MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 118

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Due to the approaching transaction time with the Kingdom of Giants, the interstellar pirates were already patrolling the galaxy near the Kingdom of Giants. From the day that Xingyao Sun saw the starlight converge on the Giant Kingdom, all the spaceships of the star thief gang headed towards the Giant Kingdom.

We experienced a few small frictions on the way, forcing back a few small gangs from the lookout, and after more than 50 hours of sailing, the main ship and accompanying ships of the interstellar pirate gang, a total of More than 20 spaceships have reached the outer atmosphere of the giant country.

The giant kingdom is located at the outermost edge of the galaxy, and is very little affected by the stars of the local galaxy. On the contrary, it has two satellites, which assume the functions of the sun and the moon. Therefore, the giant kingdom has become the only planet in the galaxy suitable for intelligent life.

The spaceship of the star thief gang stayed over the northern hemisphere where Curry was located. A circular flying saucer-style lander flew out from the main ship, passed through the thin atmosphere of the Giant Kingdom, and landed on the southern coastline of the Kuri Kingdom.

There was a group of people waiting there, headed by the blond and blue-eyed Prince Curry.

The eight-meter-high register with a body and a shelf looked like a dwarf in front of this group of people. The hatch opened, and the burly second-in-command of the star thief gang Henry and the handsome third-in-command Huo Anan came out, followed by ten equally well-armed star thieves.

"Welcome, welcome our friends." The prince's warm voice was conveyed to the ears of the star thief through the translator.

He waved his hand, and behind him were two giants carrying a pocket-sized sedan chair. The star thief and his party did not even put down the gangway, and were directly carried by the servants to the huge carriage by the sedan chair.

Soon, the carriage set off for the prince's manor.

When it was just dawn, the head maid came in and woke up the little princess. While the maid was waiting for the little princess to wash up, Xie Liuyi put on Yan Yugui's long purple off-the-shoulder dress.

He looks slender, in fact, he is a very standard male model, with wide shoulders and long legs.


She had to use her spiritual power to firmly fix the whole dress to herself.

Her hair is longer than it should, fortunately, this outfit comes with a headscarf. After twisting his hair, putting on a headscarf and a mask, Xie Liuyi said goodbye and walked out of the villa.

"Oh, little lark," the little princess asked happily when she saw her, "is your voice better?"

Xie Liuyi shook his head.

The little princess changed her clothes and ran over and squatted in front of her and looked at her.

Xie Liuyi's heart lifted slightly. The golden mask on her face can only cover the upper half of her face, and the lower half of her face is exposed. You can still see the difference in appearance at close range. If the little princess finds out…

"Your face is still the same beauty, but why do I think you have become shorter?" The little princess said excitedly.

Xie Liuyi: "…"

Is she so similar to the face of Yan Yugui?

She didn't speak, but the head maid smiled and said, "Maybe it's because you have grown taller, Your Highness."

"Really?" The little princess jumped up happily.

"Yes," said the head maid, "you grew taller today because you ate well yesterday."

"Then I will eat a lot today!"

In the morning, the little princess eats breakfast with the king and queen. The group came to the main hall.

No matter how turbulent her heart was, Xie Liuyi always restrained her breathing and seemed to be an ordinary and unobtrusive pet, following behind the princess.

Thanks to the court etiquette, the princess was required to walk very little, otherwise Xie Liuyi would have to fly to keep up with her.

The main hall was empty, and a group of people walked through the corridor from the door next to the throne and came to the restaurant. The aroma of food came from the huge long table, and three people were already seated at the table.

After the little princess greeted the king and queen, she called out "Uncle" and flew into the arms of the brown-haired male giant.

Xie Liuyi stood under the dining table, then the dining table covered him, and looked at the king above.

He has blond hair the same color as the prince, and dark blue eyes. I don't know if he noticed Xie Liuyi's gaze, but he precisely cast his gaze on Xie Liuyi.

There was an undisguised appetite in those huge dark blue eyes, which made Xie Liuyi feel a disgust in his heart.

Wolves eat rabbits, rabbits eat grass, and everything in the world has its own rules of survival.

However, there are no native human beings on the planet of the Giant Kingdom. All human beings are brought here through illegal human trafficking by interstellar pirates. Humans are not a link in the natural food chain of the giant country, and should not be the food of giants.

Giants have their own writing, developed animal husbandry and farming, and entered a civilized society. In the face of human beings who are also intelligent creatures, they can be executed, expelled or even captured.

It should not be used as food.

Giants and humans have the same appearance, similar social structure, and the same intellectual development. Giants cannibalize humans, just like humans cannibalize humans in times of famine. It is a phenomenon that challenges human relations.

In particular, giants did not eat people.

Because the king pays attention to the use of form to complement the form, and feels that cannibalism can make him live longer, so the trend of cannibalism is set off among the nobles.

Xie Liuyi couldn't bear this.

Despite the rising murderous intent in her heart, Xie Liuyi's eyes were still calm, and her aura didn't fluctuate in the slightest. This kind of murderous intent was originally used to scare people. When one really wanted to do something, the murderous intent was an undercurrent lurking in the deep sea.

What's more, the star thief is coming soon, and Xie Liuyi doesn't want to have troubles until he is 100% sure that he can complete the customs clearance prompt.

However, she doesn't want to, but the opponent does.

