MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 109

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The unicorn was faster than she expected, crossing the arena in less than a minute. The sound of gigantic claws scratching the ground was like a clarion call.

Xie Liuyi rushed over with a knife.

The one-horned werewolf stood up and threw himself on the fence gate. The chainless fence gate opens with its force.


The unicorn wolf gave a miserable cry, was smashed and tilted its head, lost its balance and took a few steps back. It didn't act rashly anymore, lowered its body, let out a low growl in its throat, and looked at Xie Liuyi vigilantly.

Xie Liuyi listened to the movement in the corridor behind. The sound just now was a bit loud, and the giant was probably woken up.

The escaped captives are running with all their strength, not caring about the sound of footsteps. Listening to the distance of the footsteps, it should have just passed the second bedroom.

There was a babbling sound from the first bedroom, I couldn't hear it clearly through the door, and I could only vaguely hear words such as "night duty" and "shift change".

The bed board creaked twice, the giant inside seemed to turn over, and then there was no sound.

At this moment, there was another roar in the arena, and a huge animal, like a brown bear, drilled out from the iron fence on the opposite side. It seems to have just experienced a battle, and it has several wounds caused by its sharp claws.

As soon as it appeared, the unicorn wolf immediately froze, turned to face the brown bear, and hunched back step by step.

The giant bear roared, landed on all fours, and ran along the traces of the powder. Its speed was not as fast as that of the unicorn wolf, but because of its appearance, the unicorn wolf's whole attention was transferred to it, and Xie Liuyi became the one who stayed out of it.

Behind the giant bear, a giant beast like a leopard and a lion also chased out. Judging by the size of its claws, the wound on the giant bear is its masterpiece.

The one-horned wolf whimpered and shrank to the side, clearing the iron fence behind him.

Xie Liuyi turned and ran. Just a joke, there are other beasts behind the leopard and lion, don't you stay here and watch the animal world? !

Everyone has run through the last door, and they can turn the entrance immediately. At this moment, the last door opened, and the giantess who stayed up all night came out in a daze, after seeing the people running on the ground, she let out a scream.

"The goods have run away!" Saying that, he stretched out his hand with a grim expression and grabbed Mr. Ouyang who was running at the end.

Mr. Ouyang hurried to the side and forward, avoiding the huge palm. The giantess grabbed the air and stepped on it with her feet raised. At this time, Mr. Ouyang just got up and didn't have time to escape.

The giantess immediately lost her balance, fell backwards, and hit the door with a thud.

The door next to it creaked open, "What's the matter, why... is roaring, oh my god, why did the goods run away, hey, don't sleep, get up!"

The tall male giant came out of the wooden warehouse, and while asking indistinctly, he followed the roar of the beast and looked to the left, then to the right, just to see Xie Liuyi landed, Immediately, his complexion changed greatly, his ignorance at the beginning of his big dream became fierce, and his voice like Hong Zhong was deafening.

Xie Liuyi landed on Mr. Ouyang's side, pushed him, stood there calmly, and pointed behind the giant.

"What? What does this mean?" The giant was easily taken away from his mind and turned to look in the direction Xie Liuyi pointed.

At the entrance of the arena, there was a huge bear head. The bear must have been starved for a long time, and its face was a little out of shape, and it became more and more fierce. A pair of eyes glowing green, looking at the big giant.

"Oh my God!" The giant lifted the wooden warehouse and started to ignite the fire in a hurry, and shouted at the same time, "Get up, ... run out, quick!"

The giantess next to her was knocked unconscious for a few seconds before, but now she finally woke up and saw the huge bear in the corridor, screamed, retracted, and closed the door with a snap.

A voice came from the corner behind her, Xie Liuyi turned around and saw Ah Meng waving at her, "Sir, hurry up."

Xie Liuyi knew that the others had gone out smoothly, so he quickly left the stage, leaving the stage to the beasts and giants who left the gate.

The person who went out in front had closed the door, leaving only the hole that Xie Liuyi dug out in the lower right corner. When the two came out of the hole, someone came with a wooden block to seal the hole.

There was a scream from behind, which alarmed the surrounding residents. Through the stone wall, Xie Liuyi could clearly hear someone asking what happened.

A group of people ran against the wall, silently and quickly. This is an escape, no matter what happens behind you, there is no turning back.

They are a vulnerable group, and after being found there is no second result other than death.

No turning back, no stopping, no being discovered. This is the only thought in everyone's mind.

It was Xiaoman who was leading the way. Xie Liuyi told them about the location of the mouse hole. Finally, they saw the corpses of the beasts stacked on the ground in front of them.

"It's almost here, run!" Xiao Man shouted in a low voice, not sure if he was cheering on himself or the compatriots behind him.

No one dislikes the stench of garbage dumps, and no one cares about the blood on the ground without ankles. When the light called freedom shines in front of them, the prisoners who have been imprisoned for more than half a year are willing to chase with their lives.

A huge bear head sticks out, the bear's mouth is stained with blood, and the sharp canine teeth are hung with shredded meat. Blood dripped down the ground along the hair.

Without the cover of the door, the voice in the arena is clearer. There were giant screams in horror, heart-piercing screams, hysterical calls for help, and the sound of a wooden warehouse as loud as a bomb exploded.

In these background sounds, the huge bear walked out of the arena, and a pair of bloodthirsty eyes aimed at Xie Liuyi.

The person behind has found the entrance of the mouse hole, but the thief usually crawls in and out, the hole is only half a person high, and you have to kneel to get in. At this time, less than ten people have been drilled in, and more than half of them are still outside.

Seeing this group of people, the giant bear was not in a hurry and walked over slowly. Every time the bear's paw touched the ground, Xie Liuyi felt the earth tremble.

