MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 1

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When Xie Liuyi woke up, he felt a headache, as if he was caught by the door.

Opening his eyes, he saw a foggy sky. Two black steel cables passed over his head, dividing the sky into irregular shapes.

She was lying down, and she could feel the dampness and cold on the ground through her clothes, when the next carp stood up.

This is a square.

The flat stone bricks of the square were dyed black by water vapor, surrounded by thick fog, only the high steps on the right and the dilapidated two-story building on the steps were visible.

The small building seems to have been abandoned for a long time, the dirty white tiles on the outer wall are peeling off, revealing the cement-colored wall, which contrasts with the red signboard on the roof. like paint.

Timu Mountain Cableway Station.

Where is this? never heard of that.

As she tries to recall why she is here, she discovers a more serious problem.

She lost her memory.

The right hand clenched uncomfortably twice, the feeling of emptiness made her heart tighten: she seemed to have lost something very important.

Conditionedly, she lowered her head to look for it, and only then saw that there were more than ten people at her feet, men, women and children, one by one, lying unconscious on the ground.

These people are dressed in all kinds of strange clothes, suits, school uniforms, work clothes are normal, and two are wearing pajamas. It's hard to imagine these outfits appearing in the same scene, as if their daily lives were suddenly frozen, cut and forcibly spliced ​​together.

She hurriedly squatted down and put her fingertips on the neck of the young man beside her feet.

Feeling the warmth of the skin and the strong pulsation of the carotid artery with her fingertips, she breathed a sigh of relief, and checked everyone else in the same way, making sure that they were all alive, and then got up.

When I looked down, I accidentally caught a glimpse of the clothes on my body, and I suddenly felt that others were not strange.

She was wearing a starry blue cross-neck narrow-sleeved dress, with the same color sash at the waist, cloud head shoes, long hair tied at the top of the head with a hair rope, and the tail of the hair reached the waist.

However you look at it, it is far from the style of this group of people on the ground.

The discomfort of the empty right hand interrupted her thinking, and she remembered that she had not found what she lost.

Her eyes swept across the thick white mist around her, and she frowned indistinctly, always feeling that something in the mist was spying on this side.

In the end, her eyes fell on the small building, she immediately lifted her skirt, and stepped up the steps in three or two steps.

Going up the steps, I saw that this is not a two-story building, but a two-story hall. The ventilation windows on the top let out a faint warm light. On the lower level, there were three rolling shutters side by side. The two sides were tightly closed and the middle was wide open. There was a sign on the top of the door with the words "Ticket Hall" written on it.

The light inside the door is dim, and a person can be seen sitting behind the counter.

Xie Liuyi stopped vigilantly at the moment he entered the door.

It's a little weird, not a place where people work.

The iron public seats on the left and right fell to the ground, a drag-like stain on the terrazzo floor extended from the door to the counter, and there were messy scratches next to the stain.

The terrazzo is hard and wear-resistant, which can leave such deep scratches on such materials, definitely not by human hands.

There is a pungent rancid smell floating in the hall, and the source of the breath seems to be the dragging stain. Due to the humid air, the stains were soaked with water vapor all the year round, and they did not dry up. She gently rubbed them off with her feet.

It rubs off so easily, why keep it stinks?

She looked up at the figure behind the ticket window.

The man was wearing a dirty uniform, sitting motionless behind the counter, facing the table, looking at a young woman in profile. She had no reaction to Xie Liuyi's arrival, like a puppet.

Is that person really a conductor?

To be honest, Xie Liuyi should be afraid at this time, but her heart was not fluctuating, and even her hands were itchy. She looked down at her hand, what was she doing before she lost her memory?

Xie Liuyi was about to go forward to check, when he heard a noise from under the steps, and when he turned back, he saw that someone had stood up under the steps, and from Xie Liuyi's point of view, he could just see all kinds of heads moving around .

Thinking of the thick fog around the square that hides prying eyes, and worried that someone would break in, Xie Liuyi immediately returned.

As soon as she walked to the edge of the steps, she saw that the young man lying at her feet had approached the area covered by the thick fog, and tentatively stretched out his hand.

