MTL - When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?-Chapter 536 The Sleep and Waking of the Supreme Soul

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  Chapter 536 The Sleep and Waking of the Supreme Soul

   Just do what you say.

   Anyway, no one can find out what they have done.

  Gu Mo is very interested. He is a person with strong mobility. He concentrates immediately, and his willpower easily crosses the distance of time and space, and condenses at one point.

  Athena is right, the power of the magic Holy Grail can indeed reach the end of the earth.

  So as long as the spell is released, the ritual is started, the ability to devour the life force of the gods and transform it into merit will be activated. From then on, no matter how far apart they are, they will follow the mysterious and subtle connection, from the poor mountains to the sea, and there is no limit, until the spirit of the "sacrifice" is completely sucked alive!


  Which also means…

  If the "sacrifice" connected with the Holy Grail is so powerful that it exceeds the limit, then naturally, it can reversely lock and interfere with the power of the Holy Grail by virtue of the connection of the conjuration ceremony.

   This possibility has always existed—

   In the past, almost no one could do it.

  Because the essence of the Magical Holy Grail is a divine tool created by Guinevia's predecessor, sacrificing herself.

   The price paid was everything that the White Goddess had, even the chance to return to the mythology and wait for Dutiao's resurrection was gone. Guinevea is Guinevea, but she will no longer be the Goddess of White... This is the wear and tear of the source, at the cost of immortality—

  Pour your own divinity, wisdom, immortality, everything into the Holy Grail.

It's crazy to think about it. In the past, an earth goddess who was equivalent to Athena in the heyday of the Trinity, paid such a huge sacrifice to create a divine tool. Its power has far exceeded common sense. Even the gods All must avoid its edge.

Probably only the top God of Disobedience, who is also an example of the King of the End at the same time, can take the initiative to fight against the curse of the Holy Grail after accidentally being recruited... It's just that the Holy Grail often serves the King of the End, so naturally This will not happen.

   All in all, mystery will always succumb to a higher mystery.

   It seems like Gu Mo's evaluation of the Holy Grail, which is just so-so. It can barely be used as a carrier to carry the second magic in this dungeon world.

   To choose a carrier that can move in the parallel world, it is best to choose those specific concepts of things that have strong universality. And in this dungeon world, there are countless parallel worlds, and things like the Holy Sword of Salvation and the Holy Grail of Magic are really suitable.

   While having a high personality, they also exist almost universally in other worlds.

  So Gu Mo thinks this is a good carrier.

  Like the gem old man, as long as there are parallel worlds with gems and ores, he can go to... Of course, it doesn’t mean that if there are no parallel worlds, he can’t go. Gem Weng also chose the way of physical body movement at the beginning, but after experiencing many things, he summed up his experience and let him find an easier solution.

  Mainly being a magician, it doesn’t mean that you can play very smoothly just after mastering magic...

  Using skills, experience and insights, these all need to be practiced step by step, to dig...

  Gu Mo himself doesn’t need to start from scratch and accumulate experience from scratch. He can directly use the fine traditions of borrowed doctrine and use the little coups summed up by Gem Weng. In the future, when I have more personal experience, I may be able to sum up a better method, but this is all for the future.

   After all, the achievement of the Second Magic was not long ago for him.

   And the assistance to him is not as great as imagined, such as the operation of parallel worlds, the tampering of records, the rewriting of phenomena, etc. He could have done these things in other ways. Now it is more convenient to integrate it into the second magic, but it is hard to say what is the qualitative change from scratch.

  As for the effect of "infinite magic power", it seems to be against the sky, but it is actually part of the operation of the parallel world.

   It cannot solve Gu Mo's current urgent needs.

Because the infinite energy of the second magic is not self-contained, but achieved by operating parallel worlds and borrowing magic power from other parallel worlds... creating a channel for parallel worlds, and then drawing out magic power almost unlimitedly through that channel thing.

  What Gu Mo needs most is to achieve the perpetual motion of the soul at a fundamental level and obtain an endless source of magic power.

  This is self-sufficient, not false.

When it is difficult to obtain a large number of free attribute points in a short period of time to improve the spiritual attribute, he can only choose the third magic as the entry point to make his own soul undergo qualitative changes, so as to promote to a higher personality !

