MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 100

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"Yo, this time there is a big beauty. Those fools knew that Laozi would win, and set up a celebration bar for Laozi in advance. Hahahaha."

He laughed like a madman, and the voices of men came from the northeast corner.

"Boss, is she really a beauty? How beautiful?"

"Don't play to death, save some soup for the brothers!"

"Boss, bring it here to play, let the brothers feast their eyes."

The contempt and humiliation between the words made Xie Liuyi frown in disgust.

The door lock of the cell is actually open!

The bald head lost the lock, opened the door slowly, stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, and walked over step by step with a grin. He deliberately slowed down, as if trying to create a sense of oppression.

Xie Liuyi blew his fist expressionlessly.

The door, smashed the rudimentary handrail around the corner, and disappeared into the corridor.

The height of the cell is only three meters. If you fall from the third floor, it is actually six meters high.

Those in the northeast corner didn't know what was going on and were still booing.

"Listen to the voice of the boss, the battle is fierce."

"Take it easy, boss, don't kill people."

The wild lion downstairs finally gasped, "Get out!"

A small head emerged from the straw pile next to it, the child stared at Xie Liuyi with bright eyes, "Are you... a 3S-level adult?"

Xie Liuyi: ? ? ?

She didn't answer, she didn't ask for fear of revealing her identity, turned her head and walked out of the cell. Standing at the broken handrail and looking down, the mad lion just got up from the ground and met Xie Liuyi's emotionless eyes, panting heavily.

Before touching the ground, Xie Liuyi kicked and kicked him.

He quickly struggled to get up. After being punched by her, he fell from a height of six meters with his back to the ground twice, and he was still able to stand up. This physical quality made Xie Liuyi feel a little strange.


Sell? S class? Psychotropic?

Xie Liuyi's mind was a mess, what is this all about?

The lion below panted heavily, looking at Xie Liuyi as if she was going to devour her alive. The people in the northeast corner also realized that something was not right, so there was no more coaxing, and there was silence.

If you go to the arena, you will definitely tear your opponent in half. You have offended him, if you don’t kill him now, he will definitely kill you.”

Hearing this, Xie Liuyi's eyes sank instantly, looking at the gorilla on the ground, roaring at the wild lion protesting at her, with killing intent in his eyes.

She jumped down from the third floor, and the moment she landed, the lion rushed over with a roar.

His movements were full of flaws in Xie Liuyi's eyes, just like a rhino who only used brute force to rampage, and dared to call himself a wild lion, his hunting skills were much better than him.

Xie Liuyi complained in her heart, but it did not affect her movements. Slightly turned sideways, dodged the swift and violent fist of the lion just right, turned behind him, and slapped him on the back of the head.

This palm, she didn't have any strength, it was a one-hit kill.

She is a Nascent Soul cultivator, even if she does not use spiritual power, her strength and physical strength are not comparable to ordinary people.

The mad lion's rushing footsteps stopped suddenly, his body was still moving forward due to inertia, his knees knelt on the ground, and then the whole person fell down, his eyes were congested and bulging, and his seven orifices were bleeding.

He has lost his breath, but his muscles are still twitching due to conditioned reflex.

Xie Liuyi frowned and stood on the spot. When he was fighting with people just now, the speed of the toxins in the meridians consuming spiritual power accelerated.

She simply sealed her spiritual power directly. The only remaining spiritual power was returned to the dantian, and the meridians dried up, leaving no trace of spiritual power, but toxins dormant.

Remembering the "psychotic inhibitor" that the little girl said, is this toxin a mental inhibitor?

As she was thinking, the little girl appeared beside the broken handrail on the third floor, and looked down, Xie Liuyi looked up, and the child asked timidly: "He... is he dead? "

Because she was too shocked, she forgot to lower her voice to pretend to be a boy.

"Well," Xie Liuyi responded, tapped his toes, and floated up to the third floor, "Tell me about this place."

She stood in the corridor watching the child. The cell was so dirty that she didn't want to go back.

There were whispers in the surrounding cells, and from time to time someone pretended to spy casually, but Xie Liuyi couldn't see it.

The child looked at the mad lion that had died on the ground, then looked at Xie Liuyi, and after several repetitions, he seemed to believe that the mad lion was dead, with an excited smile on his face, "Sir, you Amazing!"

Xie Liuyi nodded with a stern face.

"Sir, my name is Xiaoman, and I'm from the federal border garbage star. Interstellar pirates took over the garbage star, arrested us, and sold us here."

Through her narration, Xie Liuyi knew that this is not the Middle Ages, but the interstellar age. Humans have established two forces in the universe, the Federation and the Empire. S and 3S are the division of human spirit and strength, like the mad lion who just died, is the power of spirit and double S.

It's just because of the mental inhibitor, so the mental power can't be used.