"Come back!" Xie Liuyi's face changed slightly, and he shouted loudly.

However, it was too late, the young man leaned halfway into the fog, turned his head when he heard the sound, and looked blankly at the source of the sound.

Not only the young man, but everyone was startled by Xie Liuyi's voice. They all looked up and saw a blue figure blowing down the steps like a wind.

I haven't seen it clearly, and a sudden scream caused everyone to look over in horror.

The next second, his waving hand was held.

The moment Xie Liuyi grabbed the young man, he felt a pulling force, which was not strong, at least it couldn't drag her. But she was afraid of tearing people in half, so she didn't dare to bear the force, so she had to be pulled into the thick fog by the force.

Only two steps into the fog, the fog is so thick that it seems to materialize, the visibility is extremely low, and the water vapor pierces the eyes.

That thing in the fog... doesn't seem to be strong?

She protected the young man to retreat, and did not let her guard down until she exited the dense fog, facing the dense fog all the way back into the crowd.

After waiting for a while, Xie Liuyi turned around.


Xie Liuyi's eyes fell on the fat guy's left arm. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly stopped unconsciously, and returned to the words in his mouth. He spit out a word, "hand."

"Huh?" The fat guy woke up like a dream, and hurriedly pulled up his sleeves, a blue-purple paw print on his fat forearm was impressive.

The fat guy felt scared after that. Bean-sized sweat dripped from his forehead and asked in a panic, "What was that just now? Was it a ghost hand?"

Xie Liuyi gently checked his injured arm. Hearing that, just as he was about to answer, he unconsciously reduced the number of words before he spoke, "I don't know."

"Aren't you a local?" the fat guy asked in surprise.

I woke up just now and found that he was in a completely unfamiliar place. He thought he had traveled through and saw Xie Liuyi's attire, and naturally thought she was a native aboriginal.

"No." Xie Liuyi kept his eyes fixed, tapped his upper arm and wrist lightly, and asked with precious words, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt where you knocked." The fat guy replied, and asked again, "Who are you? Where did you come from? I didn't see you when I woke up."

The answer to him is still the short "don't know".

"Ah? Oh." The fat guy reacted for a moment before he understood that the other party meant that he had no broken bones, so he held his hand obediently, not knowing what to say.

In fact, he is not the only one who is also full of doubts. Appearing in an unfamiliar place inexplicably, everyone panicked, and with the incident just now, everyone couldn't wait to find out what happened.

At this time, Xie Liuyi, whose appearance and attire were completely different from everyone else, was undoubtedly the best question object.

However, Xie Liuyi's expressionless cold face, as well as the speed and courage he showed just now, made everyone feel apprehensive and dare not talk to him easily.

Suddenly someone shouted, "Why is the fog shrinking?"

Everyone looked up and saw thick fog surging around them, approaching the open space where they were at a speed visible to the naked eye. Having experienced the incident just now, everyone knew that there was danger in the dense fog, and when they saw the fog spreading over, they all panicked.

At this moment, a cool and calm female voice overwhelmed everyone's panicked gibberish.

"Up the steps."

Seeing that the person who spoke was Xie Liuyi, everyone did not hesitate, and scrambled to climb the steps. Thick fog followed closely and spread up the steps.

"There is a ticket office, everyone hurry in." The first person to climb up saw the ticket office and hurriedly greeted everyone to go in and avoid.

There is also a conductor in the ticket office who does not know if he is a ghost or a ghost. Xie Liuyi was about to stop it, but the panicked crowd had already rushed in, so Xie Liuyi had to quickly follow.

"There is someone behind the ticket window!" A middle-aged aunt shouted excitedly, ran to the window without thinking, and slapped the glass on the counter vigorously.

He shouted and filmed, but the "people" inside didn't respond.

More people flocked to the counter, slapped and shouted, trying to get the attention of the "people" inside, and a middle-aged man boldly stretched his hand to the groove on the counter, trying to get through the glass blocking.

One hand gripped his forearm firmly.

He grinned and turned his head, only to see the woman in blue who saved the man looking at him with a cold face.

