MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 339 No 4

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The latest website: Li Xiu swung his sword, layers of sword light bloomed like petals, or erupted like a volcano, meeting the many **** judgment blades that descended from the sky.

Under the impact of the dense sword light, the blade of judgment all over the sky was cut into pieces in an instant, and the lotus sword light continued, rushing towards more than a hundred blood light angels in the sky.

The blood light angels activated the magic light system one after another, using the light blade to chop the sword light, or using the angel wings to dodge.

But under the layers of lotus sword lights that bloomed layer by layer, it seemed useless. Just for a moment, the lotus sword lights flashed past the **** angel's body.

The sound of shattering and cracking was endless, and the **** magic costumes on more than a hundred **** angels disintegrated like fireworks, and the naked magic costume masters inside fell out together with the broken parts, and the sky filled with lotus sword light reflected Folding back to the sword body, when the last sword light returned to the Fire Lotus Sword, Li Xiu buckled the Fire Lotus Sword back to his waist with his backhand, and the parts of the magic outfit master and Mantian magic outfit fell to the ground.

Everyone stared blankly at this scene, as if they forgot to even breathe.

The **** angel as powerful as God, the God's hand and angel's wings, which were once called invincible skills, were so vulnerable in front of Li Xiu.

The brilliant and exploding lotus flower sword light, and the sweeping sword with the backhand, like a red iron, were fiercely burned into the souls of many audience members, making their souls tremble.

Li Xiu looked at the naked magicians who fell on the ground, his eyes became more and more cold. They all looked exactly like Bai Qiuyi, and they were undoubtedly replicants.

Luo Sha had already flew up, trying to fly away from the arena, but before flying out of the tester, a figure of a magician suddenly appeared in front of him.

"The city lord said, your life must be saved." Ye Xiyuan's body erupted with magic light, directly blasting Luo Sha down.

The light energy on Luo Zhi's body exploded. Although Ye Xiyuan's magic light was blocked, the person fell down again. He was terrified in his heart. He looked up and found that Li Xiu was still standing there looking at her, while Ye Xiyuan on the other side had already landed on the ground. behind her.

City Lord Li, can you spare her life?" Shura walked up to Luocha, looked at Li Xiu and asked.

"What do you think?" Li Xiu looked at Shura and asked back.

Shura sighed, reached out and took off the jade tablet from his waist and threw it to Li Xiu: "Fortunately, your city didn't suffer too much loss, so I exchanged this thing for her life, and I hope the city lord will make it happen.

"What is this?" Li Xiu asked after taking the jade tablet and looking at it.

"If the city lord needs it, I can stay and explain, and ask the city lord to let them leave the City of Light." Shura said.

Li Xiu looked at the jade card in his hand, then at Li Qingyi and Wan Chaochun in the rest area, and seeing that they all nodded to him, he said, "Then let's do this, and leave her life in custody for today." .”

"City Master Li is gracious." Shura saluted, turned to Luosha and said, "Take them back first. There should be no delay on the way, and there must be no accidents. Otherwise, you should know the consequences without me telling you."

Luo Sha gritted his teeth, turned around without saying a word, and left the arena with those magicians who all looked exactly the same.

Li Xiu didn't kill those magic outfitters, firstly because they looked exactly like Bai Qiuyi, he couldn't bear to do it, and secondly, it was useless even if they were killed, since Space City has mastered this technology, it can create With these 120 replicants, more replicants can be produced.

The video of Li Xiu killing the **** angel army with a single sword went viral on the Internet. The audience at the scene shot the sword from everyone's angle with their mobile phones. Various video clips of Yijian.

Originally, it was uploaded on the Internet that the City of Light was a holy place for the trialists, and it was only because the City of Light had contributed to the spread, and many trialees did not recognize this.

However, Li Xiu's sword made most of the testers outside reach a consensus that the City of Light is the holy land of the testers, and Li Xiu is currently the strongest tester.

