MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 116

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Xie Liuyi finally saw the prince. He looked smarter than she thought.

Most giants are somewhat stupid in Xie Liuyi's view because of their huge size. And this prince is short among the giants, less than eight meters tall, and he looks a little more petite than the head maid next to the little princess.

The blond hair shines in the sunlight, the skin is fair and delicate rare among giants, and the eyes are deep and dark blue like two superb gems, which makes him look affectionate when he looks at anyone.

Besides the prince, there is also a girl who went out on the outing together. Judging from her dress, she is also a young lady from a noble family. She is older than the little princess, with fair skin and delicate skin on her hands. It's just that her eyes are red and she seems to have just cried.

The chalet was lifted by the servants and placed next to the little princess. The servants were pushed away by the prince, leaving only the prince, the little princess, the noble lady with red eyes, and Yan Yu Homecoming hut.

Yan Yugui greeted Xie Liuyi and went out wearing his overalls.

Xie Liuyi looked out from the window of the cabin.

The girl's expression became sad when she saw her return, and she couldn't help crying.

"Emisha, what's wrong with you?" The little princess hurriedly took her hand and asked.

Yuyu Gui is the language that Xie Liuyi has made up for the giant country, although Xie Liuyi did not learn as fast as Yan Yugui, but the powerful consciousness of the Yuanying monk made her unforgettable, and combined with the translator's language Translate, she can basically understand all the dialogues of the giant.

Hearing this, the girl wailed, covering her face and crying.

The blond and blue-eyed prince said with a sad expression: "Emisha's pet... was killed by her father."

"Huh?" The little princess covered her mouth in surprise, "How could this be? How could he do this?"

The prince sighed, "My dear sister, don't ask this question again, you are still young and should not know these cruel things."

There is nothing that piques the curiosity of young children more than "You are too young to know".

"I'm not too young," the little princess protested, "My father said that I am the crown prince of the Curry Kingdom, there is nothing I should not know."

Hearing this sentence, Xie Liuyi saw that the prince's hand resting on his lap unconsciously clenched, and his lowered head covered the hideous expression on his face.

No wonder the prince regards the queen and the duke as a thorn in his side. It turns out that the king has blatantly made the little princess the crown prince? Xie Liuyi thought to himself.

When he looked up again, the prince put on his affectionate mask again.

"Are you sure you want to know?" He smiled helplessly, "Even if it's cruel."

The little princess nodded firmly, like an indomitable warrior in the movie.

"Tell her Emisha, tell what happened to you," the prince turned to Emisha, "My dear little sister is the crown prince of the empire, and perhaps only she can prevent this tragedy. "

The simple little princess did not realize the strange tone of the prince when he said the word "crown prince", and looked at her friend with anticipation.

Emisha took the hand covering her face, wiped away her tears, and sobbed: "The beasts in the arena ran out and devoured all the human beings, my father, my father killed me Eli, give it to the king to enjoy."

The little princess was stunned, and slowly released the hand holding Emisha, but was caught by Emisha, "Celine, you go and beg the king, let him stop eating humans, Otherwise, Vivian and their pets will be killed and sent to the palace sooner or later."

From Xie Liuyi's point of view, you can clearly see the complex expressions on the face of the little princess Celine, shock, anger and... fear.

"How can this be..." This child who lives in the Garden of Eden and the ivory tower is forced to face the ugliness of the world at this moment.

The prince poured a handful of oil on the fire, "Our father, eat a human every day, today is Emisha's pet, tomorrow is Vivian's pet, wait until everyone's Pets are eaten, my dear sister, what do you think will happen to your little lark?"

"But...but..." The little princess tried hard to find a rebuttal argument, "The interstellar merchants are coming soon, they will bring new humans, the father will not hurt my little lark."

The prince hadn't spoken yet, Emisa angrily shook off the little princess' hand, "Why are you so selfish? My Eli is dead, can't you see? Vivian's pet tomorrow To be killed and dedicated to the king, Vivienne loves it so much, only you can stop this tragedy, do you want to stay out of it? You only care about your little lark, but don't care about our feelings of losing our pets, you are still us friend?"

