MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 8

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The wind blows through the woods, the branches and leaves are rustling, and the swaying shadows of the trees are like ghosts.

The road leading to the village is a bluestone road opened from the mountain forest. The trees on both sides are lush, and it will be refreshing to walk through it when the weather is fine. However, at this moment, the wind was blowing violently, and the dark clouds on the horizon were approaching. It was obviously morning, but the light in the forest was as dim as dusk.

Mandrills do not like sunlight, so they mostly hide in dense forests during the day. But in rainy or foggy weather, and the light is dim, they probably don't mind going out for a walk.

Xie Liuyi looked back and saw that the dark clouds had spread over the inn. Glancing at the window of the inn, my heart sank.

Due to the terrain, the inn only exposes a window on the edge of the third floor. The wooden slats used to seal the window were broken, and at the broken window, a black figure grabbed the edge of the window and leaned over to look away.

It seemed to see them, turned and jumped out of the window, disappearing into the room.

The inn is not a safe house.

The mandrill is catching up.

With these two conclusions, Xie Liuyi was a little anxious.

The mountain road is rugged, although everyone was intimidated by Xie Liuyi's threat to go to the village, but because of the unknown, except for Zhou Haiyang and Song Ye, who had unconditional trust in Xie Liuyi, everyone else reluctantly moved forward. It's really not that fast.

I hope they, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled (the one who is disabled is Chen Xiaofeng with his arms hanging), enter the village before the mandrill catches up. It's really hard for them.

"Song Ye." Xie Liuyi called out, and when Song Ye turned back, he waved to him.

Everyone remembered Xie Liuyi's heroic slashing the door with a knife, and they all turned their eyes away.

Zhou Haiyang knowingly took over the old man who was originally supported by Song Ye, "Hurry up and go, go to the village early and rest early. The conditions in the village are much better than the inn."

The talents began to move again, Xie Liuyi heard Chen Xiaofeng muttering a few words about the safe house.

Song Ye slowed down and landed at the end, side by side with Xie Liuyi, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"Something in the fog is catching up." Xie Liuyi replied in a low voice.

There are two reasons for telling Song Ye separately. First, she herself is not good at dealing with people, and Song Ye not only has IQ and EQ, but also lacks leadership skills, so she can also help him with multiple helpers; second, in this case, let everyone know the truth, except There is nothing to do but create panic.

Song Ye really lived up to Xie Liuyi's expectations and understood her meaning immediately.

"You mean, the thing that grabbed Chen Xiaofeng in the fog yesterday is behind it?" Song Ye looked up at the sky and immediately thought of the key, "That thing is afraid of light?"


"Inns are not safe houses, but villages?"

Although she knew that Song Ye was smart, Xie Liuyi was still surprised. He knows far less information than himself, but he can guess so much based on that little known information.

Xie·brain is not good·everytime it hurts·Liuyi left tears of envy, and felt more and more that it was a very wise decision to choose Song Ye to help.

"Well, they've already entered the inn."

Hearing this, Song Ye immediately understood the current situation of everyone. They were less than a thousand meters out of the inn, and if the thing moved fast, they could catch up within a few minutes.

He quickly made arrangements to let the women and children walk in the middle, and the three uncles, Zhou Haiyang and Chen Xiaofeng in the outermost.

When Song Ye came out of the inn, Song Ye kept his mind and brought the axe and kitchen knife that Xie Liuyi had found for them. He also took two rolling pins, one long and one short, and a pot on the kitchen chopping board. Guy, it's all in use now - the five outsiders have weapons in their hands.

Seeing Song Ye make this arrangement, everyone realized that the situation was not right, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Chen Xiaofeng began to bring up his safe house theory again, Song Ye said calmly, "If he can enter the village before it gets dark, there will be no accident. Anyone who delays any more time will be thrown away. Come down, so as not to implicate others."

The questioning person instantly became miserable, and the speed of travel increased significantly, almost running. Fortunately, when people are not really facing danger, they will still adhere to the habit of protecting women and children. In addition, Haiyang held a rolling pin to maintain the formation last week, so the team still maintains the formation arranged by Song Ye.

