MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 154

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Huai Jin is indeed not simple, and the other party disdains to hide his not simple.

In terms of flying speed, the speed of Jianxiu Yujian is invincible, and even the highest-level flying instruments of Tiangong Pavilion cannot catch up. She didn't suppress the speed, but that Huai Jin always followed her effortlessly.

The blindfolded young man looked as gentle as jade, but Xie Liuyi felt that he was very arrogant, so arrogant that he did not hide his true strength at all.

He didn't look like a guard Xie Liuyi at all, he was as leisurely as going out on an outing, and he didn't even reveal his consciousness, and he didn't seem to worry about Xie Liuyi escaping at all.

Perhaps this is the self-confidence of the strong, he is sure, Xie Liuyi cannot escape from his eyes.

The more relaxed he was, the more vigilant Xie Liuyi became.

Yan Yugui pulled her hand from behind and wrote two words in the palm: Xie Yu.

Xie Liuyi tensed his fingers, and his heart sank.

Her master is the only person who doesn't care about everything, the only person who genuinely hates.

Then in the dungeon, the number of Mahayana monks in the dungeon is the same as her memory, then this great perfection stick in the Mahayana period should be one of the three Mahayana ancestors of the Xie family, or a cultivator. for the highest one.

Xie Liuyi felt that he was now a jeep pinned by a big truck on the highway and hit the isolation belt. Xie Yu would not kill her, but would only **** her to death.

Then let her try it, Xie Yu's big truck and Beifeng City, which is used as an isolation belt, are harder, or her Xie Liuyi's reinforced iron jeep is harder.

It takes three days to fly from Xie’s house to Moyu, because Yan Yugui has not yet returned to his homeland, and the parasites are not on his body, so he needs to eat and rest normally.

Huai Jin, or Xie Yu didn't seem to mind, and followed in a good mood, like hospice care before the execution of the prisoner.

Xie Liuyi still slept in the same room at night.

Xie Yu first used her divine sense to investigate, and after finding that Xie Liuyi was violently pulling Yan Yugui into bed, she withdrew her divine sense. He didn't know that Xie Liuyi could detect his consciousness, and he didn't know that when he took back his consciousness, Xie Liuyi would always put on a face that was about to smoke, and put on his clothes for Yan Yugui with a guilty face.

Yan Yugui took Xie Liuyi's waist and buried it in her neck to regain her breath, and then she gritted her teeth and said, "A few more times, and I'll be useless."

Xie Liuyi dutifully acted as a humanoid pillow, and said in a negotiating tone, "Why don't you take the initiative next time?"

Yan Yugui suddenly raised his head to look at her, looking at her eyes, wishing to bite her. But he ended up doing nothing and got up and went to the shaker.

The quality of the bed in the inn is not very good.

Xie Liuyi: "I set up a soundproof barrier."

Even if Xie Yu shouted, she wouldn't be able to hear it.

Yuyu glanced at her, did not speak, and continued to shake. Xie Liuyi didn't know what he wanted to do, and he didn't care about him.

The Silent Seal sensed her arrival and spat out the information her master sent into her sea of ​​consciousness little by little.

Xie Liuyi spent a whole night in the details, until dawn the next day, when a knock on the door rang, Huai Jin's warm voice came from outside the door: "Jianjun Liuyi, we should leave."

Yugui got up, poured a cup of tea, heated it with spiritual power and poured it on the bed, then tore the sheets and quilt in a mess, and then went out with Xie Liuyi.

While having breakfast downstairs, a phantom appeared in the empty room, and the phantom gradually solidified, it was Xie Yu.

However, this Xie Yu has no cloth on her eyes, and there is a faint devilish energy around her body. A pair of white eyes seems to be able to see, and her line of sight sweeps over the messy, water-stained bed , reached out and grasped the bedpost again, shaking it gently.

The bed had been shaken a little long ago, and when he touched it lightly, it squeaked, as if overwhelmed.

"Oh, young man."

Huaijin, who was sitting at the dining table, still had a gentle smile on her face, like a no-temper foodie. Hearing that Yu Gui was complaining that Xie Liuyi was too "rude", Xie Liuyi had a cold face He doesn't speak, but occasionally responds to a few monosyllabic words, and he doesn't seem to be pulling people into bed as soon as he walks in.

In this way, it took more than four days for a few people to arrive at the Demon Domain. They first changed their clothes in the neutral buffer zone outside the Demon Domain. Xie Liuyi didn't want to go into the Demon Realm wearing a sword sect's disciple uniform, and Huai Jin didn't show any objection, which made Xie Liuyi even more vigilant.