Slashing more than a hundred god's magic clothes with one sword, such a record is definitely unprecedented, not to mention unprecedented.

Before that, God was still synonymous with invincibility.

Pretending that although he is not a god, he already has all kinds of abilities of God. Li Xiu's sword swept across and instantly forced the tester to the full. From then on, the tester is no longer inferior to the magician. Those who have personally become testers can suddenly feel proud.

The strongest magician is called God, our strongest tester should also have a resounding nickname? What do you think of Tianzun?"

"Tianzun and God still have the same meaning, I think it's better to be the sword god, that sword is too strong..."

"Can you guys be a little more humble? What kind of emperors and sword gods are simply out of place. I think they should be called number one in the world."

There were a lot of posts on the Internet that wanted to give Li Xiu a title. As a result, everyone had different opinions.

The magicians saw that many of the testers' posts were named after God as a supporting role, and the spoof titles like God's father angered the magicians.

Many magic outfitters posted that the ones Li Xiu defeated were not gods at all, but just magic outfits from the space city. Moreover, if the real God came, Li Xiu might not be the opponent.

After going back and forth, the two factions began to scold on the Internet.

There are still many people paying attention to those magicians in Space City. Anyone can tell that those should be replicants. mass produced.

Although the Space City suffered a disastrous defeat this time, anyone with real knowledge knows how terrifying the clone technology of the Space City is. If it can be mass-produced, it will be much faster than the practitioners.

Li Xiu can defeat 120 blood angels, but what if it is 12,000? 1.2 million?

Space City's new magic suit and clone magic suit sparked as much discussion as Li Xiu's sword.

"What is this?" Li Xiu took Shura to his lounge and asked while holding a jade card.

"The token of Changshengtian, with your ability, it should be a high-level person in Changshengtian now, don't you even know it?" Shura looked at Li Xiu and said.

"Do I need to know it?" Li Xiu asked rhetorically.

"If you know it, I think I will be better than now." Shura said with a wry smile: "I believe you can see it too, those soul-casting-level testers in the Longevity Heaven will retreat automatically when they see this jade card. It's because this jade tablet represents the president of Changshengtian, which probably means the same thing as Ruzhen's visit in person in ancient times.

"Why do you have such a thing?" Li Xiu was a little surprised. He didn't expect this jade card to have such a great effect. Could it be that even Li Qingyi and Wan Chaochun had to withdraw it after seeing this jade card.

How could such a brand fall into the hands of people from the space city, and the president didn't take it back, which is too strange.

"The thing is not mine. As for why it is in my hands, I can't answer this question for you. You can ask the president of Changshengtian." Shura said.

"Okay, since this can't be said, let's talk about Bai Qiuyi." Li Xiu stared at Shura and said every word.

"As you can see, those are all clones of Bai Qiuyi. I can't disclose the technical aspects, and I don't understand." Shura spread his hands and said.

"Who is Bai Qiuyi? Is it because of me that you copied him?" Li Xiu stared at Shura and asked.

Shura understood what Li Xiu meant, and sighed, "You can rest assured on this point, even if Bai Qiuyi doesn't understand the hand of God, the replicants will still use him as a model."

"Why?" Li Xiu asked.

"Because the Bai Qiuyi you know is also a clone, he is the fourth generation clone, if you don't show up, the clone based on him will still be researched from generation to generation, and the result will still be the same." Shura said.

"Bai Qiuyi is the fourth-generation clone? You will give an experimental clone that much power?" Li Xiu couldn't accept this answer.

