MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 5 does it worth?

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There is a feeling of soreness and swelling in the blood vessels. The blood vessels on the arms can be seen with the naked eye, like small cyan snakes entangled and coiled under the skin. Even the tiny blood vessels are swelled up and densely spreading to the whole body.

This feeling lasted for a short time, and soon the blood vessels returned to their original state, the feeling of needle stick disappeared long ago, and the bracelet also relaxed.

"This level of physical strengthening is worth risking your life, and you will not regret it until you die?" Li Xiu felt the changes in his body, although he could feel that his body had been strengthened a little, but this level of strengthening is not good for demons. As a designer, it doesn't make much sense.

The costumer relies on spiritual knowledge or spiritual power to control the costume. The enhancement obtained from the trial is only for the body, which is completely useless to the costumer.

I have never heard of a human being who became a magician because of the enhanced awakening of spiritual consciousness through the gate of trial.

This kind of reinforcement, even if it is 10,000 times, is far less powerful than a magician wearing a magic outfit. Physical strengthening is just an insignificant icing on the cake for a magician, and it has no decisive effect.

Li Xiu didn't understand why his best friend and comrade-in-arms would rather give up his noble status as a magician and enter the gate of trials to take risks.

He even was seriously injured in the gate of trial, and before he died, he had to persuade Li Xiu that he must enter the gate of trial. He also said that this is a man's paradise and the place where he should come.

"Is it worth it?" Until now, Li Xiu still couldn't understand his friend's choice.

Because until that friend died, his physical combat ability was far from that of a lowest-level costumer, not to mention Li Xiu was the world's number one costumer with the title of "God".

The size of two pigeon eggs, neither gold nor jade, with irregular-shaped magic cores glowing blue light appeared in front of Li Xiu out of thin air.

He is not unfamiliar with this thing. This is the core material for making magic costumes. Except for the door of trial, it can be obtained by killing demons.

When Li Xiu stretched out his hand to hold the two magic cores, a white light flashed on his wristband, and he was teleported back to the stand. At the same time, two more people were teleported to the testing ground.

The trial was very tragic. Among the more than fifty teams, less than one-third of them were able to both survive, and even several teams perished together. The dark side of human nature was vividly displayed.

When it was the bandit's turn to play, she didn't say a word, just kicked the football, and the football flew straight to the center of the goal.

The goalkeeper was overjoyed and hugged the football with both hands, but in the next second, he saw his feet leave the ground and crashed into the goal together with the ball.

The newcomers who just arrived were stunned. No one could have imagined that a bandit who was not very tall could have such a powerful force.

The old man, who had already had an encounter with the bandit, seemed to have already known the outcome, and was not surprised at all.

The newcomer who teamed up with the Arab bandits originally thought they had taken advantage, but now they are extremely desperate and regretful.

He was already injured while guarding the goal. When it was his turn to play the ball next, he could only watch the bandit control the ball with both hands.

In the screams of despair, the young man exploded and died.

"The first round of trials is over, you can leave the trial site by removing the trial ring. The next round of trials will start after the countdown ends."

After the icy voice ended, a 600-second countdown appeared on the screen again.

People took off their wristbands one after another and were teleported out of the trial field in a white light. After a while, there were only three people left in the trial field.

Li Xiu stayed in the proving ground. He wanted to go to the end to see if there was anything in the proving ground worth risking his life for his friends.

As far as Li Xiu knew, that friend of his entered the proving ground for the first time here, and I heard that he also came to the end.

It's just that even if it's the same trial ground, the items and rules of the trial are not necessarily the same, and he doesn't know what kind of trial his friend went through to the end.

The other two people who stayed, one was a bandit, and the other was a man in his twenties or thirties, over 1.8 meters tall, with brown hair and a healthy and vibrant wheat-colored skin. He looked very strong.

"The second round of testing is about to begin. The rules remain the same. Please choose your teammates." The countdown begins again.

The man suddenly walked up to Li Xiu and said, "There are only the three of us left now. There must be one person who cannot form a team and may be eliminated directly. That woman's strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, and she should be a tester who has been strengthened many times. , both of us are newcomers, it is the best choice for us to form a team, what do you think?"

Li Xiu glanced at the bandit and saw that she was completely indifferent and had no intention of stopping him, so he nodded and said, "Yes."

After the two shook hands, the number on Li Xiu's bracelet changed to 2, which meant that the man's physical fitness was still higher than Zhao Lie, second only to the bandit.

"I'm sorry, I am indeed a newcomer to this trial ground, but before coming to this trial ground, I have been to other trial grounds and received many physical enhancements." The man smiled. Said: "And unlike Zhao Lie's half-baked, I used to be the real top scorer in the A League, like a fake replacement."

"It doesn't matter, there's nothing to be ashamed of." Li Xiu didn't care whether the man was a newcomer, an old man, or something else.

"No. 1 bye, directly promoted to the next round, the trial begins." With that impersonal voice, Li Xiu and the man were teleported to the arena together. UU Reading

Li Xiu stood in front of the goal again, serving as the goalkeeper, while the man stood in front of the football.

"I think I should tell you my name. My name is Wu Luo." The man didn't play football immediately, but introduced himself first.

"Wu Luo? The main striker of the Sun God Team, the top scorer in the league? No wonder he looks familiar." The bandit said in surprise when he heard the man's name.

"I didn't expect you to have heard of my name. Is it my honor that you are my fan?" Wu Luo greeted the bandit like a gentleman.

Ah Bandi didn't talk to Wu Luo. In fact, she was not a fan, just because her father loved football when she was very young, and she was often forced to watch football games with her father before. Later, although her father was gone, she occasionally watched football games by herself, and only then did she know Wu Luo.

Wu Luo is indeed a very good football player, even a great shooter to a certain extent. A few years ago, he also refreshed the single-season scoring record of a certain country's first league.

Unlike Zhao Lie, Wu Luo is a genuine top shooter.

The bandit looked at Li Xiu and saw that Li Xiu was not shaken by Wu Luo's reputation. He was still standing calmly in front of the goal, showing a not very professional goalkeeping attitude.

The bandit shook his head slightly, she had already seen it just now that Li Xiu was by no means a professional football player, not even an amateur.

He was able to defeat Zhao Lie, relying on psychological tactics and Zhao Lie's cleverness.

Wu Luo and Zhao Lie are completely different. He not only possesses top-level professional skills, but also possesses absolute strength, which cannot be defeated by psychological tactics.

Rational analysis shows that Li Xiu will definitely lose in this battle, at least in the eyes of the bandits.

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