MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 124 tomb master

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  Chapter 124 Tomb Master

  Seeing that the light curtain was about to display "life imprisonment", Lu Yang closed the tomb robbery experience with a snap, and the light curtain flashing the sentence disappeared.

   This time Lu Yang can no longer use the excuse of "this is the characteristic of the times" to explain. The function of this book is really outrageous, and there is a trace of rationality in the outrageousness, which makes it even more outrageous.

   Fortunately, Immortal Fairy's interests come and go quickly, and she was quickly attracted by the funerary objects. The ancient times are too far away from the present, and the specifications and styles of the funerary objects have changed.

For example, in ancient times, people believed that they would go to Jiuyou after death. If they want to maintain the same prestige in Jiuyou as before, they need to use people as burial objects. Now people become civilized and change people into terracotta warriors.

   This reminded Fairy Immortal of something: "I remember that Ying Tianxian was a funeral object of an old guy at the beginning. Fortunately, Ying Tianxian was lucky enough to get away with feigning death and was brought into the grave alive."

"After entering the tomb, he lifted the suspended animation technique, harvested wantonly in the tomb, and obtained a lot of herbs and magic weapons. The old guy firmly believed that he would be reincarnated, so he stored several kinds of natural treasures to improve his physique in the tomb, all of which were cheap Ying Tianxian."

"Taking the opportunity to cleanse the marrow, reborn, improve the physique, escape from the tomb, and then continue to encounter adventures, the foundation grows, the reputation gradually rises, emerges among the younger generation, becomes one of the protagonists of the world, barely qualified to be my opponent .”

  Originally Lu Yang thought that Ying Tianxian was probably a very strong existence, and when he heard that he was barely qualified to be Immortal Fairy's opponent, he decisively pulled him to the same level as Immortal Fairy.

   "Is there a hierarchy of immortals? Immortals, angels and so on." Lu Yang asked.

  Fairy Immortal knew that Lu Yang had misunderstood, and explained: "The name of Immortal Ying is Ying Tian, ​​and his status is immortal, so we call him Immortal Ying."

  "Ying Tianxian thinks that he was born in the sky, obeying the destiny, and is the protagonist of the world. The general trend is his, so he calls himself Yingtian."

   "Immortals have no grades. Everyone's Dao fruit is different, and it's difficult to distinguish between high and low. How to divide the grades?"

  Fairy Immortal's words made Lu Yang understand one thing—Fairy Immortal is still useful.

  It's a pity that there is no history exam in the Central Continent, otherwise Lu Yang would not be able to get a perfect score in the exam.

Or Lu Yang's grades are not ideal. The person who asked the question said that Lu Yang's answers are all wrong. After hundreds of years of research, what should have been in the ancient times? People around are laughing at Lu Yang's ignorance, and dare to question The questioner's answer is really ignorant.

   At this time, Lu Yang showed his identity as the host of the Immortal Fairy, slapped his face in public, and the audience was silent. No one dared to question Lu Yang's views on the ancient times.

   It feels very cool.

  Lu Yang even thought about the scene of pretending to be aggressive, but it was useless.

  Fairy Immortal didn't talk about the ancient things anymore, and observed the various funerary objects with great interest.

Lu Yang did not relax his vigilance and continued to learn the knowledge of tomb robbers: "As a tomb robber, you must always be vigilant. Even if you find the main room and the funeral objects in the main room, you should not take it lightly. Some tomb owners hate being disturbed by others. Set a vicious trap in the main room, be careful..."

   "Boy, go ahead and have a look. Is this something from your era? It's very interesting to see." Immortal Fairy didn't know what she saw, and urged Lu Yang.

   As soon as Lu Yang took a step, he felt that he stepped on something, which seemed to be a stone brick that could sink.

  Lu Yang's forehead was covered with cold sweat in an instant, and he realized that he had stepped into a trap, what could it be, poisonous needles emerging from the ground, or arrow feathers shooting out from the wall?

   Lu Yang couldn't allow Lu Yang to think too much, he leaped back with his intuition, trying to avoid the hidden weapon of the mechanism.

  The organ was triggered, and the night pearl above the head suddenly burst out with a brightness like a small sun, and the entire main room was illuminated brightly, without the eerie atmosphere just now.

  Lu Yang waited for a long time, but there was no new change. The corners of his eyes twitched: "So you turned on the light just now?"

   "What is turning on the light?" Fairy Immortal had never heard of this word.


  Lu Yang feels more and more that this tomb reveals an outrageous atmosphere. It can be explained by setting it up on the cliff, and it can prevent theft, but your door says "main room", so it is too much to turn on the lights in the main room?

  Is this the setting that a normal tomb should have?

  At least this kind of thing is not mentioned in Tomb Raiders Experience.

  However, there is a warning in the experience of tomb robbery: the more it goes against common sense, the more dangerous it is.

   "Don't worry, with me here, there will be no accidents!" After turning on the light, Immortal Fairy became more courageous and confident in speaking.

  The tomb illuminated by the night pearl is the same as during the day, even if a ghost emerges, Fairy Immortal dares to go over and slap him twice to let him know who is the real ghost!

   Can my majestic immortal be afraid of ghosts?

   "The book on your left is interesting, take a look."

  Lu Yang picked up the book on the left, and read the title softly: ""Tomb Raiders Notes"?"

   "Thumb away, there is still a word on it." Immortal Fairy said.

  Lu Yang moved his thumb away, revealing the full name of the book: "Notes on Anti-Tomb Raiders"

  Lu Yang: "..."

  He put away "Tomb Raiders Experience" carefully, for fear that there would be some kind of strange reaction between the two books.

  Lu Yang flipped through the book, as it literally said, it was all about how to reasonably arrange a tomb that would not be patronized by tomb robbers, and how to deal with common tomb robbery methods, which is quite professional.

  As the saying goes, the height of the devil is one foot, and the height of the road is one foot high, which is a natural principle.

  Lu Yang felt that if he learned "Tomb Robbery Experience" and "Anti-Grave Robbery Notes", the tomb is so big that day, where can't he steal it?

  He looked away from the book, and the tombstone on the right aroused his interest. The tombstone should indicate the identity of the owner of the tomb.

   Just to see who built such a wonderful tomb.

  Lu Yang tilted his head to see the content of the stele, his hairs stood on end with horror, and he jumped back a big step in fright.

  The stele reads: Qin Jiunian died here forever.

   "Who is Qin Jiunian, why do you have such a big reaction?" Fairy Immortal was puzzled.

  Lu Yang's voice was trembling: "Qin the current Great Elder of our Wendaozong!"

  What is the situation, is it the same name or the same surname or the great elder has fallen? If the Great Elder falls, then who is currently active in Daoist Sect? fake? What is the purpose?

   "The Great Elder has been haunted all the year round, and asked Brother Dai Bufan to sit in the mission hall for him. Could it be that he is worried about being seen through his identity, so he specially reduces communication with others?"

  A series of questions came to my mind, but the answer is temporarily unknown.

   At this moment, the coffin shook, and it seemed that something broke free and came out of the coffin!

  (end of this chapter)