Song Ye had no weapons in his hand, so he took over the two big bags of twist to ease the burden on others. Yes, when Zhou Haiyang retreated, he remembered to pack the twist and bring it with him.

"Let it be your fate." Song Ye made arrangements, retreated to Xie Liuyi's side again, sighed, and asked again, "Did you just say them? There are a lot of them? Are they the monsters from yesterday?"

"It's a mandrill, the number is unknown."

"Mandrill?" Although Song Ye was surprised, he still remembered to lower his voice. Obviously, just like Xie Liuyi, he didn't want to cause panic, "Is it a real mandrill or... mutated? Become a monster?"

Xie Liuyi thought about it for a while, and the mandrill she saw belonged to the normal category in both eyes and body, so she replied, "It hasn't changed, really."

Hearing this, Song Ye couldn't help frowning, "But as far as I know, mandrills don't eat people." The shape has not changed, the core has been alienated.

Mandrills generally do not eat people, but now the situation is unusual, that is a group of mandrills that have already eaten people. The beasts that have been soaked in human blood are easily addicted to human blood.

This matter is a long story, Xie Liuyi was organizing the language, but heard Chen Meiyi scream in surprise.


Everyone was startled, braked their cars and looked around in panic.

"Where's the ghost?"

"In the woods, I saw a colorful mask, and it disappeared in a flash."

Hearing this, Xie Liuyi groaned in his heart, and the mandrill chased after him.

Song Ye glanced at her, and also understood that the matter was urgent, no longer bothered about the issue of mandrill eating or not, and shouted loudly: "Keep the formation, don't stop, don't mess up, Miss Xie will protect Everyone."

Xie Liuyi who was suddenly cued:…

This person is not only smart, but also very good at pulling tiger skins.

Fortunately, everyone is sensible now. After listening to Song Ye's words, they continued to run forward in formation. Now that we are approaching the village, the road is obviously flat, and the sound of the river at the entrance of the village can already be heard.

At this moment, someone in the team screamed again, "There's a ghost!"

At this moment, the dark clouds have covered everyone's heads. Deep in the woods, several black shadows the size of adult men jumped between the branches. Although the light is dim, their colorful faces stand out in the dark woods.

Everyone was a little panicked at first, but when they gradually got closer to the edge of the woods and saw their appearance, they all relaxed again.

"Isn't this a mandrill?" During the run, someone recognized these animals, relieved, stood on the spot with their legs supported, panting rapidly, "Don't run, it's just a mandrill, not eat human."

After hearing this, everyone stopped and gasped in place. Just now, I was running wild with a sigh of relief because of panic. Now that I relax, physical and mental exhaustion is pouring into my head.

"What, it's a mandrill." An aunt said out of breath, "The monkeys in the scenic spot are all for people to see, what are you afraid of, ouch, it made me almost run away expire."

A total of seven mandrills caught up, and one of them was bigger than an adult man, with a height of two meters, and the rest were about the same size as Xie Liuyi.

They have fallen to the ground, on all fours, slowly approaching the crowd.


After he finished speaking, he remembered something, turned his back to the mandrill and said to Song Ye, "Give them the twist in your hand, they probably want to grab it."

At this moment, the largest mandrill in the lead suddenly burst out and scratched its claws at his head.

"Be careful!" Song Ye changed his face and shouted.

When the uncle turned back, the sharp claws of the mandrill were already close at hand. Fortunately, he was holding the lid of the pot at first, but when he heard Song Ye's exclamation, he raised it reflexively.

This claw was scratching on the lid of the pot, and the aluminum lid was torn apart like a paper shell. The uncle cried out in pain, and the left arm holding the lid of the pot was dripping with blood.

The mandrill failed to hit, and the other paw again grabbed the person who was on the ground. Just at the very moment, Xie Liuyi arrived.

She grabbed the mandrill's furry left wrist, turned her left leg against the mandrill's leg, and gave the mandrill an over-the-shoulder throw with her arms and waist at the same time.

After the mandrill was thrown out by her, she flexibly turned around in mid-air, landed firmly on the ground, and at the same time swooped over with its hind limbs again.

The skin of the mandrill's abdomen is weaker than that of other parts, so it does not dare to hold the hatchet, and spins to the ground in the air, waving its claws at the same time.

