MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 143

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Xie Liuyi just returned to the team, and what greeted her was the scolding of the fake master.

At that time, everyone in the Sword Sect slept in the wild. Above the wilderness and under the sky, all the disciples sat on the ground, only a bamboo house full of flowers in the center stood up abruptly.

Xie Liuyi knew at a glance that it was a portable cave house that sold for a sky-high price in the Xiuxian world. This portable cave has various appearances, but it is usually the size of a palm. It can be stored in a magical treasure. When used with a special formula, the cave will be enlarged to the size of a normal house.


Even if her real master, who is rich and powerful, has never used a portable cave, I don't know if she doesn't or doesn't like it.

Speaking of which, no matter what price or appearance, Xie Liuyi has never seen such a lush portable cave.

A few feet of paintings.

Even people like Xie Liuyi who have no artistic aesthetics find it irritating.

The fake master stood at the door in white clothes, and the door behind him was hidden, revealing a corner of the white skirt.

Xie Liuyi saw the fake master's posture of asking for guilt, and knew that he didn't hold back any good words. He didn't want to talk about it at first. come up.

With joy, "Zun Shangzhen... Rich, such a gorgeous portable cave, this is the first time I've seen it."

Xie Liuyi was caught by the enthusiastic senior brother, and he couldn't pretend he didn't see it, so he forced a smile back to the senior brother and said, "It's so luxurious."


Xie Liuyi raised the corner of his mouth, showing a stiff smile, and did not answer. The senior brother didn't care, he kept chattering, and he closed his mouth when he approached the bamboo house.

The face of the fake master was already ashen, he gritted his teeth, and squeezed a question from his teeth.

"You left without permission during the escort, do you know the crime?"

All of them are in the late stage of God Transformation, and they have the confidence to protect the disciples, so they let the junior sisters take care of their own affairs. Can you not trust the strength of the few of us?"

Xie Liuyi silently praised his brother. Straightforward and confident, he is right from the Sword Sect.

The fake master was choked and frowned impatiently, but this senior was a direct disciple of another Mahayana elder.

"Uh..." Brother's feet seemed to be pinned to the ground, and he turned his head to wink at Xie Liuyi.

Xie Liuyi raised his chin at the hot-eyed bamboo house behind the fake master, and said very bluntly, "Senior brother wants to go in and visit."

"Hey! Yes." Brother rubbed his hands and looked at the fake master expectantly.

The fake master frowned slightly, "I have given this cave to my disciple, she is a woman, it is inconvenient for you to enter."

After he finished speaking, he turned to Xie Liuyi very excitedly, "Junior Sister Liuyi is also your apprentice. She should have a cave with her, right? It's hidden, so take it out and let me have a look."

Xie Liuyi spread his hands and shook his head innocently, "I don't."

Senior brother was in disbelief at first, then looked shocked, turned his head to look at Jian Zun, and then turned back. Xie Liuyi was worried that he would twist his neck by shaking his head like that.

Senior brother turned back and forth a few times, the fake master's face was getting darker and darker, and the senior brother shouted in disbelief: "Impossible, your honor sent Junior Sister Yuxue like this Valuable things must have been given to Liuyi Junior Sister, so please don’t hide it.”

The surrounding disciples actually heard the movement here, but because of the majesty of the sword, they did not dare to watch the crowd openly. Now that they heard the loud voice of the senior brother, they couldn't help but look over curiously.

In addition to the little white flower hiding behind the door, everyone present is not low in cultivation, and their ears are excellent, and they can clearly hear the whispers of the disciples.

"Isn't it? Is your honor so biased?"

" They are all apprentices and should be treated equally. Even if you want to be partial, you should be partial to Jianjun Liuyi. Before Fairy Yuxue came, in the thousand years, Jianjun Liuyi was the only one who was honored. apprentice."

"You said, what ability does Fairy Yuxue have to step on Sword Lord Liuyi?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it is impossible for your honor to favor one over the other, and you must have prepared a better cave for Liuyi Jianjun!"

These sounds seemed to bring Xie Liuyi back to the dark history of reading brain-dead Mary Sue novels.

