MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 112 Do you still want to be released like this?

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  Chapter 112 still wants to be released like this?

The Fourth Elder is dressed in a typical Confucianism cultivator, with a spotless white robe and a paper fan in his hand. He walks steadily, is gentle and considerate, and treats his disciples equally: "You should stay away from Lao Jiu. Fortunately, he disappeared recently. It didn't harm you."

   "You have to cherish the opportunity to learn from Yunzhi, there is no way to learn from Lao Jiu."

   "The sage said that a gentleman has five virtues, which are benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness. The old nine is not involved in any of them. He does all kinds of crimes. I don't know how many times I went to the prison to catch him."

   "Do you know what your master's swordsmanship is?"

Lu Yang replied: "I heard from the elder sister that one sword can turn into ten thousand swords. After using it with all your strength, one sword can turn into ten thousand swords. It is like a black cloud overwhelming the city, covering the sky and covering the earth. After beheading the enemy, Thousands of swords return to one, not a single drop of blood."

  At that time, Lu Yang heard the description of the elder sister, and he was yearning for it. He felt that the so-called sword repair was chic and elegant.

  The fourth elder nodded: "Yes, one sword can turn ten thousand swords. As a sword spirit root, Lao Jiu is indeed a rare swordsman genius. Few living swordsmen can reach his realm."

  Lu Yang was strange. He always felt that the tone of the Fourth Elder had a feeling of... gnashing teeth, being ashamed to be with one another, and hating iron for being weak?

  Probably feels like this.

I heard the fourth elder continue to preach: "One time when the old nine used swordsmanship, one sword derived ten thousand swords, and sold the derived ten thousand swords to the Landing Money Chamber of Commerce, and after getting the money, he would use ten thousand swords to return to one, if not I came forward to speak to people, the person in charge of the chamber of commerce calmed down his anger, and now your master is locked up in prison!"

  Lu Yang: "..."

  Master, the old man is indeed imprisoned now, and evil will be rewarded with evil.

   "Also, have you heard of the spell "Small and Small Ruyi (Partial Edition?"

   "Just heard from the third elder."

   "Don't spread the existence of this spell. Young disciples don't know about this spell now. If it goes back a hundred years, the new disciples will rush to worship under the old nine in order to learn this spell."

   "Fortunately, Master Yunzhi understood the overall situation and destroyed the copy of this spell, leaving the original version on the upper floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. In addition, he deliberately concealed it. Now there are no disciples clamoring to learn this spell."

  The fourth elder had a heartbroken expression: "The world is going downhill."

  Lu Yang didn't have the nerve to tell the Fourth Elder that he actually wanted to learn this spell.

   Sorry, I reflect.

The Fourth Elder's tone softened a bit: "However, Old Ninth also has merits. At least after he became suzerain, our Wendao Sect as a whole has become much stronger than before. Of course, this is not due to him alone. The eight of us did a great job."

  Lu Yang didn't realize whether the Fourth Elder was praising Master or himself.

   "By the way, why do you suddenly care about what kind of person your old nine is?"

  Lu Yang laughed: "It's nothing, it's just that I haven't seen him since I joined Master's sect, so I'm a little curious."

   "Curiosity is a good thing, but don't use it on Lao Jiu, it's too wasteful."

  After asking three people in a row, Lu Yang probably figured out what kind of person his master is.

   Still want to be released just like that?


  Tiance Sect is located on the east side of the mainland, covering a huge area. From the air, you will find that the Tiance Sect looks like an upside-down gossip plate, which is a wonder.

  Tiance Sect is quiet and sparsely populated, like a hermit sect hidden in deep mountains and old forests, quiet but terrifying.

  But the main reason why the Tiance Sect was quiet was that they sent their disciples out to pay back the money, resulting in few people left in the huge sect.

  Reducing expenses and refining the heart of the world can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

  A shout broke the quiet atmosphere of Tiance Sect.

   "Master, master, I'm back!" After running into the sect, Luo Bu went directly to the master.

  Hearing his disciples shouting, the master of Tiance Sect walked out of the cave: "My good disciple, why are you back now? Have you thought of a way to pay off the debt?"

  Luo Bu ran panting: "Not yet, not yet. When I was traveling, I gave fortune tellers. I met a troublesome person. I want to come back and tell the sect to take precautions."

   "Sit down and talk slowly."

  Luo Bu took a breath and said: "I traveled to Yanjiang County, and I was penniless at the time, so I just wanted to count a few hexagrams casually, and trick some unlucky people to cheat money."

   "It just so happened that I met three Daoist sect disciples and a Yuegui Immortal Palace disciple, all fat sheep."

   "I didn't intend to seriously calculate it at first, just perfunctory, but what I didn't expect was that one of them was very difficult."

   "The man's name is Lu Yang. Although his cultivation level is not high and he has just become an immortal, his future is extremely terrifying."

  The head of Tiance Sect's heart moved: "You mean we invest in him in advance, and help us pay back the money when he gets rich?"

  Luo Bu hurriedly extinguished this terrible idea of ​​Master: "No, no, I see that Lu Yang's future is destined to be entangled with several immortals."

   "Is there a cause and effect entanglement with several immortals?!" The head of Tiance Sect lost his voice. Generally speaking, if he has a cause and effect entanglement with an immortal, it is easy to die. This Lu Yang will have a great cause and effect with several immortals and still not die?

  The most taboo of their Tiance sect is to interact with people with great karma, which is not conducive to detachment. The heavier the karma, the more difficult it is to practice, and struggling to break free will only make the karma more entangled.

   "Not only that, I also found that Lu Yang would spread the bad atmosphere of Daoist sect to the whole world of cultivating immortals."

  The head of Tiance Sect took a deep breath, why didn't you say something so important earlier? Compared with this incident, what is immortal karma?

  The existence of immortal karma means that he will achieve a lot in the future, and spreading the bad atmosphere of Daoist sect shows that he has a brain problem!

   "In short, we should try our best to avoid contact with Dao Daozong, especially the one named Lu Yang, the farther away the better!"

  Suddenly, the face of the head of Tiance Sect changed.

   "What's wrong, Master?"

   "There is an extremely tyrannical aura flying towards our Tiance Zong. I guess the person who came is not good! First activate the large defense formation!"

  The head of Tiance Sect made a decisive decision and activated the Great Formation of Protecting the Sect.

  The array nodes light up, like stars in the night sky, forming the shape of a gossip disk.

The huge gossip plate covers the Tiance School, it is indestructible, the eight directions are intricate, and it is difficult to find the exit. Once you fall into the formation, you will not be able to solve the mystery of the formation even if you spend your whole life. And then, there is even a master of the fusion period who has evil intentions and is trapped to death!

  The power of the Tiance Sect Protector Array can be seen!

  The visitor didn't even have the slightest intention of stopping when he saw Tiance Sect's activation of the sect protection formation, and was extremely arrogant.

   Facing the intricate formation, the visitor stretched out his hand and slapped it, and the formation shattered immediately.

  The head of Tiance Sect saw the appearance of the visitor, graceful and graceful, like a **** or a fairy, inviolable.

   "Master Wendao Zong Yunzhi came to pay respects to Elder Tiance Zong Taishang, please meet him."

  The head of Tiance Sect turned pale, and said that Dao Zong Dao Zong came.

  (end of this chapter)