MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 126

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Xie Liuyi was also a child who climbed trees and caught ants when he was a child. Although he grimaced in disgust when he was holding the bug in his hand, he still enjoyed it.

until they moved to a suburban villa as their parents' business picked up.

Parents are getting busier and busier, Xie Liuyi waits for them in the yard every day until late at night. I got a new housekeeping aunt that day. I didn't know Xie Liuyi's habit, so she locked the door when she got off work.

When she woke up, her body was covered with all kinds of bugs, big and small. However, she was already burned into a stupor, so exhausted that she couldn't move, she could only huddle into a ball and cry.

Later, the patrolling security heard her crying when passing by and rushed her to the hospital.

During the coma in the hospital, she had repeated dreams of being buried by insects. After her body was healed, she suffered from PTSD and always had hallucinations, feeling that there were insects all over her body, and she could touch all hands The place to be caught is beyond recognition.

After half a year of psychological intervention and drug treatment, she did not suffer from the disease again, but she was left with a deep-rooted parasitism.

My grandfather and grandmother were mad because of this incident, scolded her parents severely, and brought her back to her side to raise her.

Some people say that childhood shadows take a lifetime to heal.

To let Xie Liuyi say, how can life be enough, she has lived the length of ten lives of ordinary people, but she still failed to heal her psychological wounds.

She is so powerful that she can break through the space with a single sword, and she will still have a strong stress response when she sees insects, even her Nascent Soul Demon Tribulation is a worm tide...

Wait a minute?

When she broke through the transformation of the gods, she did not transcend the calamity of the heart!

At that time, her body was annihilated, and the thunder struck her directly on her consciousness.

I originally thought that it was because of her special situation, so God Transformation Heavenly Tribulation was different from other monks, and now the more she thought about it, the more wrong she was.

Take a deeper look... Her inner magic realm, did it really not appear?

Fantasy, after all, relies on her own memory. Everything about this planet is completely unfamiliar to her, and it cannot be her inner magic realm.

But everything she encountered made her have to suspect that it was her inner demons.

She suddenly remembered something, in the player space, Yan Yugui failed to enter her information, speculating that she was not a player.

She can't enter the player space, can't equip game items, and will not increase her attribute points after clearing the dungeon. In all the dungeons, she did not receive a prompt for customs clearance.

This shows that, like Mo Shixin, she is a non-gamer. In the game, she is not controlled by the subconscious.

Then why did she inherit the character memory and receive a clearance prompt for this dungeon?

Eliminate all wrong answers, leaving only one possibility.

This is her Inner Demon Realm, but it is not completely Inner Demon Realm, but the product of the fusion of Inner Demon and Instance.

The subconscious feeds on the soul of intelligent creatures, and it is good at controlling the soul.

Inner Demon Tribulation acts on the mind of a monk and is a calamity at the soul level. She was transcended in the copy created by the subconscious, and the subconscious could completely cut off her inner demon and merge with her own copy.

No matter which dungeon she and Yan Yugui chose to enter at that time, she would eventually fall into the Zerg dungeon, because this dungeon was originally prepared for her.

This is her inner demon.

Then the question is, what is the essence of the copy that can be merged with the mind magic realm?

In the last instance, her body was obviously annihilated, but it was reshaped after the thunder. She felt strange at the time, how could it be possible to reshape the body of a cultivator with only Tianlei and no other treasures?

However, it was her first time to break through the divine transformation, and she had no experience, and other monks had not survived the calamity with the physical body completely destroyed, so she was not sure about the divine transformation thunder tribulation. There is no role in reshaping the body.

Now she suspects that her annihilated and reshaped flesh is not real.

The so-called copy is likely to be a fantasy that is refined to the subconscious level.

Her "flesh", her cultivation, her habits, including her sword intent, all appeared with her subconscious. Her subconsciousness deepens the authenticity of the copy, and everything that is unreasonable will be rationalized by herself.

Man cannot control the subconscious, and neither can a monk. Because of this, she hadn't noticed before that the copy was an illusion.


The reason why Xinghe will fall into the dungeon is probably because it gave birth to a sword spirit and has self-awareness. Before it returned, it could only return to her body.

Xinghe has always been calm, how could it move in her spine. Previously, she thought that it was Xinghe that became lively after giving birth to the spiritual essence, but in fact, it was Xinghe that noticed that her primordial spirit was not in her body, and reminded her in this way!

Oh, the game integrated her inner demon into the dungeon. It wanted to suppress her, but instead revealed its biggest secret.

Now this inner demon, she can no longer escape, she must get over it.

