MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 9 6 trials

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When Li Xiu returned to the room, there were only seven people left in the room, including him, there were only eight people. It was just one trial, and five people died in their room.

When the other people saw Li Xiu coming back, the eyes they looked at Li Xiu were completely different from before. They were somewhat envious, but more fearful and fearful.

The bandit glanced at Li Xiu, said nothing, closed his eyes and continued to rest.

Li Xiu didn't have anything to say, he went back to his bed, laying on it and resting with his eyes closed, but his brain kept running.

Lao Gu is not a trustworthy person, and the words he said may simply be to keep Li Xiu here and continue to take risks in the trial until the last bit of value is drained from him.

This place is different from the outside world. It is not a big deal for a few people to die here. Even if someone traces it later, Lao Gu can also say that Li Xiu died the first time he entered the gate of trial. This is not impossible.

Li Xiu didn't regret coming here alone. Even if Lao Gu didn't let him out, if he really wanted to go out, he would still have his way.

There are two magic costumers in the abyss base. As long as they can grab a set of magic costumes, no one can stop Li Xiu from leaving.

The magic dresser is very powerful, but after wearing the magic dress, the magic dresser is only one person, and he has to eat, drink and sleep. It is impossible to wear the magic dress 24 hours a day. There will always be a chance, just wait. Chances are good.

Besides, that old-fashioned magic outfit has its own flaws. If it can be used properly, it will not be difficult to grab it.

No one could have imagined that a top-level magician would come here.

But Li Xiu was not in a hurry to go out, because he wanted to figure out where the admission ticket took him, what happened to the demon trapped in the metal coffin, and what was the **** revolver? .

And to figure out all this, first of all, he must be able to pick up that **** revolver.

Li Xiu is the strongest magician, but not the strongest tester. His strength and physical quality are only stronger than the average person. That is the result of his years of training, but it is not the same as the test that he has undergone many times. This body is still weaker than the others.

"Since that's the case, let's make the body stronger first. Whether it's to pick up that weird blood-patterned revolver, or to **** the magic outfit, this is the best choice." Li Xiu thought to himself.

Lao Gu took a fancy to his ability and wanted him to continue to enter the gate of trials, which was also in Li Xiu's favor.

Perhaps it was because the psychological pressure during the trial was too great and the spirit was very exhausted, and everyone in the room soon fell asleep.

Li Xiu also seized the time to rest and fell asleep as well.

Suddenly, Li Xiu felt that someone was approaching his bedside. Now that Li Xiu was occupying a bunk, no one should need to approach him.

Li Xiu opened his eyes immediately, and found a figure standing in front of his bed in the dark. Looking closely, it turned out to be a bandit.

The bandit put his slender index finger to his lips and made a silent gesture.

Seeing that Li Xiu understood, she didn't make a sound, and didn't make any movement. The bandit looked around again. Seeing that there was no change in the darkness, and everyone was still sleeping, she actually made a move to make Li Xiu feel a little bit. Surprised action.

The bandit was like a cat walking without a sound, he got into Li Xiu's quilt and lay down next to Li Xiu.

Ah Bandit and Li Xiu were lying face to face, there was almost no distance between the two, and their faces were about to touch each other's.

"Why didn't you leave?" The bandit's voice was extremely low, so small that it could only be heard by Li Xiu, who was close at hand, and he couldn't even hear it clearly.

Li Xiu saw that the bandit didn't speak. He didn't understand what the bandit meant.

"Lao Gu took you away because your contract has been completed, so he wants to send you out?" Seeing that Li Xiu didn't understand what she meant, the bandit whispered again.

"Yes." Li Xiu replied in a low voice.

"Then why are you back?" The bandit stared at Li Xiu and asked again.

"Lao Gu said that there were demons outside, and the passage collapsed. I can't get out now. We have to wait for the rescue team to come and clean up the demons and the collapsed passage outside." Li Xiu repeated what Lao Gu told him. .

"You believe him?" The bandit stared at Li Xiu and asked.

"What if you don't believe it?" Li Xiu asked back.

The bandit gave Li Xiu a deep look and said nothing. Like a ghost cat, he slipped out of Li Xiu's bed and silently returned to her own bed.

Li Xiu knew that the bandit did not fully believe him, and might even suspect that he was a spy sent by Lao Gu.

Li Xiu actually didn't believe in the bandit. He heard that the bandit had been here for nearly three years. How much debt did she owe, and she still hasn't paid it off in three years?

Even the heinous murderer should have gone out long ago, but the bandit is still here.

And in three years, if you enter the gate of trial once a week, the level of physical strengthening of the bandit is not only the current level, it should be much stronger than this.

From Li Xiu's point of view, it could only be that the bandit hadn't entered the gate of trials so many times. Either she was a secret chess set by Lao Gu, or there was some special reason.

Li Xiu didn't want to have too much contact with her until he knew the details of the bandit.

There is no difference between day and night in this kind of place, and even the concept of time is blurred. UU reading www.

Before entering the abyss base, except for the clothes and daily necessities, everything on them was taken away, and there was no such thing as a watch to judge the time.

I don't know how long I have slept, but people have been getting up and moving around one after another, even in the corner of the wall surrounded by thin boards, which can only accommodate one person in the bathroom.

The smell wasn't very pleasant, and Li Xiu couldn't sleep. Just as he was about to sit up, he heard the piercing alarm sound again.

"What's the matter? The door of the trial was just opened yesterday, is it going to be opened again so soon?" A middle-aged man who had been here for more than a month said with some anxiety: "It wasn't only a week before the trial was opened. The door of refinement? What happened?"

"No matter what happened to him, get in early, get out early, finish the contract early, leave this hellish place early, I've already had enough." The person next to him mumbled as he dressed.

"It's only been a day since we came out, and we're going to fight with our lives again, and let no one live. He doesn't treat us as human beings."

"Coming here, you'd better not treat yourself as a human being."

In the sound of cursing and complaining, everyone was once again driven to the huge underground cave where the blue stone gate was located.

"I'll tell you some very bad news. A demon from nowhere has discovered our base..." Lao Gu stood on the stage and repeated what he said to Li Xiu yesterday.

"At present, the gems in the base are barely able to start another six trials. From now on, there will be a trial every 12 hours. Anyone who has completed the contract must participate in these six trials. ."

Lao Gu's words immediately aroused people's discussion, and many people immediately complained with dissatisfaction.

Read The Duke's Passion