MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 401 go home

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The latest website: Sky Sea, there are fallen monsters everywhere on the mountain.

Take out any one of them, and they could become a giant, but at this time they are full of scars. They are all missing arms or legs, lying on the ground in unbearable pain, looking up at the peak of the mountain angrily.

The top of the mountain where Tianhai Palace originally stood was now a ruin. A majestic figure with a naked upper body and twisted muscles like a devil stood on it. Under his feet was an old evil with blood all over his body and broken fairy clothes.

Lao Xie didn't have half a fairy spirit, lying on the ground like a dead dog, being stepped on the face by the president, but he couldn't move no matter what.

"I have endured you for so many years, not because of how strong you are, but because Bu'er is by your side. The four evil spirits are nothing to me." After the president finished speaking, he kicked Lao Xie like garbage Kicked and flew out.

Lao Xie rolled down the mountain just like that, and stopped rolling until he was hugged by a demon spirit from the sky sea.

The eyes of the demon spirits in the entire Tianzhihai were full of anger, but they were quickly replaced by powerlessness and fear.

In that short period of time just now, the president let them see what real power is, and he completely abused Lao Xie with his own power, and severely injured all the demon spirits who wanted to help Lao Xie.

Bellona, ​​who is the ancestral spirit, and the gentleman ancestral spirit, did not dare to make a move from the beginning to the end.

"Li Boyang, don't go too far." Bellona frowned.

"Is it too much? If you don't save the sixteen ancestor spirits, do you think there can be a living demon spirit in Tianzhihai?" the president said lightly. Bellona frowned, but couldn't say a word.

She didn't help Lao Xie, not because she didn't want to help, but from the moment Lao Xie's body had problems, she knew that Lao Xie had been defeated.

Even if the sixteen ancestor spirits attack together, they can't do anything to Li Boyang, after all, they don't have the ability to break Li Boyang's physical body.

They couldn't do it before, but now that Li Boyang has become stronger, it is even more impossible for them to kill Li Boyang.

"From now on, the demon spirits of the Sea of ​​Heaven are not allowed to step out of the Sea of ​​Sky. If a demon spirit steps out of the Sea of ​​Sky, all the demon spirits will be buried together." The president turned and left after speaking.

All the demon spirits in Tianzhihai wanted to tear their eyes apart, but none dared to resist. Lao Xie opened his mouth, and blood spurted out of his mouth, but he couldn't make any sound, his face was full of humiliation.

He was defeated, and the defeat was complete. The power of the spirit-suppressing stone that he relied on became his greatest weakness. He couldn't even stop Li Boyang's blow. He was even worse than before, which made him even more ashamed and angry.

Looking at the back of the president leaving, Bellona said worriedly: "Li Boyang is burdened with the suppression of the whole world, and he can become stronger and stronger. Can Li Xiu really do it?"

"He may not be able to do it, but don't forget that his elder sister is a peerless existence, and she will help Li Xiu." The gentleman demon said.

"What if his sister doesn't come over in time?" Bellona said.

"Such a strong person can cross the stars and the sea with a single thought. As long as Li Xiu is in danger, no matter where she is, she will definitely be able to rush back." The ancestor spirit of the gentleman glanced at the place where the president disappeared, and continued in a deep voice: "If his sister really can't make it, then he can only resign himself to fate."

"Hope the worst doesn't happen." Bellona sighed.

Li Xiu absorbed the gemstone plant guarded by Dusk, and then came to the No. 7 courtyard, picked up Bandit and the others from Changsheng Tian, ​​and brought them back to the City of Light.

"Li Xiu, what happened? I was in such a hurry to take us back to the City of Light. I thought something happened? Isn't it all right?" Mr. Chu said with some doubts when he saw that everything in the City of Light was normal. .

"This matter cannot be explained clearly in a few words, and I don't know if I will go to the worst step, but I have to act according to the worst plan, believe me, stay in the City of Light, no matter what How, before I make a decision, I can't leave the City of Light for half a step." Li Xiu said.

"Understood." Bandit trusted Li Xiu as always, and agreed without asking any questions.

In Chu Jun's heart, it was as if a kitten scratched him: "Can't you just say a few words?"

"Well, I may have to fight desperately with the president, maybe I don't have to." Li Xiu said.

"No more?" Chu Jun waited blankly for Li Xiu to continue, but after a while, Li Xiu did not continue to speak.

"No more." Li Xiu nodded.

"You might as well not talk about it, it will arouse my curiosity, and it will be gone." Chu Jun said speechlessly.

"You asked me to say a few words." Li Xiu spread his hands and said.

"Then you can explain again." Chu Jun said.

"I'm afraid there is no time. You all stay in the city and are not allowed to leave the city. No matter what happens later, don't panic. As long as you stay in the City of Light, you will be safe." Li Xiu looked outside the city, and his body changed. Gone.