The mandrill was unscathed, but the rusted hatchet in Xie Liuyi's hand was broken. The blade of the blade landed on the bluestone slab more than ten meters in front with a clatter, leaving only the wooden handle empty in his hand.

This is embarrassing.

Of course, she didn't have the water in her head, she wanted to use her own hands to hold the mandrill's claws that could tear apart tigers and leopards, just to force the opponent back. You must know that in the wild, the momentum is the most important when the beasts are fighting.

The mandrill was really fooled, pouted and squeaked and backed a few meters, turned around again, bared his teeth, and made a threatening sound in his throat.

Xie Liuyi took the opportunity to return to the team.

Just now, Zhou Haiyang and Song Ye took advantage of her to block the mandrill, and quickly moved the injured person back. Although everyone was frightened by the sudden attack of the mandrill, they knew that they could not lose Xie Liuyi's shelter, so they resisted and did not flee.

Seeing that Xie Liuyi had no weapons, Zhou Haiyang hurriedly handed over the rolling pin in his hand. Xie Liuyi took the rolling pin and held it across his chest, watching the seven mandrills coveting with all his muscles.

The leader didn't take advantage of Xie Liuyi just now, so he wouldn't dare to attack rashly. It's just that the other party has seven, and apart from Song Ye, who has been working out all year round, she is the only one. She really can't protect everyone. Only by entering the village can you have a chance.

"You have to enter the village." Xie Liuyi reminded in a low voice.

Song Ye was standing behind her, so she could naturally hear what she said, and quickly organized everyone to move towards the village under the cover of Xie Liuyi.

There are no trees on both sides of the river bank, and the exit of the woods can be seen more than ten meters ahead. Although the sun is covered by dark clouds, it is daytime after all, and the places without trees are still bright. As long as they can go out, even if the brightness is not enough to make the mandrill fear, it can weaken their eyesight.

They know this, and so does the mandrill. The leading one no longer hesitated, straightened up and beat his chest with both hands, whistling from his mouth, and the other six mandrills quickly stepped forward, trying to outflank from the side.

"Run!" Xie Liuyi shouted.

At this critical moment of life and death, those who are sick can't care about being hypocritical, and they all run wildly, as fast as they can run.

The five elderly aunts were already weak in physical strength, and they soon fell behind because of severe cold and muscle weakness. Seeing this, Zhou Haiyang and Song Ye hurriedly supported one in each hand, half supporting and half dragging them forward. There was one left, but Chen Meiyi came over and put the person's arm on her shoulder.

The red silk nightdress with suspenders on her body was twisted and twisted, and she didn't know where to throw her slippers. She supported an aunt with her bare feet, her mouth pursed tightly, trying to catch up with the army.

Xie Liuyi was behind, waving a rolling pin to force the approaching mandrill back, and she had to help Chen Meiyi from time to time.

Suddenly, there was a scream from the front, but it was Chen Xiaofeng who was running in the first echelon.

The largest mandrill took advantage of the bend just now to take a shortcut to the front of the team, jumped off a big rock on the side of the road, and rode on Chen Xiaofeng's back.

Chen Xiaofeng was crushed to the ground by a 200-pound mandrill, and the kitchen knife let go. He clearly felt the sharp pain of the sharp claws on his back, and he only had time to scream and lose consciousness.

Everyone was stunned by this change, and ran back screaming. The huge mandrill sat on Chen Xiaofeng's motionless body, bared its teeth and roared at the crowd, and raised its **** claws in a demonstration.

The team slowed down, and the following mandrills also formed a tendency to outflank, and Zhou Haiyang, who fell behind, became the first to attack.

He only had time to push out the aunt who was supporting him, and when he turned around, he saw a mandrill bypassing the blockade of his sister Xie and rushing towards him.

Everything became slow motion in his eyes. He could see the fierce expression on Mandrill's colorful face, its yellowed fangs, and Xie Liuyi, in order to save him, gave up his defense completely, exposing his entire back to the mandrill besieging her.

This color is so bright, it must have bad breath if you don't brush your teeth, Sister Xie finally has an expression on her face... His mind was full of thoughts, and he couldn't stop, until a bunch of blood poured on his face.

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