Seeing her like this, the disciples became more and more determined that she had been treated unfairly.

In the eyes of the senior brothers, Liuyi junior sister is sad and sad. The thin figure shivered in the night wind, even more desolate than the gorgeous cave mansion.

He scratched his head, saluted the fake master, and said, "Your Excellency, this is in the cave... You don't really only send Junior Sister Yuxue, but not Junior Sister Liuyi, do you? Forgive the disciples to say bluntly, You are indeed a little biased."

The fake master was struggling to maintain the character of a cold immortal.

Xiao Baihua couldn't hear the whispers of other disciples, but she could hear Senior Brother's loud voice clearly, she couldn't hide now, and rushed out from behind the door.

"Don't talk nonsense, the treasure that Master gave me earlier was..." She originally wanted to say something, but her face suddenly changed, and she changed her words very unwillingly and continued, "I gave it to Senior Sister. , In order to compensate me, Master gave me the cave house with me."

Xie Liuyi still lowered his head and did not speak, covering his hot face with one hand, immersed in the shame of black history.

On that side, the senior brother saw her move, but when she was angry and cried, he immediately asked angrily: "What treasure is actually comparable to the portable cave? Besides, you want to let it go, not keep it. Why do you have to compensate you for what Junior Sister Yi robbed? Oh, I see, it must be that your honor only gave you the treasure, not Junior Sister Yi.”

The disciples had an epiphany.

"It turns out that there is more than one time when the honor is favoring one over the other? It's not a matter of widowhood but unevenness. Why doesn't the honor even understand this truth?"

"What is the charm of this Jade Snow Fairy?

I want to go. If Senior Sister is so jealous, I will let you go with this portable cave!"

Xie Liuyi finally recovered from the shame, and when she heard that Xiaobaihua wanted to give her something, she replied reflexively: "Okay, thank you!"

Xiao Baihua originally wanted to use her words to set up Xie Liuyi first, but she thought that Xie Liuyi would be embarrassed to ask for it, but she didn't expect her to take it so simply, she was stunned for a while, her lips opened and closed. Couldn't speak.

The fake master frowned when he heard the first half of Xiaobaihua's words, and looked at Xie Liuyi with a very oppressive gaze, "Is what your junior sister said true?"

Xie Liuyi didn't listen to Xiaobaihua's moral kidnapping in the first half. Hearing the fake master's question, his face was blank, "What?"

Xie Liuyi realized that Xiaobaihua was talking again just now. Jealousy doesn't count, it's just that she panicked, but she didn't bother to explain to the fake master, she just spread her hands and said, "Because you're partial."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions on the faces of the onlookers were splendid.

"It seems that Jianjun Liuyi has been deeply wounded by Zun's partiality."

"Why is your honor being so kind to Fairy Yuxue?"

"Fairy Yuxue won't give Zun a Gu, right? It is said that the Gu technique in Miao Jiang is very magical. I didn't expect that even the Mahayana monks would be tricked."

"Isn't Fairy Jade Snow a Gu girl from Miao Jiang?"

Seeing that the public opinion spread to the beloved little disciple, the false master could no longer bear it, and the pressure of the peak of Mahayana was unreservedly released.

Senior Brother Shenhua, who had been rushing on the front line, was the first to be crushed to the ground.

The familiar feeling came, she felt a coolness from the heels of the sparks all the way to the Tianling cover, and the scalp exploded instantly.

This is not the oppression brought by the coercion of the Mahayana monks!

Xie Liuyi raised her head abruptly, her bloodshot eyes staring at the thing with her master's shell in front of her, and an uncontrollable anger swept up from her heart.

The hands clenched and changed rapidly, and in an instant, the sky was full of stars, and the stars together with the sword energy swept away towards the fake master.

It seemed that she did not expect her to kill her directly, and the fake master's serious face showed a look of surprise.

A large, scarlet, inorganic eye appeared behind the crack.

It's a game, or... it's that kind of void creature called the subconscious.

A red light with a destructive aura burst out from that eye, and shot towards Xie Liuyi.

During this period, the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: AmberTeoh10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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