Shura said: "Yes, we call him No. 4, he is very special, the previous three generations of clones have poor consciousness, don't

Speaking of becoming a magician, it is difficult to even think like a normal adult. No. 4 is the first clone who possesses complete thinking ability and can awaken the talent of a magician. But his specialness doesn't stop there. He also has a complete self-personality, a very strong personality, and a strong learning ability. Even the subsequent generations of replicants have not reached this level. Today, these are twelve generations of clones. Their thinking ability and personality are relatively complete, but they still cannot be compared with number four. But as a war machine, No. 12 is far more qualified than No. 4. "

"At that time, No. 4 really brought us a big surprise, and the city owner also had great hopes for him, so he spent a lot of effort on him, let him leave the laboratory, live like a normal person, and even Let him become a high-level person in the city. Facts have also proved that No. 4 is not only competent for those jobs, but also does it very well, so good that it is impeccable. It also brought you to the space city, and even became a tester in a whim, In the end, I played with my own life." Shura finished speaking and looked at Li Xiu.

Li Xiu didn't know about Bai Qiuyi's background before, nor did he hear Bai Qiuyi talk about family affairs, now he finally knows why, it's not that Bai Qiuyi didn't want to talk about it, but he didn't have it at all.

"Who is the prototype of Bai Qiuyi?" Li Xiu asked after thinking about it.

"I don't know." Seeing Li Xiu's disbelief, Asura said with a wry smile: "You don't have to look at me like that, I really don't know, I'm afraid there are only two people who can answer your question, one is our city lord, and the other is research and manufacturing. Professor Fu Dongsheng of these replicants.

"Fu Dongsheng of Lab No. 1?" Li Xiu used to go to Lab No. 1 frequently, and often dealt with Fu Dongsheng. He didn't expect that Lab No. 1 would study duplicants in addition to researching magic equipment. Find.

"City Master Li, there is actually something I've always wanted to ask you." Shura suddenly looked at Li Xiu and said.

"Tell me." Li Xiu didn't have much ill feeling towards Shura. Although they each had their own masters, Li Xiu still admired Shura's style of conduct.

"Why do you want to leave the space city and become a tester?" Shura said.

"Bai Qiuyi told me that the proving ground is the place I should go, saying that it is a man's paradise, so I went to have a look." Li Xiu said truthfully.

Shura smiled wryly and said: "It's really the success of the fourth and the defeat of the fourth. The fourth brought you to the space city, and made the space city usher in the fastest growing three years, but it was also he who made you leave the space city. If you If you don't leave, there must be a place for you in the current space city, and we don't have to be enemies.

After a pause, Shura said again: "However, you don't think much of the space city anymore. In just over a year, you have become a spirit-casting-level tester. As expected, a real genius can play anything. Same.

"Some things are predestined." Li Xiu got up and said, "You go, go back and tell Guan Jinghao, you will definitely visit him in the future."

"I'll bring it to you, but you and I have worked together for three years. There is something I want to tell you personally." Shura said seriously.

"Please tell me." Li Xiu didn't know what Shura wanted to say, and looked at him with some doubts.

"Never come to Space City." Shura said slowly, "Don't ask why, if you believe me, then listen to me."

"I've written down the words." Li Xiu nodded slightly and didn't ask any more questions.

Watching Shura leave, Li Xiu couldn't help but recall that when he first entered the space city with Bai Qiuyi, the first magician he saw in the City Lord's Mansion was Shura.

Li Xiu didn't have much contact with the Four Heavenly Kings of the Space City, but the one who had the most contact with Bai Qiuyi was Shura, so Li Xiu was quite familiar with him.

Thinking about it now, Shura should be the one responsible for observing Bai Qiuyi's situation.

Because the Hercules machine was damaged and could not be repaired in a short time, the final of the Battle of Hercules could only be postponed for a while.

However, the game did not stop, and the second day's game continued with the scheduled speed battle.

The battle of speed is about who can run faster. Li Xiu was not in the mood to watch the game. He found Li Qingyi with the jade card and wanted to find out what the jade card was.


When Li Qingyi saw Li Xiu coming with the jade card, he knew what he was looking for, and said directly: "I only know that this jade card represents the president. Seeing it is like seeing the president in person. As for why it is in the space city?" In the hands of someone else, I don't know about this.