This bear is too big, with a shoulder height of nearly eight meters, it is estimated that it can stand up to ten meters. Xie Liuyi felt that he was not as big as its bear paw.

Xie Liuyi put away the knife.

Compared to the behemoth in front of him, this knife is too small, and even if it is pierced, it is not much different from stabbing a needle.

As the giant bear approached, thick fear spread from behind, some people could not help sobbing, some people kept urging hurry up, no one ran to other places.

They have been in the giant country for so long, and they will not be stupid enough to play a race with a giant bear in a city full of cannibal giants.

At this moment, the narrow mouse hole behind the trash can has become the only way of life for these newly freed humans.

In the face of the crisis of life and death, people's survival instinct prevails. The rest of the people began to fight for the only hole, you pushed me, I pulled you, but crowded in the hole for a long time and couldn't get in.

Mr. Ouyang and Ah Meng beat up a few troublemakers, but with little success. These people have lived in the gladiatorial arena for half a year, fighting with their compatriots and animals every day. Those who have survived until now are hard stubble.

"Ameng." Xie Liuyi looked at the approaching giant bear, his feet were still, and his voice was calm.

Ameng heard the shouting, and ran over to stand beside Xie Liuyi without hesitation, staring at the giant bear, his hands trembling a little, but his eyes were fierce, "Do you want me to help you? ?"

Xie Liuyi glanced at him and couldn't help but laugh. I didn't expect this guy to be honest. Any officer should like this kind of forbidden soldier.

She laughed suddenly, "Relax, it's okay."

Take out the knife and put it in Ah Meng's hand, Xie Liuyi raised his voice slightly, his voice was cold, showing murderous intent, "Just kill the troublemaker."

There was a sudden silence behind her.

For them, Xie Liuyi is different. She killed more than a dozen interstellar pirates with ease, and she also killed giants, something that Mr. Ouyang and half of the people they had caught up with were unable to do it.

She took them out of the arena, she made freedom within reach. She is hope, light, and faith. They worship her, but they also fear her.

The biggest thing in common among those who have been struggling to survive in the arena for half a year is Mu Qiang. Xie Liuyi's powerful force made everyone unconsciously push her to the altar.

Therefore, as soon as Xie Liuyi said this, the people who were crazy because of fear gradually calmed down. They invariably remembered the side face under the firelight in the arena corridor.

She said: "What are you afraid of, there is me."

Yes, what are you afraid of, that adult is still standing in front of the giant bear.

Ameng returned with the knife, but found that he didn't need to shoot at all. This knife was like Shangfang's sword. As long as the knife was there, everyone would behave like a bear child who had just been beaten.

The back suddenly became quiet and orderly, and the giant bear also walked not far in front of Xie Liuyi.

She looked up at it, only to feel that her neck was about to break.

The huge bear's head drooped slightly, and the blood dripped down in front of Xie Liuyi along the bear's mouth. It opened its mouth wide and let out a deafening roar at Xie Liuyi.

Xie Liuyi's face was deformed by the stench of wind, she held her breath and fanned her nose in disgust.

The huge bear paw was like a mountain, photographed towards Xie Liuyi. Pa—the gravel splashed, and a few paw prints appeared on the hard ground.

The loud noise made the people who lined up to drill the mouse hole all turned their heads.

"Where's your lord?" "Where did your lord go?" "You won't be killed by a bear, right?"

Xie Liuyi on the window sill of the house next door:…

"I'm fine."

Hearing her voice, everyone quieted down and began to drill the mouse hole methodically.

The bear also heard her voice, turned his head, and stood up. The window sill was only a dozen meters high. After the giant bear stood up, he looked down at Xie Liuyi again.

Xie Liuyi pretended not to know that in the window behind him, there was a pair of eyes staring at him with appetite. She took out a bottle of insect repellent powder from the storage bracelet and threw it towards the giant bear's nose. The giant bear tilted his head, the bottle did not hit his nose, but shattered at the corner of his mouth, and the powder in the bottle smeared his face.

Xie Liuyi took a few steps back and put it on the window. Enraged, the giant bear raised his claws and grabbed at her.

At the same time, a gap was opened in the window behind her, and a giant hand stretched out, trying to grab her.

The windows are wooden, the view is limited, and the giant inside cannot see the action of the giant bear. Maybe he felt that he had time to catch this precious human before the giant bear found it.

Then, his hand was caught by the bear's paw, and the human who had previously stood on the windowsill disappeared.

"Ah—" He let out a scream, and reflexively used his other hand to pick up the knife on the dining table next to him, and stabbed it in the claws of the giant bear.

The giant covered his bleeding arm, quickly backed away, and left the window.

And the giant bear outside the window was provoked, put the other uninjured paw in, and swept the house with the posture of digging out honey.

At this time, Xie Liuyi had already landed on the edge of the mouse hole.

She didn't want to lead the way, really, she planned to fight this giant bear herself. But when she landed on the windowsill and found the sight behind her, she had a whim and wanted to try to see if she could make the giant and the giant bear fight.

Then they really fight.

The side confirms that the IQ of giants is really not much different from that of giant bears, and that human beings are moving gold in the eyes of giants, even if they risk their lives, they must be caught.

Finally, everyone got into the mouse hole. Before Xie Liuyi got in, he dragged the trash can over and blocked the hole.

Bears have a keen sense of smell, and litter boxes can mask their smell.

The author has something to say:Finally escaped from the arena~

Ouyang old man: How long does it take for the adults to kill two giants?

Xie Liuyi: Ten minutes.

Ten seconds later, everyone: Liars!

Xie Liuyi: I originally wanted to have a fight with you.

Giant Bear&Giant: Liar!

Sleep, everyone rest early, good night~

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