The devilish qi permeates the demon realm. If a cultivator absorbs the devilish qi into the body, it is very easy to get into the devil. Therefore, after entering the devil realm, Xie Liuyi and Yan Yugui must stop the aura in their bodies, and so does Huai Jin. In this way, the three of them could not use the magic weapon to fly, and could only use the local transport of the Demon Domain.

In this way, it took another two toss to reach the City of Sad Wind, and along the way, Xie Liuyi also heard some news.

For example, the Demon Venerable Gorefiend retreated to the peak of Mahayana, and has not yet exited, and his life and death are unknown; for example, there have been tensions between the four demon generals loyal to him and the other five demon generals; , the demon general Yifeng brought back a human female cultivator, raised it in the deep palace, loved her very much, and even scattered the harem for her.

I don't know why, when I heard Yifeng's dog-licking behavior, Xie Liuyi intuited that the human female cultivator was Xiaobaihua.

Or, the appearance of Xiaobaihua in Demon Domain is actually the handwriting of the fake master?

Xie Liuyi can't figure it out, so she can only keep it in mind.

Another message was learned through parasites. He and the parasite can communicate with each other in a short time.

Several demons sent the players they caught these days to Sadwind City in batches.

Xie Liuyi felt that something big was going to happen in Beifeng City.

"Fellow Daoist," Huai Jin has never called her Sword Master since she entered the Demon Realm, she is cautious as if she really came to save people, "I have a friend in the City of Sad Wind, tonight I'll go and settle down with him first, please come with me."

After speaking, take the lead in a certain direction.

"Trust me so much?" Xie Liuyi half smiles.

Huaijin stopped and turned around, with a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth, "Fellow Daoist is here to help me, why should I hide it?"

Yugui suddenly held her hand behind her. Using this gesture, she wrote two words on her palm, and she instantly felt at ease.

It means that Lou An has reached the City of Sad Wind.

Xie's family's dark pile in Beifeng City is a seemingly ordinary restaurant, the taste is so bad that Xie Liuyi doubts how they opened it.

Huaijin didn't know what to show the shopkeeper, but the other side looked respectful in an instant, bowed and said: "The place where the third young master is imprisoned is not in Beifeng City, and now it can only be roughly determined to be the south. The area is vast and sparsely populated, and the specific location needs to be further investigated.”

It turns out that the Xie family is really trapped in the City of Sad Wind. However, the Xie family is far away from Beifeng City. How did these juniors who went out for training were caught by Beifeng City?

Unless, the Xie family entered the Demon Realm by themselves.

Xie Liuyi asked directly, "Why did Xie Sanshao come to Moyu?"

The shopkeeper got stuck for a moment, then looked at Huai Jin hesitantly, Huai Jin seemed to sense the shopkeeper's sight, lowered his head and took a sip of tea, "It's okay to tell her."

"Yes," the shopkeeper bowed and said, "The third young master is here to **** the demon stone produced by Yancheng."

The Magic Stone? ! Xie Liuyi's expression changed.

Store magic energy, and can also be used as currency.

The Xie family colluded with the king of Yancheng, one of the nine generals of the Demon Domain, which also involved the Demon Stone. Xie Liuyi had to suspect one thing.

"The Xie family betrayed the devil?" She said word by word.

The shopkeeper's tone was not right when he heard her, and he realized that she was not the Xie family, and looked at Huai Jin uncertainly. Huai Jin chuckled lightly, not caring about revealing the secret at all, but instead asked, "Aren't you afraid of being silenced if you say it so loudly? Liuyi Jianjun."

As soon as this title came out, the shopkeeper's expression changed greatly.

"You don't want to silence now." Xie Liuyi said indifferently.

Huai Jin chuckled again, "At a young age, she has a good concentration, and she is not impatient or impatient along the way, and she still has the heart to go through the clouds with her apprentice."

Xie Liuyi ignored it and asked curiously, "Why?"

"Aren't you very smart? Guess what." Huai Jin sounded like a schoolmaster inspired school children.

Xie Liuyi looked at Yan Yugui expressionlessly, "You come."

This kind of thing is not for her.

Yu Guiyuan stood behind her, dutifully playing the role of apprentice and male pet, but now she stopped pretending, stepped forward and sat down beside her.

"Senior Xie Fu is afraid that he is about to fall? Senior Xie Yu"

Xie Fu, one of the three Mahayana ancestors of the Xie family, was seriously injured in the early years.