The little princess was taken aback by Emisha's sudden outburst. She was just a child after all. She was pointed at her nose by her friend and called her selfishness. but could not speak.

At this moment, Yan Yugui, who had been silent, patted the little princess' arm and comforted: "Don't be afraid, Celine is a good boy."

The little princess whimpered and hugged her back. Xie Liuyi clicked his tongue when he saw it, fearing that the four-meter-tall giant little princess would break Yan Yugui's ribs.

Xie Liuyi was also taken aback by Emisa's sudden intense emotions. I always felt that Emisha's words meant moral kidnapping. The purpose of the prince is to provoke a conflict between the king and the little princess, and what role does Emisha play in it?

"Little Lark is so smart," the prince sighed, "the interstellar merchants will have seven stars before they come, and there are less than five human beings in our country. Before that, you Can you protect your little lark without leaving an inch?"

"No, my father loves me so much, he won't." The little princess murmured and shook her head.

"Do you remember Lorna?" said Emissa hoarsely.

The little princess nodded, "I remember, she said that she was in love with her human."

"Yes, it's called Little Shell, Rona and Little Shell are in love. But Little Shell was stolen, and Rona was sad for a long time. It wasn't until a few days ago that she knew the truth. Little Shell was It was stolen by someone sent by her father. The family ran out of money and her father sold the little shells to Remo Restaurant."

"What?" The little princess was shocked, then she thought of something, and a look of fear appeared on her face.

Emisha's words opened up new ideas for the little princess. Of course, the king would not openly attack her pet, but what if the king, like Lorna's father, sent someone to take the little lark secretly, but lied to her that it was stolen by the bad guys?

The little princess could not help but hug her back.

Xie Liuyi looked at Yan Yugui, who was buried in a pile of lace and lotus leaf decorations, and was very worried that he would be suffocated to death.

"Celine," the prince suddenly called his sister, with a serious look, "you have raised a little lark, you should know how smart it is. Humans, like us, can think and have feelings. They're our friends and shouldn't be eaten as food, right?"

"Yes...but..." The little princess was struggling.

Emisha took the little princess's hand again, "You are the noble crown prince, only you can save mankind, you are our hope."

Looking at Emisha and her brother's eyes, the little prince shook his head, "What should I do?"

"Join our Human Protection Association," Emisa's eagerness has reached the point of madness, "We will protect our pets together and resist the behavior of eating them as livestock."

The little princess withdrew her hand like an electric shock, shook her head and said, "No, the king said, this is a rebel organization. Emisha, how did you join the rebel group?"

Emisha froze, and looked at the prince, the prince's eyes were gloomy for a moment.

Xie Liuyi knew that the man behind the human protection organization was the prince. Could it be that the king had already sensed the prince's ambitions, so he labeled this organization as a rebel?

The little princess was immersed in her own emotions and did not notice it, but Xie Liuyi saw that the relationship between Emisha and the prince was unusual.

She became more and more certain that Emisha was definitely not playing the role of a simple victim. Her existence helped the prince to persuade the little princess.

"Celine, this is just an organization that advocates the protection of human beings. It is only against the father's hobby, so it will be regarded as a rebel organization." The prince shook his head and continued Emisha's sky Ask for the price and start paying back the money on the spot, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to join, you are the crown prince, and you have the right to choose. But at least, you can persuade your father and king."

"Persuade the father?" The little princess looked a little confused, "Do you persuade the father not to eat everyone's pets?"

"No," the prince shook his head, "whether it's pets or those kept in the arena, they're all humans. They look just like us, have the same thoughts and feelings. All humans shouldn't To be slaughtered and eaten as livestock, right?"

The little princess nodded hesitantly.

"So, Celine, take your first step as the crown prince," the prince's voice was full of coaxing, "It is the duty of a crown prince to stop the father from making mistakes. ."

At this point, the purpose of the prince is very clear. Xie Liuyi originally thought that he would provoke the king to take his word for it, but in fact, he took advantage of today's incident of the noble lady's pet being killed to provoke the little princess to fight against the king.

For a child, a sense of purpose is a powerful driving force.