  This is the goal that must be completed.

  It's a pity that what you want is always difficult to get easily, but what you can get easily is often not what you want.

  —It seems that the second magic started late, progressed quickly, and achieved full proficiency quite smoothly, condensing the ability badge.

  —As for The Third Magic, which was established early and has sufficient funds, it has been persevering and working hard to tackle difficulties. It has occupied a lot of computing resources and processes for a long time, but it has not been able to produce real results.

   Until now, the opportunity finally appeared.

  Gu Mo's thoughts flickered, and they could almost easily disperse, and the consciousness and electronic ocean covering the whole world were stirred up in an instant.

   It was easy to catch the trace of Athena, and by the way, locked the specific location of the Holy Grail of magic.


   Quiet and long.

  Like the breathing rhythm of the night.

The silver-haired goddess is somewhere where even the moonlight can't shine, and she is completely enveloped in a dark field, quietly staring at the Holy Grail in front of her, as if she is thinking about something, her expression is a little dazed, as if there is not much revenge Pleasure and excitement.

  Although it was revenge, after she calmed down, she inevitably felt uninterested, because strictly speaking, the other party was indeed not Zeus.

  Just bullying an ordinary person, there is really not much sense of accomplishment...

  I couldn’t even say a few harsh words in front of the real Zeus, no matter how I look at it, it can’t be regarded as regaining my position...

But the problem is, if the other party has completely retrieved the memory and the past, and restored the true colors of the gods, then Athena must have no way to calculate the other party... Things in the world are always so contradictory, which makes this goddess feel very uncomfortable , but no matter what, she didn't regret it.

  Now all we need to do is wait for that damned guy to absorb everything from divinity to power, and completely squeeze it out...

  You can try to retrieve your own things from it.

  His pupils shone with brilliance, the goddess tried her best to throw away the emotions brought about by this unsatisfactory revenge, and looked expectantly at the golden urn in the darkness.

  She didn't realize at all that she was always under someone's gaze.


  Gu Mo didn't care what Athena in loli form was thinking, but quietly projected her spiritual thoughts onto the Holy Grail through the air.

  The powerful mental power easily spread out the force field of the mind, blinding the incomplete perception of the goddess, and melting every inch of the Holy Grail by the way. To be precise, it should be decomposed and reassembled from material to spiritual. The material that seems to be made of earth is the container created by the Mother Earth who gave up her life.

  But this is more appropriate. After all, use the sand and soil of the Age of Gods to create life, create weapons, and create the world...

  This origin is the root of someone's fortune.

   Change your thinking a little bit, and there is even "Enkidu" or "Golden Solid", such a ready-made template can be used for reference. God's weapon made of clay by the gods, the body is combined with the Holy Grail, and it is driven again...

  So, under the eyes of the Goddess of Wisdom, Gu Mo directly completed a recasting of the Magical Holy Grail.

  The imprint that once belonged to the White Goddess was easily erased, it can be said that it is equal to the entire cup of the White Goddess's existence itself, and now it has become his shape...

  Ahem, this sentence seems a bit strange.

  But that's what it is. The Magic Holy Grail has now become a carrier of magic and can be transformed into his form at any time. Like Gem Weng's Gem Puppet, once Gu Mo leaves the current world line and goes to another parallel world, the Holy Grail will immediately return to its original state...

   It only depends on whether he chooses to activate or not, or when to activate, that's all.

  From the moment the recasting is completed, the Magic Holy Grail is equivalent to the extension of Gu Mo's flesh and will, and the resonance from the end of the parallel space-time and the other end of the time axis becomes clearer.

  Gu Mo didn't hesitate at all, his thoughts transcended time and space in a blink of an eye.

  The divine will spreads along the connection of unity, like lightning, on the vibration of the world line.

  In the blink of an eye, he has already connected to the other Holy Grails in the parallel world that are the same time and space through the grasp of the second method. He wants to change the existence of these homotopes to become his sustenance, and by the way, he can use their anchors to observe the situation in the parallel world.


  He saw...



   "Hey... what's going on?"

   Emilia's tone became tense, and her voice trembled slightly.

  Because the person in front of him stopped talking suddenly, even his eyes became a little dazed, as if he was in a daze, his eyes seemed to lose focus, they became particularly long and deep...