"No more hands?" Xie Liuyi swallowed a long list of complaints, trying to simplify the text as much as possible.

Her voice was cold, like a basin of cold water pouring over the excited crowd. Hearing her words, everyone stopped moving and looked back and forth at Xie Liuyi and the "conductor" at a loss.

"Isn't the conductor inside?" He asked in a trembling voice while holding his aching arm.


Xie Liuyi left a short answer, no matter how much turbulence this sentence caused, out of the corner of the light, he saw that the thick fog had climbed the steps and hurried to the door.

After the thick fog climbed the steps, it stopped and no longer spread, as if hitting an invisible wall, forming a three-meter-wide strip in front of the ticket hall.

This phenomenon is very inconsistent with common sense, but there are few common sense things in this place.

Xie Liuyi felt someone approaching behind him, and out of the corner of his eye saw two people walking up. She glanced at it and retracted her gaze, staring blankly at the surging fog wall, without any intention of communicating.

"It's like a passage." The man in the suit and leather shoes on the right side with the gold wire glasses tilted his head slightly.

"Would you like to go out and see where it leads?" The young man in the long-sleeved sweater on the left side looked directly at Xie Liuyi.

Both of them seem to be waiting for Xie Liuyi to respond.


If Xie Liuyi's reaction was a little slower just now, there would be three more flesh-and-blood corpses under the door at this moment.

The man in the suit stood there blankly. He was the closest to the door just now, and the difference between life and death was just a line, and the huge panic poured down like a wave. Dull pains came from Xie Liuyi's sore arm, which made him feel lucky for the rest of his life.

He wanted to thank, but his lips were trembling and speechless.

Seeing his frightened appearance, Xie Liuyi felt the need to comfort him, so he patted his arm and comforted him with a calm voice, "It's alright."

The other side also patted the arm of the sweater boy, "It's alright."

It's a bowl of water that's flat, not bad on both sides.

Then she didn't care about the two of them, she stepped forward and held the handle of the rolling shutter, tried to pull it, but didn't. The door was locked.

He got up and looked around the hall, and finally his eyes fell on the figure behind the ticket window. He was about to raise his foot when the boy in the sweater suddenly slipped and hugged Xie Liuyi's thigh.

"Sister! You are my sister! I will follow you as a cow and a horse in the future."

Xie Liuyi lowered his head and frowned. For some reason, he always felt that this scene seemed familiar.

"My name is Zhou Haiyang, what's my sister's name?"

"Xie Liuyi." With a cold face, Xie Liuyi grabbed the boy's shoulders with one hand and lifted him up, not letting him hinder his cold and taciturn image, and walked past him to the window.

"Good name!" Zhou Haiyang followed behind him step by step, raising his thumbs up in front of his chest with a slightly exaggerated admiration on his face.

"What's the good?" Xie Liuyi glanced back at him and asked.

"Uh...fortunately..." He didn't even know which two words Liuyi was, how could he know what was good?

Zhou Haiyang searched for words, and saw that Xie Liuyi did not wait for his answer, but turned around and continued to walk towards the counter.

Thinking the other party was teasing him, he smiled, touched his head and followed, "Anyway, Sister Xie, you are my goddess, anywhere is fine."

Walking to the counter one after another, Xie Liuyi keenly noticed that the "conductor" seemed to be different, but he couldn't tell what was different.

Zhou Haiyang imitated Xie Liuyi to observe the conductor in a serious manner. The room was dimly lit and could not see clearly. He simply lay on the counter, with his forehead against the glass and looked in.

At this moment, the conductor moved.

She turned her head mechanically, the corners of her mouth seemed to be forcibly lifted, revealing a stiff and exaggerated smile. The forehead, chin and shoulders are in a vertical line, which is a movement that a normal person can do after twisting his neck.

Under the dim light, two pure black eyes showed her inhumanity.

Although the onlookers did not see the conductor's appearance, they were frightened by Zhou Haiyang's reaction and retreated in panic.

Xie Liuyi stopped Zhou Haiyang behind him and patted his arm twice as comfort, but his eyes always fell on the conductor.