Li Xiu stood in front of the city gate, looking into the distance, a hunched and thin figure was slowly coming out.

The figure stopped a few tens of meters away from the city gate, looked at the City of Light and said in admiration, "When I built the city, it wasn't so beautiful. You managed the city very well."

"If you didn't build the city here, President, I wouldn't have thought of running it here. The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took advantage of the shade. You are the foundation of everything." Li Xiu said.

"The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took advantage of the shade, so you took all the town spirit stones I worked so hard to get?" The president sneered.

Li Xiu knew that it was meaningless to say anything now, the president had paid so much for Zhenlingshi, and it was absolutely impossible for him to give up Zhenlingshi.

"President, I've been puzzled about something, can you help me, President?" Li Xiu said calmly, as if he didn't hear the president's accusation.

"Speak." The president was not in a hurry, and said with narrowed eyes.

"What do you plan to do with the complete Zhenling Stone after you get it?" Li Xiu looked at the president and asked.

"Go home." The president said slowly.

Li Xiu was not surprised by the president's answer, but anyone who knew the origin of the president would think that he might not want to live in this world. After all, he was so rejected by this world that he couldn't integrate into it at all.

There are only two possibilities for the president to use the Zhenling Stone, one is to use the Zhenling Stone to integrate into this world, and the other is to use the Zhenling Stone to leave this world.

"Can you tell me where you are from?" Li Xiu asked again.

"This question is a bit difficult for me." The president pondered.

"It's not convenient and you don't have to answer." Li Xiu said.

"It's not inconvenient, but I don't know how to answer your question." The president said with a smile, "If you want to know where I came here from, I can tell you that I came from a A prison like this came to this world, but unfortunately this place is worse than that prison.”

"Prison?" Li Xiu didn't expect such an answer, and he couldn't understand it for a while.

"It's normal for you not to understand. How can I explain it to you? I used a basketball court as a metaphor for the world before, but now I've changed it and compared the world to a prison. I didn't belong to this prison, I was outside the prison. The person who created the prison. However, because of some problems, I was imprisoned in the prison. There are many prisons like this, and I was imprisoned in one of them. People like me, I really don’t like being restrained, so I chose to escape.”

Speaking of this, the president's face became very strange, and he continued as if very depressed: "I tried my best and finally succeeded in breaking out of prison. I thought I could regain my freedom, but who knew that when I looked up, I f**king went wrong. I got out of the way and escaped to another prison. Although this prison is very old and it is almost impossible to trap me, I can still use the same method to escape.

But now there is a very troublesome problem, I don't know how to go, it is the way to the outside of the prison, I am afraid that if I do it again, I will walk into another prison again, if I had known this, I might as well be in Laojunshan As for enjoying happiness, at least that world is much more evolved than here, and has more opportunities. now that

Now that I have reached this point, I can only think of a way to make myself able to return to the outside world. "

"Is this method related to the Lingshi?" Li Xiu asked with a frown.

The president nodded and said: "Actually, if you want to go out, there is another way to go besides escape. Every prison has a door to go out. As long as you can get the key, you can go out through the door. I need Get this key."

"The Lingshi is the key?" Li Xiu probably understood.

"No, the Zhenling Stone is not the key." Who knew the president's answer was beyond Li Xiu's expectation.

"Isn't it the Zhenling Stone?" Li Xiu looked at the president with some surprise. The Zhenling Stone is not the key, so why did the president go to great lengths to get the Zhenling Stone.

"Although Zhenling Stone is not a key, it can make keys." The president said while staring at Li Xiu with a half-smile.

Li Xiu's face changed slightly, he stared at the president and said, "So, I'm the key you worked so hard to create?"

"That's right." The president nodded cheerfully, "You are better than I imagined, and you have exceeded my expectations and fulfilled my expectations."

"Why did you choose me?" Li Xiu couldn't understand. When the president chose him, he was just a beginner. There are many more powerful practitioners than him. I don't know what the president chose. What about him.

"Because it's up to you." The president sighed, "Originally, I thought that as long as I had enough energy, I could make keys, but I overlooked a problem. This is not my hometown, and there is no one here who can make keys." Things, no matter how much energy I have, it is impossible to create a key. So I smashed the town spirit stone, trying to catalyze the rapid evolution of this world to obtain more energy, but found that all this was in vain.”

"So I thought of another way, which is to combine my own genes with the genes of this world to create a body that can not be rejected by this world, and then use this body to escape the control of the prison system and escape from prison. Outside the prison. Unfortunately, this method also encountered a lot of trouble. I tried the genes of many races, but because I broke the town spirit stone myself, none of these races could evolve to the ultimate state, even if my genes If I merged with it, it would not be able to allow me to escape from the prison, so this plan also failed. But thinking about it now, even if this plan is really successful, it is still unknown whether I can escape from this prison.”

Li Xiu knew that the plan mentioned by the president should be the children born between him and different races.

