MTL - When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?-Chapter 541 Everything that exists is mine!

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  Chapter 541 Everything that exists is for me!

  The wind is howling, and the heat in the ocean and the land continues to rise.

  The mountains erupt, the sky and the earth shake violently, and many things and lives will come to an end.

   "This stick..."

   God's power spreads, the earth cracks—

   "I'll kill you!"

  Among the devastating aftermath, the huge mountains and deep valleys were shattered under the agitation of divine power, and the shrill screams tore through the wind and space, torturing everyone's eardrums. The sound of gold and iron rubbing and colliding resounded, and it hit the ground like a bolide.



   It was as if the pointer stopped for a moment, and then, the frozen time expanded crazily.

  The violent collision erupted an extremely terrifying shock wave, the air was squeezed into layers of dense wrinkles, and the destructive high-pressure air wall wrapped in pure destructive power, turned into an extremely violent hurricane, and rushed towards all directions!

  It was already riddled with holes, plowed over and over again, smashed over and over again, and the ground was blown away and shattered under the steel-like wind pressure!

  The sound of rumbling is endless, the world seems to be crying overwhelmed, and the continental plates are moaning and mourning.

  Under the terrible weight and impact, the landforms stretching thousands of miles were cracked, shattered, and turned into dust without any suspense!

Large areas of the ground collapsed, revealing huge black cracks and ravines. I don't know how deep they are, and I don't know where they lead. At first glance, it seems that the entire land has turned into a bottomless abyss, as if in this With one blow, a big hole was almost pierced through the planet itself!

   "What the **** is this..."

  The girl with silver-gray hair and wearing a light witcher costume suddenly twitched the corners of her mouth. Looking at the altitude of the satellite orbit above 35,000 kilometers, the planet that has turned into a land of steel seems to have lost its vitality, and then a bottomless gully appeared on the ground.

   "I just came here... This welcome ceremony is too warm..."

   This blow that caused cracks to appear on the entire planet, even if it wasn't aimed at her, once it was on the same blow surface on the planet, it would definitely be affected.

   If you get hit...

  It must be very painful...

  Can't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, the witcher girl operated the orbiter carefully, raised the altitude again, and at the same time charged the engine, ready to rush into space at any time. After all, facing a terrifying enemy of this level, it is simply not safe in satellite orbit.

   It is still within the range that can be hit easily, maybe the opponent will sweep over with a stick after a while.

  The orbiter began to rise, emitting a large amount of phantom particles, which adhered to the surface of the aircraft like a colloid. The electromagnetic field stabilized and controlled the phantom particles that wrapped the body, making the aircraft in a quiet and invisible state... Ciri held her breath, cautiously.

She also didn't understand what was going on. Not long ago, she was still driving an orbiter, happily flying around in the solar system, passing through planets and asteroid belts... This is an interest that Ciri has only recently cultivated. Hobby, I usually like to wander around like this.

  The vastness of the universe is beyond my experience as a demon hunter in the past.

  Although I was terrified of the huge abyss among the stars at first, after gradually getting used to it, I became more curious and exploring.

The orbiter is a vehicle that moves within the galaxy. Although there is no way to make long-distance interstellar transitions, if it only moves within the galaxy, it will be relatively more flexible and convenient, and the advantage is that it can be operated by one person... Shirley also feels that There is no need for a starship, so it is just an aircraft from the lunar base.

   It turns out that I didn't expect it, and I was pulled into this strange time and space inexplicably...

   And the opening is a lightning strike...

   Fortunately, she reacted quickly and escaped from the surface of the planet as quickly as possible, otherwise, she would definitely have to deal with an indiscriminate map cannon AOE.

  The iron rod smashed down through the boundless void, whipping thousands of miles away. It seemed that it was only targeting a single target, but the special effects and splash damage were so unreasonable that it could instantly kill the whole screen. Anyway, Xili also sensed the great danger for the first time, and forcibly transferred time and space through his own blood magic, and then replaced the space and changed the aircraft to the satellite orbit.