"Celine, have you changed your pet?" The king suddenly spoke, his voice as cold as a hissing giant python.

As soon as this sentence came out, Xie Liuyi knew that he had been exposed. Just when she wanted to strike first, the little princess' voice suppressed her hand that was about to move.

"Father, you are not allowed to hurt Little Bailing!" The little princess angrily ran over to stand between Xie Liuyi and the king, "Yesterday Vivian's father wanted to kill her human and dedicate it to you , was stopped by me. Humans are our friends, you are not allowed to eat our friends!"

"Celine?" The Queen stopped her in surprise, "Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense!" The little princess retorted with a arrogant expression, "Human beings are wise, and little lark learns the lessons taught by the teacher faster than me. Father, it's wrong to eat people. of!"

The servants who were serving around them all knelt on the ground. The queen and the duke looked at the little princess in shock.

The king looked gloomy, "Who taught you these words?"

"No one taught me." The face of the little princess suddenly changed, not as serious as a child, her voice was faint, "Father, eating human beings that look exactly like us, you won't Do you feel sick?"

Hearing this, Xie Liuyi was shocked. Neither the prince nor Emisha said these words that day. Where did the little princess hear them? Did it teach her about it?

"Oh, Celine, shut up, how can you contradict your father." The queen pounced on the chair and wanted to cover the little princess' mouth.

The little princess pushed the queen away and looked at the king stubbornly, "When I was born, I was about the size of a human. At that time, did the king want to eat me?"

Xie Liuyi looked at the king who looked up, his face was extremely ugly. This time, even the duke could not sit still, slipped down from his chair, knelt on the ground and begged the king.

In the end, what the little princess said next made everyone present froze.

"Father, did my mother's little brother die last year, or was he eaten by you?"

Xie Liuyi looked at the little princess in surprise, but found that the little princess' face that was carved in pink and jade was a mature and vicissitudes of life that did not match her age.

She was taken aback?

The queen slumped on the ground, covering her mouth and unable to speak.

The duke did not care about the superior and inferior, and loudly reprimanded his niece who he loved most on weekdays, "Celine, where did you hear the nonsense, did someone teach you to say it?"

He turned to the king, "Princess Celine has always been the most well-behaved and caring, Your Majesty, someone must have used her innocence and kindness to provoke the feelings of your father and daughter. Don't be fooled!"

Xie Liuyi looked at the little princess's expression, intuition that what she said was true, not what anyone taught her, but the question she wanted to ask herself, and she couldn't find the answer after thinking for a long time.

"Last year, the interstellar merchant came a month late. That month, my brother was born and died, and no one has seen his body." The little princess's voice became very soft , like an old man reminiscing about the past, "It was also that month when my uncle entered the palace to apologize to you, saying that the stock of human flesh was gone. What did you eat later?"

There was suffocating silence in the restaurant, and the king looked at the little princess coldly, as if he was not looking at his daughter, but a servant who made mistakes.

"Good boy, tell me, where did you hear these words?" The king spoke very slowly, like grandma wolf coaxing Little Red Riding Hood.

Just as the little princess was about to open her mouth, the queen suddenly burst out and slapped the little princess fiercely.

bang-the chair was knocked over by the little princess.

The little princess who fell to the ground covered her face blankly, with an expression like waking up from a dream, and looked at the queen timidly, "Mom...I...why did you beat me?"

Her voice was crying, with a hint of grievance and fear. This is the tone a child should have, which is completely different from the tone of the vicissitudes just now.

"Oh, my Celine." The queen breathed a sigh of relief, knelt on the ground and took the little princess into her arms, turned to the king and said, "Your Majesty, our treasure must have been The wicked witch is confused, she will say those words, you see, she is all right now."

Following the queen's words, the little princess turned her face from the queen's arms to look at the king, but was frightened by the king's gloomy gaze, she couldn't believe that the father, who usually dotes on her, actually Look at yourself with such terrifying eyes.

"Take her back to rest." The king said coldly, looking away.

The queen hurriedly helped the little princess up and walked quickly to the door with her arms around her. Xie Liuyi turned around with the little princess, but before he could take a step, the king's voice sounded again.

"Leave this human. I think, it must have confused my daughter." He looked at the queen and the little princess with heavy eyes.

The little princess was anxious to refute, but the queen covered her mouth. She wanted to struggle, but the Duke rushed to pick her up, and the three of them ran out of the restaurant as if they were running away.

Only Xie Liuyi and the first king were left at the scene.

"No one in my land can deceive me, human." He stood up.

The king was taller than any giant Xie Liuyi had ever seen, and he looked down at Xie Liuyi with contempt, as if he was looking at a bug that could be slapped to death.

Xie Liuyi knew it was exposed, so she stopped pretending. Throwing away the mask and veil, turning his wrist, the Heijintang Hengdao appeared in his hand, and with a backhand stroke, only half of the skirt was left in the way, revealing his well-proportioned calf.

Xie Liuyi didn't want to fight with blood, and he forgot to use his spiritual power to fasten his clothes, which caused him to suddenly run naked.

But she still felt that it was very inconvenient to fight.

"Can I change first?" she asked.

King: "…"

The author has something to say:The King: No one in my realm can deceive me.

Xiao Xie: You finally found me, great!

There are two more~

Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction