MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 137

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Xie Liuyi couldn't tell where her body was, but what was certain was that her body was also in the transit station built by her subconscious.

She can feel that there is no wind, no moon, no spiritual energy, and even the laws of time and space are chaotic and stagnant, similar to the player space, but different.

A huge light group enveloped her and Yan Yugui at the same time.

Xie Liuyi seemed to have had a long dream and woke up with sore muscles. The cool mountain wind with water vapor swept across her cheeks, and the buzzing voice in her ears gradually became clear.

"Senior Sister is amazing."

"Breaking through so quickly, it really gives us Jianzong a face."

"Elder Sister is born with a sword bone and has extraordinary aptitude."

"Hey, why don't you open your eyes?"

Sensing that someone was approaching, she opened her eyes abruptly, the blue-clothed boy was startled by her eyes, patted his chest, and complained in an intimate tone: "Senior sister really, you scared me Jump."

Looking at the familiar face in front of her, Xie Liuyi frowned slightly, "Cleanse the dust?"

Dichen is a young disciple of the head of the Sword Sect, Xie Liuyi lives in Lingyun Peak on weekdays, and rarely communicates with people, and there are not many acquaintances. Di Chen was entrusted by the head sect to take care of Ling Yunfeng, and she often communicated with Xie Liuyi. She was the most familiar junior in the sect.

Look over Dichen and look behind him, behind Dichen is a valley with lush trees, shrouded in clouds and mist, beautiful. There are many disciples standing in the valley, wearing the blue sect uniform of Jianzong, and their cultivation is the highest but Jindan.

Here is... Xie Liuyi turned around, and behind him was a mountain road shrouded in clouds and mist, and a boulder beside the road with three big characters "Ask Jianfeng" painted on iron and silver hooks. Just looking at it makes me excited.

This was engraved by her master.

Among the eighteen peaks of Jianzong, there are three special peaks on which no disciples live.

The first is the Sword Tomb, which stores the famous swords in the world; the second is the twelfth floor, the name is nice, it is actually a large library; the third is Wen Jianfeng.

Jianzong pays attention to the disposition of disciples, and also pays attention to actual combat, but now that the world is peaceful, there are not many opportunities for actual combat, so Jianzong spent a lot of money to build this Asking Sword Peak.

This is the most valuable peak in the entire Sword Sect, and it is also the place with the largest traffic. Most of Jianzong are cultivators who are crazy, either asking Jianfeng or on the way to ask Jianfeng.

Xie Liuyi had been here several times before, but every time she encountered a fantasy world full of insects, she never liked to embarrass herself, and she never came again.

She...isn't she in the game? Why does it appear at the foot of Wen Jianfeng?

Just as she was approaching, she saw Ji Chen's hand circled twice in front of her eyes.

"Senior Sister, Senior Sister? Why do you ignore me when I'm talking to you?"

"Huh?" Xie Liuyi suddenly returned to his senses.


Xie Liuyi's mind is in a mess now, and unconsciously, there is some confusion on that expressionless face, "My master changed... Ask Jianfeng?"

"That's right!" Di Chen's eyes widened, "Didn't Senior Sister say that the Sword Peak Illusion Formation is too simple, is it the same every time? I personally took action and modified Wen Jianfeng's phantom formation, just to let Senior Sister break through into God Transformation. Your Honor is so kind to Senior Sister."

In the end, Di Chen's face showed the envy that Xie Liuyi was very familiar with. Dichen has worshipped Jianzun since he was a child, and his only wish was to worship Jianzun's door, but Jianzun refused to accept it. Therefore, he has always envied Xie Liuyi.

"Elder Sister should have been in Asking Sword Peak for a long time, and she couldn't tell the difference between fantasy and reality for a while."

"Yes, Senior Sister doesn't come to ask Jianfeng very often, so she may not be used to this kind of sequelae. It's fine, just go to the sword washing pool and soak for a while."

Could it be that... her experience in the game was just asking about the illusion on Jianfeng?

No, just now I heard a disciple say that she was born with a sword bone and has extraordinary aptitude.

Her aptitude is mediocre. Among the disciples of the same generation, she is often the one at the tail of the crane, not to mention the natural sword bone.

It's a copy...Xie Liuyi felt a sense of melancholy in his heart.

"What are you doing here?" Xie Liuyi asked Dichen with a stern face.

The disciples of Jianzong are addicted to cultivation, and there are not many wonderful people who do not like to ask Jianfeng from the whole Jianzong. She and Dichen are the two most determined ones. She is because of salted fish, and because of squeamishness.

"The head is worried about you, and let me guard you to survive the calamity. Now that you are all right, I will go back to my life."

After finishing speaking, Jichen and Yujian rose up and ran away.

Xie Liuyi glanced at the other disciples present, expressionless, "Aren't you going to practice?"


Xie Liuyi Yujian flew up, looking at the familiar scenery under his feet. The mountains stretch vertically and horizontally, and eighteen peaks, large and small, tower into the clouds.

This is where Xie Liuyi stayed for a thousand years - Sword Sect.

The copy is too real, there is a powerful atmosphere everywhere.

Jianzong is the largest faction in the world, and there are seven elders in the Mahayana period. The Mahayana and the following are the gods. The monks in the late stage of the sword sect grabbed a lot of them. Even if Xie Liuyi was in the early stage of the gods, he could only hold his tail in the sect.

She broke the copy directly, but now she thinks that she might be rubbed on the ground by the mountain protection formation, so she can only honestly put away her mind, and then find a way to leave copy.

