MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 3

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No matter what the mood of the person in the car is, the speed of the cable keeps the cable car a little closer to the support frame.

When the first cable car reached the support frame, the cableway stopped.

Xie Liuyi protected the three junior high school students behind her like an old hen, with no expression on her face, but her muscles were tensed, ready to attack at any time.

The monster leaned over slowly, resting his left hand on the steel pipe at the corner of the cable car, and his right hand on the cable holder used to fasten the cable car and the cable together, hooking the support frame with both feet, obliquely Lower your head toward the window.

A silver skull necklace around her neck slapped its hair-covered face due to gravity. Its hair doesn't know what it is, and it is very stubborn and tied to the face. Even if its head is down, the hair still sticks upward against gravity.

Seeing that there was only one woman and three children in the cable car, it smiled. It loves weak creatures, especially when they look horrified and their blood runs through their fingers.

It showed sharp teeth and licked its lips slowly with its thin tongue. However, when the tip of the tongue plucked a strand of hair stuck to his lips, the hair bounced twice like a reed.

This little detail ruins the horror it strives to create. Xie Liuyi did not laugh with a sullen face, but only made his whole body tremble.

The monster smiled contentedly when she was trembling with fear. Females and cubs, what a weak existence, their frightened expressions always make it happy.

"Welcome to One-eye Village," its voice was a little feminine, not bad, compared to the unwavering mechanical voice of the conductor, his tone was full of malice, "You need Answer my question within a minute. If you answer correctly, you can enter the village. If you answer wrong..."

It tapped twice on the rope holder with its right hand, and its bloodshot eyes enlarged with excitement, "I'll open it."

"Huh?" Xie Liuyi waited for the monster to attack, but he didn't expect it to come to the question, and couldn't help but scream in surprise.

The monsters were addicted to the fantasy of the cable car falling to the ground and smashing them into flesh, and did not notice that there was no panic in Xie Liuyi's expression.

It started to ask questions: "Please listen to the question, a deck of playing cards has a total of fifty-four cards, ten of which are facing up. Divide it into two parts with eyes closed, and turn it only once , so that the number of up cards in the two decks is the same, what do you do?"

After finishing speaking, it rubbed its fingernails against the rope grabber and started the countdown, "60,59..."

This question made Xie Liuyi even more surprised. She had thought that the monster would ask "how many hairs do you have" to embarrass people, but she didn't expect this thing to look so casual, but the questions asked were unexpectedly serious.

If there is enough time for this kind of problem, and she has nothing to do, she might be able to solve it after thinking about it for a day or two.

However, the sound of the monster's nails scraping on the steel was very harsh, Xie Liuyi's hearing was keen, and the sound entered her ear was torture, making her restless, and her head that was not very bright was even more unable to turn. Moved.

Fortunately, she didn't plan to answer the questions according to the rules.

She made a sudden move, grabbed the monster's left hand on the cable car with lightning speed, and dragged it into the cable car, while raising her foot against the monster's face.

Originally her plan was to force the monster's legs off the support frame and hang it out of the car. The worst thing is to let his right hand leave the rope holding device first to relieve the threat.

I didn't expect that when the monster's arm entered the cable car, it let out a shrill scream. There seemed to be a laser barrier on the window, and part of the flesh that passed through the window melted away and turned into bones.

Emotions can't enter the cable car? If I had known that I would not stretch my feet, it would be great to pull in with my head.

Time ticks by and the countdown is about to end. The monster cautiously crawled along the support frame with the only three remaining arms and legs, trying to release the harness.

Xie Liuyi immediately lost his bones, leaned out of the car window, grabbed the roof and turned it over with force, and the whole person stood on the top of the cable car. Hold the long pole on the top of the cable car that is used to connect the rope holding device to maintain balance, look up at the monster, and if you dare to come, I will dare to do it.

The monster immediately retracted its right hand that was about to move and took a few steps back. It has experienced Xie Liuyi's strength first-hand, and it's natural to bully the soft and fear the hard, and it can't leave the support frame.

The countdown is over, but if the question is not answered correctly, the ropeway will not start, and it will not dare to approach the rope holder.

At this time, Ding stuck his head out of the car window.

"Sister, we have figured out the answer. Count ten cards from the top and divide them into another part, and then turn this part over, so that the number of cards facing up on both sides is the same."

The surroundings were empty and silent, and the boy's tender voice clearly entered the ears of the person above.

Xie Liuyi thought for a while according to what Xiao Ding said, and felt that there was no problem, raised his chin and said, "Speak."

What else can I say? The monster wanted to curse, but the game wouldn't let him, so he could only announce with a gloomy face: "The answer is correct."

The cable squeaked and moved again, and the monster was relieved, and finally he was able to send this woman away! This tone must be asked for in the next car.

It has begun to plan how to increase the difficulty within the scope of the rules of the game, kill the people behind, or leave a few alive to induce them to hate this woman. It likes watching players fight infighting the most.

However, seeing Xie Liuyi's action from the corner of the eye, all of his fantasies were instantly dissipated.

Xie Liuyi did not return to the cable car, she bent her knees and took off before the cable car started, holding the support frame with both hands, exerting force on her waist and abdomen, she flipped her legs on the rack.

The monster was so frightened that it retreated again and again. Seeing that the other party was eager to make a move, he hurriedly shouted: "If I die, the ropeway will not move."

"What do you mean?" Xie Liuyi was about to crawl over, when he heard the words, he retracted his hand, crouched on the spot and asked.

"The cable car will stop after passing this support frame. As long as I don't say the answer is correct, the cableway will not start. You all have to hang here to dry."

At this moment, the second cable car also arrived at the support frame, and the cableway really stopped.

Seeing this, Xie Liuyi had to take a step back, squatting like a frog next to the rope grabber of the cable car, raised his chin to the monster, "Speak."

"What did you say?" The monster didn't react for a while, seeing Xie Liuyi frowning impatiently, only then did she realize that she wanted herself to declare "the answer is correct".

"No, you have to ask questions, this is the rule, and I can't resist." The monster guarded his last stubbornness.

Hearing this, Xie Liuyi made a "tsk" impatiently, and dropped a word, "Ask."

Seeing that she agreed to ask the question, the monster tentatively climbed a step towards the cable car, and when Xie Liuyi looked over, he cowardly returned to his original position, and shouted to the cable car: "Welcome-come-unique Memura, you need—within a minute—answer my question..."

"What? What did you say?" The second cable car was an elderly uncle and aunt. Her hearing was not very good, and the monster was too far away. .

Monster: outrageous!

"He said, welcome to Dumu Village..." Xie Liuyi got closer to the cable car, raised his voice and repeated the monster's lines, his tone was as flat as an emotionless reading machine.

"Oh, well, ask." The aunts and uncles finally heard it clearly.

Xie Liuyi looked at the monster indifferently, "Continue."

Monster: Wrong.

It's just a weak NPC, why treat it like this!

However, it can only continue obediently, "If you answer correctly, you can enter the village. If you answer wrong..."

It looked at the rope holder behind Xie Liuyi, and felt that this sentence was nonsense, but the lines had to be said, and finally had to say the last word in Xie Liuyi's indifferent eyes. One line, "I'll turn it on."

"What did you say? Loud." The uncle in the cable car leaned out and shouted.

Monster: Would it help if I was louder? ! Can I open the sling when it's loud? !

Xie Liuyi lowered his head, met the uncle's gaze, and returned three words with no expression, "Don't worry."

"Okay, no matter." The uncle retracted the cable car obediently.

The monster has lost the enthusiasm to ask questions, and his voice is unwavering, and he reads, "Two monkeys divide five peaches, what is the fairest way to divide?"

Xie Liuyi lowered his head and repeated it in a flat tone.

An aunt in a floral dress stuck her head out and replied cheerfully, "Squeeze the juice into two glasses. This is the fairest way. I give my grandson this share and they never make trouble."

It has to be said that Xie Liuyi crouching on the top of his head gave them a great sense of security. Not only did their voices not tremble, they even dared to look out to watch the excitement.

"The answer is correct." The monster didn't wait for Xie Liuyi to signal, and couldn't wait to announce it, with an attitude of sending the plague god.

It is the same scene when it is the turn of the third cable car. The question asked by the monster is extremely simple, and the attitude of coping with the errand cannot be more obvious.

Until the fourth cable car stopped at the support frame, the monster did not ask any questions, but said to Xie Liuyi: "Go down, or I won't ask."

It is afraid that after saying "the answer is correct", Xie Liuyi will cross the river and demolish the bridge to do it himself after restarting the ropeway.

It just so happens that Xie Liuyi really thinks so.

The two sides were deadlocked for a moment, Song Ye stuck his head out and persuaded Xie Liuyi who was squatting on the support frame to blow air: "Miss Xie, come down first, everyone in the car has a good brain. What's more, With Miss Xie's deterrence, I believe that this... Mr., will not ask too difficult questions."

He looked at the monster with a confident smile.

Monsters: One and two are bad.

Xie Liuyi thought that being so deadlocked was not a solution. So I slid down the long pole to the top of the cable car. There were only four people in the cable car. Xie Liuyi thought it was too crowded, so he didn't go in. He sat cross-legged on the roof of the car and raised his head eagerly.

Seeing this, the monster withdrew its tentatively forward claws, retracted to the other side, and asked questions in a perfunctory tone like a social animal who was caught by the leader working overtime when he was about to get off work.

"Welcome to Dumu Village, you need to answer my questions within a minute and then you can enter the village..."

"Slow down." Xie Liuyi interrupted, his eyes full of threats looking over.

Monster: Knock!

It had to slow down and try to speak clearly, like a crappy actor in a theater with poor sound.

"Please listen to the question, there is a river at the entrance of the village, and the boatman can only carry one person at a time. One day, a stranger, a villager, and a monkey want to cross the river. When the villagers are not there, the stranger Will kill the monkeys. When the strangers are not around, the monkeys will kill the villagers. How can they all cross the river alive?"

After finishing speaking, he supported his chin with his only remaining hand and did not count down. Anyway, there is Zunsha God pestering there, and the countdown is useless.

After the four people in the cable car discussed, they quickly gave the answer.

"Carry the monkeys across the river first, and leave the foreigners and villagers to wait. Return empty boats to carry the foreigners across the river, put down the foreigners and carry the monkeys back. After the monkeys are put down, take the villagers across the river , and finally the empty boat returned to carry the monkeys across the river."

This intricate relationship, just listening to Xie Liuyi has already made a forehead lawsuit, and I don't know if it's right, so I directly raised my head to face the monster, with a "do you dare to say it's wrong and try it" attitude, "Speak ."

"Correct answer." The monster didn't try to embarrass them, but simply declared correct.

The ropeway started, and the cable car slowly moved away from the support frame. The monster squatted in place and watched the cable car go away.

Xie Liuyi looked at the motionless monster, and a little doubt rose in his heart.

It let them go so easily?

Things were going too smoothly, which made her uneasy.

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