MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 160

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In the eyes of Rakshasa, Rakshasa kept appearing continuously, and after less than half of the way opened by the elder Taishang, it was filled by Rakshasa again.

There are two kinds of Rakshasa, one can only run on the ground, and can jump to a height of tens of meters at most. As long as the height of Xie Liuyi Yujian is high enough, it will not affect her.

Cover the sky.

Wing Rakshasa corpse.

The Rakshasa below found that there was fresh blood food, and immediately swarmed up and scrambled for it.

Dense blood lines lingered around the two of them, beheading all the approaching Wing Rakshasa. Yan Yugui's face became paler and paler, Xie Liuyi turned his head worriedly, "Can you hold on?"

He didn't say anything, only a dull "um". Xie Liuyi didn't care anymore, he could only kill as many rakshasas as possible to share the burden for him. At such a time, there is no turning back, only forward.

Finally, the two reached the sea eye with difficulty. The Rakshasa Sea Eye in the dungeon is a crypt, very similar to the entrance of Qingmi Dongtian. A bottomless hole is cracked on the ground, and countless Rakshasa gushing out from it.

"Are you ready?" Xie Liuyi asked.

Yu Yu had absorbed too much Rakshasa, and the whole person was powerless to lean on Xie Liuyi. Hearing that, he didn't even have the strength to um, he just nodded silently.

Xie Liuyi embraced him with one hand, while the other hand clenched his fists with one hand, "Sword and shield."

The phantom of the long sword wraps the two of them in a cone shape, Xie Liuyi's hand moves are changed, and the two of them, under the protection of the sword and shield, pierce the direction of the Rakshasa like a sharp sword. That bottomless hole.

The Rakshasa group suddenly became agitated, and the winged Rakshasa kept slamming into the sword and shield in suicide. This is second, after all, the number of Winged Rakshasa is relatively small, and the real difficulty in giving birth is the ordinary Rakshasa who jumped from the cave wall and did not hesitate to fall, just to hit the sword and shield, there are too many of them.

The high frequency and continuous impact made the phantom of the sword and shield weaker and weaker.

She has transformed into a god, and she is thicker than her skin.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that Yan Yugui was pulling her, she turned her head reflexively, and saw Yan Yugui's pale and handsome face magnified in front of her eyes, Something soft and cold pressed against her lips.

Xie Liuyi was stunned for three seconds before she realized it, she! quilt! Dear! !

She was kissed!



At this moment, her blood pressure soared, her heart slammed into the chest more violently than Rakshasa slammed into the sword and shield, her mind went blank, and her pupils shook.

Xie Liuyi, who was in shock, did not notice that the frequency of Rakshasa hitting the sword and shield was much lower, because at that moment, the earth trembled violently, and the Rakshasa clinging to the cave wall was shaken down most of the time.

On the battlefield where Rakshasa and monks fought, the monks were even more surprised.

"Earth moving?"


"I was thrown!"

There has never been such a strong earthquake in the Xiuxian world, and both the Rakshasa and the monks on the ground were thrown high by the violent tremor. If the earthquake some time ago was the earth waking up, then this earthquake is the earth waking up after a set of punches.

"Hurry up and fight back!"

The cultivators who had been losing ground instantly gained the upper hand.

Xie Liuyi finally woke up from a state of shock. It wasn't that she could control her beating heart, but Yugui was too weak to keep kissing. He leaned against her shoulder weakly, his weak breath hit her neck, Xie Liuyi wrapped his arms around him and tightened, so he didn't let him fall.

Seeing the few rakshasas left on the surrounding mountain walls, Xie Liuyi also understood the intention of this move, and his heart was suddenly mixed, and he couldn't tell whether it was shy or shy.

Oh, she is a tool person, her first kiss was a tool kiss.

The shattered Rakshasa climbed up again, and Xie Liuyi did not have time to cherish her first kiss, so he accelerated.

