MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 102 just open your mouth

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  Chapter 102 Just Open Your Mouth

  Tang Yuansheng, male, 102 years old, at the Nascent Soul stage, is currently the inspector of the Immortal Sect.

  He received a message from Chu Tuozhu to come earlier, so he decided to advance the schedule. He first went to Qinghuai County, which is only a mountain away from Yanjiang County.

   "Cross this mountain, you will arrive at the location Xiao Chu said."

   "Huh?" Tang Yuansheng suddenly felt a strange aura fluctuation, "What kind of aura is this?"

  Following the induction, he came to the stables of a post station. In the stables, an old horse with dragon scales on its forehead and a brown filly nestled together, looking very affectionate.

  The boy at the post station hugged the selected grass feed and put it in the manger. The old horse looked at it in disgust, and had no intention of eating it at all.

  The post station boy saw the old horse like this, and muttered in a low voice: "After the white pony left, did it get along with the new horse so soon?"

  The old horse seemed to understand human speech, and glared at the boy. The boy didn't dare to provoke this strange beast, so he ran away.

The owner of this old horse has already finished eating the high-quality grass feed that the owner entrusted here. After the high-quality feed was eaten, the owner of the old horse has not seen anything for a long time. After all, the owner of the old horse went to Songshan.

  After the high-quality feed is finished, the owner of the post station asks the boy to feed other grass feed. If the owner does not come, he will use this old horse to pay for the feed.

  As a result, the old horse dismissed the feed at the post station and refused to eat a bite. It passed like this for a month.

  The owner of the post station is terrified. This old horse is definitely not a simple strange beast with scales on its forehead, but a very high-level monster, which has reached the realm of bigu!

Alien beasts are a species between monsters and wild beasts. They have the blood of monsters, but the blood is too thin, and they have no ability to mobilize the blood. They show some atavistic phenomena externally, growing scales, feathers, horns, etc. , the body is stronger than the beast, but the strength is limited.

   Tang Yuansheng was overjoyed when he saw the old horse. This is actually a rare dragon horse in the world, but he doesn't know the purity of the bloodline.

   "If I hadn't been to Wangyang Donghai by chance, I wouldn't have recognized it." Tang Yuansheng was quite excited, which was completely unexpected.

  Dragon horses are so rare, there is actually one in the stables in this remote county, it must be because the owner of the dragon horse does not know the treasure, and the dragon horse has not yet awakened, so it will be dusted here.

   "As a great power in the Nascent Soul stage, I have never had a suitable mount. This must be a chance for the Immortal Immortal to reward me for my piousness!"

   Tang Yuansheng prayed to the Immortal Immortal for a moment, turned over and jumped into the stable.

  The old horse glanced back at Tang Yuansheng, ignored him, and continued to cuddle with the brown filly.

  "Poor Ryoma, who doesn't know his own noble status, and falls in love with mortal horses, come with me, and I will let you know how powerful I am!"

  Tang Yuansheng stretched out his big golden hand, intending to take away the old horse, but the old horse pushed back his hooves and broke Tang Yuansheng's big hand.

  He looked at the old horse in horror, his previous excitement was gone, replaced by endless fear, he turned around and ran away.

   Absolutely there is a powerful player living here, raising dragon horses as ordinary horses in the stables!

  The actions just now must not be hidden from the power of the game world, so run quickly, hoping that the other party will spare your life for the sake of your ignorance!

  The old horse roared rhythmically, showing off his strength to the little mare.

  Tang Yuansheng ran away for a while, and he didn't see Da Neng capture him back, so he knew that the other party didn't care about his actions.

   "Wow!" He spat out another mouthful of blood, randomly found a deserted place, sat cross-legged to meditate, took pills, and recovered from his injuries.

  The two hooves just kicked his vitality seriously.

  When he opened his eyes again, he heard a rumbling sound from the other side of the mountain, as if something huge had fallen.

   "It's already night?" Tang Yuansheng was a little surprised when he saw that it was already dark. He didn't expect that it took him a whole day to recover from his injury.

  He recovered a little from his injuries, and to protect himself, he turned over Songshan Mountain and came to the place where the flying boat fell.

   "...Is this the surprise that Xiao Chu said?"