The IQ of these two people seems to be much higher than the average giant. Is it a noble relationship?

In the era of monopoly of knowledge, the nobility who can access books and learn has a higher level of brain development than ordinary people.

"Celine, you've heard so many legends about heroes, don't you want to be a hero?" said Emisha.

"Okay!" The little princess finally nodded with her teeth gritted, as if she had taken over the task of saving the world.

"Forget it, Celine." The prince suddenly quenched the fire of justice that the little princess had just ignited with a basin of cold water.

"Why?" The little princess was angry.

The prince smiled bitterly, "Father will be angry. He will not do anything to you, but he will definitely punish me."

"Oh, my poor prince," Emissa held her heart and turned to the little princess, "Celine, you won't complain to the king? You won't put your friends and Brother is under the wrath of the king, right?"

"Of course I won't, I'm not the kind of whistleblower!" Little Publicism was indignant.

Xie Liuyi watched silently as the two dig a hole for the little princess. She retracted her previous praise of the prince's IQ.

He took the little princess out during the day, and at night when the little princess came home, she was drawn to the enemy camp. As long as the king was not stupid, he could guess who was provoking.

At the same time, in the distant sea of ​​stars, a spaceship floated quietly. This spaceship does not belong to the regular army at first glance. The parts on its body seem to be pieced together from different spaceships. It is full of scratches and vicissitudes of experience.

In the spaceship, a handsome man opened his eyes. There was a knock on his cabin door, "Third brother, eldest brother asked you to see him."

"Got it." The handsome man replied.

Came to the main control room, the head of the most feared and largest interstellar pirate gang was sitting on the sofa with a large bowl of fruit in front of him. You know, on the spaceships of interstellar pirates, fruit is a very rare thing, and the people under it can't eat it once a year.

The handsome man looked serious. He knew that the man in front of him was a lunatic. He once slaughtered an entire planet of civilians for no reason. Even if his current identity is his right-hand man, he will kill him if he is not careful.

"Brother, I'm here." He tried hard to figure out what the original owner looked like in front of the boss, and carefully played the third head of the interstellar pirate gang.

"The third," the voice of the star thief leader was a little hoarse. His vocal cords were injured in the early years, so now his voice is like sandpaper rubbing, which is extremely unpleasant, "The business of the giant country, it is said that you are in charge, change a transaction partner?"

"Yes," the handsome man bowed his head respectfully, "I promised the prince of the Curry country to support him in his position."

"Tell me the reason." The star thief's gaze fell on him, and he felt like he was being stared at by a poisonous snake.

The sandpaper-like voice sounds understatement, but the handsome man knows that if his reasons are not in the other's mind, he will never get out of this door today.

"Because the prince told me a secret, a secret that can revive the eldest brother's spiritual power." The handsome man said.

The head of the star thief sat up straight and narrowed his eyes slightly, "You know what will happen to me."

"Don't dare to deceive big brother!" The handsome man lowered his head lower.

The atmosphere in the room was extremely depressing. After a long while, the star thief leader suddenly laughed, "Third, how dare you become less courageous."

The handsome man broke out in a cold sweat, and suddenly realized that he was too respectful compared to the original owner. He forced himself to relax, laughed, and said in a gag tone, "Brother, are you trying to scare me?"

The head of the star thief burst into a burst of laughter, with a creepy laugh, "Okay, get out of your way, you look like an elite all day long, I will be annoying when I see it."

It was not until he returned to his room and closed the hatch that the handsome man dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

What I just said is half true and half false. The prince did tell him a secret, but the reason he asked to go to the Giant Kingdom was not for his good "eldest brother", but because of the customs clearance prompt he received—

Destroy the Kingdom of Giants.

The author has something to say:I wish you all a happy National Day~

That's it for today.

The good news is that I finally stopped playing, and I will start to guarantee the double update tomorrow, and the third update will be dropped from time to time.

Every time the copy is about to end, the writing is extremely smooth.

Yes, this dungeon has progressed to the middle and late stages, and all kinds of people have begun to appear, and it will be over within ten chapters.

Spoiler, the Galaxy Sword that the little cuties have been waiting for will also appear in this copy.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes