MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 337 God costume

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"Would you like to fight with the magician in my space city?" Shura turned to Wan Chaochun and the others and said.

When Sha Chu was waiting to watch a good show, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Wan Chaochun and the others had strange expressions on their faces, and even Li Qingyi's expression was a little strange.

"I'm only here to participate in the Trial Contest, other things have nothing to do with me." Han Daoliang said and walked back to the rest area.

Under Sha Chu's astonished eyes, several Changshengtian masters at casting spirit level turned and left, but none of them responded to Shura's provocation.

Wan Chaochun and Li Qingyi, who had a very good relationship with Li Xiu, turned around and left without saying a word. Before Wan Chaochun and Li Qingyi returned to the rest area, they both looked at Li Xiu with helpless eyes.

Such a situation was unexpected, and many viewers who watched the game offline and online were taken aback, and a thought could not help but arise in their hearts.

These trainees who seem so strong are so timid to fight, don't they even think that they are not the opponents of top magicians, so they dare not fight?

Sha Chu didn't know what was going on for a while, so he had to look at Li Xiu.

Li Xiu looked at Shura, and he had already discovered the problem.

He had already noticed just now that when Shura turned to Wan Chaochun and the others to talk, he intentionally revealed a jade tablet hanging around his waist.

But Wan Chaochun and the others' gazes had deliberately stayed on the humble jade tablet before their expressions changed.

"I had suspected before that there was a relationship between Space City and Changshengtian, and now it seems to be true. It's just that Wan Chaochun and Li Qingyi obviously didn't know the existence of this relationship before, and I didn't listen to it when I was in Changshengtian. Having mentioned the relationship between Space City and Changshengtian, the president seems to want to suppress Space City. What is going on? What is that jade plaque? It made both Wan Chaochun and Li Qingyi have to withdraw. "Many thoughts flashed through Li Xiu's mind, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

However, Li Xiu can be sure that it was the jade card that made these big bosses of Changshengtian have to withdraw without saying a word.

A jade plaque hung on the waist of a magician is really superfluous, and the existence of the jade plaque itself is unreasonable.

"City Master Li, it seems that the testers of your city need to teach me personally." Asura said, looking at Li Xiu.

"The magic outfitters in the space city are nothing special. Since those bosses don't bother to make a move, let me, a low-level trainer, play with you." At this moment, Xiao Er actually stood up and walked in front of Shura and said.

When Xiao Er walked past Li Xiu, he blinked at Li Xiu, and then pouted at Wan Chaochun and Li Qingyi in the rest area, as if to say: "Your god-sister and girlfriend are not good. what."

"Be careful." Li Xiu whispered.

"Wait and see my performance." Xiao Er said and walked towards Shura.

Because of Xiao Er's words, the trainees watching the battle suddenly realized that those powerful trainees were not timid to fight, but disdain to fight against the magician.

The appearance of Xiao Er temporarily reversed the relatively passive situation in the City of Light.

"How do you want to play, I will accompany you." Xiao Er came to Shura and said carelessly.

Shura was not angry because of Xiao Er's disturbance, he just glanced at Xiao Er and said indifferently: "If Master Xiao Er wants to play, then just play casually."

Saying that, Shura released a magic light towards the sky.

In the next second, one by one magic outfitters fell from the sky and landed in the arena one by one. There were hundreds of them.

"Group fights? I like it, let's go together." Xiao Er said, summoning all his demon spirits, and those demon spirits formed a battle formation like an army.

"Second Master Xiao, don't misunderstand, the magic outfitters in the space city have not yet fallen to the point of bullying the few with the more." Shura pointed to a magician and said, "You can play with the second son Xiao, click as much as you want, don't Hurt people."

The magician who was pointed by Shura nodded slightly, and went out in front of Xiao Er.

Xiao Er was a little annoyed by Shura's words, and said coldly: "

If you don't know how to grasp the opportunity, then you can't blame me. "

Saying that, Xiao Er directly ordered his light base-level giant warrior demon spirit to attack the magic outfitter in front of him, and the magic light erupting from his fist turned into a roaring tiger and rushed towards the magic outfitter. In front of the division, wanting to end the battle with one blow.

With such a short distance and such a terrifying burst of light energy, one doubts whether the magician will be directly swallowed by the magic light.

I don't know if it was too late to hide, or if he didn't plan to hide at all, the magician stood still and moved, watching the tiger-like magic light rushing towards him, and just raised his palm.

A strange red light net appeared on the palm, directly meeting the tiger-like magic light.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they saw that the magician put one hand on the forehead of the tiger's magic light. The terrifying magic light seemed to shrink, and it condensed towards the magician's palm. The costumer's palm condensed into a ball of magic light, which was caught in the palm of the magician.

"The hand of it's wonder Shura is so confident..." the audience in the stands exclaimed.

Even if they are not magic outfitters, there are probably not many people who do not recognize God and God's hand. Seeing that familiar technique at this time, everyone is extremely excited.

Even though they don't have the talent to become magicians, it doesn't hinder their worship of God.

Amidst people's exclamation, the magician moved, holding the magic light ball in his hand, the light patterns on his body lit up one by one, and he quickly rushed towards the light-level giant warrior monster.

Xiao Er's face changed slightly, and he immediately commanded his demon spirit team to face the magician. No matter how arrogant he was, he didn't dare to be careless or careless in the face of the magician who had the name of God. contempt.

Xiao Er's magic spirit control technique has indeed been perfected. Dozens of monsters of different varieties and levels, under his command, advance and retreat with speed, and each monster's movement and skill release are just right.

Even Li Xiu had to say a word of admiration, it's really rare for a person who can't cross the line of spiritual knowledge to control multiple demons to this level.

Xiao Er's monster team is like a well-trained army, forming a battle formation to drag the magician into it.

All kinds of demon skills are shining brightly, and the light energy is criss-crossing. Anyone who sees it will feel that the magician has entered the net of heaven and earth, and can't think of how he can survive.

But no one thought that the magician would be defeated in this way, because it was God, an invincible existence.

Sure enough, the magic outfitter's figure shuttled through the battle formation like a dancing butterfly, creating a possibility out of the impossible, abruptly avoiding the strangulation of the battle formation, the elegant figure of the magic outfitter was in the middle of the battle. Xiao Er's demon spirit battle formation kept shuttling, and without launching an attack, he rushed in front of the light-based giant warrior with an unstoppable posture, and dodged the giant warrior's body with his angel wings. After the magic light attacked, the magic light ball that had been held in the palm of his hand pressed against the giant warrior's chest.


The terrifying light energy explosion forcefully blew the armor on the giant warrior's chest to pieces. The giant warrior's body uncontrollably fell backwards, knocked down several demon spirits, and stopped after traveling more than a hundred meters .

"Too strong, God is indeed invincible."

"Sure enough, God is still the greatest magician, attacking God with demons, isn't that sending food?"

"It's too simple, such a powerful demon spirit was easily dealt with like this.

People were full of admiration, and the magicians who watched the live broadcast on the Internet were even more excited. Finally, someone stood up and taught those testers a lesson.

Li Xiu couldn't help frowning slightly. The two most frequently used magic skills, God's Hand and Angel Wings, were used by this magician without any flaws. He was a little puzzled. Where did I find it.

What made him feel even more wrong was that the more than one hundred magicians behind Shura were all wearing the same magic costumes. Could it be that they could all use God's Hand and Angel Wings?

Xiao Er's face was extremely ugly, looking at the struggling giant warrior who couldn't stand up, he gritted his teeth and ordered all the demon spirits to spray light energy at the magician.

In the next second, an even more shocking scene happened. Faced with such a terrifying strangulation by the magic light, the magician did not choose to use the angel wings to dodge like before. He suddenly burst into red light, and the whole set of magic The clothes seemed to be burning with red flames, and a huge red light wing spread out from behind, like a **** angel.

The magician stretched his hands forward, and the huge red light wings also stretched forward. The terrifying magic light continuously bombarded the **** angel-like magician, but all the magic lights were directed towards the **** angel. His palms gathered together, and in a moment they condensed into a huge ball of magic light. With the continuous accumulation of light energy, the magic light of the magic light ball became brighter and brighter, and the fluctuation of light energy became more and more intense. It's getting scary.

Until Xiao Er's demon spirit ended a round of bombardment, the **** angel-like magician controlled the terrifying magic light ball with both hands, and slapped it hard to the ground, while he was suspended in mid-air.


The magic light ball exploded on the ground, blasting a big hole in the ground made of magic ash, and the shock wave lifted the outside of the magic ash ground, rolling like a wave.

Xiao Er and his demon spirit team were all staggered by the shock wave. The few demon spirits in the front were probably directly blasted to pieces by this blow.

Fortunately, Xiao Er was standing behind the Demon Team, blocked by the Demon Team, so he didn't suffer too much impact, but he also rolled a long way on the ground, making his face ashamed.

"God is still invincible." For a while, all the live broadcast rooms were swiped by this sentence, not only the magician, but also many testers sincerely swiped this sentence.

If they were changed to other magicians, they might still have resistance, but for God, even those who choose to walk on the path of a tester, they still have a feeling in their hearts. That was the hero they yearned for and worshiped. , How many people once wanted to chase the dream, not many people are willing to see their once dream broken.

When people missed the past, they saw an even more incredible scene.

After Xiao Er was defeated, Shura walked towards Li Xiu without looking at the defeated Xiao Er.

Behind him, more than a hundred magic outfitters also followed Shura. As they moved forward, the magic outfits on their bodies also lit up with terrifying red light lines. The light lines skyrocketed again, and the whole body burned red flames, huge red wings of light unfolded behind their backs.

One by one, **** angel-like magicians floated in the air, following Shura's footsteps, and came to Li Xiu with incomparable momentum like an angelic army descending.

"What about those magicians...they...they are all gods..."

People were stunned, staring blankly at the terrifying army of **** angels. In the previous city, the God of the present belongs to everyone, don’t you think so?

This sentence shocked the whole world, as long as you put on the magic costume of God, you can become an unreachable existence like God, which made the blood of magic costumers all over the world boil with enthusiasm.

The title of God has almost become the belief of magicians. Those incredible magic skills are what many magicians desire but can't get.

Now someone suddenly told them that as long as they put on that magic suit, they could become a god-like existence, which magician would not be crazy about it.

It's just that they still have some concerns. They don't know if it is true that as long as they put on that magic suit, they can use those magic costume skills that only God can use. After all, magic suits are the same, but magic suit masters who can use the hand of God only one.

This doubt was quickly dispelled. After Shura's voice fell, all the blood light angels stretched out their palms at the same time, and the blood light on their bodies also bloomed at the same time. In their palms, the blood light absorbed condensed into a magic light ball. held in their hands.

One hundred and twenty **** angels using the hand of God at the same time, this is such a shocking scene, it is simply unbelievable.

The Hand of God, which was once considered to be the exclusive magical skill of God, is now used by so many magicians at the same time.

Come, the shock caused can be imagined.

For the average magician, the dream of many years seems to have come.

A place within reach, as if as long as they stretch out their hands, they can touch their dreams.

One hundred and twenty blood light angels threw the light **** in their hands into the sky at the same time, and each light ball bloomed in the sky like a blood sun, reflecting the entire arena in blood red.

"Guan Jinghao did a good job." Li Xiu said sincerely.

He doesn't mind that the space city develops such a magic outfit, or he is happy to see it succeed, and even hopes that the space city's magic outfit research can develop faster.

If it is true what Shura said, everyone will be God in the future, and everyone will have the ability to defend their homeland, that's what Li Xiu hopes to see.

"Thank you, City Lord Li, for your approval. If City Lord Li needs anything in the future, the Space City will open the door for you at any time." Shura performed a gentleman's salute, and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Luo Sha suddenly said: "Won't City Lord Li personally evaluate this God's magic costume?"

"Raksha!" Shura looked at Rakshasa with a very harsh tone.

"The City of Light is a sacred place that countless cultivators yearn for. As the city lord of the City of Light, I think City Lord Li must also want to try it, right?" Luo Sha sneered, ignoring Shura's stop.

Her words are tantamount to driving Li Xiu to a desperate situation. If Li Xiu backs down now, it is tantamount to admitting that the tester is not as good as the magician, and the image that the City of Light has worked so hard to build before will be completely destroyed.

Li Xiu looked at Luo Sha, not only was he not angry, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Li Xiu's smile, Xiu Luo couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat. He wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Li Xiu: "I'm really curious about how strong this God's magic costume is."

"Futaba." Li Xiu whispered Ye Xiyuan's code name.

Ye Xiyuan, who had already led the team of magic outfitters, rushed into the arena with the magic outfitters. The light energy bloomed on each magician's body, and the light energy was not weaker than those **** angels. Stand behind Li Xiu and confront him.

"City Lord, please order." Ye Xiyuan saluted.

"Is there such a good opportunity, let's learn." Li Xiu said lightly.

"Yes." Ye Xiyuan replied, walked up to Shura and said, "Please enlighten me.

Shura frowned slightly, and glanced at Raksha beside him.

"Don't forget the city lord's explanation." Luo Sha said through the team communication.

"I hope you won't regret it." Shura gave her a cold look.

"I'm helping you. You don't do anything, just retreat like this. How will you explain to the city lord when you go back?" Luo Sha said.

"That's my business. I'm responsible for this operation." Shura said with a frown.

"I'm your I have the responsibility to assist you in completing the task, instead of doing nothing and just leaving." Luo Sha said, waved and summoned a blood angel, looked at Ye Xiyuan and said: "Let this magician from the City of Light know what a real magic costume is."

The **** angel landed in front of Ye Xiyuan, and said in a cold voice without emotion: "You take action."

"Are you God?" Ye Xiyuan looked at the **** angel and asked.

"No. Bloody Angel replied coldly.

"Since it's not, then you shouldn't use the name of God." Ye Xiyuan herself is a worshiper of God. Although these **** angels have the ability of God, she doesn't think they are qualified to use the name of God.

In Ye Xiyuan's view, the reason why God can become God is not only because of his superb technology, but more because of his heart.

Saying that, Ye Xiyuan's new magic outfit burst out with terrifying brilliance, and he punched the **** angel in front of him.

The blood light angel stretched out his palm and used the hand of God again to absorb the magic light shot by Ye Xiyuan.

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