   It's hard to say whether he likes it or not, but Tang Yuansheng must have been shocked.

  Before he came, the Immortal Cult's top management asked him to pay attention to Lu Yang, Meng Jingzhou and Man Gu, and gave them portraits.

  Now you have to pay attention whether you want to or not.

   "Who are you!" Lu Yang raised his sword and looked at Tang Yuansheng vigilantly.

   Tang Yuansheng looked at Lu Yang with a half-smile: "Lu Yang, do you dare to point your sword at me? This seat is Tang Yuansheng, the inspector of the Immortal Cult."

  Learning Tang Yuansheng's identity, Lu Yang gestured behind his back to tell Lan Ting to leave quickly. Lan Ting's existence could not be explained to Tang Yuansheng.

   "It turned out to be the Inspector Tang." Lu Yang was a little more polite, but still looked at Tang Yuansheng suspiciously, apparently not fully believing the other party's identity.

   Tang Yuansheng disdained to explain to Lu Yang, and asked, "Why did you kill Li Shouyi?"

   Li Shouyi, the governor of Yanjiang County, the real name of Chu Tuozhu, Tang Yuansheng used to call him Xiaochu.

  Lu Yang said in a deep voice: "Because he almost exposed his identity as a member of the Immortal Cult!"

   "Oh?" Tang Yuansheng looked at Lu Yang with great interest, to see what kind of explanation he could give.

  Suddenly, there was a commotion at the foot of the mountain. It was Fang Qingyun who came here with a team of people to check the crash of the flying boat. There was also a doctor in the team, who was in charge of rescue.

   "Leave first!" Tang Yuansheng was still seriously injured, unwilling to meet the government, swept his sleeves, wrapped Lu Yang and the three of them away.

   Tang Yuansheng Shumen Shulu led the three of them into Yanjiang Helm, which is the safest place in Yanjiang County.

   "Let's talk about it now, Li Shouyi is rigorous in his work, why did he expose his identity?"

Lu Yang revealed the whole matter of the Nishou Yuan Formation, and said: "Chu Duozhu... Oh no, the plan of Governor Li is not imprecise, first let Yizhanghong be the scapegoat, and then secretly arrange the Nishou Yuan Formation, as long as Destroy the small flag afterwards, and there will be no traces."

  Tang Yuansheng nodded. Li Shouyi has always been cautious in his work. He used the extremely unpopular Nishou Yuan Formation. This time his plan was impeccable.

"But an accident happened. The three of us opened a barbecue restaurant here. This kind of place is most suitable for collecting local information. We noticed that a disciple of Yuegui Xiangong passed by here by chance. She seemed to be proficient in formations and saw through the small The inverse life talisman on the flag!"

"The disciples of the five immortal sects can't move. We are worried that Li Junshou's incident will implicate the entire Immortal Sect. We advised him to hide it quickly, but he said that now is a critical period. He wants to use the life-defying Yuan Formation to advance to the Nascent Soul stage. He must not hide. We There is no other way but to kill Li Junshou before Daxia catches him, so as to avoid future troubles forever!"

   "You have noticed the people in the government just now, right? The leader is Fang Qingyun, the head arrester. What he did with so many people must be to prevent the launch of the Nishou Yuan Formation and arrest Li Junshou!"

   Tang Yuansheng nodded, thinking that the three of Lu Yang did the right thing. The disciples of Yuegui Immortal Palace in Yanjiang County can be investigated and cannot be fooled.

  Generally, the rudder master is the Nascent Soul Stage. Yanjiang County is a small county, and the rudder master is the Jindan Stage. If Li Shouyi wants to be promoted to be the rudder master in an area with developed cultivation, he must be promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage now.

  The same is true for the official status on the surface. The level is not enough, and it is difficult to promote.

  Barbone looked at Lu Yang in surprise. It was not in the plan that he met Tang Yuansheng after killing Chu Tuozhu, and he never thought about the reason for the murder. How did Brother Lu come here as soon as he opened his mouth?

  Meng Jingzhou quietly gave Lu Yang a thumbs up, and the reason Lu Yang came up with was pretty much the same as the reason he made up temporarily.

  (end of this chapter)