The Xie family is good at divination, and their strength is the weakest among the seventh family.

Once Xie Fu falls, no matter how strong Xie Yu is, he will not be able to cover the Xie family.

However, that's not enough. Xie Liuyi shook his head secretly in the bottom of his heart, he just fell out of the seventh family, and it didn't hurt the Xie family.

Hearing his real name, Xie Yu was not surprised at all, and said lightly: "You guessed 30% right."

That is, there is a reason, but not the main reason.

Xie Liuyi flashed, "Little white flower?"

"What is the little white flower?" Xie Yu looked very interested.

"Rakshasa, Jade Snow." Now that it was time to see it, Xie Liuyi no longer pretended to be ignorant.

"Oh," Xie Yu suddenly realized, chatting with the younger like a kind elder, "I have seen that girl once, but it is very appropriate for you."

Gu left and right, but he didn't say it was right.

Yugui lowered his eyelashes, and after a while, he looked up at Xie Yu, "Why is Senior Xie Yu's eyes blind?"

The records about the Xie family only say that Xie Yu is the most amazing genius of the Xie family, but they never say that he is blind.

Xie Yu was suddenly silent and did not answer.

"Senior Xie Yu is good at divination, have you ever spied on heaven's secrets?"

Xie Yu finally looked at Yan Yugui, and rushed over with overwhelming pressure.

Yugui was sweating coldly on his forehead. He was pressed on the chair and couldn't move. The veins on his forehead were bulging, and he seemed to be under great pressure. Xie Liuyi hurriedly made a tactic, and Xinghe broke out of his body and was suspended in front of Yan Yugui's body. The sword energy was awe-inspiring, reducing most of the coercion.

I couldn't help but observe Xie Yu, and squeezed the voice out of my throat, "What is the secret? Your own future? The future of your family? The future of the world ?"

He suddenly smiled confidently, "It seems to be the general trend of the world. Therefore, Senior Xie Yu betrayed the devil because he calculated that the magic path is prosperous and the right path is declining?"

Xie Yu "looked" at him for a moment, took back the coercion, and suddenly smiled, "Unfortunately, if you didn't join the Sword Sect, it would be very suitable for you to take up my mantle. Why don't you join me? , I will definitely give it all.”

Yu Yu returned to relax, leaned back in the chair, and showed a wild and uninhibited smile, as if he had just finished a hearty battle.

"I refuse," he said in a very serious tone, "You are not as beautiful as my master."

Xie Liuyi: ? ? ?

Are you happy to get a skin at this time?

It seems that she suddenly remembered the shameful "relationship" between the two, Xie Yu was very disdainful, "Teach me as a teacher, if you don't want any women, what is a mere Xie Liuyi."

As soon as the voice fell, the Xinghe sword qi skyrocketed, the fierce sword qi smashed the table in front of Xie Yu, and the shopkeeper was overturned by the sword qi and hit the wall.

But Xie Yu sat on the spot unscathed, without moving a hair, like an unshakable mountain.

"A arrogant, petty god, you dare to shoot at me, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Xie Liuyi took back Xinghe and played with it, and asked shamelessly, "Do you dare to kill?"

She is the chief disciple of Jianzong, and the life card is in the hands of the head. Once she dies, the last scene of her life will be immediately presented to the ancestor of Jianzong Mahayana.

As long as Xie Yu wasn't crazy, she wouldn't dare to kill her personally, at most it was a lesson, Xie Liuyi could just try his depth.

But unexpectedly, she almost rode her face to output, but Xie Yu was not angry, her tone was very calm, "Even if you are not afraid, but who is next to you? If I want to kill Can you stop her?"

Xie Liuyi clenched Xinghe instantly, his face sank, "You can try." See if I will let you touch him when I am alive.

Xie Yu still didn't make a move, he took off the cloth covering his eyes, and looked over with a pair of white eyes.

"What if you were to exchange the Galaxy Sword for that kid's life?"

The coercion of the Mahayana monks was like the pressure of Mount Tai, and the sword and shield rose instantly, and the Galaxy Sword trembled and hummed.

Xie Liuyi resisted the coercion and stroked the blade lightly, "Old man, Xinghe is still a little girl."

The monks who came out of the aristocratic family are good-faced. Previously, because Xie Liuyi was suspected of doing something humiliating to the gentleman, he would withdraw his consciousness and no longer monitor him. Now being pointed at the nose and scolding the old man, how can you bear it?