  Operating at this limit, barely escaped that terrifying blow!

"what is going on…"

  Whispering in a low voice, the witcher girl looked dignified. While sensing the original time and space through magic, she fiddled with the center of the aircraft a few times. Even though it seemed to be such an advanced and high-tech thing, even though she was born in a plane world with a magical background, she was no stranger to it.

   After all, there is no such thing as a "mechanical idiot". In the process of continuous improvement, the intelligence attribute will definitely be developed accordingly, and the learning ability and mastery ability will only become stronger and stronger.

  As long as you are interested in it, you can learn it very quickly, and it will not affect anything because of the style of painting.

  The detection results are fed back, just like what Ciri sensed through her own ability, this is no longer the original world. However, her ability seemed to be vaguely disturbed by something. She could clearly sense it, but she couldn't directly open the portal to go back.

  This discovery made Ciri look serious, she pursed her lips and frowned.

And at this moment, the aircraft's radar scanned an energy response that was approaching rapidly. The energy level was high, but it was not stable. It was displayed in the three-dimensional projection, and it flickered non-stop, like a light bulb with unstable voltage. On and off, dim and dark...

   Was it the other person on the opposite side in the battle just now?

  Hiri raised his eyebrows, scanned the surroundings hesitantly, and the next moment, caught off guard, met a pair of eyes—

  In the golden eyes, there is a raging flame, which contains infinite violence and viciousness.

  Just looking directly into these eyes can make people feel endless boredom in their hearts, and it is almost impossible to calm down.

It seemed that they were looking at each other in the void from a very close distance, but when they came back to their senses in a trance, they were shocked to realize that it was the light blooming from the surface of the planet more than 30,000 kilometers below. The smoke and dust covered the sky like a nuclear winter, and the lead cloud and dust billowed...

  However, his eyes glowed straight towards Doufu, the monkey king's eyes were like thermal sight, straightly cutting through the clouds, and staring at this place.

   "Hey! You are still alive, but I underestimated you..."

  Amidst the loud laughter, it seemed that the sky itself was shaking in fear. The awe-inspiring divine power and irrepressible magic were blended, rolling and torrential, sweeping the sky and the earth, straight to the sky thirty thousand miles above!

  Hiri's face paled slightly, but at the same time, his heart froze.

   "Wait, is that Godsteel?"

  Purple gold crown with phoenix wings, golden chain mail, and cloud shoes with lotus root silk, that outfit is majestic, but the witcher girl is keenly aware of their essence, which is fluid metal as a nanomachine!

Because she also has this kind of equipment on her body, the signals sent and received between each other also allowed her to confirm at the first time that this is the same source... Maybe, no matter the production process or the production method, they are all exactly the same Products of the same type.

   Originally, it was also relying on a series of customized enhancements from genetic tailoring to nano-expansion, from internal to external, that the witcher girl has the current ability value.

   Regarding the characteristics of "God's Steel" that she is already so familiar with, she can be sure that she is not mistaken.


how could be? Doubts can't help but arise from the bottom of my heart.

   "...Ahem...Because in the time domain, there are fewer and fewer remaining world lines. The power of fate does not need to be so dispersed, but can be concentrated..."

   A hoarse voice sounded, coughed a few times with difficulty, and forced himself to speak.

"If it was a multi-dimensional world in the past, where parallel time and space were as numerous as stars, and there were countless different worlds, then even the incomparably powerful force of destiny could not support the brave unconditionally...cough cough...the strength of the King of the End , it will only change the scale of the object that should be obliterated..."

   "But it's different now. With fewer and fewer world lines remaining, Destiny can also concentrate its strength to fight. As long as this continues, sooner or later you will be absolutely victorious, and will appear with a value that exceeds yours..."

   There is still some lack of energy in the front, but the more he talks about the back, the more impassioned he is: "It's like now, the old man just took over the fate of the King of the End, and he can barely compete with you!"



   Ciri subconsciously held her breath and listened carefully.