Hearing this, Xie Liuyi became more and more certain that what was in his body was a mental inhibitor, which would limit his consciousness.

The planet where the arena is located is not within the sphere of human influence, it is a special planet. The local technology of the planet is not developed, and even space navigation is not possible. The people in the prison were all collected from the human territory by interstellar pirates and sold here.

These people include civilians from remote planets like Xiaoman, as well as captives of interstellar pirates. Wild Lion was once the leader of a certain group of interstellar pirates. After being defeated by another group of interstellar pirates, he was sold into the arena as a prisoner.

Xie Liuyi had some doubts in his heart, since the technology of this planet is backward, why did he do business with interstellar pirates, but he was not attacked?

Xiaoman's next words answered her question.

"This planet, we call it the Kingdom of Giants, has no resources here, only a group of simple-minded giants with well-developed limbs."

"Giant?" Xie Liuyi asked in surprise.

"Yes, as far as the giants I have seen in the arena, the tallest is nine meters and the shortest is six meters." There was a look of fear on Xiaoman's face, "It seems to be magnified several times. times humans, but they feed on humans."

"Humans who are defeated in the arena will be sent to the giant's table in a blink of an eye."

These words echoed in Xie Liuyi's mind.

No wonder the door of the cell is not locked, no wonder there are no jailers to guard, because this is not a prison at all, it is a granary for giants to store food.

The giant is not worried that the reserves will escape. If you go to the arena, you have a half chance of surviving. If you escape, you are likely to be eaten directly.

Humans may bottom out when they are in a desperate situation, but as long as they are given a ray of hope, like hanging a carrot in front of a donkey's mouth, they will chase this hope until death.

The arena is the carrot hanging in front of these people.

Xie Liuyi suddenly remembered Yan Yugui, she and Yan Yugui entered the copy together, she is here, what about Yan Yugui?

She searched cell by cell, from the third floor to the first floor. The few mad lion attendants in the northeast corner thought she was here to find fault, and they turned their backs on the wall and pretended not to see her.

I searched all the cells, but I couldn't find any answer, Xie Liuyi's heart sank. In fact, I had already guessed it. Just now, she had fought against the mad lion.

Suddenly, she remembered something and took out the letterhead from the storage bracelet. Seeing the blank letterhead, she was a little disappointed.

There are man-eating giants everywhere, and they are in danger. Where is the return?

She held the letter in her palm and hesitated for a long time before writing.

Where are you? 】

After writing, two seconds later, three words "delivered" appeared after the line. Xie Liuyi waited for a long time, but did not see a reply, so he could only put away the letterhead first.

You have to find a way to get out of the arena before you can find your way home. Xie Liuyi thought to himself.

She has never seen a giant before, so she doesn't know how strong the other party is, so she shouldn't act rashly for the time being. Yu Guang saw the people in the cell next to her who were peeking at her, Xie Liuyi walked to the middle of the first floor and said coldly, "Come out, ask you if you have anything."

The people in the prison were still hesitating, but Xiaoman, who had been following her, raised her hands and feet, "I, my lord, just ask me if you have anything."

Seeing her so active, a few boldly opened the door and ran to Xie Liuyi on the first floor, waiting for her to ask questions a little nervously.

"Tell me about giants." She ordered coldly.

These people scrambled to speak, but they were all the same words. Giants are stupid, giants are strong, giants are cruel.

Xiaoman said with a look of disdain: "They haven't been here as long as I have, so what do they know?"

There must be people in the prison who have been in the prison longer than Xiaoman and know more about the arena and giants, but they are still watching, and there is not enough interest to lure them out.

Xie Liuyi was thinking about how to get these people to stand up. Suddenly, the door opened again.

She didn't dare to come out, and anxiously waved to Xie Liuyi.

Xie Liuyi didn't hide, just under his feet, the whole person looked like a bird, swept to the northwest corner, leaned against the wall and looked out.

The door is at the corner of the northwest corner of the entire cell. The door is as high as the roof, about nine meters high. The door was only half open, and a tall figure stood outside. Xie Liuyi looked up ninety degrees to see his long brown beard. She guessed that she was only as tall as someone else's calf.

The giant held the door handle with his left hand, and swung his right hand forward, and a mass of **** things was thrown in with his movements. He licked the blood on his hands with an intoxicated expression, and closed the door with a bang.

All is silent.

The author has something to say:The chapter has changed a little. When revising this chapter last night, I accidentally replaced the content to the previous chapter, which resulted in the number of words in the previous chapter being much larger than the original one. After the replacement, the content of the VIP chapter should not be less than the original wrong chapter. The content is moved forward. This chapter has more content of Chapter 101, so I will add some words in Chapter 101. The cuteness who has read Chapter 101, you can read it again.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused by the mistake of the stupid author

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