But this is Beifeng City. Since Beifeng City will arrest the juniors of the Xie family, it means that Yifeng and the Xie family are not linked. If there is a big trouble here, it will attract the attention of Yifeng, but it will cause unnecessary trouble.

Xie Liuyi only got these two points right before he dared to spread his wings on Xie Yu's bottom line.

Although Xie Yu left, the people in the restaurant were monitoring Xie Liuyi and Yan Yugui more and more closely. Even when they got into the bed tent, there were people guarding by the bedside.

Xie Liuyi pretended to be dissatisfied, and made a big fire, but the monitoring did not relax at all.

Yan Yugui suddenly spoke to Xie Liuyi in the dialect of his hometown.

Their hometown is in the Jiangnan water town, and they speak Wu Nong soft language, which foreigners can't understand at all.

Looking at the bewildered look of the guard, the two looked at each other and stopped making trouble, sat down and started chatting.

Dialect is engraved in the DNA, even if you don’t speak it for many years, you will never forget it. Xie Liuyi hadn't spoken the dialect for a long time, and he stumbled at first, but it took a while to get used to it.

"The Xie family wants the Galaxy Sword." Xie Liuyi said.

"I remember you said that the subconscious wanted to give the little peony to Xiaobaihua. If someone else got it, it would be destroyed?" Yan Yugui also called Xiaobaihua.


In thoughtful words, he condensed water on his fingertips and drew a map on the table. The guards craned their necks and looked over. Seeing that it was just a map, they looked at them suspiciously.

This map was actually drawn for Xie Liuyi to see. Yan Yugui engraved the map in his mind. Even if he didn't draw it, he still had a model in his mind.

Xie Liuyi said.

Xie Liuyi glanced at the map and constructed a copy map in his mind. Just as Yugui said, if this copy is really her body, then the most important parts of her body correspond to those places.

Xiao Baihua wanted to get the Galaxy Sword at first, and looking at her performance after her failure, it should have been inspired by someone.

Xie Liuyi suddenly thought that before Xiaobaihua entered the sword tomb, she felt an aura that disgusted her for a moment. Now that she thinks about it, it is the breath of her subconscious. So at that time, the subconscious was already by Xiaobaihua's side. No wonder she couldn't get a response every time she closed the gate before that, because the fake master was not in the cave at all.

It was the subconscious that instructed Xiaobaihua to get the Xinghe Sword, and it was also the primordial spirit that he wanted to get Xie Liuyi for Xiaobaihua.

There is also Xiaobaihua's position in Jianzong - poor qualifications, but only the favor of Jianzun, which is almost exactly the same as Xie Liuyi's situation at the beginning. Coupled with the baby name that she was subconsciously pressed on the little white flower's head...

It's like a subconscious mind wants to change her and Xiaobaihua's life.

But after these actions were destroyed intentionally or unintentionally by Xie Liuyi, he sent Xiaobaihua to Beifeng City, where Xie Liuyi's heart turned into, and let the city master of Beifeng dote on her like evil. heart to the little white flower?

In the beginning, the subconscious seemed to just prefer the little white flower, and wanted to disgust Xie Liuyi. It now appears that every step of it actually has a purpose.

"The magic general will not kill the player and Xie San after he captures them, which means that they need a lot of living people." Yan Yugui pondered, "I have read in the book that many magic cultivators The evil formation needs to sacrifice living people, but the records on the twelfth floor about the evil formation are not detailed, A Shao, do you know what activities require the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of human lives?"

The sentence he said was a bit long, and he used a lot of older dialect vocabulary.

The formation technique is too test of IQ, she only learned sword formation, nothing else.

However, after a reminder from Yugui, she also felt that what Sad Wind City and several other demon generals did together should be a formation that requires a lot of blood from living people.

If Xie Yu is going to save the Xie family, he will naturally find out where the players are being held.

So, the two settled down in the restaurant very peacefully. Xie Liuyi took the time to study the information left by Master every day, and once he got something, he would discuss it with Yan Yugui. In the end, when Xie Yu appeared again, the two had already made up their minds.

Xie Yu was still so arrogant, even though she knew that they deliberately used dialect to discuss countermeasures these days, she ignored it at all, as if predicting that the two of them would not be able to make any waves.

"Let's go." Xie Yu said briefly.

"Where?" Xie Liuyi sat still.

"Ghost Cry Ridge," Xie Yu turned sideways, "Jianjun Liu Yi said that he would help me save my junior."

The author has something to say:To be continued, the rest is still in the code~