  It seems to be traveling in the sky, and the soul is out of the body.

  Consciousness drifted away in an instant.

"Let me see!"

  The blond-haired red-dressed knight girl also changed her expression. She strode over and grabbed the man's wrist with her hand, using her magic power to investigate a bit. However, no problems were found. It seemed that no matter how one looked at it, this guy was really just an ordinary person.

  The current state is also in a stable state—

   There is no sign that a large amount of energy is being lost.

  At least she didn't notice it at all...but Erica didn't feel relieved because of this, instead she pursed her lips tightly, feeling unusually unwilling.

   "There is no way to find the problem so easily, if he is really an ancient **** who has not recovered..."

  Paul Brauntree next to him shook his head, and put forward his opinion in a seasoned manner. He observed for a while, keeping vigilance while thinking. After all, he came to support him, and of course he understood something more or less, so the way he looked at the young man was also extremely strange.

  —Is this person likely to be Zeus?

  —This one is really scary.

   "Could it be... that Holy Grail is working?" Erica took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, she stretched out her hand and waved in front of the young man's eyes, but there was no response.

   "I don't know, my current spell power has been sealed..." Guinevia spread her hands.

   "Damn it, if I knew it earlier, I should have used that knife when I just came here..." Emilia clenched her teeth angrily, she felt that she should be able to prevent this from happening.

"That's unrealistic, the consumption of that knife is too great..." Emerada pointed out this point calmly, "According to our test, Yiai... Yihuimei, in your current situation, there is no way to wield it unless That tree can provide more energy."

  They have recovered their holy aura now, not because they have adapted to the magic laws of this world.

   But when she went to the sky to look for the divine knife of salvation on the track, the holy cloth in Miss Brave's body was activated for some reason, and was stripped from her body. Then, as if it had become a seed, it took root in the sky and continued to grow.

  Under the influence of that tree, the group of them who came from the world of Ante Ysula began to recover their energy.

   But even so—

  Emilia still hasn't met the requirements to activate the magic knife, but that knife can shorten the lifespan of a god. If you want to use it, you must either wear yourself down or devour others. This is why the Magic Holy Grail was created to assist the King of the End.

   Take the lives of other Earth Mother Gods, and use the consumption of "sacrifices" in exchange for the wear and tear of the Last King.

  Then the hero who annihilates the Demon King will naturally be able to last longer.

Emilia doesn't know this, but she also understands how amazing the consumption of that knife is, so she still uses the evolutionary holy sword to fight against the enemy just now, because the knife is almost useless. There was no way to even force a wave.

   "Hello... are you awake?"

  Guinivea's voice suddenly sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

The alluring blond loli in black mourning clothes had been staring at the young man with a frown all along, but she suddenly had a feeling of trepidation in her heart. She found that the other party's eyes seemed to return unconsciously, no longer that kind of expression. Feeling out of focus.

"are you awake?"

  The young man's eyes were a little dazed for some reason, he looked around and spoke slowly.

   "Not yet, it's better to say, I just realized now that I actually fell asleep, and I've been dreaming all this time..."



   At this moment, the air suddenly became quiet.

  Guinivea sensed that the atmosphere was not right, and subconsciously took a few steps back. She didn't know the specifics of the situation, but she could also understand the heavy and frozen atmosphere at this moment.

   Realize I'm dreaming...

   That is to say...

Erica's eyes became complicated. She guessed that this moment would come, but she didn't expect it to come so soon. She took a deep breath, took a step forward, forced a smile and asked tentatively: "If you really What will happen if you wake up?"

   Want to restore memory?

   Are you going to become a **** of disobedience?

  This guy...couldn't be really Zeus?

   "If I really wake up..."

Gu Mo thought about it seriously: "Everything will start again. Everything is empty, chasing after the wind. Those things that shouldn't appear will return to nothingness, because the concepts of their existence are all The thoughts in my dreams, the countless parallel worlds will also return to their original origin..."


  Erica's eyes widened.

   "You... aren't you Zeus, how do you say it looks like Brahma..."

  Wake up, everything will start again? The highest soul is to let all things arise and die endlessly through sleeping and waking up?

  (end of this chapter)

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