shoulders seemed to suddenly become heavy, heavy, as if some kind of weight had been added.

   "...Is there really no way to fight?"

  At this time, King Mithra couldn't help sighing, he just watched the giant pupil in the sky silently, for a moment, time seemed to freeze, and the two just looked at each other from the air.

   At the same time, at the moment when the voice fell, the space beside King Mithra suddenly distorted.

   Immediately afterwards, a figure of a **** appeared.

   It looks like a stone mask in the shape of a lion with a snake at each end. After appearing, the lion mask itself did not say a word, but the snakes on both sides twisted their bodies flexibly, spitting out letters and making a hissing sound, as if they were talking about something.

   "It's over here..."

King Mithra nodded calmly. He knew that there was not much time left for him. Even though this was the sanctuary created by Zulwan, even if Zurwan was in charge of the power of time, it would be difficult for him to contend against the existence on the opposite side. , it seems that compared with it, the other party is the real mysterious **** in charge of infinite time.

In this level of confrontation, it is possible to slightly disturb the fuzzy location of this time and space, so that the position here is almost infinitely far away from the opposite side, so that the opponent cannot lock it immediately, and interfere with the location of time and space here, slightly Gaining a little time is already the limit.

   This place is about to be captured by the opposite side.

   Taking a deep breath, King Mithra turned around, looked at the demon queen in front of him with complicated eyes, and then waved his hand gently: "Take this away..."

"-what is this?!"

   Subconsciously widening her eyes, looking at the weapons that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, Mrs. Aisha asked with difficulty, her tone a little dry.

  With King Mithra's wave of his hand, the knife appeared in front of his eyes, inserted straight into the stone floor, as if it had appeared suddenly without warning, and as if it had always existed there. Shining with platinum-golden blades, it faintly exudes an extremely terrifying aura...

  The pupils of the brown-skinned girl contracted to the limit in an instant, and her scalp felt numb.

   It's like meeting a natural enemy.

  She has no doubt that this weapon can easily kill herself with a single blow, or that from the very beginning, the purpose of this weapon was to erase her existence.

   "The magic knife of salvation..." King Mithra said, "The hope of saving the world may lie on it."

   "Then why not now?"

   "Because I can no longer swing it." King Mithra sighed and waved his hand, his tone a little lonely.

  He is not really an empty shelf, in fact, his power far exceeds that of the gods. After all, in this world line, Mithra is not only the king of gods in ancient Persian mythology, but also serves as the king of the end, holding the magic knife of salvation in this world.

  The addition of the two heavyweight titles of King of Gods + King of the End, coupled with the symbol of the power of salvation, the Divine Sword of Salvation, the last hope of glory—

  In this way, from the attributes of the panel itself to the value of the equipment, it will undoubtedly raise the ability value of King Mithra to a particularly terrifying height.

   Just have an awkward question...

  The weapon used to destroy the demon king is enough to shorten the lifespan of a god. When using the divine sword of salvation, the more diligent brave will only "wear" faster...

King Mithras has brought four hundred years of peace to this world line, and his strategy of destroying the demon king is particularly cruel, that is, once a **** who refuses to obey appears, he will directly kill him with a magic knife, from the source Addressing the possibility of the godslayer appearing—

  As long as one kills quickly enough, the same race will not die at the hands of others, and naturally there will be no godslayers.

   Gods: ? ? ?

King Mithra is also seriously thinking about whether it is because of his own killing that the power of the gods in his world has been greatly damaged. I can't stop it.

  But it is useless to think about these now, He himself has reached the point where his oil is exhausted, and he is no longer able to fight.

  Ms. Aisha's face was numb. After listening to King Mithra's explanation, she always felt that the hard-won and powerless situation was caused by the other party.

   "Does it really work..."

  Gritting her teeth, she looked at the weapon on the ground. The blade was quite thick, similar in shape to a hatchet, and she couldn't help muttering—

   "It looks like a hatchet, can it really cause harm to that existence?"

  (end of this chapter)

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