Finally, she seemed to pass through a transparent barrier, a flower in front of her eyes, she and Yan Yugui were floating on a choppy sea, with a nebula within reach. Every wave will transform into a Rakshasa, jump up, and disappear when it touches the nebula.

It seems that the nebula is the "sea eye" of the Rakshasa Sea leading to the outside world.

As soon as the two of them appeared, the Wing Rakshasa that had just been transformed rushed towards them.

"Xie Liuyi, destroying Haiyan, you two will never leave here!"

There are subconscious voices in all directions in the void. It sounds like it doesn't want Xie Liuyi to destroy this nebula.

Xie Liuyi ignored him, lowered his head and asked Yu Yan, "Can you still do it?"

Yugui, who was leaning against her neck, said weakly, "A man can't say no."

After finishing speaking, the pink halo illuminated the world, and the burning sword flew out of his body and stopped at the feet of the two. Yan Yugui tried his best to support himself to move to the Zhuohua Sword. The Zhuohua Sword itself has a sword spirit, and it doesn't need Yugui Yu to communicate with him.

The Zhuohua Sword carried Yan Yugui and flew towards the nebula. Thanks to Liuyi, the Xinghe Sword transformed into countless parts, and greeted the rushing Rakshasa, escorting Yan Yugui to the bottom of the nebula.

"Wanjian Jue."

The galaxy floated above Xie Liuyi's head, and its clone was like a black torrent, flowing around the two of them, strangling all the rakshasas that approached.

Yan Yugui took out the extremely fast and top-quality spirit stone from Xie Yu's storage ring and stuffed it into Xie Liuyi's hand.

"Are there enough spirit stones for the formation?" Xie Liuyi asked.

"Enough." Yugui replied with only one word, and started to do it.

It's been practiced a thousand times.

Seeing that she hadn't done anything to Haiyan for a long time, the voice of the subconscious came from the void again.

"Xie Liuyi, you can't destroy Haiyan, you are not as strong as your master, you can't do it."

, This will also have the strength to use the two minds to fight with the subconscious.

"Don't you know?"

"Know what?"

"You're stupid."

The subconscious is silent for a moment, maybe it wants to get angry, but its incarnation is trapped, it can only pass the sound, and can't do anything about it.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time, how are you going to kill her," Yan Yugui smiled disdainfully, speaking slowly, as if he was squatting under the wall with his neighbors after a meal and chatting, "In the beginning, I I thought you wanted to use the life-changing technique to replace her with the fake. You figured out that Ah Shao would hate that fake. If the life-changing technique was successful, her life would be with the Ah Shao gang. Let me guess , you plan to let Ah Shao kill the counterfeit with her own hands, which means that Ah Shao kills herself with her own hands."

"But you failed, name, luck, soul... All of which were robbed by Ah Shao himself. So you thought of another way, you wanted to use the magic energy to make Ah Shao enchanted , when she loses her mind, she will be attacked by the monks of the right way."

"But you are afraid, you are afraid that A Shao will destroy your calculation again, so you play a very clever game, risk hedging, and put A Shao in a dilemma. Kill the counterfeit, she will Summoning the Rakshasa, without killing the counterfeit, she can only wait to be enchanted."

Subconscious mechanical voice praised: "You are very smart."

Yugui ignored his compliments and continued: "Killing counterfeit goods is also a trap. Ah Shao is trapped in the realm of inner demons. If she cannot break through inner demons, she will still be enchanted. She still can't live in peace. With her character, knowing that Rakshasa was summoned by her, she will definitely come to Zhan Haiyan. We have come to the end of such a narrow road, are you angry?"

"I'm pissed."

Yuyu sneered, "There is something that makes you even more angry. The nonsense I said above is all lying to you. Do you think we are really here to kill the sea?"

The author has something to say:The first update, the second update is still in the code


Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 36 bottles of Situ Junhua; 1 bottle of word brand;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!