Xie Liuyi took a few deep breaths, while silently reciting the heart-clearing mantra, he lowered his mind and looked inside, and felt the body carefully.

Mouthparts, compound eyes, thorn-covered worm feet...everything made her physically disgusted.

"Ouch—" She couldn't help but vomited on the ground. After she vomited, she took a few deep breaths, got up and continued to familiarize herself with her body.

I couldn't help but vomited. After I vomited, I continued. Once I was familiar with the structure of the whole body, I practiced control, walking, jumping... Every movement brought her consciousness back to that rainy night in her childhood. Her current movements , exactly like the bugs crawling on her.

She is glad that the worm does not have lacrimal glands, otherwise she must be vomiting and crying constantly because of psychological stimulation, which would be too embarrassing.

In this way, she repeatedly tortured herself. Gradually, the number of times she had to stop and rest due to the stress reaction decreased, and she could continue to practice while retching.

In the end, she was able to suppress the retching.

I have to say that human is really a kind of highly adaptable animal. She will still feel disgusting to observe her body with her consciousness, but she will no longer have cramps in her hands and feet, congestion and tinnitus.

There is no spiritual power in the body, and the sword qi can't be convinced, which prevents her from going crazy because of excessive stimulation.

The game really provided her with the right time, the right place, and the environment for her to overcome her psychological barriers.

When the petals of Wangtai opened again, Xie Liuyi's whole insect was sluggishly spread on the ground.

Looking at the few pure-blooded Zerg following Cecil, she actually wanted to cut them open reflexively to see how the internal structure was different from her own.

She has become stronger and perverted.

Several low-level Zerg carried a pile of food, including the meat of unknown animals, as well as fruit and flower dew.

The queen's food is very good. Xie Liuyi sighed very much, and then refused to eat.

Low-level Zerg have no IQ. After Xie Liuyi expressed what he didn’t want to eat with his divine sense, they left without saying a word, leaving only Cecil standing in front of Xie Liuyi with a concerned look on his face He asked, "Why doesn't the king eat, is he not feeling well?"

Does she look like she's in good shape?

"Let's go." She coldly used her divine sense to transmit sound.

Cecil respectfully replied, "You don't have wings now, I'll prepare a mount for you."

Mount? Zerg relied on tyrannical dynamism in the universe, and there was no aircraft or the like. Is there anything else Cecil said about mounts besides insects?

She has just completed the first stage of psychotherapy - accepting the Zerg form, so soon to enter the second stage - has she been in close contact with the Zerg?

Is the progress faster?

Cecil moved too fast, and before Xie Liuyi could think of a reason to refuse, he summoned a Zerg the size of two Xie Liuyi.

In front of the Zerg Queen before degeneration, this Zerg can be considered petite and exquisite, but in front of today's Xie Liuyi, it is a giant.

The biggest concession she can make now is to watch it without looking away, as for lying on its back? Xie Liuyi's salted fish attribute struggled to raise his head at this time.

"I don't want it." Xie Liuyi, who had just experienced psychological torture, acted like an unreasonable bear child.

"Who does the king want to carry you?" Cecil asked tolerantly.


Cecil looked at his thin body, and at the queen's fat belly, lost in thought.

Under the insistence of Xie Xiongzi Liuyi, Cecil compromised. He asked the low-level Zerg to take down the nursery.

in and out.

The material of the nursery is very strong, comparable to the outer shell of a spaceship.

Xie Liuyi got into the nursery, Cecil grabbed the opening and took her off.

It was only then that Xie Liuyi discovered that Cecil actually had wings, which were usually put away and only appeared when they needed to fly. Like the queen, its wings are translucent, with purple veins distributed on it, like a dreamy picture scroll.

This Zerg queen, shouldn't it be Cecil's cub? she thought darkly.

The nursery shook and Cecil took off. Xie Liuyi estimated that its speed was about the same as her full-speed Yujian flight. If this was its fastest speed, then if it really fights in the future, at least it won't take advantage of it in terms of speed.

Flying in the vast universe, Xie Liuyi felt extremely small, like a drop in the ocean. Cecil's speed is as slow as a snail in the universe.

Xie Liuyi looked at the deep and dead universe from the opening, and felt a kind of loneliness and desertion deep into the bone marrow.

The universe is silent, the stars are silent.

The author has something to say:Sorry, there is still no support today.

I experienced acupuncture and moxibustion, the place was sore and swollen, and I couldn't use any force at all. That's right, I pierced the tiger's mouth on my left and right hands... So there is only one update today, and I will try my best to support it tomorrow.

Read The Duke's Passion