MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 2 door of trial

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Amid the shouts of the heavily armed soldiers armed with firearms, Li Xiu and the others all came out of the room and walked along the long and narrow passage in the dim light.

There were many similar rooms on both sides of the passage, and the people inside were also driven out and slowly moved towards the end of the passage together.

After turning a few corners, the scene in front of him suddenly became clear, and a huge underground space with bright lights appeared in front of Li Xiu.

Steel frames and wooden beams serve as the main support for the underground space. Through the steel frame, you can see that there are irregular gray-black rocks on the top of the head. There are wet water droplets hanging in many cracks in the rocks, and even moss is attached to the rocks. grow.

In the place with the most dazzling light, a blue stone gate with a height of more than ten meters is embedded in the stone wall. The natural rock wall forms a strong contrast with the stone gate carved with various exquisite and mysterious patterns. , grooves and patterns set off, it looks particularly eerie and terrifying.

"Is this the gate of trials?" Li Xiu muttered to himself, looking up at the blue gate.

"It should be called the Devil's Gate." The strong man following the bandit sneered: "Boy, you are really unlucky, and you don't know what those guys are crazy about. You opened the Devil's Gate in advance, and you just arrived. Here, you have to die without even a day of training. It’s really pitiful. But even if you have time to train, it’s useless. You should pray to the goddess of luck to bless you.”

"Shut up!" A cold drink came from the loudspeaker, and soon everyone became quiet. In the huge underground space, even the sound of water droplets could be heard.

On the high wooden platform, a man was holding a loudspeaker, and beside him stood two guys who looked like Iron Man, their whole bodies were wrapped in a kind of weird carapace.

That is a magician wearing a magic costume, a war machine that can compete with demons, and the highest level of human combat power.

In the eyes of Li Xiu, who is also a costumer, these two costumers are inexperienced characters, but to ordinary people, the deterrent power of these two costumers is no less than that of nuclear weapons.

"Some of you know me, some of you don't. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Lao Gu, and I am in charge of this place. I won't talk about the unnecessary nonsense. Why do you come here and what do you want from here? Anyone can clearly understand. I am here waiting for you to come back, come out alive from the gate of trial, give me things in exchange for everything you want, this is your only way out." Without waiting for people to answer, he yelled at the blue stone door: "Open the door."

Following Laogu's order, several soldiers carrying boxes came to the blue stone gate, placed the box in front of the stone gate, took out blue gems from inside, and stuffed them into the blue stone one by one. In the groove of the stone gate.

When all the grooves on the blue stone door are filled with gems, those gems seem to be activated by some kind of force, and they don't need to reflect any external light, and they emit a strong blue light.

Click! Click!

In the flash of blue light, the blue door opened little by little, and a mysterious and enchanting white light shot out from the crack of the door.

There was no need for Lao Gu to issue an order, someone was already running towards the open blue door.

The experienced "old people" like the bandit and the strong man were all running forward, and only some newcomers were still stunned.

Click! Click!

The sound of soldiers pulling the bolts came from behind, and the newcomers turned their heads to look, only to see that all the soldiers around were aiming their guns at them.

"Before the gate of trial closes, those who remain outside... die..." Lao Gu's gloomy voice sounded again.

This time, no one hesitated any more, including Li Xiu, all rushed towards the opening of the blue stone door like a swarm.

The blue stone door didn't even open halfway, the blue light on the door began to weaken, and the stone door began to slowly close.

People rushed to the stone gate even more desperately. When the stone gate was about to be completely closed, everyone had already entered the stone gate.


The stone gate was completely closed, and the underground space returned to its former coldness and quietness.

In the crowd, Li Xiu looked at the surrounding environment. Although he had heard of some things about the door of trial, this was the first time he had personally experienced it.

The place where the more than 100 people were located turned out to be inside a huge building like a stadium, surrounded by high-rise circular stone steps, and an oval field in the middle.

There is a goal in the center of the field. About ten meters away from the goal, there is a cross mark. In the center of the ten mark, there is actually a football.

Li Xiu looked at the people around him, and then looked at himself, and found that no matter what kind of clothes they were wearing when they came, they were all covered in the same white tights, and everything else on their bodies had disappeared. , there is a red bracelet on the wrist of the left hand, and there are numbers on the bracelet.

Li Xiu glanced at his bracelet and saw that the number on it was 49.

"Unfortunately, it's a test of C-level difficulty!" The strong man who had been following Ah Bandit looked up at the sky above the field and cursed in a low voice.

Li Xiu looked up and found a huge screen floating there, with a big "C" displayed on the screen.

"Welcome to the Haitian Proving Ground. The difficulty level of the trial is C. The trial rules are as follows..." Some words appeared on the big screen, and at the same time, a voice like electronic synthesis sounded. UU reading

After listening to the rules of the trial, some people showed excitement, but most people's faces became ugly.

The rules of the trial are very simple. All participants are divided into two groups. One stands in front of the goal to guard the goal, and the other goes to play. There are two chances in total. The ball also counts as one point, as long as you get one point, the trial is completed, and everyone has a chance to guard the goal and kick the ball. One point saves life, zero points kills.

But there are two rewards in total. If one person can get two points, they can take all the rewards.

But if one person gets two points, the other person must get zero points, that is, he fails to pass, and the result is only a dead end.

No matter how you look at it, these rules are somewhat similar to the penalty shootout in the football rules, where one goal lives and one goal dies.

"Now you can start to choose your teammates, shake hands and exchange each other's bracelets. Before the countdown ends, you must find your teammates." The electronic synthesis sound sounded again, and a six-hundred-second countdown appeared on the display.

People looked around, some seemed at a loss, some seemed confident, some looked desperate, and some were hesitant.

"According to this rule, as long as two people cooperate, they can get the reward alive. But if your teammates don't cooperate, it's hard to say. Choosing teammates is the key to this trial." Li Xiu thought to himself. .

In fact, everyone understands this truth, but people are unpredictable. In such a place, who can be trusted?

"Boy, do you want to form a team with me?" While thinking about it, Li Xiu suddenly saw a strong man walking in front of him, smiling and extending his palm wearing a red bracelet.

Read The Duke's Passion