"Are there any immortals in the space city?" Li Xiu asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, but it's just eyeliner. Guan Jinghao and the top management didn't join Changshengtian." Li Qingyi said with a wry smile: "I'm also very surprised, why the space city has this jade plaque."

Li Xiu went to Wan Chaochun again, and got the same answer. Wan Chaochun only knew about this jade tablet, but he didn't know why it was in the space city. If he wanted to know the answer, he might have to ask Guan Jinghao long.

The competition was very intense, and many testers were racing on the track, which was much more beautiful than the battle of Hercules.

Some of the trainees competed by themselves, and some used demons to compete. The scene of people and demons competing for the first place is still pretty good, but with Li Xiu’s previous brilliance of the sword, watching these competitions now always feels a little insufficient strength.

However, there are still many people watching the game, and many people compare the players with Li Xiu while watching the game.

"Who is stronger, Li Xiu or Wan Chaochun?"

"If City Lord of Light participates, I'm afraid he will win all five championships. He doesn't participate in order to keep the competition suspenseful!"

"I don't think so. Wan Chaochun, Li Qingyi and other trainees feel no worse than Li Xiu."

With Li Xiu's previous outburst, Han Daoliang and other bosses stopped hiding, and each of them showed their strongest strength to participate in the competition, hoping to recruit better testers in the future.

space city.

Guan Jinghao was sitting on the sofa, Luosha and Shura were kneeling in front of him.

"Mission failed, please punish the city master." Shura said with his head down.

Guan Jinghao said indifferently: "This matter has nothing to do with you, what you have done is good enough."

Luo Sha said from the side: "City Master, no one thought that Li Xiu was already a trialer at the cast spirit level. How long has he become a trialer? How could it be so fast? Could it be that from the very beginning, he was a long-lived person?" The female officer sent by heaven to our space city?"

"Before you go, what did I tell you?" Guan Jinghao said looking at Luo Sha with a blank expression.

Luo Sha couldn't answer for a while, Guan Jinghao looked at her and continued: "I told you, you can go, but remember, Shura is the person in charge of this operation, and he is responsible."

"City Master, I know I was wrong, but I just didn't expect that Li Xiu is already a soul-casting practitioner..." Luo Sha said hastily.

Guan Jinghao raised Luo Sha's chin, looked at her beautiful face and said, "It's still so beautiful."

Luo Sha blushed slightly, and said softly, "It's all my fault this time, you can punish me any way you want."

"Really? Is it okay to punish you in any way?" Guan Jinghao looked at Luo Sha's astonishingly curvy body.

"Anything is fine." Luo Sha blushed even more, and Shura was still kneeling beside her, which made her secretly happy.

In the past, when Guan Jinghao favored her, he would not let others know about it, and he never allowed her to reveal the relationship between the two of them. Now that Guan Jinghao treats her like this in front of Shura, he is probably trying to make their relationship public. , Raksha’s heart was full of joy.


Luo Sha's shy and smiling expression was fixed on her face, but her face was turned 180 degrees, her face was facing her back, and the back of her head was on her chest.

"Take her to a proper burial, UU Reading you do it yourself, we have worked hard together for so many years, let her go in a decent way." Guan Jinghao sighed.

Shura opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say it in the end. Everyone is dead, and there is no point in saying anything.

"I know what you want to say, the days of Anyi have been too long, she is no longer the same Rakshasa, this time she almost killed you and the magician army, and lost the jade card, what will happen next time ? The entire space city? I can't afford such a price." Guan Jinghao said.


Understood, I went to work. "Sura picked up Raksha's body and walked towards the gate.

"Sura, do you think our dreams can still be realized?" Guan Jinghao said looking at Shura's back.

"Sure." Xiu Luo paused, and then continued to walk towards the gate. When walking at the gate, he paused and said, "Also, Li Xiu said that he will visit you sometime."

"If he wants to come, then let him come." Guan Jinghao's eyes moved slightly, and his expressionless expression returned in an instant. Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.

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