  She actually knew that she must have been exposed. Even though the Vientiane camouflage function of the orbiter has not been turned off and has been in a quiet invisible state, it is hard to expect it to hide its real power. It's okay if you don't get noticed, you might just ignore the past.

   But he prefers to die. The owner of the hoarse voice escaped here, which happened to attract the attention of the Monkey King.

Coupled with the "resonance" of God's Steel, or the spontaneous signal sending and receiving triggered by close range, she can't believe that the other party didn't notice her... It's just her subconscious habit of holding her breath, whether it is useful or not, psychologically more Less sense of security.

  World Line…

  Force of Destiny…


  These keywords flowed through her heart, and the witcher girl tried to organize them.

   "Go! Get out of here!"

At this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded. She was slightly startled, and turned her head subconsciously, and found a tall and strong figure in the cab. Huge feeling, like the second magician in the fgo world.

  This figure was covered in blood, but exuded an extremely sharp and heavy smell of steel and blood. He held a large sword full of cracks in his hand, and tried his best to support his body.

  He kept urging: "It turns out that the ray of hope is here... Go! Go!"


  Miss Shirley felt stunned. How did the other party bypass the protection and enter the interior of the aircraft?

  Didn’t the other party hold on outside, trying to put aside the scene, refusing to admit defeat? Could it be that it was an illusion from the beginning, used to attract attention, taking advantage of this gap, trying to escape through him?

next moment-

   "As expected of a godhead that can deceive even the sun and cover it up...but how can I hide it from me!"

The sound of laughter resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the exhalation turned into countless thunders and storms. The monkey king on the ground stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and his body swelled and became huge. In just an instant, his head touched several times. The clouds in the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and there is no tendency to stop!

  That palm also spanned tens of thousands of kilometers, protruding like mountains and seas, with five fingers flowing across, covering the sky with one hand!


  Xi Li's pupils contracted suddenly, facing this giant palm that seemed to be a moving continent, spanning tens of thousands of miles, he was still a little tangled, but now he subconsciously opened the portal directly.

The orbiter is not a real starship, it is only for moving in the galaxy, and it is not luxurious enough to be equipped with a jump engine... The witcher girl can only use her ancient blood to manipulate time and space through the magic in her blood, Get it all done!


  The aircraft in the stealth state instantly disappeared without a trace.

   "I found out so quickly..."

  The old Hero God breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time muttered to himself with an uncertain expression.

"The God of War in the East clearly grasped his godhead in the previous battle. It is a myth that is completely specialized in "Equaling Heaven". It denies the side of becoming a Buddha. It is an absolutely ferocious unrivaled demon king... But such Specialization should also be more impulsive, violent and irritable..."

  The monkey king born in the stone existed in two completely different mythological periods.

   Resist the rebellious Monkey King, the unrivaled demon king...

  Compromise and succumb to the Buddhist scriptures, fight against the Buddha...

  The monkey king that appears now is the specialization of the former godhead, the incarnation that appeared on the ground, maybe mixed with godheads such as Wuzhiqi, but it is the other side of the myth that has not compromised at all. There are good and bad, the only thing that can be confirmed is that it has completely restored the tyrannical nature of poison——

  As if he was born to defeat all enemies, the **** of war, born for war, unrivaled.

   But at the same time, there should also be the shortcomings of rashness and recklessness, just like that period in the myth.

When he found out that the title of "Bi Mawen" was a hoax, he immediately "fired up" and went all the way out of Nantianmen, back to Huaguo Mountain, and erected the banner of "Equaling Heaven"... Such is the myth, it is a A double-edged sword, the gods rely on myths to specialize their own power, and in turn will be affected by myths.

  Like Achilles, if he descended as the God of Disobedience, the heel must also be the weak point.


  I, the **** of deceit and deceit, was suddenly spotted by that reckless and impulsive monkey king? !

  Holding the nearly broken Taidao tightly, the old Hero God had a dignified expression, feeling more and more difficult.