"The game starts. It is now 6 pm, and it is dark at 8 pm. Please enter the inn to rest before dark. Repeat, please enter the inn to rest before dark."

The conductor's lips didn't move, but a flat, undulating sound came out of his throat, accompanied by the clucking sound of the knuckles colliding, which was particularly permeating.

"Where is the inn?" Xie Liuyi's tone was so calm that it seemed that he was really an ordinary conductor in front of him.

The conductor tilted her head in a posture of turning her head, looking like a bad puppeteer had inserted her head vertically into her chest, her eyes were out of focus, as if speaking into the air.

"Please explore on your own." The stiff smile on her face revealed a taste of schadenfreude.

The crowd pushed further away from the window.

Xie Liuyi stood there indifferently, and turned her head expressionlessly like a conductor, her neck was a little uncomfortable, and she returned calmly, not understanding the meaning of the conductor's tilted head.

"Oh, I'm going, hot eyes." Zhou Haiyang, who was exposed because of her actions, accidentally saw the shape of the conductor, and covered his eyes with an ouch, "Sister, your appearance is not suitable for crookedness. head kill."

Xie Liuyi suddenly felt an arrow in the knee, but fortunately no one noticed her unconsciously stupid move just now.

The contents of the counter did not respond to Zhou Haiyang's words.

Discovering this, Xie Liuyi couldn't help but narrow his eyes and said tentatively, "You are so ugly."

The conductor is still unresponsive, like a powered-off robot.

"You are sick."

No response.

Xie Liuyi asked several more meaningless but somewhat offensive questions, and Zhou Haiyang asked directly, "Sister Xie, are you possessed by me?"

There was nothing in the window until she asked where it was.

The conductor seemed to have finally turned on the power, turned his head back, smiled stiffly, and his voice was flat, "Welcome to the One-eye Mountain Scenic Spot, I hope you will take care of the environment during your stay here, abide by public order and good customs, I wish everyone Have fun and make good memories.”

"Is this thing still broadcast?" Zhou Haiyang watched for a long time, and found that there was nothing to fear. He walked out from behind Xie Liuyi and leaned close to the glass, "Looking not very smart, like The kind of game NPC that is not very intelligent, and can only respond to specific problems."

"Game NPC?"

"Hmm, Sister Xie, haven't you played games?" Zhou Haiyang was a little surprised. Girls play games more fiercely than boys these days.

But thinking about how good her sister Xie is, maybe she is the kind of elite in the novel who has been cultivating with masters since childhood, and it is normal that she has never been exposed to such playthings, so she enthusiastically explained: " NPCs are game characters other than players in the game. Most game NPCs are not very intelligent now, and can only speak specific lines. Some lines require the player to say keywords to trigger."

It is very similar to the thing behind the counter.

Xie Liuyi nodded in agreement, looked at Zhou Haiyang, and nodded towards the window, "You come and ask."

Zhou Haiyang was suddenly pushed to the front line, inexplicably nervous, swallowed, and asked conservatively, "What are the rules of the game?"

"Please explore by yourself." Although the conductor responded, he did not give any valid information.

Zhou Haiyang felt that he had failed his sister Xie's expectations, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "How do you leave here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the corner of the conductor's raised mouth fell back, and there was no expression on his face, only his eyes trembled violently, like fear and hatred, " must get the king's forgiveness...before you can leave. "

The voice was hoarse, but it was no longer a mechanical sound with no ups and downs. With a sense of exhaustion, Zhou Haiyang jumped back behind Xie Liuyi again.

However, soon, she pulled back a stiff smile and changed back to the appearance of a marionette, as if the momentary outbreak was just an illusion of everyone.

The author has something to say:It is a demining.

The heroine is not chaotic neutral. From the title of the text, it can be seen that the heroine is Jianxiu. My understanding of Jianxiu is that he has a heart for the common people, hoes the strong and helps the weak, and would rather bend than bend, although there are thousands of people I will go. I will try my best to write the sword repair in my mind.

The heroine's sense of justice is overwhelming, she will be punished if she is guilty, and she will never die.

Read The First Vampire