She flew back to Lingyun Peak with her sword, and before she landed, she realized that something was wrong.

Master's cave was enveloped by a layer of powerful barrier, obviously in retreat

In reality, her master has already soared, but she is still in the dungeon?

Xie Liuyi's eyes lit up, if the copy is so real that even the master can make one, she might be able to take advantage of it and let the fake master seal the silence for her.

Like a child who made trouble when her parents were working, she pressed the sword with her right hand against the barrier, and the sword energy hit the barrier wave after wave, and began to buckle.

Then, the enchantment suddenly burst out with a strong sword energy, sweeping her whole body out of Lingyun Peak.

The Galaxy Sword broke out and caught her in mid-air.

Xie Liuyi touched his nose and had a good temper.

It seems that she will not be able to see her "Master" for a while, Xie Liuyi distinguished the direction and flew towards the main peak where the head is located.

The main peak was as lively as ever, Xie Liuyi landed at the door of the deacon hall halfway up the mountain, and the surrounding disciples greeted her with salutes.

She nodded with a stern face and walked into the deacon hall. The head of the deacon hall was considered her uncle in terms of seniority, but her aptitude was not very good, and she stayed in the late Nascent Soul for many years.

Now that Xie Liuyi has broken through into a god, his status is naturally higher. Before entering the deacon hall, a disciple went to notify the hall master, so as soon as he entered the door, he saw the deacon hall master walking out from the back hall meet.

The deacon hall master has a beautiful beard and immortal style, which is in line with the image of mortals like celestial beings. But as soon as he opened his mouth, the immortal style and bones disappeared.

The reason Xie Liuyi is most afraid of dealing with the deacon hall is that the uncle is too enthusiastic, and every time she is afraid of feeling creepy.

She saluted coldly, "Uncle Master."

"Hey, don't you dare, just call me the Dao number." The deacon hall master said with a smile.

Xie Liuyi: "…"

On weekdays, when the disciples mention the deacon and the head of the hall, they are replaced by iron roosters. What is his name?

"The ceremony cannot be broken." Xie Liuyi said with a stiff face.

The deacon hall master laughed twice, but did not insist, and invited Xie Liuyi into the back hall. The two sat down in priority and then asked, "Jianjun came to the Deacon Hall, but for the purpose of opening the palace?"

After the disciples of the Sword Sect break through into the gods, they can bid farewell to their masters and build another mountain peak as a cave residence. However, most of the Sword Masters like to huddle with their peers so that they can learn from each other at any time. Therefore, there are still a few vacant seats on the Eighteenth Peaks of Sword Sect.

Xie Liuyi shook his head, "I'll just look at the roster of disciples."

She came here mainly to find out the news. At that time, she and Yan Yugui were shrouded in white light, and it stands to reason that he should also enter the dungeon. The Immortal Cultivation Realm is very dangerous, there are so many gods that transform into a dog, Yuan Ying walks all over the place, and the strength of the word is too dangerous in this kind of copy.

"Does Jianjun want the roster of new disciples who are about to enter the school, or the roster of previous disciples?"

A new student is getting started?

Sword Sect accepts disciples every ten years, and it seems that now is just the time to open the gate.

Xie Liuyi just said, "All."

The deacon hall master laughed, "Our sword sect has been established for tens of thousands of years, and the roster of disciples is too large to fit in a high-level storage bag... I don't know what the sword master wants the roster for, maybe I can help busy."

Another feature of the Hall Master Deacon, which is as famous as Tie Rooster, is that he has a strong mouth, no one can get out of his mouth what he doesn't say, and Xie Liuyi is not afraid to tell him the truth.

"Find someone."


"It's true."

The words fell, and the deacon's expression suddenly became indescribable.

"Jianjun Liuyi...what are you looking for Demon Venerable?"

Xie Liuyi: ? ? ?

What are you talking about?

Perhaps the shock on Xie Liuyi's face was too obvious, and the deacon hall master didn't know what to make up his mind, and suddenly realized: "The world only knows the name of the demon, the ancestor of the blood demon, but very few people know him. Real name. Could it be that Jianjun met the person with the same name in the mortal world?"

This time, the person with an indescribable expression became Xie Liuyi, " really is the same name."

The deacon hall master stroked his beautiful beard and said: "Jianjun asked for a list of disciples before, so you should be looking for a disciple of Jianzong. As far as I know, there is no such person among the previous disciples, Xu Xu. He is a new disciple this year. In a few days, you should preside over the entrance examination for the new disciple, but you can find it yourself."

Xie Liuyi was a little surprised to hear this, presiding over the entrance examination for new disciples? she?

In the Sword Sect, the cultivators below Nascent Soul are always in charge of the assessment of new disciples. Because of her status as the chief disciple, she only showed her face at the entry ceremony before to brush up her reputation. Now that they are all transformed into gods, they are going to preside over the assessment instead. This obviously inconsistent situation may be the key plot of the dungeon.

Xie Liuyi had an intuition that something unusual would definitely happen in the entrance examination for new disciples.

In addition...the world of immortals where she lives has no demons.

Because, all those who dared to call themselves Demon Venerables and attempt to unify demon cultivators were killed by her master with one sword.

Tsk, the master in this dungeon is not very good.

The author has something to say:Hey, I didn't expect it, the last copy is this background.

I'll make more today, I'll try to write more tomorrow.

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of red maple; 5 bottles of Smurfs and his sister;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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