"When I was almost desperate, I found your sister and you." The president continued with some excitement: "Your sister should come from another prison, but the prison she came to, the evolution of the world The level is much higher than here, her strength is so strong that it can even be used as a key."

"It's a pity that my body is too suppressed by this world. If I hadn't been suppressed, it would not be difficult to defeat her, but now it is difficult to realize that beautiful wish. Of course, even if I defeat her, I don't have the tools to make keys. The same is still useless." The president stared at Li Xiu with burning eyes and said, "Fortunately, you are still here."

"Don't you have tools? Even if you train me to the same level as my sister, the result will still be the same." Li Xiu expressed his doubts.

"I don't have tools, but you have tools on your body." The president said while staring at Li Xiu with a smile.

"I have tools for making keys on me, why don't I know?" Li Xiu was slightly taken aback.

The president said with a smile: "Of course you don't know, your world is too primitive, there are too few things you can understand, and you don't even know how precious that thing is."

"That's not what you're talking about, is it?" Li Xiu took out the gold coin.

"Yes, that's it. With this, as long as I have enough materials, I can make the key." The president said.

Li Xiu suddenly laughed, and looked at the president with a look of ridicule.

"This originally belonged to my sister. When it was on my sister's body, you didn't dare to think about it. You only dared to wait until my sister gave it to me before making any decisions. You

You said before that you are a **** and my sister is just a human being. You are really embarrassed. "Li Xiu mercilessly exposed the chairman's small plan.

The president was not ashamed at all, and said with a smile: "Gods have also been demoted to the mortal world. If it was before she was imprisoned, it was just a matter of taking care of her as a little girl, but now it is true. Very troublesome."

"You can't take care of my sister, so why do you think you can take care of me?" Li Xiu sneered.

"Because you are weak." The president said seriously.

Li Xiu was startled, he was a little uncomfortable at first, but after thinking about it, compared with his sister, he was really weak.

"I'm weak now, but like you said, you have to train me until I'm strong enough to be used as a key material. By then, I won't be weak anymore." Li Xiu knew that the president would definitely I have a plan, I just want to know more at this time.

"You want to know what I have prepared for you, but you can just ask directly, there is no need to be so secretive." The president pointed to Li Xiu and said, "The gift I gave you is in your body. "

Li Xiu's face changed slightly: "What are you referring to?"

"You already know, so why bother to ask more questions." The president said lightly.

Li Xiu did already know what the president was talking about, it should be the demon larva in his body.

In fact, Li Xiu has always wondered why such a demon egg appeared in the Haitian Proving Ground, and why its parents were not there, and why it was placed in such a place.

There were obvious traces of human activities there, how could the parents of a demon spirit as advanced as a demon larva fail to notice this.

He went to the Haitian Proving Ground several times later, and found no traces of high-level demon spirits there, which made Li Xiu even more suspicious.

It's just that he didn't expect that the chairman had already been eyeing him, and he had already started to make arrangements at that time.

"Do you want to know its origin?"

"If I'm not wrong, it should be one of the four evil spirits." Li Xiu sighed.

The president clapped his hands and said, "You are indeed very smart. Both talent and luck are excellent. Without my existence, you should be the child of luck in this world and the protagonist of the whole world."

"That's right, that devil egg is one of the four evil spirits that were suppressed by the spirit-suppressing stone. At that time, I smashed the spirit-suppressing stone, released the four evil spirits, and joined forces with them to repel the sixteen ancestor spirits." The other three evil spirits all occupied a corner of the split Zhenling Palace, but this one evil spirit had nowhere to go and was persuaded by me to go to the Demon Kingdom." The president did not continue.

Li Xiu could probably guess what happened to that evil spirit, and it must have been overshadowed by the president.

"After it was reincarnated and turned into a demon egg, I used some means to keep it until you finally decided to take the path of a tester, so I gave it to you." The president sighed: " If it’s not really impossible, I don’t want to take this step, but if I want to leave here and return to my world, there is no other way to go.”

"You tricked me, aren't you afraid that my sister will find out and trouble you?" Li Xiu realized that something was wrong. UU reading

"Your sister probably won't be able to come back." The president said indifferently: "She is indeed strong, but she hasn't reached the level where she can travel between worlds. It should be an accident that she was able to come here. She has been looking for a way to go back. , so I gave her a hand."

"You harmed her?" Li Xiu's eyes turned cold instantly.

Sister Yu Lixiu is half a mother and half a friend. No matter what the president does to him, he can deal with it calmly, but when it comes to his sister, he can't let him ignore it.

Li Xiu can let go of everything, but his sister can't.

"Traveling through the world itself is an extremely dangerous act. Even if I came here from another world, I paid a huge price. Although she is strong, her physical body is not as good as mine. If I am lucky, I may be able to reach the Another world, but it is hard to say whether the world she went to was the world she came from. Of course, with

With her physical strength, I don't think she'll be able to make it to the other world alive. "


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