At this time, the aircraft broke away from the torrent of time and space. Ciri took a long breath and wiped off a cold sweat. At the same time, she also had a lot of doubts. She looked at the dagger, covered in blood. , An old man who will fall down at any time.

  The latter met her gaze, waved his hand gently, and said vigorously: "I can't last long, and I will return to mythology soon... Please take this thing away."

   "This, what is this?"

  Xi Li was stunned for a moment, and saw a golden sword with cracks shining brightly, floating in front of his eyes.

"This is the sword of wisdom of the Eastern God of War. When you have a detailed understanding of the opponent's godhead knowledge, you can create a weapon that specifically restrains the opponent. The sword of the sword can cut even the body and power of the god. Power is an attack that can directly cut off the godhead..."

  The old hero-god replied frankly, with a cunning gleam in his eyes.

"Although he also died in battle, at least he obtained useful information and successfully manufactured the weapon. This is why we must fight against him even though we know we are bound to lose...we want to send it to the last world , Let another Him or a suitable person use it for the final decisive battle!"



  In the dark.

  A pure white space.

   "Didn't you return to the realm of the undead... Tch." Wearing a torn coat, the young man who seemed to be very rude looked around, and while making such comments, he looked towards the end of the front. "But it doesn't matter, it's all the same anyway."

   "This is not the same..."

  In the pure white space, the black-haired young man in white sitting across from him calmly looked at the visiting boy, smiling and shaking his head.

   "Oh, what's different..."

  Wellerslana asked unceremoniously, and at the same time narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party: "Are you the one who brought about the end?"

  There is no concept of man or god, it is like a nothingness that turns into the law of the universe, so that the military **** can't help but set off a huge wave in his heart.

   "It wasn't originally, but now it is..." The young man nodded calmly, "As for the difference, it is naturally because of your plan."

"our plan?"

"Yes, you think that exchanging your death for understanding and knowledge of me, to create weapons that can kill "me", is a plan that is beneficial to you... But in fact, this plan is actually "I" asking you to did so. "



   Silence fell slightly, the young **** frowned as if thinking about something.

   "Vereslana, in Persia is "Bahram", in Armenia it is called "Vahagen"... and Hercules, and the Eastern God of War, are actually the same existence..."

The young man smiled and pointed out the nature of the God of War. "In the Sasanian calendar, it represents Mars, which overlaps with the image of the God of War in Babylon and Greece. In Zoroastrianism, the name of the **** is used to name the most sacred flame, which means The flame of victory, and was interpreted as the image of the archangel who defeated Angola Mayo, and that was one of Michael's prototypes..."

   Welleslana's expression was a little strange.

  I have always used my words to expose the essence of other gods, aiming at the origin of their godheads, and knocking them down with the sword of wisdom.

  Now it's the other way around, the other party is exposing his truth little by little.

   "So what?" the young man said bluntly.

"It is said that your real origin is in the direction of India, but the original record has not been found..." The young man said calmly, "But, the ever-victorious and invincible army **** with ten incarnations, do you think Doshabatara Whose concept does this system belong to in Indian mythology?"

  Toshabadara, this system comes from Hindu mythology, which means "ten incarnations". As the name suggests, it is composed of ten gods with different shapes and deeds.

   Moreover, these gods are all one in essence.

   "I can also be Indra..." The military **** with a youthful face still replied unceremoniously, and at the same time had a faint premonition.

  Vishnu is everything, He is "into heaven"!

  Because of controlling everything, all kinds of stories in the history of mythology are attached to the name of Vishnu like thousands of rivers and seas, forming a huge collection of myths. The key concept that translates them into the deeds of Vishnu is the "incarnation theory"-Vishnu descends with part of his power and becomes a divine entity to perform various deeds.

  Could it be that I...will be the key to the other party's ten avatars? !

   "Indeed, you do share the same origin as Indra...but so what!"

  The great **** on the opposite side laughed.

  Like in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna exhorts Arjuna—

  "You have to know that all existence, no matter how solemn and auspicious, no matter how brilliant, all come from part of my brilliance!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion